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Spider-Man: Homecoming review thread [92% RT]


Ah, wouldn't be a Spidey thread without some Slott salt.
Sorry but the guy's a bad writer, and he's an asshole on online forums such as CBR.
Spider-Man has sucked badly since Marvel made the mistake of getting rid of Peter's marrage to Mary Jane.


But Amazing Spider-Man is the original source so it holds way more weight than Ultimate Spider-Man.

For most of the history of the franchise Spider-Man has been an adult. Also he was married for 20 years till Marvel fucked shit up and ruined the character with One More Day.
Adult Spider-Man is way more important than teen age Spider-Man.
Not for a lot of people who started reading comics in the last 20 years.

The success of the 90's animated series and the Sam Raimi movies shows that you don't need to have the character in high school.
True, but why make always the same and add yet another adult who is great in science to 15 other adults who are great in science?

Also can someone please explain why Ultimate Spider-Man is so popular?
Its a well written book with a good story and likable characters.

I can't take Ultimate Spider-Man seriously since it's version of the Green Goblin is a terrible take on the character.

This thing is not the Green Goblin.
Yes, he is the Green Goblin, just the Green Goblin from a universe where the Avengers are a military unit called the Ultimates, the Fantastic Four are part of a government think-tank, mutants were created by humans and Peter Parker dies along the way.

Spider-Man has sucked badly since Marvel made the mistake of getting rid of Peter's marrage to Mary Jane.

Nope, not really. Also, move on, its not coming back anyway.


Sorry but the guy's a bad writer, and he's an asshole on online forums such as CBR.
Spider-Man has sucked badly since Marvel made the mistake of getting rid of Peter's marrage to Mary Jane.

I'm sorry you haven't liked the books. Many others do. It's why Slott is still on. Trust me, I've had some comic opinions in the minority too. Not every run is for everyone. Unfortunately for you in this case, Slott has had a very successful one.

Oh, and calling him a bad writer when Silver Surfer exists is just laughable.
But Amazing Spider-Man is the original source so it should hold way more weight than Ultimate Spider-Man.

For most of the history of the franchise Spider-Man has been an adult. Also he was married for 20 years till Marvel fucked shit up and ruined the character with One More Day.
Adult Spider-Man is way more important than teen age Spider-Man.

The success of the 90's animated series and the Sam Raimi movies shows that you don't need to have the character in high school.

Also can someone please explain why Ultimate Spider-Man is so popular? I can't take Ultimate Spider-Man seriously since it's version of the Green Goblin is a terrible take on the character.

This thing is not the Green Goblin.

Spider-Man doesn't need a mentor. He was a self taught hero in the comics.

You go where the general audience goes. The audience thinks Spider-Man is a teenage or young adult hero. They definitely don't think he's married.

Plus outside of the comics, it actually helps that Spider-Man isn't another Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man, Pym type.

Also, folks say they care about the marriage, but sales-wise Renew Your Vows is below Amazing, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Spider-Miles, and only marginally above Spider-Gwen.


but sales-wise Renew Your Vows is below Amazing, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Spider-Miles, and only marginally above Spider-Gwen.
That's because Renew Your Vows is an alternate universe and they almost never sell as well as the main canon even when they are written better.


Ultimate Spider-Man disagrees.
Ultimate Spider-Man was also promoted way more.

Nope, not really. Also, move on, its not coming back anyway.
Giving that One More Day is often in the top ten of worse comic book stories of all time it will be undone someday.

Also polls show that it's still hated and fans want it undone even after almost ten years. The hate for the story has not died down.

Hence "marginally above Spider-Gwen". Which, if I'm being honest, isn't that great a book.
The god awful pacing on Spider-Gwen killed the book for me.

Oh, and calling him a bad writer when Silver Surfer exists is just laughable.
In my opinion his Silver Surfer stuff reads like Dr. Who fanfiction.


To piggyback on this, he loves the Raimi movies so much that his ideal way to put Spider-Man into the MCU is to recast Tobey as an older Peter Parker and retroactively make those movies canon. Massive fan might be an understatement, and it might color his reception to this new movie
Ew. Is he on record saying this?


Yes, all 7 people in the internet who scream and rant and appear to be 10.000 people.
Nobody gives a shit about the marriage anymore. They just had a Relaunch with a redone Universe, the perfect opporturnity to bring back the marriage and have it even make sense. And nothing happened.

Move on. Its been over 10 years.


Yes, One More Day will never not suck.

But no, you're wrong. Most people have moved on. You're projecting and making excuses rather than simply admitting you're in the minority of comic fans at this point.

If it impacted the comics badly like you say they already would have reversed it. They haven't. And if they do, it will be years and years from now when they need a desperate sales boost.


People who still give a fuck about OMD need to hop off that train and move the fuck on

I have moved on. I haven't read Amazing Spider-Man since OMD. I keep up to date by reading reviews on fan sites such as Spider-Man Crawlspace.
Nothing that I've heard about has made me want to give the book another chance.
Peter's a manchild.
Mary Jane's often written out of character nowadays cause most of the writers at Marvel hate her.
Black Cat's really out of character.
Ben Reilly's kind of back(well he's a clone of Ben which makes him not the real Ben)and he's evil.

I only read comics that I like.
Renew Your Vows is the only Spider-Man comic that I read nowadays, well that and the newspaper strip(which also has a married Peter and MJ).



Yes. Have fun.

Edit: calling Slott a bad writer when his run on She-Hulk exists is inexcusable


watched part 2


semen stains the mountaintops
Alright, lets see what Movie Bob has to say -

"And meets up with a Peter Parker who is a high school teacher played in his mid thirties by Tobey Maguire", AND I'M OUT.


Oh man, the post credit scene for Civil War would be the Iron-Spider.

How can it be possible for episode 2 to have even worse ideas.


Alright, lets see what Movie Bob has to say -

"And meets up with a Peter Parker who is a high school teacher played in his mid thirties by Tobey Maguire", AND I'M OUT.


Oh man, the post credit scene for Civil War would be the Iron-Spider.

How can it be possible for episode 2 to have even worse ideas.


I have literally no desire to watch part 2 after the first one. Any chance for a summary, you brave soul you?

I tried to write a multi-paragraph summary but it all just sounded like gibberish.

Here are some bullet points.

-After Civil War Peter is working with Tony as the Iron Spider hunting down vigilantes
-As a show of good faith to the public Peter reveals his secret identity to the world
- The Daily Bugle/J Jonah Jameson's reputation are ruined because all of Peter's photo journalism were just selfies.
-Peter's former student Miles Morales is disappointed that Spider-Man is a hypocrite
-A bunch of evil scientist deduce that Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and they try to recreate that spider so mobsters can have super powers but just end up with dog sized super spiders.
-JJJ is kidnapped and used as bait to lure Spider-Man so that the scientist can get Peters blood.
-Peter comes to Save JJJ and its revealed that the Kingpin was behind it all.
-Fight with the King Pin happens and the dog sized super spiders escape.
-Peter fights/kills all the super spiders but one spider gets away and bites Miles Morales putting him in a coma.
-In order to save him Peter goes back to the evil science lair to find anti-venom for Miles but one of the scientist is still around and uses Peters blood on himself.
-Scientist turns into the Lizard and beats Peters to near death.
-Peter wins gets Miles the cure.
-Miles wakes up.
-Peter dies.
I tried to write a multi-paragraph summary but it all just sounded like gibberish.

Here are some bullet points.

-After Civil War Peter is working with Tony as the Iron Spider hunting down vigilantes
-As a show of good faith to the public Peter reveals his secret identity to the world
- The Daily Bugle/J Jonah Jameson's reputation are ruined because all of Peter's photo journalism were just selfies.
-Peter's former student Miles Morales is disappointed that Spider-Man is a hypocrite
-A bunch of evil scientist deduce that Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and they try to recreate that spider so mobsters can have super powers but just end up with dog sized super spiders.
-JJJ is kidnapped and used as bait to lure Spider-Man so that the scientist can get Peters blood.
-Peter comes to Save JJJ and its revealed that the Kingpin was behind it all.
-Fight with the King Pin happens and the dog sized super spiders escape.
-Peter fights/kills all the super spiders but one spider gets away and bites Miles Morales putting him in a coma.
-In order to save him Peter goes back to the evil science lair to find anti-venom for Miles but one of the scientist is still around and uses Peters blood on himself.
-Scientist turns into the Lizard and beats Peters to near death.
-Peter wins gets Miles the cure.
-Miles wakes up.
-Peter dies.

Hahahahahahahah what the fuck


I tried to write a multi-paragraph summary but it all just sounded like gibberish.

Here are some bullet points.

-After Civil War Peter is working with Tony as the Iron Spider hunting down vigilantes
-As a show of good faith to the public Peter reveals his secret identity to the world
- The Daily Bugle/J Jonah Jameson's reputation are ruined because all of Peter's photo journalism were just selfies.
-Peter's former student Miles Morales is disappointed that Spider-Man is a hypocrite
-A bunch of evil scientist deduce that Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and they try to recreate that spider so mobsters can have super powers but just end up with dog sized super spiders.
-JJJ is kidnapped and used as bait to lure Spider-Man so that the scientist can get Peters blood.
-Peter comes to Save JJJ and its revealed that the Kingpin was behind it all.
-Fight with the King Pin happens and the dog sized super spiders escape.
-Peter fights/kills all the super spiders but one spider gets away and bites Miles Morales putting him in a coma.
-In order to save him Peter goes back to the evil science lair to find anti-venom for Miles but one of the scientist is still around and uses Peters blood on himself.
-Scientist turns into the Lizard and beats Peters to near death.
-Peter wins gets Miles the cure.
-Miles wakes up.
-Peter dies.

I tried to write a multi-paragraph summary but it all just sounded like gibberish.

Here are some bullet points.

-After Civil War Peter is working with Tony as the Iron Spider hunting down vigilantes
-As a show of good faith to the public Peter reveals his secret identity to the world
- The Daily Bugle/J Jonah Jameson's reputation are ruined because all of Peter's photo journalism were just selfies.
-Peter's former student Miles Morales is disappointed that Spider-Man is a hypocrite
-A bunch of evil scientist deduce that Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and they try to recreate that spider so mobsters can have super powers but just end up with dog sized super spiders.
-JJJ is kidnapped and used as bait to lure Spider-Man so that the scientist can get Peters blood.
-Peter comes to Save JJJ and its revealed that the Kingpin was behind it all.
-Fight with the King Pin happens and the dog sized super spiders escape.
-Peter fights/kills all the super spiders but one spider gets away and bites Miles Morales putting him in a coma.
-In order to save him Peter goes back to the evil science lair to find anti-venom for Miles but one of the scientist is still around and uses Peters blood on himself.
-Scientist turns into the Lizard and beats Peters to near death.
-Peter wins gets Miles the cure.
-Miles wakes up.
-Peter dies.



Yes, all 7 people in the internet who scream and rant and appear to be 10.000 people.
Nobody gives a shit about the marriage anymore. They just had a Relaunch with a redone Universe, the perfect opporturnity to bring back the marriage and have it even make sense. And nothing happened.

Move on. Its been over 10 years.
While I hate OMD as a story for how bad it was written, this is correct. They have more freedom for Parker without the marriage.

Though the Relaunch after Secret Wars is bad(whole marvel universe, not spider-man). Well not bad but so much worse than the stories before Secret Wars, Hickman is a god.

His Avengers and New Avengers runs were probably the best since a long time and will stay the best for a while it seems.
Combine that with his FF run and suddenly you get mad how marvel let him go :(

I would love a Hickman Spidey.


semen stains the mountaintops
And the idea that we'd finally get Peter Parker into the MCU, only for it to mostly happen in the Raimi movies, and then go straight to Miles is fucking dumb. I really love Miles, I think he's an awesome dude and I'm glad he's going to star in the animated movie, but I want Peter in the MCU.
I tried to write a multi-paragraph summary but it all just sounded like gibberish.

Here are some bullet points.

-After Civil War Peter is working with Tony as the Iron Spider hunting down vigilantes
-As a show of good faith to the public Peter reveals his secret identity to the world
- The Daily Bugle/J Jonah Jameson's reputation are ruined because all of Peter's photo journalism were just selfies.
-Peter's former student Miles Morales is disappointed that Spider-Man is a hypocrite
-A bunch of evil scientist deduce that Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and they try to recreate that spider so mobsters can have super powers but just end up with dog sized super spiders.
-JJJ is kidnapped and used as bait to lure Spider-Man so that the scientist can get Peters blood.
-Peter comes to Save JJJ and its revealed that the Kingpin was behind it all.
-Fight with the King Pin happens and the dog sized super spiders escape.
-Peter fights/kills all the super spiders but one spider gets away and bites Miles Morales putting him in a coma.
-In order to save him Peter goes back to the evil science lair to find anti-venom for Miles but one of the scientist is still around and uses Peters blood on himself.
-Scientist turns into the Lizard and beats Peters to near death.
-Peter wins gets Miles the cure.
-Miles wakes up.
-Peter dies.

-Matter-of-factly states several times throughout his videos that The Amazing Spider-Man was shit.
-Comes up with this.


eh, i feel like people are misconstruing moviebob's intent with these videos. he literally says at the beginning:

"just to be clear, i am perfectly okay with the way spider-man was introduced into the mcu in civil war [...] this isn't about 'i don't like the mcu spider-man', this is just a fun thought experiment about what i'd have done if i was in charge of setting this all in motion. of course if i had been in charge in setting all of this in motion this probably would have been a disaster".

yeah his idea sounds stupid, but it's just a goofy series where he verbalises his fanboy 'what ifs'.

call me crazy but i would think it would be pretty funny/cute if either tobey maguire or andrew garfield had tiny cameos in a subsequent spider-man film, maybe just as a random bystander or even a teacher at the school. not in a way to canonise them as previously being spider-men or anything, but just as cute little nods to the fans. maybe have one of them give some kind of throw-away moralising line/advice that's relevant to peter whilst simultaneously being a reference to the older films. or maybe have them acting out a stan lee-like cameo.


Moviebob literally has the screenwriting talent of the average NeoGAF poster. Just because he's posting it on YouTube doesn't mean it's any better than "Post #74526 in the MCU GAF thread." (Plus they're obviously going to do a Maguire/Garfield/Holland Spiderverse film in 2023 so that sort of throws the whole thing out the window.)

Dude needed to completely put the Raimi films out of mind when going into Homecoming. Like, I know I'm gonna make a point of forgetting they even existed from the minute the movie starts playing to the second I leave the theater. It's not trying to be the same type of movie, it never could be, and honestly I don't want it to be. If Sony wanted to do another Raimi film they would have just made one.

I wonder if there's gonna be the same amount of turmoil when the next Batman comes out... TDK is probably the only movie that has the same amount of clout and fan-worship as Spider-Man 2. I feel like DCEU fans would be less likely to shit on the Nolan trilogy than MCU fans on the Raimi trilogy, though.


Sorry but the guy's a bad writer, and he's an asshole on online forums such as CBR.
Spider-Man has sucked badly since Marvel made the mistake of getting rid of Peter's marrage to Mary Jane.

Brand New Day with all the rotating creatives is one of the best eras of Spider Man and I've been reading the book for a long time
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