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Sonic Generations |OT| What Sonic can learn from Sonic


Tizoc said:
Someone compiled a list of codes, want me to post them (if they haven't been posted yet)?
was posted on the last page.
ShortBus said:
So, were the Statue Room codes posted yet?

204 390 Modern Sonic
171 045 Classic Sonic
632 951 Modern Tails
359 236 Classic Tails
863 358 Amy
679 417 Knuckles
332 955 Cream the rabbit
888 200 Rogue the bat
894 526 Espio the Chameleon
544 873 Blaze the Cat
868 377 Vector the Crocodile
226 454 Charmy Bee
629 893 Chao
870 580 Omochao
613 482 Modern Dr Eggman
103 729 Classic Dr Eggman (Robotnik)
277 087 Metal Sonic
262 416 Shadow
688 187 Silver
353 012 Big the Cat
601 409 E-123
383 870 Jet the Hawk
507 376 Hero Chao
869 292 Dark Chao
309 511 Chip

483 990 Moto Bug
852 363 Buzz Bomber
363 911 Crab Meat
639 402 Chopper
275 843 Grabber
466 913 Spiny
360 031 Egg Robo
640 456 Cop Speeder
530 741 Spinner
668 250 Gun Hunter
975 073 Gun Beetle
125 817 Egg Pawn
872 910 Iblis Biter
513 929 Iblis Taker
711 268 Iblis Worm
851 426 Egg Fighter
973 433 Egg Launcher
329 494 Aero-Cannon
200 078 Egg Chaser
548 986 Sand Worm

Game Objects
070 178 Spring
537 070 Spring 2
209 005 Item Box
777 921 Capsule
933 391 Goal Plate
283 015 Goal Ring
390 884 Ring
008 140 Chaos Emeralds
495 497 Booster
249 651 Animals (Cucky/Pinky/Flicky/Pecky)


QisTopTier said:
How are these obtained?

Someone posted them on Youtube

"Someone on gamefaq found the offset address (where the information is located in the memory) and someone else was able to extract all 55 codes from the data."


SonicMegaDrive said:
That last boss is the worst thing ever.

Everything I hate about modern Sonic all at the same time. All it needed was a shitty overly-dramatic vocal track playing and it would have been perfect.
No kidding. You'd think his friends would learn to shut the hell up by now


Anth0ny said:
Speaking of shitty overly dramatic vocal tracks... the Sonic Adventure 2 final boss was
almost exactly the same shit as the final boss for Generations.
Except for one difference:

I knew what the hell I was doing.

and I loooooooved Live and Learn during the final boss battle as a kid :lol
"I'm so beside myself with worry that I'm seeing double!
Sonic Generations gonna take care of trouble!
Rescued my friends by running fast
returning color to worlds from my past!~"
RagnarokX said:
"I'm so beside myself with worry that I'm seeing double!
Sonic Generations gonna take care of trouble!
Rescued my friends by running fast
returning color to worlds from my past!~"




Live and learn is probably the best damn vocal song a sonic game is going to get. Had no idea who the lyrics were refereeing to till now...
Crush 40's Adventure stuff is awesome. I don't care what you people say.

The Xtortionist said:
That first sustained power chord in Open Your Heart makes me want to light myself on fire and do cartwheels in the dark while naked.

I knew I wasn't the only one.


Chiave said:
No kidding. You'd think his friends would learn to shut the hell up by now
Considering that everything that could possibly go wrong for Sonic in his plot during Sonic Adventure is a direct result of him having friends, you'd think he'd learned to have ditched those assholes years ago.


Junior Member
Shadow - You can do it Sonic! Wait, weren't we fighting a while ago?

Blaze - We believe in you!

Silver - ...Why am I suddenly your friend? Oh well. Do your best Sonic!

Knuckles - Don't give up Sonic!

Sonic - Thanks G-....heeeeyy...can't all four of you turn super too?! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!

BTW, doesn't Classic Eggman knowing he's never gonna win and would rather be a teacher create a huge time paradox in which many events in Eggman's past never happened?

Better question. Does anyone even care? XD


RobbieNick said:
Shadow - You can do it Sonic! Wait, weren't we fighting a while ago?

Blaze - We believe in you!

Silver - ...Why am I suddenly your friend? Oh well. Do your best Sonic!

Knuckles - Don't give up Sonic!

Sonic - Thanks G-....heeeeyy...can't all four of you turn super too?! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!

BTW, doesn't Classic Eggman knowing he's never gonna win and would rather be a teacher create a huge time paradox in which many events in Eggman's past never happened?

Better question. Does anyone even care? XD
You forgot
Tails, and there are two of him this time. Blaze needs Sol Emeralds.

Maybe it negates the entire last 16 years!


I've always unashamedly enjoyed Crush 40 tracks. The guitar really is amazing in it, and extremely fun to play also. Lyrics are cheesy, but there's a good voice behind it.

Open Your Heart, Live and Learn, It Doesn't Matter... even Escape From the City haha. I like them in a cheese-embracing way.

Anyway, I have Sonic Generations completed downloaded on my PC now. Steam just have to unlock it...


RobbieNick said:
Shadow - You can do it Sonic! Wait, weren't we fighting a while ago?

Blaze - We believe in you!

Silver - ...Why am I suddenly your friend? Oh well. Do your best Sonic!

Knuckles - Don't give up Sonic!

Sonic - Thanks G-....heeeeyy...can't all four of you turn super too?! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!

BTW, doesn't Classic Eggman knowing he's never gonna win and would rather be a teacher create a huge time paradox in which many events in Eggman's past never happened?

Better question. Does anyone even care? XD

Clearly the Sonic universe adopts the Dragon Ball Z style of time travel (it would be the first DBZ rip off). No amount of communication between different time periods changes anything.

If only Classic Sonic saw what a douche he became, and was able to prevent it from ever happening...


Anth0ny said:
Clearly the Sonic universe adopts the Dragon Ball Z style of time travel (it would be the first DBZ rip off). No amount of communication between different time periods changes anything.

If only Classic Sonic saw what a douche he became, and was able to prevent it from ever happening...
You act like classic sonic was never a douche in the first place XD It's more like the classic sonic in this is altered to be cute to show that sonic is still a kid.


Junior Member
Anth0ny said:
Clearly the Sonic universe adopts the Dragon Ball Z style of time travel (it would be the first DBZ rip off). No amount of communication between different time periods changes anything.

Sonic rip off Dragon Ball Z? Surely you jest! XD


I actually associate Open Your Heart with Phantasy Star Online. It was the first Dreamcast game I got, and I played it a TON during the Sonic 10th anniversary stuff (was it that long ago...?) when they had the event going on. And that song played on loop in the Pioneer 2 the whole time.


Since I'd never played SA1 yet, needless to say I was very confused as to why cheesy hair metal was blasting in my online RPG but it grew on me rather quickly.
QisTopTier said:
Actually the singer for that open your heart one isn't that bad

I know. It's actually just the regular singer pitch shifted! There was non-mixed pitch shifted version of that song I was looking for, but I guess it was taken down. Anyway, I found that one instead. But, yeah, the 'female singer' works for that I think.

Ah, and here's a pretty sweet Pumpkin mix.


Loves Robotech S1
dark10x said:
Really? Sonic Adventure 1? I honestly don't see how anyone could feel that way. The game is a broken, buggy mess with so many design problems. I loved it back when it was new, but returning to the game reveals that it simply wasn't very good.

As for SA2, I loved the Sonic portions of the game and didn't mind the Tails/Eggman levels either, but the controls are extremely twitchy and there is too much filler.

Sonic Generations, for me, absolutely crushes both of these games. The level design is almost 100% great and the controls are the best in 3D Sonic history. I'm completely surprised by the reactions from some people.

dark10x said:
Extremely twitchy. When running forward in Sonic Adventure 2, just moving the analog stick a millimeter to the left or right sends you careening into the wall. Don't get me wrong, I loved the game (managed to unlock nearly everything and reach the Green Hill remake stage), but the controls weren't as tight as they could have been. Unleashed and Generations are so much more playable by comparison.

Adventure 1 shouldn't even be discussed here as controls are irrelevant in the face of such buggy, unfinished, and poorly designed software.
Yep, Sonic Adventure 1. You are severely overstating how "broken and buggy" it was. Sonic 06? That was broken beyond measure. Adventure was perfectly playable. Hell I just finished it on NullDC which introduces even more control issues and I never had any real problems with it. I honestly have never in my life revisited an old game I loved to discover how truly horrible and wretched it was in hindsight. If I could play it and enjoy it then, I can do the same now. Likewise, the problems were always apparent- it wasn't a critical darling by any stretch of the imagination. Like Code Veronica, a lot of games were just as contentious then as they are now.

The big difference in controls between SA/2 and Generations/Unleashed was the kind of playstyle they were programmed for. SA was a pretty slow paced game in comparison. There was a LOT of platforming and more explorative action stages to the point where a level like speed highway, which is mostly crazy loops and straightaways, was the exception rather than the rule. It had a much more Mario-esque focus on deliberate movement and navigating vertical space similar to the classic games, and the controls were tuned for that making the movement rates easier to manage and more 1:1 with the player's inputs. The reason it got unwieldly at high speeds was due more in part to the camera changing to obscure angles on some straightaways and turns, and the player control not adjusting to compensate. Stage elements that were just high speed corkscrews and loops locked you on a rail to keep this from becoming an issue, but many parts didn't. Ultimately this wasn't a huge problem because as I said, the game really wasn't that fast that often. Generations fixes this by slowing your turning rates the faster you go. If you point and hold in a direction you sort of lock Sonic in that direction and it's easier to make those fine adjustments, but it's also harder to change direction and make precise movements from a standstill.

SA has issues with high speed control and SG has issues with low speed control. The only difference is that the levels in SG are designed around it's strengths and limitations far better than SA's were. And I should hope so after taking so many attempts to get it right. I vividly recall the nightmare of navigating the hub worlds in Unleashed where they took off Sonic's speed limiter he had in towns, making you navigate through extremely confined areas looking for the next stage entrance while dealing with enemies and insta-death pits. Excruciating stuff that was never an issue in SA. In Generations they essentially perfected level design for this style of gameplay and it really is phenomenal, but I personally don't adore that style or this game as much as the older (3D) ones. Why? It's tough to say. Maybe it was the batshit insane and (awesomely) nonsensical plots, maybe it was the focus on platforming over speed, maybe it was the fantastic IQ (SA2 - vsynced 60fps at 480p over VGA, YES PLEASE). Personally I liked the more complex scoring in SA2, forcing you to learn all the tricks and high scoring routes to get that A rank - in comparison Generations is super easy and kind of trite with nothing but time and rings counting towards your score. And yes, I unlocked GHZ in SA2 as well. :)

edit: gaddam why do i always end up writing so much on this shit. sonic brings out the worst in me. :p
luka said:
edit: gaddam why do i always end up writing so much on this shit. sonic brings out the worst in me. :p

It's ok. I'm glad you did it because I didn't want to myself. :p

WTF, why do people mash this song with Sonic so freaking much? More importantly, why does it always fit?


luka said:
edit: gaddam why do i always end up writing so much on this shit. sonic brings out the worst in me. :p

Very well said. Pretty much sums up why I prefer the SA style over the boost style of gameplay.

I would have posted a poorly worded essay on the matter, but I'm supposed to be studying right now -_-


Yeah, that's a pretty coherent and understandable argument for that viewpoint.

TheCongressman1 said:
WTF, why do people mash this song with Sonic so freaking much? More importantly, why does it always fit?
Because Sonic is all about that smash and dash
Just beat Rooftop Run (both modern and classic). I think it's my favorite level of the game so far. It probably helps that I loved the atmosphere and little details of Unleashed, which they worked in to this game as well. Did anyone else who played that game notice that you pass Spagonia University? And that you pass through Professor Pickle's lab in the modern stage? (I think, it could just be some person's study, but it looks pretty damn similar.)

So far the only level that was a dud for me was Seaside Hill.
Hitlersaurus Christ said:
Just beat Rooftop Run (both modern and classic). I think it's my favorite level of the game so far. It probably helps that I loved the atmosphere and little details of Unleashed, which they worked in to this game as well. Did anyone else who played that game notice that you pass Spagonia University? And that you pass through Professor Pickle's lab in the modern stage? (I think, it could just be some person's study, but it looks pretty damn similar.)

So far the only level that was a dud for me was Seaside Hill.




Loves Robotech S1
Hitlersaurus Christ said:
So far the only level that was a dud for me was Seaside Hill.
Heroes was a pile of uninspired sod, but Seaside hill in generations was pretty damn good. I don't think there was a single level I actively disliked, although Crisis City came close.
So I've been playing a ton of Sonic games in preparation for Generations and finally stopped at Colors until I remember that I had never played Sonic 4: Episode I. So I went ahead and downloaded it.

What the hell, this game really isn't bad at all, in fact it's rather enjoyable save for the forgettable music and awful bonus stages.

I enjoyed it. Didn't love it.. but it was worth the purchase.
luka said:
Heroes was a pile of uninspired sod, but Seaside hill in generations was pretty damn good. I don't think there was a single level I actively disliked, although Crisis City came close.

Classic Planet Wisp felt like a clusterfuck at times, but that's really it. Great level design all around.


TheCongressman1 said:

Oh my dear god 10 seconds in 0____0

So yeah tonight I was playing on Classic Seaside Hill trying to get some more red rings, and I'm at the stone ruin part before I go to the chase sequence, and I was suddenly under the stone part which was conveniently underwater. I walked left and right was kind of under the level. I even walked to a area on the right that looked like I was walking on thin air but was still underwater. Didn't go back to normal until Sonic died lol.

I broke your game Sega?
Hitlersaurus Christ said:
Modern, I mean. Classic was a pretty decent water level. But I dunno, modern had the water-running from Adabat that I suck at, so...

MY POINT STANDS. You and me. 3oclock at the flagpole...you are going down.

lo...it's cool.

The only level I didn't like the modern version of was Planet Wisp. I felt like it over used the spikes.

Classic Crisis City was a bitch tho. Modern version was pretty easy...which is weird since it was a nightmare in the actual game it comes from.
luka said:
edit: gaddam why do i always end up writing so much on this shit. sonic brings out the worst in me. :p
Perfect. I agree with everything. When I say "they should do adventure style games again" and people freak the fuck out "you want glitches and camera problems drama and...!! 3,000 playable characters..!! and hubs and..!! *turns blue in the face, suffocates*"

FUCK NO. I want slower movement. I want exploration on a 3D plane. I want platforming on a 3D field. SA almost had it. Just some collisioning troubles (damn snake in Lost World) and some homing attack weirdness. People just like to pretend that the entirety Sonic Adventure 1 were Big the Cat stages where you would fall through the floor on an infinite loop. Really? Come on. It was totally playable, and still is. I believe this racetrack formula should not be the future of 3D Sonic. It's good in it's own way, but not the proper incarnation for Sonic in a 3D space.


I really want to replay Sonic Colours... but considering this comes out tomorrow I'll wait.

Question for fans of Colours: Is Generations better?

EDIT: Also, I agree with those who are defending aspects of the SA games. Very well said, my thoughts exactly.


Junior Member
Damn! Cream tells me there's a red ring on the first grind rail I can jump to, but I can't quite reach the rail.

Edit. NM trying to grab the wrong rail. Also, Speed Highway. Love how I dont mention the level like an idiot.
SwiftSketcher said:
Perfect. I agree with everything. When I say "they should do adventure style games again" and people freak the fuck out "you want glitches and camera problems drama and...!! 3,000 playable characters..!! and hubs and..!! *turns blue in the face, suffocates*"

FUCK NO. I want slower movement. I want exploration on a 3D plane. I want platforming on a 3D field. SA almost had it. Just some collisioning troubles (damn snake in Lost World) and some homing attack weirdness. People just like to pretend that the entirety Sonic Adventure 1 was Big the Cat stages where in every stage you would fall in an infinite loop through the floor. Really? Come on. It was totally playable, and still is. I believe this racetrack formula should not be the future of 3D Sonic. It's good in it's own way, but not the proper incarnation for Sonic in a 3D space.

Dude you have my axe. I fucking love the adventure games. That was the best christmas ever so I thought I was just nostalgia'd but nope SA2 is the shit. Fuck the haters. I even likes (some) of the Knuckles levels. Not to fond of the shooter levels(starting you off as Eggman was some cruel shit Sega) but they weren't complete shit. SA1 was a bit rough and I hated two of the 6 storylines (Amy and Waste of Space the Cat) but I enjoyed it.

I think Sega was on the right track with SA2 and whole game of the Sonic and Shadow levels(no gimmicks like mach speed, GUNZ, and Carz) would rock my world. Shit is could just be built off of the SA2 engine(flaws and all) and I 'd be happy but of course fixing up some of the collision issues and level design as a whole would be nice.

I see some of that in very brief sections of the modern levels in this game and while I loved the modern levels here...I think Sega should try the Adventure style one more time. and yet I don't know if I trust them. and even if I did, I think the stigma of 2006 is too big to overcome. There are people who hate the adventure games just because of 2006...it's like the Spiderman 3 of Sonic games.
Mistle said:
I really want to replay Sonic Colours... but considering this comes out tomorrow I'll wait.

Question for fans of Colours: Is Generations better?

EDIT: Also, I agree with those who are defending aspects of the SA games. Very well said, my thoughts exactly.

I'd say they're about on par with one another.

I really liked the Wisp powers, and I much prefer the modern style of gameplay over classic, so there's half a game in here I'm not super-thrilled to play, but I'll likely do so anyway.


Loves Robotech S1
The Xtortionist said:
Classic Planet Wisp felt like a clusterfuck at times, but that's really it. Great level design all around.
That reminds me, there was one part in classic wisp with a red spring at the bottom of a long vertical wall. What was weird was that the spring was completely useless. If you used it there was absolutely no way to clear the wall given the way momentum works in Generations. In the classics, running up the wall could get you so far, but curling up on the way down would generate more upward momentum with each successive bounce. In SG curling only slows you down or brings you to a halt. Hitting the spring after a spindash uncurls you instantly so there is absolutely no way to build momentum. The only way to clear that wall is to backtrack over the spring, up the ramp from where you came and spindash from there.

Why is the spring even there? It does nothing! I could have easily passed that part quickly, but I stayed there and stubbornly tried to figure it out. It really bugs me for some reason.

Knux-Future said:
Dude you have my axe. I fucking love the adventure games. That was the best christmas ever so I thought I was just nostalgia'd but nope SA2 is the shit. Fuck the haters. I even likes (some) of the Knuckles levels. Not to fond of the shooter levels(starting you off as Eggman was some cruel shit Sega) but they weren't complete shit. SA1 was a bit rough and I hated two of the 6 storylines (Amy and Waste of Space the Cat) but I enjoyed it.

I think Sega was on the right track with SA2 and whole game of the Sonic and Shadow levels(no gimmicks like mach speed, GUNZ, and Carz) would rock my world. Shit is could just be built off of the SA2 engine(flaws and all) and I 'd be happy but of course fixing up some of the collision issues and level design as a whole would be nice.

I see some of that in very brief sections of the modern levels in this game and while I loved the modern levels here...I think Sega should try the Adventure style one more time. and yet I don't know if I trust them. and even if I did, I think the stigma of 2006 is too big to overcome. There are people who hate the adventure games just because of 2006...it's like the Spiderman 3 of Sonic games.
Yeah the hunting stages in 2 get a bad rap for being "one of those levels that isn't Sonic" but they weren't bad. Some of the level design was bad and made the camera a nightmare, but others (pumpkin hill) were great. Given that Knuckles is just as fast as sonic and there is basically zero risk of pitfalls, better level design would really make them awesome.
The shooting stages I cannot abide though. I hate them. Hated them then, hate them now. Sluggish movement, horrendous aiming (and the camera means you're basically aiming at offscreen targets 50% of the time). Adding insult to injury is that both characters you play have traditionally always been able to fly. If SA2 was only Sonic stages with a few Knuckles levels to break up the pace I think it would be much more fondly remembered.

And no, I'm not sure the new sonic team should attempt another adventure style game. Sonic the Hedgehog -> Sonic Adventure 2 is basically Yuji Naka and Naoto Oshima's Sonic and that entire era and canon is over. It's pretty much a new series now. I'd like to see them try because there is a lot of potential there, but they've finally found a pretty solid direction for "their" Sonic and they might as well keep doing what they're good at.
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