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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Anyone else purposely staying away from Lost World media?

If I know how it plays, hear all the music, see all the levels and such it'll ruin the fun of playing the game and discovering these things myself.
Not really. I totally understand and respect your decision to do so, but I'm not that bothered by knowing the handful of stages they've shown off so far. There's still a fairly big chunk they haven't shown off, and even the stages they have have several areas that the people playing don't pay attention to.
Anyone else purposely staying away from Lost World media?

If I know how it plays, hear all the music, see all the levels and such it'll ruin the fun of playing the game and discovering these things myself.

I shall respect those who want to stay spoiler free but there is only a small handful of things I mind spoilers for...and I haven't discovered what they are yet.


Deadly Six Edition confirmed for 'MURRICA (and Canadia)

screens a bit of info at TSSZ
Honestly might pre-order Wii U version despite not owning a Wii U

edit: Looking at the 3DS footage also on TSSZ, (spoilers for those on blackout)
the Lightning wisp looks like 3D Aura Aura Climber. Which is awesome.
Pokemon has always been stingy like that, luckily there have been ways around it like the Mega Memory Cards for the Gameboy systems or the flash carts...etc. I'm not going to excuse it though


I was just reading this thread http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=658857 and I was thinking to myself how it's 2013 and multiple save slots should be beyond standard by now. Sonic 3 & Knuckles had 8. Then I thought to myself, does any other game have at least that many save slots? Every other saveable game I've played had 1 or 3 (except Majora's Mask which strangely had 2).

It comes down to the balance between the cost of writable nonvolatile memory and the size of the game's save data. Pokemon games have to save a shitton of information and Nintendo is cheap.

qq more

It comes down to the balance between the cost of writable nonvolatile memory and the size of the game's save data. Pokemon games have to save a shitton of information and Nintendo is cheap.

It really makes me wonder why they bothered making difficulty modes unlockable...

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Too tired today. Kinda sick. Okay, pretty sick.

I wanna play something and I'm guessing it might be a Vita game today since I'm ahead of my partner in one game (M&L), and he's supposed to go faster than I am in the other (LM2). I picked up my copy of DuckTales after my shift, and I got one of the GameStop/EB preorder items for FFXIV (the cloth banner thing). I didn't have the game preordered, but I'm a regular, soooooooooooo...

Deadly Six Edition confirmed for 'MURRICA (and Canadia)

screens a bit of info at TSSZ
Honestly might pre-order Wii U version despite not owning a Wii U
Oh, that's good! I have both versions preordered, myself. But I think the distribution of people getting the console version and the 3DS version is higher than that of Generations last time. At that time, not a lot of people had a 3DS or wanted to spring money on the 3DS version.

Anyone else purposely staying away from Lost World media?
Some regulars, like Kokonoe, have stopped posting in this thread since they're on blackout mode.

The thing about this game is that there isn't much of a sense of anticipation to see the next level for me like there was for Generations (and to be fair, that was kind of an important thing for some since the levels are something you wanted and could speculate about). For this one, it's more of a sense--to me, anyway--of which level trope they're going to pick. But even when they're using a level trope, it doesn't necessarily adhere to the trope.

So yeah, it's totally fine to avoid seeing footage or learning more about it. That's what I do for Zelda games, for instance. Or in the case of some bigger RPGs, I don't see the final trailer they release (especially for FF games). For Tales of Xillia 2, I didn't bother seeing all of the promo material/trailers outside of the huge Famitsu one that announced the theme song. Promo material/trailers--especially for Japanese-developed RPGs now--spoil effing everything now!

qq more

I can't believe I spoiled myself to death with Generations and with Lost Worlds I'm kind of half avoiding things. Should've been the other way around for me... lol

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I can.

Because we were all making speculative level lists in our heads that never came to fruition, and got disappointed when the 3DS version wasn't what Iizuka had said it was originally going to be. :V
Finshed DuckTales Remastered.

Was fun as hell, most of the things I was concerned about really didn't end up bothering me much in the actual game at all. I hope to see more Capcom/Disney/WayForward remakes down the line someday.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Fucking Iizuka
does this look like a man who would lie to you

you can even drink beer with him

he seems like a likeable guy


qq more

I don't think I saw a single spoiler for Generations, the game just sort of snuck up on me out of the blue.
Lucky. I wish that happened to me too...

I still enjoyed the game a whole lot, but I wonder how I'd felt if I didn't spoiled myself to death on it.

does this look like a man who would lie to you

you can even drink beer with him

he seems like a likeable guy

I don't drink beer so I can't!


Just beat Ducktales myself. It continues to keep up my preconception that WF make pretty games with thoroughly dubious design decisions.

Full disclosure here, but I've never seen the Ducktales cartoon or played the NES game, but from what I've heard about the latter, people like it because it's a pretty open game in terms of how you choose to tackle the game, whether you want to get lots of money, explore every nook and cranny or just attempt to beat the game as quickly as possible. I really don't get that vibe from Remastered, partially as a result of the "plot" justification to making what were previously optional things required to beat the level. Money also feels tacked-on just as a mechanic added just because the original had it. It made some sense in the NES days where every game had a score mechanic, but seeing how the leaderboards don't even track you by money total but by playtime, it feels thoroughly pointless. They could have at least made the money bank go up higher the more money you collected to make that it's own reward.

The controls are mostly fine, except for that damn bug where your pogo refuses to come out sometimes. While doing the final level (which I'll get to in a bit), I literally lost 3 lives in a row just because my pogo didn't come out during situations where I'd otherwise die instantly.

Level design is on the simple side, but that's probably for the best. The 3D environments in the background look great for outside environments like The Himalayas and The Moon, but stick out like a sore thumb in the WF-original Money Bin intro level and Transylvania, partially because it doesn't look like you're traversing inside real buildings at all and are just playing on floating platforms.

The cutscenes are really the biggest deal breaker for me. Like I mentioned before, I have no nostalgia at all for the original cartoon, so while cute initially, what they end up doing to me is constantly interrupt the flow of gameplay (and drive up the frustration if you get a game over and are forced to re-watch every single one. It's not so bad in stages like the African Mines where there aren't nearly as many, but The Amazon, likely the first stage many people will play (and also one of the hardest stages in the game), will literally stop you every single time you collect one of the stages' 8 coins to have Scrooge do a 5-10 second quip about the thing he just picked up, and he does it every time you replay the stage. I know you can skip them, but having to pause the game on purpose to skip cutscenes multiple times in a stage over and over gets really annoying nonetheless, and it still causes a pause in the gameplay anyway. There really should have been an "Arcade" mode to just let you romp through the stages with no plot to them. It would have instantly solved this oversight.

The final level, which is coincidentally an original WF stage, is the worst stage in the game. It's a literal straight line which offers no chance for exploration (which already runs counter to every other stage in the game), and despite the game giving you a ton of health increase items, features a lot of situations that outright reduce all your health to 0 anyway if you mess up. This wouldn't be a problem if the game didn't already limit you to just 3 lives per attempt before you have to do the whole thing over again. This compounded with the pogo issues (which even lead to me game overing on my last life against the final boss once, where the pogo didn't come out TWICE IN A ROW when I was going to jump on his bats) makes it really dumb, especially with the
race/escape sequence
at the end which also costs you a life if you fail it.

All in all I don't regret having bought the game (I got a discount on PS+ and am getting $6 back after all) but, like I said, it doesn't really do much to counter my feelings on WF games as a whole, even when they already have a base to work on like this or Double Dragon.
Just beat Ducktales myself. It continues to keep up my preconception that WF make pretty games with thoroughly dubious design decisions.

See, but that's the thing. I cover a lot of this in my review, but I didn't play Ducktales for the first time until about five years ago (read: more than a decade after the NES era) and I found the game to be confusing and obtuse. It plays like an action game, but doesn't communicate ANY goals to the player at all. You're just dropped in to an area and... ??????

It wasn't until I watched a Let's Play of Ducktales for the NES by somebody who was willing to explain things that I finally "got it".

Ducktales Remastered pulls you aside and says, "Okay, here's some goals to accomplish. You can do them in any order you like, but you have to go here, here, here and here on the map." And I think that's better. You lose a little bit of the game's original free-form nature, but in its place you get more clarity on why you're doing anything at all.


The controls are mostly fine, except for that damn bug where your pogo refuses to come out sometimes. While doing the final level (which I'll get to in a bit), I literally lost 3 lives in a row just because my pogo didn't come out during situations where I'd otherwise die instantly.

You're the second or third person I've seen bring this up, and I just want to say that this is actually a quirk of the NES game that WayForward brought over. For your pogo to, well, pogo, the actual tip of the stick has to touch solid ground. As such, you can get in to scenarios where the tip of the pogo doesn't touch solid ground, but the game still counts it as something you can stand on.

It's kind of weird, sure, but it's not anything WayForward did "wrong," per-say. And you do eventually get used to it.


Just Sonic Universe #55-
Though a slow issue, it states that the events of Worlds Collide are apparently canon, but whatevs. A rather slow issue but was glad to see Bean in it.
Wonder how Metal Sonic was revived and as a Pirate Captain too...



You're the second or third person I've seen bring this up, and I just want to say that this is actually a quirk of the NES game that WayForward brought over. For your pogo to, well, pogo, the actual tip of the stick has to touch solid ground. As such, you can get in to scenarios where the tip of the pogo doesn't touch solid ground, but the game still counts it as something you can stand on.

It's kind of weird, sure, but it's not anything WayForward did "wrong," per-say. And you do eventually get used to it.

That's not the problem. It's not that the pogo doesn't pogo, it's that the pogo is not turned on at all. You jump, you press and hold the pogo button (while in easy pogo) and you... land without the pogo ever turning on at all (the animation for it doesn't show up either). This means situations where I jump over insta death pits and end up falling to my death cause I didn't bounce on the enemy I was meant to. I know what you're saying, and that's a quirk I have no issues with.

One time, during the final boss, I had only one heart left and only had to do one more hit to beat him. I jumped twice and had the pogo not activate either time, which got me hit for no reason of my own.

Edit: Last I heard there was a PC patch that fixed this issue, but it hasn't come to the console version yet.
That's not the problem. It's not that the pogo doesn't pogo, it's that the pogo is not turned on at all. You jump, you press and hold the pogo button (while in easy pogo) and you... land without the pogo ever turning on at all (the animation for it doesn't show up either). This means situations where I jump over insta death pits and end up falling to my death cause I didn't bounce on the enemy I was meant to. I know what you're saying, and that's a quirk I have no issues with.

One time, during the final boss, I had only one heart left and only had to do one more hit to beat him. I jumped twice and had the pogo not activate either time, which got me hit for no reason of my own.

Edit: Last I heard there was a PC patch that fixed this issue, but it hasn't come to the console version yet.

That's weird. I bought Ducktales on launch day on the PC and I never had this happen, so it must've been patched awfully quick.


Not really. I totally understand and respect your decision to do so, but I'm not that bothered by knowing the handful of stages they've shown off so far. There's still a fairly big chunk they haven't shown off, and even the stages they have have several areas that the people playing don't pay attention to.

Sega spoiled almost all of the stages in Sonic Unleashed, Colours and Generations in their trailers though.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Let me get my sick ass out of bed so I can see if I can play DuckTales, then. I can totally see what both you and Noi are saying with respect to the controls, but having glanced at the thread every now and then, I see other people having issues with the controls, too.

This, though:
The cutscenes are really the biggest deal breaker for me. Like I mentioned before, I have no nostalgia at all for the original cartoon, so while cute initially, what they end up doing to me is constantly interrupt the flow of gameplay (and drive up the frustration if you get a game over and are forced to re-watch every single one. It's not so bad in stages like the African Mines where there aren't nearly as many, but The Amazon, likely the first stage many people will play (and also one of the hardest stages in the game), will literally stop you every single time you collect one of the stages' 8 coins to have Scrooge do a 5-10 second quip about the thing he just picked up, and he does it every time you replay the stage. I know you can skip them, but having to pause the game on purpose to skip cutscenes multiple times in a stage over and over gets really annoying nonetheless, and it still causes a pause in the gameplay anyway.

...bothers me. You know I don't like cutscenes very much, especially when they're unnecessary, and especially when they're in platformers. qq more and Bean will tell you that I get really ticked whenever I see long text bits in a Mega Man game because I think they're unnecessary and they hold the game's flow up. I think illustrating stuff like that with an animation sans text is better than throwing tons of cutscenes in there. I do have nostalgia for the cartoon, but even then I saw the game as its own thing as opposed to being an extension of the cartoon.

I dunno. We'll see. The cutscene stuff will bother me. I know that for sure.

I'm pretty sure Schala got me sick with some weird Canadian illness. Don't eat her brownies, people.
I've probably got something different from what you got. I feel stupidly cold, though, even though it's boiling hot outside.

The good news is that I lost weight since I haven't been eating. Upon reflection, that mightn't be good news. I had a nutrient drink at least. Should've had some pedialyte or gatorade or something for electrolytes.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I had a yogurt and a nutrient drink. I'll be fine. I'll try to eat something today, but it can't be meat or something big otherwise my stomach won't like it.

You go to sleep.
I'm trying to decide if I want a 50 Down/25 Up FiOS Internet package for my new place, or a 75 Down/35 Up one.

Perks of the latter include getting BBC America and WGN on TV. Perks of the former include being $20 a month cheaper. Either is faster than what we currently get from Comcast (not that I have any real complaints about their service). I'm not sure what call to make.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I think it's more of a case of what you can afford in the long run. If you can plan a budget per month for the next few months and take into account what kind of necessities you need to pay for (because recall that cable/internet would be considered a luxury in many cases as opposed to an essential like food/rent), then choose which one you think would be better.

Are those two networks more important for you, and would you need the 15/10 increase from the former?

i tried but i'm too wide awake

dis sux
What I do is wrap myself up in my blankets to feel comfy enough to sleep. It's because you keep staring at the computer, qq. :V

Really. I read a few studies where they noted that people who do stay on the computer prior to sleep tend to have issues getting to sleep since their mind is wide awake due to being active on the computer and stimuli keeping you awake (ie: reading stuff that interests you, tying, etc.)
The World's End was awesome, screw Nocturnowl!

(actually not sure if he hated on that movie or not, but I assume he did, stuffy Brit that he is and all)
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