Currently playing through the first stage of Sonic 4 Ep 2 and loving it. The scenery is so beautiful, and there are a lot to the stage to explore if you want to step out side of the "direction". The music ain't half bad either (or maybe I just got used to listening to Sonic 4's style of music. But I am liking it.)
Just finished my first Special Stage and got a Chaos Emerald. The first two rounds were easy as shit (though I liked the Special Stage design because it reminded me of Sonic 3D Blast. The third round surprised me lol, I started getting shocked by those random ass obstacles.) I'm having fun.
ACT 2: Aw man, I can't disarm the arrow shooting heads.
Dat Inhale Oxygen animation is dangerous. lol
Special Stage 2 - Eh heheh. I fucked up. second round difficulty spike. Good.
ACT 3: That Song..... so good. -Kyle Hyde approval nod- I found myself abusing the tag system a lot to get by, when I got to the twisting part I was coming from a descent and went straight down, had to recover with Tails Quickly. Sucks that its so easy to lose momentum with the Team Spindash but it didn't bring down my enjoyment.
Boss: Hmm so they give me 50 rings now? I guess they want me to experience the joys of whooping Eggman's ass while in Super Form.
Random spike pillar, dodged....
Alright no big- the fuck is this?
So they try to encourage you to use the copter, that's cool., The team attacks have a short invincibility right after being used, which I could use to my advantage.
Final Edit:
Made it to White Park. I really appreciate this game. I'd like to think one of my closest friends Xue King of Beasts aka "IggyDaFool" for gifting it to me. Today's been pretty special to me, I haven't felt this special in years man. It reminds cynics like me to appreciate your friends, and there's always good people in the world. Thanks man.
-looks at Sonic CD-
Sometimes they do fucked up things. But the love is always there, he even knew how fucked up it was as he did it. That's my nig. Wouldn't have it any other way.
-looks at Sonic CD-
-turns Sonic CD around-