So what the hell was Jax's plan? He'd arrive at Clay's, remove the documents and then what? Clay'd go: "nah, I didn't put those there. I'm being set up. How'd YOU know they were there?"
Since the members of the club obviously don't care about Jax taking care of business in secret and/or pretty unilaterally, he should just shoot Clay and be done with it. Then give his little speech about what Clay's done and the members will say "yea" and slam that gavel.
It all seems rather artificial. Who is Jax trying to convince? Bobby and Chibs know Clay did it, so do Juice, Gemma and Unser. It won't be hard to get Tiggy to believe it, he owes Jax anyway. So who's left, Happy and the fat prospect? All this work and risk to convince those two guys?