Lionel Mandrake said:*sigh*
One day... One day...
AwesomeSauce said:is there a PC version for this one? I know SD is available on PC.
Criminal Upper said:Eh, I think Shattered Dimensions was a better game than Spider-Man 2.
davidjaffe said:Yes I'm jazzed for RAGE and to an extent Dark Souls (altho I'll prob shelve that one after 1 hour cause of difficulty) but man, as a mega Spidey fan and a big fan of Shattered Dimensions (minus the noir) this is the new release of today that I'm most eagerly awaiting! Heck, I'll admit it: I'm more jazzed for this than for Batman and I know the new Bats is gonna prob be a GOTY contender!
Marvel fan boy for life, I suppose! Excelsior y'all!
JohngPR said:I guess that's what I really want from the game, for it to portray the character well and for it to be fun!
LeonSKennedy90 said:Like Shattered Dimenisons, this probably won't be a great video game, but it should be a fun, Spidey-themed brawler. One of these days though, we're gonna get that open world Spider-Man game that incorporates Peter Parker as a central character, like all the great Spider-Man stories, and then we'll have our Arkham Asylum for our favorite webhead.
LeonSKennedy90 said:What separated Spider-Man from the pack was he was the best "the hero that could be you".
This. By leaps and bounds.Criminal Upper said:Eh, I think Shattered Dimensions was a better game than Spider-Man 2.
Criminal Upper said:Eh, I think Shattered Dimensions was a better game than Spider-Man 2.
davidjaffe said:I agree about portraying the character part. And I'd love to see them do so beyond the physical/powers aspect of the character.
The ironic part (and- IMHO- the real opportunity for folks making Marvel games) is that what Stan Lee did that was so special (and what still makes Marvel comics so great) is he really focused on the human aspects of the heroes and not JUST their powers. I would love to see a Marvel hero game that does the powers well but also includes the humanity and pathos that really does define the Marvel Universe.
And I'd love to see these elements embedded in the gameplay (i.e. saving Gwen Stacey- or trying to- as Green Goblin tosses her off a bridge...if you DO save her, perhaps it spins the story in a new direction for a bit; Spidey having to choose between stopping a bad guy or saving Aunt May; Spidey living with the consequences of his whole 'great power/great responsibility' thing; special case context sensitive attacks that are attacks but are also sight gags so Spidey combat can get some of the humor in in other ways besides the quips;etc).
EasyTGT said:everyone keeps talking about shattered dimensions like it's actually good... I've been automatically disregarding spider man games since 3.
I saw in one of the gameplay videos that you can dodge (using LT on Xbox)LeonSKennedy90 said:You can't even dodge anymore, just awkwardly jump out of the way hopefully or use one of your special powers whenever the game allows you to use it.
I assume most of the review sites are busy reviewing AAA titles that just released and are releasing in the upcoming weeks.Cheska said:Dangit, why are there no reviews out yet?
Bazhard said:I assume most of the review sites are busy reviewing AAA titles that just released and are releasing in the upcoming weeks.
davidjaffe said:I agree about portraying the character part. And I'd love to see them do so beyond the physical/powers aspect of the character.
The ironic part (and- IMHO- the real opportunity for folks making Marvel games) is that what Stan Lee did that was so special (and what still makes Marvel comics so great) is he really focused on the human aspects of the heroes and not JUST their powers. I would love to see a Marvel hero game that does the powers well but also includes the humanity and pathos that really does define the Marvel Universe.
And I'd love to see these elements embedded in the gameplay (i.e. saving Gwen Stacey- or trying to- as Green Goblin tosses her off a bridge...if you DO save her, perhaps it spins the story in a new direction for a bit; Spidey having to choose between stopping a bad guy or saving Aunt May; Spidey living with the consequences of his whole 'great power/great responsibility' thing; special case context sensitive attacks that are attacks but are also sight gags so Spidey combat can get some of the humor in in other ways besides the quips;etc).
SykoTech said:Well, maybe you should try it then.
EasyTGT said:Well yea! I was just hoping for further explanation.
Looks exactly the same as the Wii version based on this footage.BDGAME said:Is There any picture or video of 3DS version?
It's probably more that their attention is on the Amazing Spider-Man game for next Spring and this was because Activision wanted a game out for winter, too.LeonSKennedy90 said:Played it for two hours, refuse to play anymore. The game is straight up mediocre in almost every facet except voice acting. With two NBA games, Dark Souls, and RAGE out on the same day, I simply can't waste any more time on this piece of shit. Beenox can be good, but this yearly schedule is clearly screwing them up.
ShockingAlberto said:From what I've heard, it might be a good idea to lower your expectations for this game and perhaps place them on the game for next year.
Impressions aren't...good. And based on what I've heard about what Beenox is doing, I can see why.
I believe the only villains they did not make up are Doctor Octous and Anti-Venom, but don't quote me on that.Bebpo said:Shame. As much as I really enjoyed Shattered Dimensions, by axing Noir and Ultimate it was already off my list. 2099 was the weakest of the original 4 as it was just a straight brawler and I'm really not interested in half a game of it.
I am curious as to the villain roster for this. Is it anywhere near as diverse as SD?