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Special edition of Charlie Hebdo will feauture caricatures of Mohammed

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Can't believe they're gonna insult all devoted Muslims to send the middle finger to some extremist terrorists. They have no integrity.

All devotes muslims have much better to do than care about what Charlie Hebdo says.

That s the crux of the matter.
Charlie Hebdo is not a magazine supposed to ne placated at a Mosque's entrance. Nor is it supposed to be published to get general public acceptance.

That it Will get further coverage than its intended audience is a direct conséquence of 2 madmen gunning them down at work. In the center of a civilized city. With weapons of war. After having traines. And in the name of an extremist and chaos plunging take on the Qoran.

I live in Paris. And tho I don t necessarily neither read Charlie nor want to be killed by some crazy, I must say This whole business of blaspheming the prophet is getting old.
It s as intersting as reading a sony fanboy in an Xbox défense thread.

We don t hate your Prophet.
We Just don t care.

Do I bother people with my disdain or disagreement with each and every particular stuff they like or do That gets on my nerves or goes against my beliefs.
Unless it s the law, and even then I m flexible, I shut my fucking mouth because unless I have a deal to propose or a solution That s agreeable to all I m Just losing my precious time.

PS: It s often than when borwising porn stuff I m offerd a sight of gay Guys going at it.
That s car from my stuff. But it existe. Between consenting adults. I can live having peaked at oral sex performed between twi Guys. That doesn t change my drive towards women nor does it justify hating on gays. It s a fact we share our lives with strangers who have different tastes. It s our job to understand others to the point of making educated décisions towards them.
Posting blasphemy is not something That kills your faith. It does not change who You are.

It s justifiably irritating to You.
So what? When did life got perfect?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Anybody who doesn't want to be offended is more than welcome to not buy or look at the magazine. What the hell is the problem here?

I hope other outlets follow suit. Religion absolutely needs to be mocked and the assertion that we shouldn't do so as to not offend is more offensive than a drawing of any person should ever be.


Can't believe they're gonna insult all devoted Muslims to send the middle finger to some extremist terrorists. They have no integrity.
They don't believe one religion should be exempt from the satire the rest get and deserve. Charlie Hebdo doesn't care for some Islamic ruled nations harsher practices, making it open to satire for them.
Did they find the female accomplice yet?

Also is this going to be like that one South Park two-part special? Will it be Mohammed snorting cocaine this time?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I'd love to get a print copy of this, but I doubt it'd be easy to do so in the states.


I think that just because they were doing it in the first place doesn't make that, or continuing to do it, helpful or "right". What they choose to do from this moment is on them, but they cannot be surprised when they get attacked again, because they will get attacked again.

Their offices were firebombed in 2011 before they were assassinated. They have been and will continue to be brave against terrorists.
I know my opinion will not be popular here and maybe I'll earn a ban.

But their "humour" is terrible and full of edgy and stupid offensive shit.

Freedom of speech is one thing, then all these racist, pedofiles and such can have the same freedom. Society should Stop banning them.
I know my opinion will not be popular here and maybe I'll earn a ban.

But their "humour" is terrible and full of edgy and stupid offensive shit.

Freedom of speech is one thing, then all these racist, pedofiles and such can have the same freedom. Society should Stop banning them.

Society hasn't banned them.

Also, it doesn't really matter whether or not you think the comics are funny.


I know my opinion will not be popular here and maybe I'll earn a ban.

But their "humour" is terrible and full of edgy and stupid offensive shit.

Freedom of speech is one thing, then all these racist, pedofiles and such can have the same freedom. Society should Stop banning them.

Well, it's within your right to find their work distasteful, much as it is theirs to publish it.

Isn't liberty a beautiful thing?


We already know that when Charlie Hebdo gets attacked by Islamic terrorists, they respond with caricatures of Mohammad. The terrorists knew that this would be the outcome, and yet they still keep acting like a kid sticking his dick in a beehive, then act surprised when they get stung. Sure, those terrorists were blinded by emotion, but we're dealing with a known quantity here. Just how the world works.


Not sure how I feel about this... On one hand, it's good that they're not bowing down to the extremists. On the other hand, this feels like petty/childish revenge. But maybe that's business as usual for them...

Did you just say them doing what they've done for the entire run of the magazine is "petty/childish revenge?"

Do you people even think before you post this nonsense?
I know my opinion will not be popular here and maybe I'll earn a ban.

But their "humour" is terrible and full of edgy and stupid offensive shit.

Freedom of speech is one thing, then all these racist, pedofiles and such can have the same freedom. Society should Stop banning them.

You are confusing a lot of things here. "Freedom of speech" vs "Something being offensive" vs. actually hurting other people/kids.

They have a right to be as offensive and and stupid and ignorant as they want to. It does not physically hurt anyone and it is easy to ignore. It's not the same as pedophilia where kids are being exploited.


Junior, please.
I know my opinion will not be popular here and maybe I'll earn a ban.

But their "humour" is terrible and full of edgy and stupid offensive shit.

Freedom of speech is one thing, then all these racist, pedofiles and such can have the same freedom. Society should Stop banning them.

Doesn't matter if something is offensive, people can ignore it.

Nothing is immune to satire.


Rodent Whores
We already know that when Charlie Hebdo gets attacked by Islamic terrorists, they respond with caricatures of Mohammad. The terrorists knew that this would be the outcome, and yet they still keep acting like a kid sticking his dick in a beehive, then act surprised when they get stung. Sure, those terrorists were blinded by emotion, but we're dealing with a known quantity here. Just how the world works.

Legitimate question: Did Charlie Hebdo ever write something negative toward Jews/ Judaism? There's this image that keeps popping up on my facebook feed that one of Charlie Hebdo's employees was fired for trying to make fun of Judaism.


Tough luck if you are offended? its only your religion, grow up?

Hmmmmmmmm, I think GG was right on the nose with his latest article on The Intercept:

'But this week’s defense of free speech rights was so spirited that it gave rise to a brand new principle: to defend free speech, one not only defends the right to disseminate the speech, but embraces the content of the speech itself.'

If CH is really are "equal opportunity offenders.”, they wont just fill their pages with the pictures of Mohammad, but could actually use this run to make an actual statement about satire and not against one target.
Interesting to see what it contains.

It won't be filled with pictures of Mohammad... it never is just filled with pictures of Mohammad.


I'm really curious to see what the world will be thinking of Charlie Hebdo once people get their hands on their first copy. It will probably be ugly, and I expect many "did I really associate with THAT ?". :p

Yeah, a lot of people are in for a nasty surprise.



Both are groups that, if you even so much as look at them at the wrong time, will kill you and make a spectacle of your body. Especially against the media when it comes to making an example of someone. They're both the exact same.

I am not defending the murderers, but feel free to keep imagining it.

No, it really is a ridiculous comparison that really doesn't make any sense not only for being two entirely different things but on another level because there are plenty of news outlets that report on drug cartels and then end up being targeted by these same cartels.

I don't see how anyone can think that a magazine posting a bunch of stupid cartoons(that attack all facets of the world, news flash, not just Islam, but other religions, politicians, etc) should be afraid of some terrorists attacking them or ever feel threatned in that way. Is some of their stuff tasteless? Yeah sure but why can't they post it? There is plenty of tasteless vile media out there, there are plenty of people who think Howard Stern show should be banned. I just don't get how people basically are saying without actually saying these words that they deserved this kind of retaliation.


Unconfirmed Member
We already know that when Charlie Hebdo gets attacked by Islamic terrorists, they respond with caricatures of Mohammad. The terrorists knew that this would be the outcome, and yet they still keep acting like a kid sticking his dick in a beehive, then act surprised when they get stung. Sure, those terrorists were blinded by emotion, but we're dealing with a known quantity here. Just how the world works.
Legitimate question: Did Charlie Hebdo ever write something negative toward Jews/ Judaism? There's this image that keeps popping up on my facebook feed that one of Charlie Hebdo's employees was fired for trying to make fun of Judaism.

NSFW: http://i.imgur.com/dqcsnLk.jpg


"A Raghead Licks a Kike's Ass"
"So, let's make peace?"
"Continue, we'll see later"

Jewish association Licra sued Charlie Hebdo for that one.

NSFW: http://i.imgur.com/ftGH9QJ.jpg

"Does Racism Sell?"
"Jewish girl's ass"
"We'll tell you next week."


"Finally, you can say it
Super Nice
"Hi kikes! What's up?"

"Ca gaze ?" is slang for "What's up?" but in this context it's also a sinister pun about gas chambers.


I'm sorry for whoever will get offended by this, but what did you expect? Anything short of publishing yet more offensive cartoons would be validating the terrorists' goals. As soon as shots were fired inside the premises, all grounds for complaining against their cartoons was lost.


At what point in time does the west sit down and critically think about why there are attacks against the media's portrayal of the prophet? These attacks at their core are not really about how the prophet is portrayed, rather in my opinion it is about how the west invades Muslim countries, kills people and then the western media negatively portrays the prophet. I guess what I am saying is that the west is literally adding "insult to injury".

If the west wants stuff like this to stop then they should stop invading Muslim countries and bombing the shit out of the local populace.


I know my opinion will not be popular here and maybe I'll earn a ban.

But their "humour" is terrible and full of edgy and stupid offensive shit.

Freedom of speech is one thing, then all these racist, pedofiles and such can have the same freedom. Society should Stop banning them.

Lol. I love You compare cartoons to putting your dick in a kid.
If only You were joking...

I know You re exaggerating tho.
But keep cool boy. Charlie is acquired taste and only to some people.
The Next printing is Just making it count when some crazies feel justified to kill and I doubt anyone at Charlie wants to be a star and make headlines everyday.

You have to deal with people not giving a fuck what You think.
Sometimes it s for your own best interest.


"Learn to take a joke Muslims!"

The thing about offense that most highly privileged groups don't seem to understand is that minority/marginalized groups take offense for a reason. Making offensive jokes and such may seem innocuous but those things seep into the culture. And it makes a minority living in that country that much harder. I think it may have been one or two years ago but during a protest in France, a group attacked a pregnant Muslim woman and she lost the baby. Multiple mosques have been defaced since the attack. People are getting hurt.

These hate crimes don't come out of nowhere, they are built up over time. Plus France is already wildly islamophobic as it is.

I get why people want them to release these drawings. Because at the end of the day, they should be allowed to say what they want. But at the same time, it doesn't change the fact that what they are releasing will hurt people. And for what? So you can offend the .0001% of terrorists while simultaneously offending 1.7 billion others? They can do what they want but saying it's for the sake of "freedom of speech" is insulting.


I think they definitely have to draw the cartoons now to not look like they caved in to terrorist demands, but I think it should have never been a thing in the first place. If they wanted to make fun of someone, they should have made fun of JUST the terrorists. Let's be honest, a "You're not welcome." tone comes off of these cartoons. Freedom of speech is like a gun. You just can go around shooting everyone with it. That just gives more power to the people that want to ban it.


Not a fan of Michelle Christensen's designs (ZDX and this NSX). Seems like most Japanese luxury cars look like Audis (R8 was a trendsetter).

It's not terrible but it is disappointing.

EDIT: Whoops wrong thread!
I actually feel sorry for these guys. Ignorance is a disease.

They even acknowledge the stuff they publish is ignorant. That's pretty much the point of the magazine from my understanding. They need to keep publishing what they've always done now more than ever. I'm sure the staff members that were murdered would agree.

Not a fan of Michelle Christensen's designs (ZDX and this NSX). Seems like most Japanese luxury cars look like Audis (R8 was a trendsetter).

It's not terrible but it is disappointing.

EDIT: Whoops wrong thread!

Had me worried that I posted in the wrong thread at first since I was reading the same thread :)


So more racist cartoons I guess? Charlie Hebdo died a long time ago... To think I used to sell it in the streets to make some money 20 years ago...


"Learn to take a joke Muslims!"

The thing about offense that most highly privileged groups don't seem to understand is that minority/marginalized groups take offense for a reason. Making offensive jokes and such may seem innocuous but those things seep into the culture. And it makes a minority living in that country that much harder. I think it may have been one or two years ago but during a protest in France, a group attacked a pregnant Muslim woman and she lost the baby. Multiple mosques have been defaced since the attack. People are getting hurt.

These hate crimes don't come out of nowhere, they are built up over time. Plus France is already wildly islamophobic as it is.

I get why people want them to release these drawings. Because at the end of the day, they should be allowed to say what they want. But at the same time, it doesn't change the fact that what they are releasing will hurt people. And for what? So you can offend the .0001% of terrorists while simultaneously offending 1.7 billion others? They can do what they want but saying it's for the sake of "freedom of speech" is insulting.

When the joke is about some religious ideology yes they should take a joke. They aren't making fun of Muslims its about Mohammed and extremism.

Its important that they do it because otherwise they let fear win and that opens up a lot of problems where any group can get something censored through violence.


At what point in time does the west sit down and critically think about why there are attacks against the media's portrayal of the prophet? These attacks at their core are not really about how the prophet is portrayed, rather in my opinion it is about how the west invades Muslim countries, kills people and then the western media negatively portrays the prophet. I guess what I am saying is that the west is literally adding "insult to injury".

If the west wants stuff like this to stop then they should stop invading Muslim countries and bombing the shit out of the local populace.

Methinks it s a tad more complicated than the West being bloodthirsty imperialists...
Interventionism is by itself complicated which is why the général public is not commenting often about it.

Also why did those fuckers not go at the White House throat if your point is valid?

They were pity. Stupid. Fuckers.
Why they acted is in itself the reflection of who they are.

Give me your opinion of what the world should do. Make it detailed.
"if" is prohibited.
Asking for solutions is Just how do easy when you dont participate


I hadn't realized that each time the magazine is released, squads are dispatched to distribute and force all residents to read the latest issue. This changes my opinion.
"Learn to take a joke Muslims!"

The thing about offense that most highly privileged groups don't seem to understand is that minority/marginalized groups take offense for a reason. Making offensive jokes and such may seem innocuous but those things seep into the culture. And it makes a minority living in that country that much harder. I think it may have been one or two years ago but during a protest in France, a group attacked a pregnant Muslim woman and she lost the baby. Multiple mosques have been defaced since the attack. People are getting hurt.

These hate crimes don't come out of nowhere, they are built up over time. Plus France is already wildly islamophobic as it is.

I get why people want them to release these drawings. Because at the end of the day, they should be allowed to say what they want. But at the same time, it doesn't change the fact that what they are releasing will hurt people. And for what? So you can offend the .0001% of terrorists while simultaneously offending 1.7 billion others? They can do what they want but saying it's for the sake of "freedom of speech" is insulting.

Sure it's insulting. What's your point? It's their right to be stupid, ignorant, and insulting. I think that both sides keep forgetting that Charlie Hebdo is not a publication with some high integrity like it is being portrayed in the media. Which means 2 things:

1. They can keep publishing stupid shit like they always had and nobody has a right to stop them
2. There's nothing particularly great about them publishing these picture. It does not really make any statement. Maybe if every news media followed them then they would at least be making a statement that nothing is "off-limit" for a freedom of speech, but if it's only them it still says nothing about media at large
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