I'm a little bummed that we won't get to see the Irish try to spring Clay from a prison transport - that had some promise to it.
I'm a little bummed that we won't get to see the Irish try to spring Clay from a prison transport - that had some promise to it.
I guess if they don't know Clay's feeding info to Jax, but I assumed that once they blew up Teller Morrow Auto the whole thing was off. Perhaps we'll see it after all since the club needs a way to get back at the Irish in the end.We still might. Chibs said that Clay was the Clubs only way of getting to the Irish, and that may very well be true.
Being forced to have sex while someone else watches is a weird thing to happen twice in someone's life, especially in such a narrow frame of time.
I like that Sutter is putting those 60 minutes in the extended episodes to good use by having a 5 minute music montage at either the start or end of the episode. Jesus Christ...
Good episode overall though, some silly moments throughout but not enough for it be a bad episode. Gemma having sex with Clay will certainly come back to haunt her at some point, seems ripe to create tension between her and Nero.
Was a little disappointed that nothing really major happened, what was the epic shift in mythology? The club house blowing up? I also laughed pretty hard at how Jax figured out their was a bomb in the building...
And I laughed doubly hard at the joke Chibs made. Very good.
Sometimes at the start and the end!
Double the montage, double the fun.
Someone should do a SoA montage compilation on youtube. I wonder how many minutes they've racked up over the years.
I like how they had that whole subplot about Juice worrying about the club finding out his father was Black, and this season I've seen an Asian and Hispanic dude in their other Chapters.
They've always known Juice was Hispanic, but the club only seems to have a special aversion to blacks.
it's definitely the longer episodes. Long periods of not much interesting happening keeps you off the edge of your seat longer. Weird pacing can ruin tension easily.Something has been off this season. It just hasn't been as captivating to me as previous seasons. Maybe it's the longer episodes. Going up against the Irish again doesn't interest me either. Them going over to Ireland still brings up bad thoughts of that season and I don't care about any of those characters.
As I said before, I'm on board Sutter's crazy train. Bring on the exploitation baby.
I don't follow the show but apparently some Twitter drama went down between Zack Handlen and Kurt Sutter over Handlen's review of the last episode.
Review in question:,103900/
Just wanted to share because I thought it was pretty hilarious. lol
Wendy wants her son away from Jax. Hence, the team-up with Tara.I thought this was a great episode, and indeed feel that in the past 2 episodes the show has really excelled and reached heights it hasn't hit since season 2. I didn't agree with the AV club review at all, though Sutter goes crazy as usual.
I certainly have to agree with the Alyssa Rosenborg article posted earlier, however. The show really does have too much of a fascination with the MC, it seems unable to separate 'protagonist' from 'good guy'. The ending explosion is shocking but it seems weightless given that everybody was able to escape unharmed. No doubt the revenge plot will have some blood involved, but once again actual meaningful deaths are avoided.
It was a problem I noticed increasingly in Breaking Bad and its love of "Heisenberg", whilst being something that the Shield always avoided with Mackey and the strike team (if you'll forgive the sudden sidetracking, the thread about the 2 has me thinking about those shows of late). I have said it a fair few times this season, but it is worth repeating that a particularly good final season or finale could render many of these complaints mute, but for now all one can do it look at the current episodes and complain of the attention lavished on the MC and its members.
A few other thoughts: The 'most criminal gangs are racist' line has been well established for a while, but every time its brought up I can't help but feel the whole thing is ridiculous. There doesn't seem to be any reason for the IRA to refuse to deal with Hispanics or with Black gangs, nothing in their history or in the show. The whole thing feels like some kind of reverse halo effect, like these guys are terrible, criminal people, and terrible people are also often racists and hateful, so these guys are probably racist as well. It's just really inconsistent and stupid. Why would the IRA refuse to sell directly to Marks when they knew for years that the Sons were just selling straight on to the One-Niners anyway? It's a minor point but annoying.
Also, the Tara plotline hinges on a major point - that Wendy would be willing to go along with things - that I just can't believe. They kind of brought it up in this episode, but not in the way I would have. Ultimately I feel that Jackson's threat in the previous season would have been enough to send Wendy away for good. Surely she or Tara realises that if Wendy really tried to take the kids away from him, the club would just kill her in a heartbeat? I can only presume that it is being built up as some kind of major moral decision for Jax, showing how far he has fallen by killing the mother of his child or something.
Wendy wants her son away from Jax. Hence, the team-up with Tara.