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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Now that I think about it, Sonic Battle is well accepted right? Would've been cool if it had a 4-player beat'em-up style game...

I thought people hated it. The single player needed serious work, but the core gameplay was fun. I'd buy a sequel.

Damn Sonic Generations is easy. I'm S-ranking all the main acts on my first or second try. The spin dash is ridiculous. I should not be able to spin dash standing sideways on a wall.


Damn Sonic Generations is easy. I'm S-ranking all the main acts on my first or second try.

Yeah, the S ranks are pretty easy. The real challenge comes from getting super fast times, though. I think almost every level can be done faster than 2 minutes if you're good.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Damn Sonic Generations is easy. I'm S-ranking all the main acts on my first or second try. The spin dash is ridiculous. I should not be able to spin dash standing sideways on a wall.
Spindash was definitely overpowered in that version. If you ever get the chance to play the 3DS version, amazingly, the physics for Classic Sonic are actually decent.
I just noticed that in the 3DS version of Generations, the Biolizard's hind legs are just stubs.

...that's kinda creepy.

Biolizard already jams space stations up its ass to drag them down and destroy planets so the stubs are pretty much no big deal for me.

Also, in Suiko II your recruits actually move around and do shit in your castle!

That's cool as hell.


I saw a few of you guys in the thread on the other side, but I would like to know what you'd grade Sonic games this generation. This was mine:

Sonic 2006 - F
Sonic Rush/Adventure - B
Rivals - C
Riders - C
All-Star Racing - B+
Storybook - C
Unleashed- C+
Episode 1 - D
Episode 2 - D+
Colors - B+
Generations - A

Sonic's GPA: 1.90


Rush - B+
Rivals - D
06 - F
Secret Rings - D+
Rush Adventure - B+
Mario & Sonic 2008 - B+
Rivals 2 - D+
Riders Zero Gravity - C-
Chronicles - C-
Unleashed PS360 - C+
Unleashed WiiS2 - D+
Black Knight - C-
M&S Winter 2010 - B+
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing - A-
Sonic 4: Episode I - C
Sonic Free Riders - D+
Sonic Colors (Wii and DS) - A-
Sonic Generations - A-
M&S London 2012 - B+
Sonic 4: Episode II - C-
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - A-

Sonic 2006 - F as a game, A+ for entertainment...so a C?
Sonic Rush/Adventure - B
All-Star Racing - A
Storybook - D+
Unleashed- C+
Colors - B
Generations - B

No average because screw math.
Sonic 4: Episode 1
It carried the hopes of Sonic's true return on its back and managed to drop the ball, there was a very brief honeymoon period when it launched to pretty strong reviews but then people actually played it and as it stands Sonic 4 bungled even the most simple of concepts with its borked physics, homing attack implementation complete with odd momentum gaining powers and ho-hum level design, even visually the stages were basically from Sonic 1 and 2 just with worse music.
Still it has no other gimmicks, no gameplay shifts, that's gotta count for something

That last line is the backhand compliment to beat 'em all. "Well, it's only pretty damn mediocre Sonic game, at least he didn't turn into a werehog or have shitty motion controls, so points for you, Sonic 4"
I still think Sonic Unleashed could have been saved if the Werehog was Knuckles.

Why didn't it happen?

It would be so easy to do!

I saw a few of you guys in the thread on the other side, but I would like to know what you'd grade Sonic games this generation. This was mine:

Sonic 2006 - F
Sonic Rush/Adventure - B
Rivals - C
Riders - C
All-Star Racing - B+
Storybook - C
Unleashed- C+
Episode 1 - D
Episode 2 - D+
Colors - B+
Generations - A

Sonic's GPA: 1.90

Only rating the titles I've beaten, or played to near completion:

Sonic 06: F
Sonic Rush: C
Sonic Rivals: D
Secret Rings: D
Sonic Unleashed : C
All Stars Racing: B+
Colors: B+
Generations: B
Sonic 4: D
Sonic 4: Episode II: C-
All Stars Transformed: B+

Average: 2.0


Only rating the titles I've beaten, or played to near completion:

Sonic 06: F
Sonic Rush: C
Sonic Rivals: D
Secret Rings: D
Sonic Unleashed : C
All Stars Racing: B+
Colors: B+
Generations: B
Sonic 4: D
Sonic 4: Episode II: C-
All Stars Transformed: B+

Average: 2.0

Interesting that you liked Colors more than Generations. I can see why though, but I felt as though Generations' presentation gave it the edge.
I really think they wanted to make a Ristar game, but somebody with some sense was like, "What? No. Nobody would buy that." and it got dumped into a Sonic game

A game where Ristar beats the holy hell out of his opponents with relentless strikes? well I guess they pitched it to Sega higher ups with a more modern appeal.
Definitely sounds like Sonic Team's M.O. from around that time, yeah

Kinda like how Dinosaur Planet got canned and remixed into an aggressively mediocre Zelda clone starring...Star Fox, for some reason.

or that weird yarn game Good-Feel was making that was suddenly turned into a Kirby game, if only in name

why make a new ip when you can rejigger it into one of your established franchises!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Hm. There are probably one or two Sonic games that I'd give an A. Everything else ranges from an F to a B. Lots of Cs and Ds, though. :/

Oh, that's for THIS gen? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

No game gets an A. At all. The highest grade would probably be a straight B.

Also, in Suiko II your recruits actually move around and do shit in your castle!

That's cool as hell.
Did I not say that Genso Suikoden II is far more organic than Genso Suikoden I? It improves on almost every single aspect of the original. You can even watch stage performances at random when you recruit your singer and all of her bandmates. Do you need help max/min-ing? Because that LTTP Suikoden 2 thread I linked before basically has a ton of info.

I kinda know some stats and rune affinities off the top of my head, so go ahead and ask. GS1/2 and Chrono Trigger are definitely games I know backwards and forwards.
Interesting that you liked Colors more than Generations. I can see why though, but I felt as though Generations' presentation gave it the edge.

Generations' presentation is great, don't get me wrong, but it's kinda like Sonic 2 in the sense that it doesn't take long for the game to hit it's stride, but then it drops off of a cliff during the last third off the game, ending things with a really sloppy finale. On the other hand, Colors is pretty consistent the whole way through (Asteroid Coaster being the closest thing to a misstep), and ends with one of the best boss battles in any of the 3D games; A heavy contrast to Time Eater in Generations, which I'd rate as one of the worst bosses in the series, 2D or otherwise.

In short, I guess I'd say I value substance and consistency over presentation.
Hm. There are probably one or two Sonic games that I'd give an A. Everything else ranges from an F to a B. Lots of Cs and Ds, though. :/

Oh, that's for THIS gen? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

No game gets an A. At all. The highest grade would probably be a straight B.

I was about to say...an A for this gen was nicer than my rankings

A+: S3&K
A-: Sonic 2

That's it


Generations' presentation is great, don't get me wrong, but it's kinda like Sonic 2 in the sense that it doesn't take long for the game to hit it's stride, but then it drops off of a cliff during the last third off the game, ending things with a really sloppy finale. On the other hand, Colors is pretty consistent the whole way through (Asteroid Coaster being the closest thing to a misstep), and ends with one of the best boss battles in any of the 3D games; A heavy contrast to Time Eater in Generations, which I'd rate as one of the worst bosses in the series, 2D or otherwise.

In short, I guess I'd say I value substance and consistency over presentation.

Very true. The latter section of Gens kind of went flat.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I would never rank Generations over Colours for reasons I've gone into time and time again.

What games came out this gen?

Rush - C-
Rivals - D-
06 - F
Secret Rings - D
Rush Adventure - C+
Rivals 2 - D-
Riders Zero Gravity - D+
Chronicles - D+
Unleashed PS360 - B-
Unleashed WiiS2 - C
Black Knight - D
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing - B
Sonic 4: Episode I - D-
Sonic Colours Wii - B
Sonic Colours DS - C+
Sonic Generations - B-
Sonic Generations 3DS - D
Sonic 4: Episode II - D+
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - B-

Total Course Weight: 19; Sessional GPA - 1.65. iirc, that's a D- at my undergraduate university, almost on the verge of academic probation. With respect to that, though, I don't think I'd rate it a D-, but rather a C. When the games were great, they were great. When they were bad, they were really dang bad. There're a lot of average games in there, but the bad really weighs the whole thing down, and the few really great games on there wouldn't be enough to save it.

With that said, I love how Sega started this generation in a really deep pit and ended up digging themselves out of it.

I probably forgot some.

Very true. The latter section of Gens kind of went flat.
The last portion of the game was like they ran out of time and almost seemed like they rushed the product (the length of Planet Wisp/the odd combination of powers in that zone, how you got to the final boss, some of the CG stuff shown in trailers being left on the cutting room floor seemingly, and the final boss itself). The game, while I like it, feel flat on its face towards the end, leaving the conclusion not as great as how the preceding bits were.
Yeah, even ignoring Sonic, Sega's been doing some real good as of late. They've been making Nintendo look like clowns on their own digital service, for one.

Only a B- for Transformed? That's a pretty solid A for me, for certain.

What ultimately keeps it from an A (for me) is that there's something of a lack of polish in the game, especially in regards to physics and how vehicles handle online. For all of my grievances with post DS Mario Kart games, they're at least well polished in those regards.


I'm in a Sonic mood right now and I've installed the Mega Collection again. Too bad I have to do boring things to unlock Sonic 3 & Knuckles because I don't want to hear Sonic 3's strange music.
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