Will we ever find out what truly happened with Rise Of Lyric?
Can we just stay in the dark instead and forget the Boom games even exist?
Can we just stay in the dark instead and forget the Boom games even exist?
People didn't ignore Sonic 06, they aren't going to ignore Sonic Boom.
It's especially bad now, because Sonic was beginning to look like a decent franchise again. While when Sonic 2006 came out, it was just the cherry on top of all the other bad Sonic games that were coming out in that decade.
Yeah, but Sonic Boom is a spin-off not made by Sonic Team, and non-canon. It probably won't soften the blow, but it is something to consider.
Oh, and I also found this. LOL
Will we ever find out what truly happened with Rise Of Lyric?
Just because it's not made by Sonic Team doesn't matter considering Sega and whomever approves anything to do with the IP at Sega are just as "culpable".Yeah, but Sonic Boom is a spin-off not made by Sonic Team, and non-canon. It probably won't soften the blow, but it is something to consider.
Well thats never happening because he belongs to the penders.
You remind me I have to investigate .
Also scourge as a character worked because made everyone a better character by just... existing, he was such a shitty hedgehog being that everyone's best qualities were brought out around him . The stories were kinda eh, but the character interactions were pretty great. But he's gone so eh, hopefully they kind find another character for that, maybe its eclipse.
Seems like the artists were busy pushing the PC SDK as far as it could go while the programmers were probably desperate to get the Wii U version to even run. Really hope someone's willing to talk about the project down the line.
I mean, the character's dead for legal reasons anyway, but this doesn't make sense even in the universe where he actually exists, never mind as the basis for a game.
Rise of Lyric needed more time and more money and was likely given neither.
I suspect that with Lost World barely making a splash (less than 10k sales opening week), Sega probably tightened the belt on Lyric, and with the game needing to launch along side all of the other cross-media bullshit (toys, comics, cartoons) it had to be out by a specific date with no exceptions.
It had three years development time and a budget of about 20 million, which is twice the budget of Sonic Colours. It seems like there was enough time to develop the game, but there were issues during development like having to make a Cryengine game work on a console that doesn't officially support Cryengine.
Yikes, should've gone with Unreal Engine 3 if that's the case >_>;
I could have sworn LW had far more sales via legs than opening week.Rise of Lyric needed more time and more money and was likely given neither.
I suspect that with Lost World barely making a splash (less than 10k sales opening week), Sega probably tightened the belt on Lyric, and with the game needing to launch along side all of the other cross-media bullshit (toys, comics, cartoons) it had to be out by a specific date with no exceptions.
I could have sworn LW had far more sales via legs than opening week.
Wait you're telling my that Lost World managed to sell over 500,000 units?
Just got my 3DS copy of Sonic Boom just arrived, will try to put some time into it tonight after catching up in Far Cry 4.
I'm sad that I couldn't warn the people of just how boring Sonic Boom 3DS is. Almost finished my review for Sonic Retro.It's not a good game. Far from it.
I'm sad that I couldn't warn the people of just how boring Sonic Boom 3DS is. Almost finished my review for Sonic Retro.It's not a good game. Far from it.
Hey as long as it's not as boring and frustrating as Lost World, that'd be an improvement if you ask me :V
I can always trade it off later to get Guilty Gear Xrd's price down.
You know the writers (and there were inexplicably three of them) dropped the ball for this week's episode when Sonic ends up being funnier than Eggman.
So uh is that a good or a bad thing?
They can always read my review :smug:
YEAH WELL MY REVIEW HAS MORE WORDS IN IT MEANING THAT IT'S BETTER SO THERE http://www.sonicretro.org/2014/12/sonic-boom-shattered-crystal-the-retro-review/
Seriously though I worked hard on my review please read it.
The Shattered Crystal demo alone was one of those cases where I felt offended by its sheer blandness, the game doesn't even have any so bad it's good merits, it was just so sub standard, so by the numbers and so drab that it made me look back on the worst parts of Lost World with a longing fondness, "hey maybe that shoddy Sonic as a poor man's DKCR rocketbarrel section wasn't so bad after all" though It was of course pretty bad.
Not going to hide it: I'm just shamelessly advertising it in that post. :Vplsrespondread it
You mean the last level of the secret world? It was frustrating in implementation but I thought it was a neat concept, particularly when the boss got involved.
That was the odd gravity spheres one right? that wasn't too grand either.
But the one I'm on about appears twice, first as an extra stage in the Tropical World I think and then as a mandatory stage somewhere in Sky Road, this one to be precise.
Those awkward and initially unintuitive controls, of all the random things Lost World does with Sonic this tops the list in confusing me, I'm not sure how they even pitched this idea.
"so how about Sonic is flying in this perpetual up draft right? and you spin to decrease your altitude because reasons and as a bonus we don't have to bother trying with the level design"
T.T Scourge was one of my fav. characters in the comic.
Huh, Tizoc, when'd you get a custom title?
plsrespondread it
Why are sonic fans so pathetic?
Comes with the material.
If I had any sort of those fancy graphic skills I'd have whipped up a Sonic thread cycle image months ago to throw in whenever the cycle itself turns up.oh hey it's another sonic thread in gaming discussion
If I had any sort of those fancy graphic skills I'd have whipped up a Sonic thread cycle image months ago to throw in whenever the cycle itself turns up.
In this case though it's off to a bad start from the word go, polish and modern Sonic are like oil ocean and water palace.
Colors was very well polished though, as was generations.
IIRC Unleashed didn't have very many technical issues and for the most part looked fairly good visually, so in that sense it is fairly well polished.
Colours I'll agree with but as for Generations, well...Colors was very well polished though, as was generations.
IIRC Unleashed didn't have very many technical issues and for the most part looked fairly good visually, so in that sense it is fairly well polished.
Time Eater and to a lesser extent Egg Dragoon disqualify Generations from "polished" status