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Since when is a 84MC score shit?After the shit Halo 5 I wouldn't be signing the praises of 343.
Since when is a 84MC score shit?After the shit Halo 5 I wouldn't be signing the praises of 343.
Compared to past Halo games like 3 and reach yeah it's shit. They must have paid a ton to get reviews that high.Since when is a 84MC score shit?
That's delusional right there LOL!!
Guerrilla Games just hired 150 or 200 more employees and Horizon Zero Dawn (a new IP) sold more than Halo 5 and sold way higher too, Halo Infinite is Microsoft's biggest game so they should pack everything in it, but seeing how 2 directors from 343 industries does spell red flags for Halo Infinite.
They should come up with something
"343i is big team of +600 employees (Sucker punch,Bend studios and Guerrilla combined"
That's a lie right there.
Far Cry is a First Person Shooterin what universe are games like Far Cry 4, Primal, and 5 not the same genre as HZD? I know people like to slap the RPG label on HZD but it can be equally applied to those other games.
FACTS! I agree with what you said a 100%You bothered responding to that bait? We all know games like Horizon, Tlou, etc have better gameplay, more ambition, better graphics, etc in their thumb than washed up Halo in its entirety. Halo been on a Downhill slant for a minute. I played the last multiplayer and was like "wtf is this generic bs ppl mentionrd in the past. ". 343some ppl are upset 343 took over. They are not in the big leagues like devs like Naughty, Guerilla, etc
I will say what I have been saying for years. I don't think that the Playstation gamer and Xbox gamer are fundamentally the same. I have been down with Xbox from the beginning. I did own a Ps3. I don't buy anything if it doesn't have multiplayer. I am not interested in story driven 3rd person games that don't have multiplayer. I have been playing Halo 5 for 5 years now, same with Gears. Once you beat God of War what do you have then? Most of Sony exclusives can be beaten in a week or a good weekend. Not saying that they are bad games but Xbox exclusives keep you coming back. That is why Game Pass exist. You couldn't do that with Sony's exclusives. I think that fundamentally the gamers have different tastes. Diverse lineup is always a good thing and that is something that Sony lacks. Their big exclusives are fundamentally the same game. Again I am not saying that they don't make good games. people always crack jokes about Halo, Gears, and Forza but Sony for all of their great studios has failed to show that they make games in those genres that are better just like Microsoft has not show they can't make 3rd person story driven games better than Sony. Even if they did I can't say that they would interest me.
Far Cry is a First Person Shooter
This. Halo 5 was a tragedy. The MP carried it, the SP was a dumpster fireAfter the shit Halo 5 I wouldn't be signing the praises of 343.
Next generation is looking good though I do hope MS comes with more AAA action adventure gamesAs someone who's buying Xbox Series X day one, im not concerned at all. They will have AAA and AA titles. From what I know/believe -
343 Industries - Halo Infinite (AAA)
The Coalition - Gears 6 (AAA)
Playground Games - Fable/Forza Horizon 5 (AAA)
Turn 10 - Forza Motorsport 8 (AAA)
The Initiative - Perfect Dark (AAA)
Obsidian - Skyrim type action RPG/new IP (AAA)
InXile - New RPG IP (AAA)
Rare - Everwild (AAA)
Ninja Theory - Hellblade 2 (AAA)
Undead Labs - State of Decay 3 (AA)
Double Fine - Psychonauts 2 (AA)
Compulsion - New IP (AA)
Splash Damage (contracted) - Gears Tactics (AA)
Basically, a whopping 10 AAA titles and 4 smaller AA titles. Don't really see what there's to be concerned about. And outside of Splash Damage, this doesn't include timed exclusive deals for games from third parties, full exclusives from third parties or exclusives from future studio acquisitions.
Can't speak for anyone else but im super hyped!!! And to think, two months from now, we would have already seen a good amount of the titles listed above. Let's go, let's go!!! November can't get here fast enough.
For comparison, below is for PlayStation 5 -
Naughty Dog - New IP/TLOUP3 (AAA)
Santa Monica - God of War 2/New IP (AAA)
Sucker Punch - Ghost of Tsushima 2 (AAA)
Bend Studio - Days Gone 2 (AAA)
Insomniac - Spider Man 2 (AAA), Ratchet & Clank 2 (AA)
Guerrilla Games - Horizon 2/Killzone 5 or new FPS IP (AAA)
Polphony Digital - Gran Turismo 7 (AAA)
Japan Studio - Bloodborne 2 (AAA, my own personal opinion)
PixelOpus - New IP (AA)
Media Molecule - Dreams PS5 Port (AA)
San Diego Studio - MLB The Show (AA), Uncharted 5/Lost Legacy 2 (second team, AAA)
London Studio - PSVR 2 related (AA)
Overall, 12 AAA titles and 5 AA titles. Doesn't include timed/full exclusives from third parties or future acquisitions. Both overall are looking great. More sequels from Sony while Xbox gets a few sequels and reboots. Both will have new IP's (AAA and AA).
Do you work for Xbox?(pro tip: we will)
You can have your opinion lol but alluding to the fact tht Sony doesn't have good multiplayer games is disgenuous lol I'll take the dynamic and fun Uncharted 4 mp over the really static Gears. Uncharted for years now has dethrone Gears so idk what your talking about lol Halo at this point is generic and not doing anything new. Killzone 2 was better than any Halo game last Gen and that you can see in the metas. Tlou remastered mp is just sooo good. MLB the show mp I play alot. Gran Turismo isn't a one race and your done game either. For every mp game you just mentioned Sony has their own version. This isn't ps3/360 days either none of those mp's you mentioned are lighting up the charts. Killzone Shadow fall although a fall from grace in its sp also had a great mp. Add games like Dreams with its dynamically and ever evolving shared gaming and nahhhh Sony isn't only about sp games, it's an amalgamation of many things, it's just that it's sp games or portions of games are just soooo good. Goty winner and contender good.
The mp games now lighting up the charts aren't any exclusives BTW its Fortnite, Warzone, etc.... I don't even hear ppl get hyped for those ganes tht had mp's tht use to be the talk of the town.
Man you sound like a spokes person for Sony.
They have bought a bunch of studios in the run up to XSX, I think their line up will be fine. Will I like it? Probably not, but neither do I like the majority of Sony's first party offerings.
You can have your opinion lol but alluding to the fact tht Sony doesn't have good multiplayer games is disgenuous lol I'll take the dynamic and fun Uncharted 4 mp over the really static Gears. Uncharted for years now has dethrone Gears so idk what your talking about lol Halo at this point is generic and not doing anything new. Killzone 2 was better than any Halo game last Gen and that you can see in the metas. Tlou remastered mp is just sooo good. MLB the show mp I play alot. Gran Turismo isn't a one race and your done game either. For every mp game you just mentioned Sony has their own version. This isn't ps3/360 days either none of those mp's you mentioned are lighting up the charts. Killzone Shadow fall although a fall from grace in its sp also had a great mp. Add games like Dreams with its dynamically and ever evolving shared gaming and nahhhh Sony isn't only about sp games, it's an amalgamation of many things, it's just that it's sp games or portions of games are just soooo good. Goty winner and contender good.
The mp games now lighting up the charts aren't any exclusives BTW its Fortnite, Warzone, etc.... I don't even hear ppl get hyped for those ganes tht had mp's tht use to be the talk of the town.
I used to get really into Sony exclusives like Ratchet and Clank, God of War (PS2), ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet and of course Socom 2.
I bought Horizon Zero Dawn and Spider-Man and just couldn’t get into either. Gave each multiple tries. Maybe it’s playing them after playing BotW.
For me though, the last Sony exclusive that really wowed me was Uncharted 4 and there weren’t many other exclusives on X1 and PS4 that did much for me in the single player department.
Next generation is looking good though I do hope MS comes with more AAA action adventure games
Killzone 2 had a better meta than odst, same as Reach and three points lower than Halo 3 when it was in its prime. So the person I was responding to saying that Sony never had a shooter or doesn't have shooter mp's to that level is out of their mindKillzone 2 was great, but better than Halo 3, ODST and Reach? You must be out of your mind.
While not as good, the MP in Killzone 2 was still a very worthwhile experience. Unfortunatley, having a good MP doesn’t sell the next big thing, so Sony shuts down the servers. I can still go back and find Halo 3 games in the 360 version.
I will say what I have been saying for years. I don't think that the Playstation gamer and Xbox gamer are fundamentally the same. I have been down with Xbox from the beginning. I did own a Ps3. I don't buy anything if it doesn't have multiplayer. I am not interested in story driven 3rd person games that don't have multiplayer. I have been playing Halo 5 for 5 years now, same with Gears. Once you beat God of War what do you have then? Most of Sony exclusives can be beaten in a week or a good weekend. Not saying that they are bad games but Xbox exclusives keep you coming back. That is why Game Pass exist. You couldn't do that with Sony's exclusives. I think that fundamentally the gamers have different tastes. Diverse lineup is always a good thing and that is something that Sony lacks. Their big exclusives are generally the same game. Again I am not saying that they don't make good games. people always crack jokes about Halo, Gears, and Forza but Sony for all of their great studios has failed to show that they make games in those genres that are better just like Microsoft has not show they can't make 3rd person story driven games better than Sony. Even if they did I can't say that they would interest me.
I know you like to play dumb sometimes MHK but even you can’t be dumb enough to think there won’t be a few AAA games shown at one of the rumoured two MS events coming in the next two months.Do you work for Xbox?
Killzone 2 had a better meta than odst, same as Reach and three points lower than Halo 3 when it was in its prime. So the person I was responding to saying that Sony never had a shooter or doesn't have shooter mp's to that level is out of their mind
I know what I'm talking about.
So 2 directors leaving 343 is a big red flag (one being producer). I can't imagine how you reacted, when 14 out of 20 designers left Naughty Dog after Uncharted: Lost Legacy considering you have Ellie as your avatarThat's delusional right there LOL!!
Guerrilla Games just hired 150 or 200 more employees and Horizon Zero Dawn (a new IP) sold more than Halo 5 and scored way higher too, Halo Infinite is Microsoft's biggest game so they should pack everything in it, but seeing how 2 directors leaving from 343 industries does spell red flags for Halo Infinite.
They should come up with something
"343i is big team of +600 employees (Sucker punch,Bend studios and Guerrilla combined"
That's a lie right there.
Senior key figures left 343 while junior level designers left Naughty Dog.So 2 directors leaving 343 is a big red flag (one being producer). I can't imagine how you reacted, when 14 out of 20 designers left Naughty Dog after Uncharted: Lost Legacy considering you have Ellie as your avatar(was it bigger red flag?)
The Initiative (supposedly their biggest and most promising team) saying that they’re “going agile and building smaller-type games” and Matt Booty saying that they’re not targeting for AAA gaming in the future with XSX, instead, they’ll be making “unique AA games” and that’s concerning me.
Compared to past Halo games like 3 and reach yeah it's shit. They must have paid a ton to get reviews that high.
I choose to ignore the dross that Halo has devolved into since 3. And that includes Reach.Compared to past Halo games like 3 and reach yeah it's shit. They must have paid a ton to get reviews that high.
Anyone catch this?
Bloomberg Intelligence's cost estimates.
That would be a good move. A 3rd person Perfect Dark would be greatAgreed. I do think Perfect Dark is going to be that. I don't think that it will be a first person shooter.
I'm just surprised, that estimated cost of XsX SSD is same as Sony'sSeems legit, those fast SSDs won't come for free, people who believe in 399$ are either delusional or have completely no clue about the market.
I'm just surprised, that estimated cost of XsX SSD is same as Sony's
Also surprised that memory cost is same. I know that Microsoft has faster/slower setup but i expected it would cost more than Sony's setupSony's SSD is more advanced, but at the same time has almost a quarter less capacity, so that might even the prices.
Also surprised that memory cost is same. I know that Microsoft has faster/slower setup but i expected it would cost more than Sony's setup
It's hard to get people to switch from one walled garden to another unless you have a compelling argument.