Y2Kev said:Crisis City Classic = so good
Crisis City Modern = so bad
I first landed on it by accident after an awful boost jump that missed the grind rail at the start, I inadvertently snagged the helicopter as I plummeted towards my near-death, I can assure you that I was quite surprised.IceDoesntHelp said:BAH, I tried to get on that helicopter so many times, but failed each and every time D:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22FPfNabQYYDiablohead said:Bad smartphone quality video but this is my speed run of Speed Highway act 2
bbdude said:
omg I LOVED speed highway!Combichristoffersen said:I thought both were pretty great, actually. Speed Highway was the only level I didn't like much at all.
Final boss was a bit eh, BTW.
look at my final time on the leaderboard at the end of my clipLopson said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22FPfNabQYY
Getting on that chopper is next to impossible for me. Great speed, Diablo, but not as good as that one, ahah!
Y2Kev said:omg I LOVED speed highway!
I really like city escape. I never played it on DC and I thought the truck interplay was really clever.
Sega should never have brought back potbelly sonic because it reminded me how GENIUS of a design he is and how they've lost the plot.
Y2Kev said:omg I LOVED speed highway!
I really like city escape. I never played it on DC and I thought the truck interplay was really clever.
Sega should never have brought back potbelly sonic because it reminded me how GENIUS of a design he is and how they've lost the plot.
Not as much as Generations. There's a bigger story, but it's so self aware and kind of even tongue-in-cheek. I actually really liked it, the dialogue is childish but mostly had me smiling rather than cringing.Grisby said:I think Ima gonna pick up Colors pretty soon. Besides, my wii needs love. Is the story in that kind of kept to a bare minimum?
SONIC HAS GREEN EYESCombichristoffersen said:I thought Speed Highway was a boring chore in Sonic Adventure too, and would rather have picked the temple level (can't remember its name, Lost World, was it?).
I hope they keep classic Sonic around. His character design is so much more charming than modern Sonic. But I noticed classic Sonic had flesh-coloured eyelids, while modern Sonic has blue eyelids. How do you explain this, Sega?
AlphaDragoon said:Personally, I found that I don't really miss Classic Sonic. It's cool to see in this game because you see the two interacting, and obviously I'm still a fan of the old games but overall, I like the current incarnation in terms of actual character design.
I agree completely. Wouldn't mind a Generations 2 but otherwise I'm happy with modern Sonic aslong as it's more Colours and less 06.AlphaDragoon said:Personally, I found that I don't really miss Classic Sonic. It's cool to see in this game because you see the two interacting, and obviously I'm still a fan of the old games but overall, I like the current incarnation in terms of actual character design.
I missed having good Sonic games more than I missed old Sonic, and they fixed that with Colors and now this game.
Good deal. Thanks man. I watched Giantbomb's QL of it and it looks great.Mistle said:Not as much as Generations. There's a bigger story, but it's so self aware and kind of even tongue-in-cheek. I actually really liked it, the dialogue is childish but mostly had me smiling rather than cringing.
The final boss was garbage.Combichristoffersen said:Final boss was a bit eh, BTW.
Colours surprised me by not starting with a cutscene, but the dialogue is pretty good. You don't get cutscene after cutscene, and if there are cutscenes, they aren't bad. You're pretty much going through Robotnik's amusement park and freeing the Wisps and planets, so the story is related to that. The dialogue is pretty self-aware, even the dialogue within the levelsGrisby said:I think Ima gonna pick up Colors pretty soon. Besides, my wii needs love. Is the story in that kind of kept to a bare minimum?
Combichristoffersen said:I thought Speed Highway was a boring chore in Sonic Adventure too, and would rather have picked the temple level (can't remember its name, Lost World, was it?).
Combichristoffersen said:I thought Speed Highway was a boring chore in Sonic Adventure too, and would rather have picked the temple level (can't remember its name, Lost World, was it?).
Dark Schala said:The final boss was garbage.
Combichristoffersen said:I don't think the boss in itself was bad, it was more that it took forever to beat because the game seemed to imply that you were to throw Sonic at the Time Eater's core (which didn't work, at least I never got it to work). Also, Sonic's shitty friends kept yapping about homing attacks and shit. Had the shitty friends shut up and the game been less obtuse about what exactly it wanted you to do, it would've been an OK, if uneventful, final boss IMO.
The Xtortionist said:Nothing would have been good with the possibility of them recreating the S3&K end sequence looming overhead.
You just have to run down the road until you are right under it and jump. Don't even have to homing attack it. At first I was trying to jump off the left side at the start and hit it but it turned out to be much simpler.IceDoesntHelp said:BAH, I tried to get on that helicopter so many times, but failed each and every time D:
Kulock said:They've already done that so many times though, and they still technically did to a degree.
The Xtortionist said:wat
I didn't get an HD Death Egg Robo mk2 and Doomsday Zone : (
I thought Windy Valley would have been the best choice from SA, but what they did with Speed Highway was great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYfgdX4UQfQCombichristoffersen said:I thought Speed Highway was a boring chore in Sonic Adventure too, and would rather have picked the temple level (can't remember its name, Lost World, was it?).
I hope they keep classic Sonic around. His character design is so much more charming than modern Sonic. But I noticed classic Sonic had flesh-coloured eyelids, while modern Sonic has blue eyelids. How do you explain this, Sega?
While I agree with you, you might want to add spoiler tags.Combichristoffersen said:I don't think the boss in itself was bad, it was more that it took forever to beat because the game seemed to imply that you were to throw Sonic at the Time Eater's core (which didn't work, at least I never got it to work). Also, Sonic's shitty friends kept yapping about homing attacks and shit. Had the shitty friends shut up and the game been less obtuse about what exactly it wanted you to do, it would've been an OK, if uneventful, final boss IMO.
Ditto. That or Final Rush.QisTopTier said:I would of preferred the forest level over city escape.
Yeah, Wind Valley would have been amazing. Generations feels like it has one or two too many "city levels"RagnarokX said:I thought Wind Valley would have been the best choice from SA, but what they did with Speed Highway was great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYfgdX4UQfQ
Mistle said:Bring on Generations 2, I say. So many fantastic levels skipped over, Wind Valley/Red mountain/Lost World would have been awesome. I love the city levels as much as the next guy, but agree with the popular opinion that there are too many in Generations.
Diablohead said:look at my final time on the leaderboard at the end of my clipits faster.
RagnarokX said:I thought Windy Valley would have been the best choice from SA, but what they did with Speed Highway was great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYfgdX4UQfQ
The_Technomancer said:Yeah, Wind Valley would have been amazing. Generations feels like it has one or two too many "city levels"
The_Technomancer said:(we didn't get a Casino/Carnival level in generations, which is a shame)
Plus they could work in a snarky joke about the barrel.Mistle said:Lack of a Casino level is the biggest crime of all. The one from Sonic 3 preferably (plus remixed music)
If they did i'd like them to switch up the order of stages in a way that sort of matches the difficulty order more, using these as an example...Mistle said:Bring on Generations 2, I say. So many fantastic levels skipped over, Wind Valley/Red mountain/Lost World would have been awesome. I love the city levels as much as the next guy, but agree with the popular opinion that there are too many in Generations.
Mistle said:On this topic..
Does anybody know what the hell throwing Sonic was supposed to do? I just held down boost and won somehow... Stupid boss.