Is it just me, or do some levels look like the brightness has been lowered? Specifically outdoor levels like Sky Sanctuary and City Escape. It's like everything has sort of been darkened... What makes me think this isn't meant to be so, is that on occasions when starting a level, it will be bright for a split second, then darken.
Also, if you have this set to a 16:10 resolution, it is vertically stretched. Not only is this distracting for me, it also seems to make the cutscenes look like a compressed JPEG (actually, just tested this out properly... seems only the first cutscene is bad quality. t'was just coincidence that i then changed my settings and all future cutscenes looked nice
). If you change it from "widescreen" to "letterbox", and choose a 16:9 resolution, the cutscenes will be nice and crisp and you'll have no stretched resolution.
Also, if you have this set to a 16:10 resolution, it is vertically stretched. Not only is this distracting for me, i