Curse whomever came up with these synths!guys
im dying
im dying of laughter
i cant get enough of the amazing awfulness of this remix (im sure this is the intention too)
Dear SonicGAF,
Shadow Hog
It's also good that that's not the main comicI wonder if it's good that I stopped reading Sonic comics at around 100-107ish.
I stopped when they stopped selling them all around where I am located.
It's also good that that's not the main comic
Dear SonicGAF,
Shadow Hog
Sonic X has the best covers.
I wonder if it's good that I stopped reading Sonic comics at around 100-107ish.
I stopped when they stopped selling them all around where I am located.
I wonder if it's good that I stopped reading Sonic comics at around 100-107ish.
I stopped when they stopped selling them all around where I am located.
Dear SonicGAF,
Shadow Hog
Am I the only one here that actually likes Sylvania Castle Act 2's theme?
Oh snaps, are they continuing the Sonic X comic!?!
Fitting, considering the name.It's okay, but it reminds me more of a classic Castlevania theme than a Sonic track.
Sylvania Castle = Castle SylvaniaFitting, considering the name.
It's okay, but it reminds me more of a classic Castlevania theme than a Sonic track.
I keep getting moments spoiled about Sonic 4 EP 2. Wish it was out already.
Only two more weeks!
This sounds legitimately depressingBack to medal collecting in Unleashed I suppose.
This sounds legitimately depressing
This sounds legitimately depressing
It unlocked some achievements.I got all the medals in Sonic Unleashed.
I thought it might unlock something D:
It unlocked some achievements.
Welcome to modern gaming.
Hey those achievements are useful stuff, they can be used to purchase goods!
Is what my brother thought last week when he splurged my remaining MS points on FIFA DLC....somehow this was a conclusion he reached
I was thinking more like playable Shadow and Knuckles but I'm not gonna lie, I liked the 1000/1000.It unlocked some achievements.
Welcome to modern gaming.
I was thinking more like playable Shadow and Knuckles but I'm not gonna lie, I liked the 1000/1000.
That's a shame really. Though at least there are sometimes avatar awards because i'm sure as hell not paying to dress up my virtual man.That was Microsoft's original pitch, yeah.
Gamerscore was supposed to be this big deal and how good you were at games was supposed to net you rewards. They tried some of that stuff early on in the Xbox 360 life cycle but quickly discovered people are dirty bastards who will cheat to unlock achievements illegitimately and it's a complicated process to figure out who's cheating and who's legit.
There's a lot of crazy shit in the original Xbox 360 pitch that never came to fruition - like being able to make and sell user-created content. Forza kinda did that, but not really.
But yeah, once Games For Windows Live launched, any hope of anybody taking gamerscore and achievements seriously went right out the window given how easy it is to spoof that stuff. Hell, all of the Games For Windows Bethesda PC games straight up have console commands to unlock achievements. Bethesda never took them out. You want 1000/1000 in the PC version of Fallout New Vegas? You're but a Google Search away.
It was one hell of a picture, almost made collecting the occasionally bafflingly hidden blue coins worthwhile! (it didn't)And don't even get me started on getting 120 Shines in Super Mario Sunshine.
Or 130 emblems in Sonic Adventure on the DC, now that I think about it.
This is why I specified the original DC version and not the DX version, yeah, because you're right on the money: you got jack. At least they quickly wised up and gave you GHZ in SA2. Shame my saves liked to become unreadable, though; had to restart at least once or twice because of that bullcrap.As for SA, well I did it and the missions on the DX version to nab Metal Sonic, I assume the reward for the emblems in the original game was something in the region of nothing?
And I worked damn hard for them anyway.Well getting 100% in Crash 2 didn't really give the most mindblowing ending ever.
...and getting 105% in Crash 3 just gave you a fireworks show.
Can't see why anyone would get 06 at this point. It's not like you need to experience it firsthand to know how bad it is.And I worked damn hard for them anyway.
AWW SHIT, I'm on my way to the mall and I'm probably coming home with 06 and Unleashed. Quick, somebody say something
But that's exactly what I need to do.
Getting back in the groove of Generations 3DS. Silver's an annoying prick.
Too bad they didn't have Unleashed. The local Walmart had a lot of $20 copies the last time I checked.Games 'n' Go didn't have either game.
Who's doing the Sonic 4: Ep 2 OT?
Dunno, but if/when Sonic Adventure 2: Battle XBLA/PSN comes out I want to do the OT for that