Happy Thanksgiving, you all. Though, it's
Canadian Thanksgiving.
I'll just say that the OT was made with PC browsers in mind, and I checked it in Vita's and the Nexus 7's version of MobileGAF prior to posting, so it's more compatible with those resolutions than a smartphone's resolution (and you all know I don't own a smartphone). I tried to change some of the formatting to see if some of the shrinking is reduced, but I can't fix all of the formatting otherwise the thread will look weird on regular PCs. What I wanted to prevent was something like the FF14/GTA5 thread being incompatible with some PC resolutions and thus everything isn't all images. I dislike those kinds of threads because they take a while for them to load and they can look messy.
I apologize if it doesn't look good for some people browsing in MobileGAF, but given that I was working with one platform while formatting the whole thing, looked at it in Vita/Nexus 7 periodically, and I had two people looking at it periodically whenever I made changes and suggested fixes whenever things looked strange, I'm probably not going to change the overall formatting. I
could de-centre the thread banner, but then the thread would probably look lopsided, as qq more had told me as I was working on it a few days ago. I'll de-centre the special stage image, though. Should fix that. Either way, I apologize to the MobileGAF users. And since the thread's on page 2/4 now, it probably won't get a lot of views.
I'm sure across these Sonic Community threads i've already mentioned this twice but Modern City Escape is more spectacle than anything else.
The stage is unusually linear once you're past the boarding area (which in turn is full of various paths, many of which are a nightmare to actually hit if they involve grinding wires), between the board and truck segments are lots of empty open areas with nothing worth noting.
I agree with
all of this, even the bits I didn't include. Whenever I cite my favourite Zones/Acts from Sonic Generations, City Escape Act 2 is probably not among them despite having one of the most interesting chase levels in the game (probably did the Unleashed chase levels right despite being linear.
Generations does serve to be a spectacle, though. While it's a game that people have modded a lot, and a game that probably made people say, "Okay, Sonic's okay now", the game was also an anniversary game and had to be dressed to the nines. In a case like this, for the latter half of the Act, varied level design and varied paths were certainly sacrificed in order to create something memorable for players to take home. For the majority of players who probably weren't chasing after Red Rings, City Escape Act 2 was actually one of the more memorable Acts in the game because of the truck's emphasis in the second half and probably the thrill of the chase as opposed to Act 1's platforming while running away (which I could probably equate to one scene in the Sonic OVA).
So it's either you're damned if you do or you're damned if you don't, I guess?
It's something that also probably drew a distinction between the two types of play, though. A lot of of the modern bits did seem to try to include some instances of spectacle to probably shine a brighter light on the Modern variation of Sonic, while concentrating on some aspect of his playstyle (and here and Rooftop Run, it's boosting) in a neat conveyance. A lot of the classic bits seemed to have concentrated on combining platforming with animation/different paths or the classic style of chase design.
...Basically what I'm saying is that the truck is still a good thing in hindsight despite the fact that some of the design in the last half of the level suffers for it. It may not be that great in practice upon replays, but it's good in practice in terms of making something that people will remember and be in awe for if they play it a few times.
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #20
Game Show: Sonic X
Composer: Cheryl Watanabe
Lyrics: Takeshi Aida (
Better, but incomplete translation)
Vocals: Hironobu Kageyama and Hideaki Takatori
Look look look, he picked the better one. ;-;
I don't like the 4Kids song at all because it's, well, while it fits the character of Sonic, it doesn't really fit the OP to me. Sonic Drive actually
does, and as you've said, Kageyama's voice fits a lot better. While some don't really like the JP OP songs for DB or something, I do like them a lot. Kageyama has a good voice, and a lot of the notes coming out of him tend to sound fluid and carefree. The lyrics frequently sync well with what's going on on-screen, much better than the 4KIds one (or at least for the first OP). Kageyama hasn't lost his cool, and it's probably going to stay that way.
Heck, even the ED themes are better than the ones they use in the English version. Especially the first one.
You've been in GAF around enough to know Anihawk is sarcastic, man.
No one recognizes the posting style or genre choices of oldbies anymore unless they post in a lot of threads, it seems. Heck, in a few RPG threads, I've gotten asked if I play the genre often enough to be able to bring up certain aspects of a game or general game design lately.