I also have some positive news on the US release. AT&T should also get the phone. Sadly there is some bad news also, the phone won't launch until the CDMA version is ready (D6509?) and that doesn't have an ETA yet. The agreement is that every network gets the phone simultaneously and that T-Mobile and VZW will get some kind of special editions (32GB internal storage I guess). Basically it's a case of waiting and hoping for the best right now.
Pre-order demand has been insane in the UK according to my source, they have 3-4x the number of pre-orders and information sign-ups than they did for the Z1. Sony think they can beat the GS5 in Europe for sales volume and revenue. The Z1 is Sony's best selling flagship to date and they think they can beat that benchmark within a few weeks this time.
I did tell him that launching later than the GS5 in the US will cost them sales, they agreed and said they are working very hard to get their CDMA supply chain built up after a few tester devices in China (Xperia SP Dual is a CDMA phone). He reminded me that it took Apple around 8 months from agreeing a deal with VZW to the iPhone actually being released with a CDMA modem, and they have a smaller amount of resources than Apple.
I also had it confirmed that the marketing spend for the Z2 is going to be huge and that they will look to capitalise on any critical success of the Z2 Tablet better than they did for the Tablet Z. Basically they have adverts ready to go if the reviews are strong (which they will be, I'm sure).
Finally, he confirmed that the 4.4 updates for the Z-series are progressing well, initial beta testing is set to commence soon. The SP, T, TX, V and TL will get 4.4 about 4-6 weeks later on the current timetable, then after that it will be the L, M/Dual, T2 Ultra, M2, E1/Dual, but there is no timeframe for these devices yet.
On a side note he said the mid-range offering hasn't been fully announced for 2014, they don't yet have a successor for the SP announced yet. I guess it will be the non-ultra T2. The M2 is actually the successor to the L (I asked why it's not called the L2, they didn't know, but guessed that marketing want to capitalise on the commercial success of the Xperia M).
From another source I have the 2014 mid-range at 4.8" 720p, 2GB RAM, 16GB and a 1.4GHz Qualcomm processor (MSM8916 if that means anything) and an 8MP camera with a slightly larger sensor (same as the 5S).