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Spider-Man: Homecoming review thread [92% RT]


I liked a lot of Slott's ideas, but I had to drop his Amazing years ago because his dialogue is so fucking awful, it just became unreadable.
Moviebob literally has the screenwriting talent of the average NeoGAF poster. Just because he's posting it on YouTube doesn't mean it's any better than "Post #74526 in the MCU GAF thread." (Plus they're obviously going to do a Maguire/Garfield/Holland Spiderverse film in 2023 so that sort of throws the whole thing out the window.)

Dude needed to completely put the Raimi films out of mind when going into Homecoming. Like, I know I'm gonna make a point of forgetting they even existed from the minute the movie starts playing to the second I leave the theater. It's not trying to be the same type of movie, it never could be, and honestly I don't want it to be. If Sony wanted to do another Raimi film they would have just made one.

I wonder if there's gonna be the same amount of turmoil when the next Batman comes out... TDK is probably the only movie that has the same amount of clout and fan-worship as Spider-Man 2. I feel like DCEU fans would be less likely to shit on the Nolan trilogy than MCU fans on the Raimi trilogy, though.

Batman has the benefit of going through several 'cycles' already. From Adam West, to Burton, to Schumacher, to Nolan, to the current. Same with Bond. Obviously everyone has their preferences but with time they come to terms with there not being one true take on the character--which has always been strange considering the history of these characters.

I liked a lot of Slott's ideas, but I had to drop his Amazing years ago because his dialogue is so fucking awful, it just became unreadable.

Yeah. He's responsible for the longest absence I had from comics Spidey. And I stuck it out through the symbiote and clone nonsense of the '90s. Granted, age and time had something to do with it.


Moviebob literally has the screenwriting talent of the average NeoGAF poster. Just because he's posting it on YouTube doesn't mean it's any better than "Post #74526 in the MCU GAF thread." (Plus they're obviously going to do a Maguire/Garfield/Holland Spiderverse film in 2023 so that sort of throws the whole thing out the window.)

Dude needed to completely put the Raimi films out of mind when going into Homecoming. Like, I know I'm gonna make a point of forgetting they even existed from the minute the movie starts playing to the second I leave the theater. It's not trying to be the same type of movie, it never could be, and honestly I don't want it to be. If Sony wanted to do another Raimi film they would have just made one.

I wonder if there's gonna be the same amount of turmoil when the next Batman comes out... TDK is probably the only movie that has the same amount of clout and fan-worship as Spider-Man 2. I feel like DCEU fans would be less likely to shit on the Nolan trilogy than MCU fans on the Raimi trilogy, though.

Yeah it's getting ridiculous.

I haven't really seen DC fans do this despite the Nolan films being pretty good. Props to them.
Yeah it's getting ridiculous.

I haven't really seen DC fans do this despite the Nolan films being pretty good. Props to them.

Probably because the Nolan trilogy was succeeded by a shitty movie. If this was BvS being reviewed on par with BB/TDK, you can bet that they're be plenty of posters coming out of the woodwork to proclaim that they always thought Nolan's movies sucked.


You mean a writer who's an asshole to fans who disagree with him.

I've read some of his rants about the marriage and to me it seems like he's just frustrated that he gets the lion's share of shit for it when the decision was made above him

I'm assuming you're reading Renew Your Vows though so that's something and I believe Slott was behind the scenes banging the gong really loud for that to happen

people shit on Slott for whatever reason but he's still a huge Spider Man fan, he knows what's up


Dan Slott was not even working on Spider-Man when Alex Alonso decided to take the marriage away.

You mean a writer who's an asshole to fans who disagree with him.
He was always nice to me when I was nice to him, he even explained me once in detail how he works.
Maybe you should just not scream at him


Maybe you should just not scream at him
I've never screamed at a comic book writer because at the end of the day comics are just a hobby.

But I've seen Slott being mean to people on the CBR forums. He's called people trolls before, and accused people of creating fake accounts just to mess with him without any proof.
And he has a nasty habit of attacking the Spider-Man fansite "Spider-Man Crawlspace".

And than when he's really bad he'll just have the mods delete his posts.

Just very unprofessional.


I've never screamed at a comic book writer because at the end of the day comics are just a hobby.

But I've seen Slott being mean to people on the CBR forums. He's called people trolls before, and accused people of creating fake accounts just to mess with him without any proof.
And he has a nasty habit of attacking the Spider-Man fansite "Spider-Man Crawlspace".

And than when he's really bad he'll just have the mods delete his posts.

Just very unprofessional.
He got fucking death threats!
I stopped reading Spidey after One More Day / Brand new day. Fuck Quesada.

That's definitely when I stopped reading Spidey regularly for the first time in over a decade. I've never picked it back up again for regular reading but have popped into different Slott arcs here and there. He's had some pretty great stories and I think he gets a lot more hate than he deserves. I think people just aren't used to Marvel keeping a writer on a single book for this long and want a big change.


And that makes it ok to be an asshole?
I think its very human to get more emotional once people threat your life.

You're not missing anything.
Though You should read Renew Your Vows, and Spider-Girl.
You said on the last page that you dont read Spider-Man since OMD. People who dont even read the stuff are always the best to say if something is good or bad.


At this point aren't all superhero stories fanfic? Granted that guy's ideas were particularly shite.

Yeah, I don't know what was up with people taking it seriously. I like Moviebob, but I always take his ideas with a grain of salt given some of his out-of-step opinions, like

-treating Mario like some epic franchise that deserves another shot at a live-action film
-thinking that the Batman NES game is the best Batman game and that Spider Man 2 is the best superhero game
-his insistence that only 3 of the X-Men films (First Class, Deadpool, and Logan) are actually good movies and that the rest are mediocre-to-bad

Still, he puts out some really good content, so I just roll my eyes and wait for the next RTG/editorial piece.


That's definitely when I stopped reading Spidey regularly for the first time in over a decade. I've never picked it back up again for regular reading but have popped into different Slott arcs here and there. He's had some pretty great stories and I think he gets a lot more hate than he deserves. I think people just aren't used to Marvel keeping a writer on a single book for this long and want a big change.

Yeah. The other day i was reading some reviews about Superior Spider Man and they were pretty good. Maybe i'll check that out.


You said on the last page that you dont read Spider-Man since OMD. People who dont even read the stuff are always the best to say if something is good or bad.
Time to repost this.
I have moved on. I haven't read Amazing Spider-Man since OMD. I keep up to date by reading reviews on fan sites such as Spider-Man Crawlspace.
Nothing that I've heard about has made me want to give the book another chance.
Peter's a manchild.
Mary Jane's often written out of character nowadays cause most of the writers at Marvel hate her.
Black Cat's really out of character.
Ben Reilly's kind of back(well he's a clone of Ben which makes him not the real Ben)and he's evil.

I only read comics that I like.
Renew Your Vows is the only Spider-Man comic that I read nowadays, well that and the newspaper strip(which also has a married Peter and MJ).


Yeah. The other day i was reading some reviews about Superior Spider Man and they were pretty good. Maybe i'll check that out.

if you want to go down the Slott rabbit hole I'd suggest starting at the beginning

ASM 698-700 and Superior Spider Man are better stories if you read everything else before it

Slott's Spidey ain't bad but I think the series really needs some new blood.

I agree with this. I've been one of this site's biggest Slott defenders because it always seemed like he had more stories to tell but recently I'm starting to want a change up. this most recent arc was pretty cool and could lead to some interesting things though.

Time to repost this.

wait, you're being serious right now? you're reading reviews of things you aren't reading and are trying to pretend like you know what you're talking about in regards to the things you're not reading?


I've read a bit of the Renew Your Vows and Spider-Girl stuff and haven't found it to be anything special. I'm glad that it exists for the people who want that kind of status quo to still be around, but I do feel like more often than not, many of its ardent defenders are there because they feel some obligation to the Spider-Man marriage than actual Spider-Man.

also, while Slott trolling fans (who are also trolling him, lol) might skirt the edge of unprofessionalism, calling him a mean asshole seems like a bit much. Especially when there are plenty of actual assholes in the industry, like John Byrne, Chuck Austen, Frank Miller, and seemingly Nick Spencer now. I think Todd MacFarlane was also a huge asshole back in the day but seems like he's relaxed a bit since?


I was thinking the same years ago, at some point I said fuck it and tried Brand New Day, and as it turns out, up to Spider-Island it was the best time on Amazing Spider-Man for me.


Yeah. The other day i was reading some reviews about Superior Spider Man and they were pretty good. Maybe i'll check that out.

Superior Spider-Man is pretty bad. The plot only works because everyone is written like idiots.
Plus characters who know Peter like Mary Jane can't tell that Peter is not acting like himself.


New to the internet?

I've just never seen someone so blatantly admit that before, they usually try and hide it and front like they've kept up

Superior Spider-Man is pretty bad. The plot only works because everyone is written like idiots.
Plus characters who know Peter like Mary Jane can't tell that Peter is not acting like himself.

so......did you actually read Superior Spider Man or what?


I read a review. I got all that I needed to know.

Superior Spiderman is so good. Only run I actually liked post OMD. Not a fan of most Spidey stuff since OMD, but I'm not gonna harp on it since it just saves me money in the end.


Marvel really needs to bring the marriage back.
The relationship between Peter and MJ is so well written.

I just don't get why Marvel hates Mary Jane so much.


Can we just discuss the fucking movie and its reviews. I keep clicking this thread and nothing interesting is happening.

I am dying for Homecoming jesus.
That's definitely when I stopped reading Spidey regularly for the first time in over a decade. I've never picked it back up again for regular reading but have popped into different Slott arcs here and there. He's had some pretty great stories and I think he gets a lot more hate than he deserves. I think people just aren't used to Marvel keeping a writer on a single book for this long and want a big change.

You mean GAF doesn't want the one thing they've complained about as to why they don't read western comics?


I've liked Slotts run the entire time for the most part.

I just didn't like the storyline where he introduced that new teenage hero...what was his name?
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