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Spider-Man: Homecoming review thread [92% RT]

Ain't no true villain till you get the girlfriend of your rival pregnant with twins and have him think they're his kids, kill the girlfriend(although Spider-Man killed her tbh), then tell him "hey I had sex with her while yall were a tad on the outs lol!"


Is there a hero more ruined by editorial fuckery than Spidey?

I'm sure there is but good god, the Spidey shit hurts the most.



Is there a hero more ruined by editorial fuckery than Spidey?

I'm sure there is but good god, the Spidey shit hurts the most.
The Norman wiki is just constant fuckery related to Peter

Now I gotta read the Venom one just to see how much dumber it gets


Slott ruined Felicia. I don't think I will ever forgive him for that. Also didn't care for Superior Spider-man and what he has done with Ock. I liked Spider-Island, so there's that.


Wait where is this from?XD
Stracynzkis run on Spider-Man. Sins Past, where Gwens Kids wanted to take down Peter.
The original idea was that it had to be Peters kids but the guy who later undid the marriage refused and forced Osborn into the role.


Seriously what the fuck is that hair.
Slott's Spider-Man isn't a decade of no quality. He has arguably written some of the best stories in the character's history.

mmmm no.

To each their own but I despise Slott's Spider-man. I kept up all the way through spider-verse and finally stopped because I couldn't be bothered anymore.


mmmm no.

To each their own but I despise Slott's Spider-man. I kept up all the way through spider-verse and finally stopped because I couldn't be bothered anymore.
Thats fine, but there are also people who think that Casablanca is shit.
You are allowed to dislike something, but there must be a reason why Superior Spider-Man is one of the most recommended runs on the character.
And I dont like it either, but there must be something in it for people since its overall well regarded


Ain't no true villain till you get the girlfriend of your rival pregnant with twins and have him think they're his kids, kill the girlfriend(although Spider-Man killed her tbh), then tell him "hey I had sex with her while yall were a tad on the outs lol!"

Fuck Quesada.


Slott writes good stories.

He just writes an awful Peter Parker. It's no coincidence that his best runs are either not about him (Superior) or heavily focus on characters beyond 616 Peter (Spider-Island, Spider-Verse).


Slott writes good stories.

He just writes an awful Peter Parker. It's no coincidence that his best runs are either not about him (Superior) or heavily focus on characters beyond 616 Peter (Spider-Island, Spider-Verse).
Eh, booth Spider-Island and Verse have Peter in their very focus. He didnt wrote the Tie-Ins.



Norman Osborne is a real villain confirmed: cultural appropriation before it was a thing

He's not just a guy in a rubber mask who throws jack-o-lantern-shaped explosives at banks and 30's-style crime lords. He thinks white people "should have this too."

Thats fine, but there are also people who think that Casablanca is shit.
You are allowed to dislike something, but there must be a reason why Superior Spider-Man is one of the most recommended runs on the character.
And I dont like it either, but there must be something in it for people since its overall well regarded
I also routinely see Civil War and AvX pop up on recommendation lists. Point is fans have shit taste. Source: me!


Fuck Quesada.
I still can't believe that Marvel wanted to ruin one of the best written romantic couples(Peter and MJ).

Mary Jane doesn't get enough respect from Marvel. She's the second most important love interest in comics behind Lois Lane.
Sure Marvel will put her on covers but when it comes time to use her in the books they don't use her well.


I still can't believe that Marvel wanted to ruin one of the best written romantic couples(Peter and MJ).

Mary Jane doesn't get enough respect from Marvel. She's the second most important love interest in comics behind Lois Lane.
Sure Marvel will put her on covers but when it comes time to use her in the books they don't use her well.
How can you know this? :)
I also routinely see Civil War and AvX pop up on recommendation lists. Point is fans have shit taste. Source: me!

Superior Spiderman is amazing though, unlike the hot garbage that was Civil War and AvX (and most Marvel events tbh). This is coming from someone who dislikes most Spidey stuff post OMD. Most runs I pick up and drop because they bore me, but not Superior. That was quality and it's only fault is that it ended. Cause the run right after I dropped due to disinterest.
To bad that many reviews also very well positive.
And yes, only because the Crawlspace Echochamber hated it, doesnt mean that every other website hated it aswell.

I'm kidding, dude.

Yes, obviously Slott has his fans, but I wouldn't say he's overwhelmingly loved either. Spider-man comics have a history of being incredibly divisive anyway, but it seems to me that it always gets worse the longer a single author is at the helm. The same thing happened with Straczynski who had both good stories as well as bottom of the barrel shit.


Peter and Mary Jane is a weird relationship because they weren't even together anymore when Marvel decided to marry them and they were on a break when JMS took over.

Personally I miss the character having multiple love interests, but a lot of fans won't accept that anymore.


I'm kidding, dude.

Yes, obviously Slott has his fans, but I wouldn't say he's overwhelmingly loved either. Spider-man comics have a history of being incredibly divisive anyway, but it seems to me that it always gets worse the longer a single author is at the helm. The same thing happened with Straczynski who had both good stories as well as bottom of the barrel shit.

I completely agree with you here and I really disliked the Parker Industry arc and I think that Slott has to go at this point. But (and thats not only at you directed) its super hyperbolic to say that everything he wrote in the last ten years was shit. People even forgot that there were a lot of years where he was not even the main writter on Spider-Man, there were arcs from other people inbetween and arcs where he worked together with other people, I think he completly took over with Issue 600 and thats long after OMD.


I think some of JMS' early Spidey issues, even including the Morlun stuff, is really good. Romita Jr.'s artwork, especially in the fight scenes, looks fantastic. It's shortly after #500 (iirc) that things start going to shit with Sins Past, The Other, etc.

You literally don't have the ability to give an opinion on a comic book that you admitted you have not read in 10 years.

Jesus Christ, has it really been 10 years since One More Day?!


I think some of JMS' early Spidey issues, even including the Morlun stuff, is really good. Romita Jr.'s artwork, especially in the fight scenes, looks fantastic. It's shortly after #500 (iirc) that things start going to shit with Sins Past, The Other, etc.

It pains me to say this but the last Spider-man run I enjoyed from beginning to end was probably Mark Millar (MARK MILLAR!!) on Spider-man: Marvel Knights. Now there's a guy who can write shit as well as he can shit gold. Millar's Spider-man run was relatively short, well contained, with a nice through line from beginning to end. The status quo changed for major characters in interesting ways (like Venom and Scorpion), Pete went through the wringer and had his ass kicked multiple times, and Millar surprisingly really got Peter's relationship with MJ, Felicia, and Osborne. It's such a solid run.
I think some of JMS' early Spidey issues, even including the Morlun stuff, is really good. Romita Jr.'s artwork, especially in the fight scenes, looks fantastic. It's shortly after #500 (iirc) that things start going to shit with Sins Past, The Other, etc.
One of my favourite arcs was when he went into the Astral Plane to save one of his students and a whole bunch of other people.


My trusted movie reviewers have been meh on movie.

I'll probably skip it at theatres

I mean, it's another Spider-Man movie, but if they finally got a Spider-Man who's making decent jokes while he's kicking ass, like Deadpool with a conscience, my ass is in the seat.


I think some of JMS' early Spidey issues, even including the Morlun stuff, is really good. Romita Jr.'s artwork, especially in the fight scenes, looks fantastic. It's shortly after #500 (iirc) that things start going to shit with Sins Past, The Other, etc.

Jesus Christ, has it really been 10 years since One More Day?!

Sins Past was a Quesada idea though. The Other is just a huge mess with different writers and illustrators.

Oh and yeah time really flies.
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