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Spider-Man: Homecoming review thread [92% RT]

Got my tickets book to see this tonight. Haven't been as excited about this one as I have been for GOTG or am for Thor: Ragnarok but now that today's the day I'm really buzzing.

Hope I enjoy this, its still crazy to me that I'm going to see an MCU Spider-Man film.


Loved it. It's been a while since I've seen the Raimi films, but this is probably my favourite Spider-Man movie.

Also that after credits scene.. some people are gonna be pretty annoyed lol


Remember to share your impressions. More than if it was great or bad, please let us know why the movie was great or bad.

22 hours till my showing...!
I have been thinking about what to say about it beyond that it's good. For some reason my mind keeps going back to Kingsman, where it's fun, flashy, the type of movie that easy to watch for it. Not super exhilarating or thoughtful, but that's fine. It's a really entertaining time. To use a weirdly idiosyncratic example, it's the type of movie I'd keep on my tablet when I want something to watch on a flight or train ride. That probably doesn't make sense to anybody else. As far as Spider-Man movie hierarchy, those calling it the best since Spider-Man 2 are right on the money. I'd clarify and say it's the second best Spider-Man, tied with Spider-Man 1, with different strengths/weaknesses.

I will say, Marisa Tomei as Aunt May continued to be the oddest adjustment coming from a lifetime of reading, watching, and playing Spider-Man media. Minor spoiler
in the movie they keep up having people attracted to her.


See I love when movies are easy to digest and very rewatchable, when you go on some trip or visit somebody and you can easily watch it even though you've seen it before, because it's not lighthearted and fun to go through. If Homecoming is like this, then I think I will love it.


didn't realise it was out today in the UK, assumed it was next week for some reason. will be seeing it next monday. i'm not really hyped yet but i'm sure i'll be more excited come this weekend.
Just watched OG Spiderman 1 yesterday in preparation for Homecoming. I have to say it still holds up really well. I know people love to bag on Toby Maguire because he isn't a true take of the comic Spidery. However, I love how his take fits the movie really well and feels natural. Jameson is still fucking amazing in this movie Lol. Also William Dafoe was a fantastic Green Goblin. But man man was that last fight scene between spidey and Osborne brutal. I don't think we will get a fight scene as brutal as this one in a Spiderman film. Really good film.

Like always the music in this movie is memorable. Which is something Marvel can't do correct for the life of them. Everything feels so uninspired from a music standpoint. I have feeling Homecoming is gonna be the same.

Time to watch Spiderman 2 and the reboot with the Amazing films.
See I love when movies are easy to digest and very rewatchable, when you go on some trip or visit somebody and you can easily watch it even though you've seen it before, because it's not lighthearted and fun to go through. If Homecoming is like this, then I think I will love it.

It's almost the inverse of Logan, which, while I like more than Homecoming, is such a heavy movie I need to be in the right mood to watch it.
Just watched OG Spiderman 1 yesterday in preparation for Homecoming. I have to say it still holds up really well. I know people love to bag on Toby Maguire because he isn't a true take of the comic Spidery. However, I love how his take fits the movie really well and feels natural. Jameson is still fucking amazing in this movie Lol. Also William Dafoe was a fantastic Green Goblin. But man man was that last fight scene between spidey and Osborne brutal. I don't think we will get a fight scene as brutal as this one in a Spiderman film. Really good film.

Like always the music in this movie is memorable. Which is something Marvel can't do correct for the life of them. Everything feels so uninspired from a music standpoint. I have feeling Homecoming is gonna be the same.

Time to watch Spiderman 2 and the reboot with the Amazing films.

Been doing a Raimi rewatch as well, and walked away thinking the first film aged better than I expected. Been a while since I've seen it, and yeah the Goblin scene at the end felt more brutal than I think all but 2 MCU fights felt like. Spidey 2 is still breath taking as well, good lord the Doc Ock fights were so good.

Question for the people who've seen Homecoming, do we see Spidey have any lengthy sequences of stopping street crime? It hit me watching the first two Raimi films that it's one of the few comic book movies that actually shows the character dealing with every day crime and not super villains. Would love for that to be the case for Homecoming and future Spidey films too.
Been doing a Raimi rewatch as well, and walked away thinking the first film aged better than I expected. Been a while since I've seen it, and yeah the Goblin scene at the end felt more brutal than I think all but 2 MCU fights felt like. Spidey 2 is still breath taking as well, good lord the Doc Ock fights were so good.


did rewatch ASM spideys a few weeks ahgo (hope to never watch those again) and just finsihed the Raimi/Maguire trilogy. 1 and 2 are still brilliant but hot damn is SM3 a total mess. It's still watchable and entertaining (in a way ASM aren't) but it's just all over the place.
And dang, SM3 has terrible CG. Like really, really bad.

But we got the gifs out of it so whatever.

Going to take myself to the movies to do a SM:H /Baby Driver double on the weekend
Been doing a Raimi rewatch as well, and walked away thinking the first film aged better than I expected. Been a while since I've seen it, and yeah the Goblin scene at the end felt more brutal than I think all but 2 MCU fights felt like. Spidey 2 is still breath taking as well, good lord the Doc Ock fights were so good.

Question for the people who've seen Homecoming, do we see Spidey have any lengthy sequences of stopping street crime? It hit me watching the first two Raimi films that it's one of the few comic book movies that actually shows the character dealing with every day crime and not super villains. Would love for that to be the case for Homecoming and future Spidey films too.

Yeah I have to say the fight scenes in Spiderman 2 were amazing from what I remember.

Fuck Spiderman 3 would of been great if it weren't for Sony meddling for the wrong reasons. Raimi would of made a great Spiderman 3 film if it weren't for Sony. I wonder how the Spiderman films would of been if Sony didn't fuck everything up.


I liked Sandman in Spider-Man 3. Spidey's punches felt heavy when he landed them and went through Sandman, that was great

Venom was hideous as we all know.
I liked Sandman in Spider-Man 3. Spidey's punches felt heavy when he landed them and went through Sandman, that was great

Venom was hideous as we all know.

The actor did fit Sandman well.

Still though I wonder what the Sony executives were thinking for adding all those Villains.

Raimi didnt even want Venom to be in it.


The fights in Raimi Spider-Man 1 and 2 are yet to be topped in a comic movie in my opinion. Even though the movies used heavy CGI the fights actually had impact and felt brutal. Im not sure if it's the blood or the sound effects (I remember Peter yelling and groaning in pain a lot during the fights) but it really felt like they were smacking the shit out of each other in those movies.

Was disappointed to read and hear that the action in Homecoming isn't that great - can anyone confirm if true?
The fights in Raimi Spider-Man 1 and 2 are yet to be topped in a comic movie in my opinion. Even though the movies used heavy CGI the fights actually had impact and felt brutal. Im not sure if it's the blood or the sound effects (I remember Peter yelling and groaning in pain a lot during the fights) but it really felt like they were smacking the shit out of each other in those movies.

I know the train scene gets talked about all the time, but it came at a perfect time in the movie to feel earned, and each hit Ock landed on Spidey felt hard, and made me feel more worried for Spidey than I ever do for the heroes in MCU films. The final Goblin fight had that seem feeling, with the hero getting hit with a bomb and just the living shit being kicked out of him, torn suit and all. Ya know, he had the torn suit at the end of Spidey 2 as well. Maybe I just need more visual proof that the heroes are taking a beating in the movies. The only MCU fights that hit me like these were the second Cap/Bucky fight in Winter Soldier and the final fight in Civil War, and both showed damaged costumes and bloodied guys more than usual.

That moment when Spidey stands in the train after being helped out and Ock just smacks him in the middle of the face with a tentacle and drops him will always be one of my fave villain moments in a comic book film. Like he straight up outplayed Spidey.

Ugh Homecoming hype is growing if it's comparable to Raimi Spidey 1 in quality I'll be thrilled.


I hope we get aerial battles with Vulture that are just as creative as Doc Ock's battle, but that's probably setting my expectation too high, I dunno.

Imagine Vulture flying around a tower, and Spidey swinging after him. Them punches each other in the air. Vulture flying through the streets with Spidey swinging in between the roads.

There is so much potential with Vulture.
I kinda know someone who knows Tom Holland, so... there's that. ;)


Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Just watched this.

INCREDIBLE movie! Loved it so much! I had such a fantastic time with it!

EASILY the best superhero movie I've watched for a long while, even better than Wonder Woman!


Unconfirmed Member
The final joke in this is so dumb.

I get that he's excited, but what 15 year old would leave the door of his room open when he's getting changed?


Just saw this. Easily the best Spiderman film. Holland and Keaton are superb. Great humour throughout. Best end credits scene ever.

Edit: Is there a spoiler thread yet?
as do i weirdly. someone on my course went to school with the guy and knew him as a kid.
I'm not sure how the guy I went to school with knows him but I did see pictures where he was at Holland's birthday party. The guy I know goes to LAMDA (which is a few minutes away from me) so they probably had a mutual actor friend.


This film definitely highlights the poor job the previous films did in terms of the high school element. I love how Peter and the other students actually look and act like kids.

The trailers did spoil a large amount of the movie.. but I liked how there were several moments that took me by surprise.


Honorary Canadian.
The actor did fit Sandman well.

Still though I wonder what the Sony executives were thinking for adding all those Villains.

Raimi didnt even want Venom to be in it.

Wasn't it that they knew they only had Raimi for that third movie, and they wanted to try to get him to set up a whole bunch of other movies with everything? Hence them cramming in Eddie Brock, Venom, Gwen, Hobgoblin, Sandman, Kurt Connors, Flash, etc?

Man, just listing them from memory, I had to go thru and check the IMDB to make sure I actually remembered it all correctly.
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