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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I honestly think Super Mario World is the better game, even if Super Mario Bros. 3 has more stuff, and did it first. I can see arguments the other way, but I'm pretty set in my opinion here.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair

SMW is a meh rehash of SMB3. Come at me, bro.

Seriously though, SMW isn't a bad game, but I've never found it to be a particularly interesting game. SMB3 kind of did the same thing already, and did it better in my opinion, and by the time SMW hit the market in the west, Sonic 1 was already out and sported faster gameplay, graphics that IMO were, and still are, better than SMW, music that was better than anything I'd ever heard in a Mario game (Sonic 1-3&K still shit all over Mario soundtracks IMO), and a protagonist that was way cooler than Mario. SMW was just left as an OK but ultimately kinda forgettable game that was bested by both its immediate predecessor and its closest competitor.


I like the "feel" of Mario in SMW more than any other platformer. That is the most important aspect of a platformer to me.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
...I like SMB3 more than SMW. But I like Galaxy more than...

Er, actually, I've never played Super Mario 64. I didn't get an N64 until Majora's Mask came out, so I ended up playing OoT at my friend's house, and my cousin who owned SM64 never let me play it because he was sorta spoiled rotten and rather bossy. So I ended up not playing it at all.

Anyone else read the latest Sonic Universe? I'd say my fav. part of it was
Naugus, hope the Elias part of the story is better in the last issue.
Also, they need to pull off a roster change; make Shard one of the freedom fighters
I still have #237/238, MM#15, and that particular SU issue to get through. >_<

This week hasn't let me have room to breathe, lol.
Galaxy is a better game than 64, I guess. But 64 is far more memorable. I can recount a bunch of shit from 64, but can't for the life of me remember anything about Galaxy. I also had less fun with Galaxy as well, so...yeah.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
64 is by far a more important game than Galaxy (it's definitely one of the most important games ever made), but personally I've never liked 64 at all because it just drops you into the world and goes 'go do whatever the fuck you want, I don't care'. I prefer Mario games to be more linearly progressive.

As for Zelda, those games just bore me stiff. I did enjoy Darksiders though, despite its awful character design.

qq more

neitherb ecause ff is a teruble game

I never played much of FF but IV and VI are the ones I'm interested in the most. Hmmmm

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
And Beef doesn't like either of them. Hahahaha.

qq more said:
I never played much of FF but IV and VI are the ones I'm interested in the most. Hmmmm
Well, while we're on the subject, why do you find them the most intriguing?

Anyway, I just noticed that Big the Cat has been excluded from that avatar list, so I suppose Sega really did ditch him. This could be a good thing or a bad thing for a theoretical Sonic Adventure 3. Unless people really really liked playing his section.


They can make Shadow a fisherman. Because for some reason I find the image of him being a laid back fisherman extremely hilarious.


*hasn't played more than a few hours of either*

Majora's Mask for the sidequests and you can be a Zora.
Majora's Mask because of THE MOON
Majora's Mask, all the way! One of my favourite games of the forever!
Majora's Mask all day, erryday over HOoT.
Hell yeah!

Anyway, I just noticed that Big the Cat has been excluded from that avatar list, so I suppose Sega really did ditch him. This could be a good thing or a bad thing for a theoretical Sonic Adventure 3. Unless people really really liked playing his section.
7 people liked it

they'll be aight
I would feel uncharacteristically sorry for SEGA if Episode 2 really has bombed for them. It's by no means one of the great platformers of this gen, but it's a vastly better game than Episode 1 which didn't deserve any of the praise it got... Or what could be construed as high praise for a Sonic game at any rate.

EDIT: I have no idea what these rankings are for BUT HERE WE GO:




I would feel uncharacteristically sorry for SEGA if Episode 2 really has bombed for them. It's by no means one of the great platformers of this gen, but it's a vastly better game than Episode 1 which didn't deserve any of the praise it got... Or what could be construed as high praise for a Sonic game at any rate.

If you want people to buy your sequel, don't botch the first game.


SM64 > Sunshine > Galaxy

Haven't played Majora's Mask, but I strongly doubt I'd like it more than Ocarina of Time.
I think this statement may blow the minds of every GAF member, but I've never played OoT from the first visit with Zelda and onwards. I've also never played Majoras Mask either. To be honest, Wind Waker is what introduced me to Zelda, with it's nice cell-shaded graphics, sea travel, dungeons, etc.
I got in with the NES games some, at at friend's place, but Link to the Past was the first one I owned. And then I played the hell out of Link's Awakening, which was basically as much of a SNES Zelda as possible on the original GB.

Ocarina of Time... I've played through it so many times, up until some point partway through Link being an adult, and then "something" happens. I get side-tracked. I lose my save file. I get stuck in the Water Temple (twice) and don't want to sit down with a Youtube and try to figure out where exactly I'm stuck. A new version is set to come out (Collector's Disc, Master Quest Disc, 3DS) that someone's told me I should play instead... I've seen the later parts of the game in videos, just never gone through them. I have the 3DS version, but I'm so impossibly sick of the early parts by now...

Majora's Mask I've only played about halfway through.

Wind Waker I totally cleaned up, and honestly... I wasn't impressed with it the way some people were. That's a completely different can of worms, though. I did like Tetra, which the game actually goes out of the way to make her pretty useless later on.

Twilight Princess was goddamn awesome, though. My favorite 3D Zelda, although I admit I haven't gotten far into Skyward Sword.

Oh, and Galaxy 1>SMB3>Galaxy 2>SMW>SM64>Sunshine


I think this statement may blow the minds of every GAF member, but I've never played OoT from the first visit with Zelda and onwards. I've also never played Majoras Mask either. To be honest, Wind Waker is what introduced me to Zelda, with it's nice cell-shaded graphics, sea travel, dungeons, etc.
...Nope, my brain is still intact. The only Zelda game I've finished was Minish Cap. It was one of the first 3 I played.

The second I played was Four Swords on GBA.

CONCLUSION: SonicGAF is comprised of weirdos
First one I played was LTTP, but being the superficial 6 year old I was I didn't get into the series until I played Link's Awakening since it had more of a plot. Even though from a technical stand-point LTTP is a masterpiece out of the 2D Zelda's (and nowadays I do love it) but LA is the one pre-3D I feel the most attached to. Still dig OoT, MM and the other 3D Zelda's but after replaying them WW is usually what sticks with me the most, while LA sticks with me out of the 2D ones. It's probably more than a coincidence both of those games share a lot of themes and settings.

And over 30 hours spent in Binding of Isaac after only owning it for two weeks suggests I would be all over a new overhead Zelda adventure
which are nothing like the DS games


...I like SMB3 more than SMW. But I like Galaxy more than...

Er, actually, I've never played Super Mario 64. I didn't get an N64 until Majora's Mask came out, so I ended up playing OoT at my friend's house, and my cousin who owned SM64 never let me play it because he was sorta spoiled rotten and rather bossy. So I ended up not playing it at all.

I still have #237/238, MM#15, and that particular SU issue to get through. >_<

This week hasn't let me have room to breathe, lol.

Look at it this way; you're gonna have a fun time reading and enjoying them when you do start catching up ;3
People that prefer World to Bros. 3 are like people that prefer 64 to Galaxy. Wrong.
Is today opposite day or something? Super Mario 64 is better than Galaxy, even though Galaxy tidied the mechanics up quite nicely. I much prefer the nonlinear level design sensibilities, honestly.

Quick, Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask?
Ocarina has the more interesting mainline quest, Majora's has the more interesting side missions. In a pinch I'd probably say I prefer Ocarina, but Majora's is a very very close second just due to how different it is.

CONCLUSION: SonicGAF is comprised of weirdos
What was your first clue?
I'm wise and all knowing so let me settle this once and for all...
Super Mario World
Galaxy 2
Ocarina of Time
FFVI because it's the only one i've finished.


Can I join in NintendoSonicGAF?

Majora's Mask
None (Don't play Final Fantasy)

Doesn't hurt that Majora's Mask is the best game of all time.
I think this statement may blow the minds of every GAF member, but I've never played OoT from the first visit with Zelda and onwards. I've also never played Majoras Mask either. To be honest, Wind Waker is what introduced me to Zelda, with it's nice cell-shaded graphics, sea travel, dungeons, etc.

I've actually only played three Zelda games for more than 5 minutes: OoT 3D, Link's Awakening, and the first game. Dunno why, but Zelda games bore the hell out of me.






oh god

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I suppose if I ask about your favourite Persona game, mainline Phantasy Star game (ie: the numbered ones), Genso Suikoden game, or Fire Emblem game, I'd barely get responses, eh? :)

Woah, we're talking about Mario in here?

And Zelda?

Seems legit.
This is what happens when Sega doesn't give us Sonic Generations DLC to talk about.

Look at it this way; you're gonna have a fun time reading and enjoying them when you do start catching up ;3
Probably gonna read them tomorrow since I've got the day off. :)




oh my god he's memorized the theme

what's worse is that i can hear it in my head

what have you done to me
Never played a Persona game, and don't really care for FE. Suikoden II's my favorite Suikoden game though, and Phantasy Star IV is undoubtedly my favorite PS game, period. (Numbered or otherwise)

qq more

I've played a bit of FE8 and a bit of FE10. I've also played a bit of Persona 3. As for Phantasy Star... only really played Online. But I think I've tried a bit of the Master System ones at some point?
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