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Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials


Ah, but that would be an amazing piece of evidence.

SC rules he cannot, but his tweet is then reinserted as prima facie evidence of Obstruction of Justice as the piece de resistance.


I'd love to see Trump try pull an FDR and try to add more justices so he could stack the court in his favor before that happens.





New candidate would have to go through confirmation hearings etc.

Maybe there is a deputy deputy AG that would take over until that position is confirmed again.
It wouldn't be for a new person in that position, it goes down the chain of command. There are two Trump appointees below him, and he hasn't filled the rest of the spots so there's some ambiguity about what happens if both of those people resign or are fired. Here's a good read on it by a Harvard Law professor: https://www.lawfareblog.com/if-trump-fires-mueller-or-orders-his-firing


Yeah, we don't know the content of Sessions' discussions with Trump. We strongly *suspect* things, we don't know them.

However, he's right about Trump lying. He does it constantly, especially about things that make him look bad. If he ever gets put under oath it's game over. Which is why it's so ridiculous he said he would.

Also, you can probably round out those articles of impeachment with a "violation of his oath of office" for violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution repeatedly after entering office.

Agreed in full.


Let's say he does try to fire Mueller, how far can he take this rabbit hole? Till they finally impeach him?

Until Trump becomes unpopular enough with Republicans, that it's more beneficial to them to impeach him than to do nothing. Personally, I don't expect we get to that point. Maybe if he House changes parties, but the Senate still wouldn't remove him I would think.



Mueller Seeks to Talk to Intelligence Officials, Hinting at Inquiry of Trump

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, wants to question Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence; Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency; and Richard Ledgett, the former N.S.A. deputy director.

None of the men were involved with Mr. Trump’s campaign. But recent news media reports have raised questions about whether Mr. Trump requested their help in trying to get James B. Comey, then the F.B.I. director, to end an investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser. Last week, Mr. Coats and Admiral Rogers declined to answer questions before Congress about the matter.

Mr. Mueller’s office has also asked the N.S.A. for any documents or notes related to the agency’s interactions with the White House as part of the Russia investigation, according to an intelligence official.
The White House could try to assert executive privilege to keep the intelligence officials from discussing those conversations with Mr. Mueller. But that could set up a fight in court, where judges have generally held that criminal investigators can demand to know information that would normally be privileged.
The Justice Department appointed Mr. Mueller last month to investigate whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives to influence the outcome of last year’s presidential election. He inherited the criminal investigations into Mr. Flynn and Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort. Mr. Mueller also was given the authority to investigate obstruction.
A former senior official said Mr. Mueller’s investigation was looking at money laundering by Trump associates. The suspicion is that any cooperation with Russian officials would likely have been done in exchange for some kind of financial payoff, and there would have been an effort to hide the payoffs, most likely by routing them through offshore banking centers.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/14/...nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share&_r=1
Trump legal team pushes back at report Special Counsel Mueller looking at evidence of possible obstruction against @realDonaldTrump


They are so fucking stupid. Don't attack the FBI, nimrods. Mueller talked to Warner today. BLAME WARNER YOU IDIOTS. I know I shouldn't be giving these chucklefucks advice, but the political malpractice gets to me sometimes. They are attacking the FBI because they know the FBI can't publicly respond. Trump's shitty lawyers base their strategy almost entirely on who they can most successfully bully.

NY Law is all about winning the war of public opinion while outspending and outlasting your opponent. You can't outspend or out last the FBI. And public opinion means squat. They just keep shoving their dicks further into the beehive because they don;t know any other way to approach an obstacle.
how would this be illegal?

Snitches get stitches. Trump and his cronie's wet dream is a safe existence where they could collude and do all sorts of shit, and nobody EVER knows about it. They aren't pissed because the leaking of classified information that could prove dangerous to the safety of the United States. They are pissed because someone's letting the public/news outlets know the real shitshow that's going on backstage.
Not sure that Clinton being impeached over obstruction is precedent. Precedent that it is impeachable with a Republican House and Democrat President, yes. But just because something is impeachable doesn't mean we'll see anything of the sort with a Republican House and President. =(
Maybe they weren't blowing smoke with the "he'll die in jail" thing. It gets worse and worse and worse and so on until I have whiplash that won't be covered under Covfefecare. Where does this end?

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Maybe they weren't blowing smoke with the "he'll die in jail" thing. It gets worse and worse and worse and so on until I have whiplash that won't be covered under Covfefecare. Where does this end?
The die in jail comment probably came from that badass NSA guy. Everyone is all about the Mueller, but NSA Guy looks like he's killed at least three people with a pencil.


Is the money laundering confined to just the Russian investigation? Because for a man who can't get a loan from any on shore US Bank I have no doubt there is dirty money in the Trump corporation
Anything Mueller finds, any illegal activity... full stop - is fair game.

Fox and Friends plays on TVs at the gym i go to, i normally have headphones in so i cant hear their bullshit, but as i was heading out i heard one of them say "This is a witch hunt, Mueller is just LOOKING for crimes!"


Fox and Friends plays on TVs at the gym i go to, i normally have headphones in so i cant hear their bullshit, but as i was heading out i heard one of them say "This is a witch hunt, Mueller is just LOOKING for crimes!"

I mean... they are kinda correct, even if for wrong reasons ("witch hunt").




If handle doesn't give it away she is @GOP Chairwoman.

I think he's just going where the evidence is leading him. It's pretty common for investigations on one matter to uncover other unrelated or loosely related items too.

My point was that Mueller is investigating / "looking" if there has been crimes committed. If pulls on threads that surface as looking into more ones is up to him, I think.
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