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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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So I just got finished archive binging Prequel (note: linked page is SFW, but the comic quickly gets into NSFW territory, despite doing more implying than showing). Almost makes me want to try Oblivion again... only issue is, a character looking like this is a whole lot more aesthetically appealing than a character looking like this or this. Actually, faces in Oblivion for any race are pretty naff, aren't they? Skyrim's are more aesthetically pleasing across the board.

I've been told Prequel only updates once every blue moon, when the planets are aligned, the temperature is balmy, and it's raining at precisely 6:32 AM outside a quaint little tea shop in downtown London, so I guess it'll be a while before I can continue my binge... hrmm.

Not that great.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I mean, what the fuck, Square-Enix

I'm also wary of things with periods in the titles, like .hack or Fun.

You're on notice, Watch.Dogs

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
What an amazing post. lol.
Sciz is going to come in here and destroy everyone. I swear the whole "Platinum should make EVERYTHING" was a thing on his list that he genuinely disliked the most.

qq and I were talking about last night, actually. Some people wanted X parts to play like Vanquish and Zero parts to play like Rising. I could see the Zero parts working out to some extent but not necessarily. Vanquish in Mega Man doesn't work at all. I never thought Mega Man was all about combat. I thought it was about learning the level, memorizing where to go, trying to avoid obstructions and enemies and getting rid of bosses while using the tools that you earn from the game.

Now, because you get weapons from bosses you kill in Rising, I guess that's why people think it's a Mega Man game? But it isn't.

I don't think the Platinum Experience would work well for Mega Man, tbh. It'd be great for a spinoff, but not for like a main Mega Man game because it'd be so dramatically different from the actual style of the series.

I'm surprised you weren't here in 2008... I think of you as a regular and I assumed you were an old school GAFfer.
Probably because I post more often than I should. But I only got approved in 2011, so it's more likely that I post a lot in threads that kinda make me sound like I've been around for a while, I guess.

I take that as a complement, though, so thank you.

ugghhhhhh fuck essays

Not that great.
You're a liiiiiiiiiarrrrrrrr.

And a 1000-word essay should take you 2.5 hours at the most.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I mean, what the fuck, Square-Enix
What, that the game was crap? Yeah, I know. What the hell, how was that game crap outside of being a Kingdom Hearts game?

Because Nomura thinks these titles are cute and unique. He was the one who pushed for "Theatrhythm" here.

Have I mentioned that Fate/Zero is worth watching? I think I did but imma reiterate lol.
These guys don't watch anime much, though. I've tried to convince, but it hasn't happened. The only anime we talk about for the most part is DBZ, Sonic X, and Sonic OVA. DBZ because well, DBZ was popular and Sonic heavily borrows from it, and the latter two for obvious reasons.

Well, 2009 gave us Arkham Asylum, at least.
Was that game... good? I haven't played. >.>

Also, was that Batman 10/10 game good? Why would they even call it 10/10?

I don't think I could make a very useful per-year list. I generally play more retro stuff and I'm pretty slow on the uptake with a lot of modern titles. I'm only just now playing through Valkyria Chronicles properly...

Schala's taste doesn't seem all too dissimilar to my own. All the games on her lists that I've played I've really enjoyed, and the ones I haven't are mostly things that at least seem like stuff I would enjoy.
Hope you're enjoying VC!

That's what happened to me last year, actually. I should've prefaced my 2012 list with being a list that was highly out-of-the-ordinary for me. That's why I barely showed up on anyone's compatibility lists last year.

But yeah, I'm mostly into platformers, RPGs, point-and-clicks, visual novels, etc. so there are games that I genuinely like. I just end up playing through a lot of schlock in between and that's where people start thinking I dislike games. And I play a lot of old stuff in between to try to clear my head.


Hope you're enjoying VC!

EDIT: for a second I thought you were talking about "Virtual Console". Valkyria Chronicles is great so far! Actually I'm picking it back up after having not touched it for about a year. Was pretty easy to get back into the swing of it. On chapter 8 right now I think.

And Arkham Asylum was fantastic. Awesome fighting system, nice sense of atmosphere and exploration (and even a metroid-esque progression). Only issue I have with it is that the boss battles are pretty underwhelming and incredibly formulaic.

The sequel is every bit as good, though it isn't as tightly put together as it replaces the metroid-ish progression with more of an open world thing. Both of them feature the voice cast of the 90s animated series, which is awesome!

I don't dislike anime at all, and I used to be pretty heavily into it a few years back. I just don't follow it much these days. My girlfriend watches lots of fansubs and whatnot though and is pretty on top of new stuff.
Man, that Iron Man 3 trailer put me in a good mood today.

Have I mentioned that Fate/Zero is worth watching? I think I did but imma reiterate lol.

I tried watching it before some time back, but I just couldn't get into it. But now that a bunch of my friends (and some relatives, weirdly enough) have been bitching about me not giving it a chance, I might give it another shot. (If only to get them off my back...)


Tragic victim of fan death
Everyone should watch the first 4 episodes of Fate/Zero. It's quite amazing.

1000 word essays take me 30 minutes to write. About 30 minutes or less to make it coherent and cohesive. 30 minutes or less to edit. I'm a writing major. Go figure.


Sciz is going to come in here and destroy everyone. I swear the whole "Platinum should make EVERYTHING" was a thing on his list that he genuinely disliked the most.
What'd I miss now


Eh. The Zero series already was the Mega Man action spinoff. Let's not homogenize the industry further.

BHZ Mayor

We got two GREAT Batman games for the first time since...uh, ever.

Also since the Sega Genesis.



Fate/Stay Night anime is complete shit when compared to the awesomeness that is Zero.

To be fair, it's surprising that Fate/Zero turned out as good as it did considering every other form of Type-Moon visual media is mediocre at best.
Yo I got Wonder Boy in Monster World and why the fuck did they bring this one over and not MWIV

I mean it's good, but MWIV is fucking great and this is a bit... eh? Maybe it's the lame translation (MWIV has a great translation for what it is, but that was also translated like last year.)

I like that you can change which ROM you're playing. European makes me cry. THE BORDERS.

You're a liiiiiiiiiarrrrrrrr.

And a 1000-word essay should take you 2.5 hours at the most.

Well it's 3000. Also referencing.

Actually, just fuck referencing.
So Lightning and Serah are apparently some of the greatest video game protagonist this gen.

But Fang/Vanille are the protagonists of XIII, likewise for Noel in XIII-2. Of course that probably doesn't matter to the kind of person that is going to throw Lightning and Serah amongst that kind of discussion.
I think I got Schala'd™* today when one of my friends said that i've been increasingly negative about the gaming industry as of late, I'm pretty sure it boils down to the fact that i'm not creaming myself over Bioshock Infinite and other "AAA" titles, but seeing as this came from a guy who can't play 2D games or old games because they dare to be 2D and old I feel this was more of a victory if anything.

The kayos campaign has worked, I tried this Fate/Zero thing, I barely have an idea what's going on after the lengthy first setup episode but i'll stick with it, after four desperate pleas here in this very thread I felt it would be rude not to try it.
Also WORM VIOLATION, oh lovely.

Phoenix Wright was the best protagonist this gen, GBA origins be damned, he's DS to me!

* The act of apparently not enjoying games!
But Fang/Vanille are the protagonists of XIII, likewise for Noel in XIII-2. Of course that probably doesn't matter to the kind of person that is going to throw Lightning and Serah amongst that kind of discussion.

There are a lot of people throwing up characters that aren't protagonist so yeah.

Serah...fucking Serah...anyone's favorite protagonist.

What the hell.

Fate/Zero got good for me with the introduction of Bluebeard and Citizen Cool.


Tragic victim of fan death
I think I got Schala'd™* today when one of my friends said that i've been increasingly negative about the gaming industry as of late, I'm pretty sure it boils down to the fact that i'm not creaming myself over Bioshock Infinite and other "AAA" titles, but seeing as this came from a guy who can't play 2D games or old games because they dare to be 2D and old I feel this was more of a victory if anything.

The kayos campaign has worked, I tried this Fate/Zero thing, I barely have an idea what's going on after the lengthy first setup episode but i'll stick with it, after four desperate pleas here in this very thread I felt it would be rude not to try it.
Also WORM VIOLATION, oh lovely.

Phoenix Wright was the best protagonist this gen, GBA origins be damned, he's DS to me!

* The act of apparently not enjoying games!

You will be greatly rewarded. Remember to stick with the first four episodes then consider dropping it. It's very exposition heavy but the payoff is definitely there and it's immmmmmense.


Well, people saying Lightning weren't limited to the list of usual suspects and then there was the obligatory post about the protagonist of a game that doesn't exist. Help.


Tragic victim of fan death
Advice noted.
And that's a lot of m's.

The ice cream truck scene never fails to put a smile on my face.

I think one of the best things about F/Z is that it pretty much brings movie quality animation to the television. It does some really great things with animation and even has the guy who did CG for Type-0 on it. Ufotable has proven themselves to be a quality animator especially when we get lazy animation from studios. Plus it helps that F/Z's story is actually good.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
What'd I miss now

Eh. The Zero series already was the Mega Man action spinoff. Let's not homogenize the industry further.
Haha. Well, I figured it'd push your buttons considering "Platinum should make everything!" was part of it.

Ugh, Gaming Side was depressing today. Popped my head in the Sessler and Polygon thread and left disappointed.
Gaming side was depressing today? More like every day. That thread is a mess, though.

Well it's 3000. Also referencing.

Actually, just fuck referencing.
Referencing isn't hard. It doesn't take that long. But I use APA, so maybe that's why.

So Lightning and Serah are apparently some of the greatest video game protagonist this gen.

Who said this
why did they say it


I think I got Schala'd™* today when one of my friends said that i've been increasingly negative about the gaming industry as of late, I'm pretty sure it boils down to the fact that i'm not creaming myself over Bioshock Infinite and other "AAA" titles, but seeing as this came from a guy who can't play 2D games or old games because they dare to be 2D and old I feel this was more of a victory if anything.

The kayos campaign has worked, I tried this Fate/Zero thing, I barely have an idea what's going on after the lengthy first setup episode but i'll stick with it, after four desperate pleas here in this very thread I felt it would be rude not to try it.
Also WORM VIOLATION, oh lovely.

Phoenix Wright was the best protagonist this gen, GBA origins be damned, he's DS to me!

* The act of apparently not enjoying games!
Yeah, F/Z gets a lot better from Episode 4-onwards. Don't worry if it starts off too slowly at first.

And hey! Welcome to my world. Have a seat and let people tell you that you dislike things even though you don't. Honestly, who cares. Just play what you want and enjoy what you want. Don't let other people deter you from liking what you like, and even disliking some games.
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