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Spider-Man: Homecoming review thread [92% RT]

Can I see this without watching the other Marvel movies? I just don't like superheroes movies in general but I Love Spiderman. But I saw that Iron Man guy was on the trailer so I guess the stories are connected?
Can I see this without watching the other Marvel movies? I just don't like superheroes movies in general but I Love Spiderman. But I saw that Iron Man guy was on the trailer so I guess the stories are connected?

Most of the MCU movies can honestly be enjoyed standalone just fine. There might be some references and such that go over your head, but the narrative of this film won't outright require some other films to get. If you just care about Spidey's story, then maybe check out Captain America: Civil War. That one introduces this take on Spidey, and sets up the Iron Man / Spider-Man friendship. Although, I also think you'll be fine just jumping in here though, seems like they do a good job at recapping the stuff that happened regarding Spidey in Civil War.
Just read the plot of Civil War on Wikipedia


Most of the MCU movies can honestly be enjoyed standalone just fine. There might be some references and such that go over your head, but the narrative of this film won't outright require some other films to get. If you just care about Spidey's story, then maybe check out Captain America: Civil War. That one introduces this take on Spidey, and sets up the Iron Man / Spider-Man friendship. Although, I also think you'll be fine just jumping in here though, seems like they do a good job at recapping the stuff that happened regarding Spidey in Civil War.

Cool, I think I will at least watch the Civil War movie before. Thanks!
Can I see this without watching the other Marvel movies? I just don't like superheroes movies in general but I Love Spiderman. But I saw that Iron Man guy was on the trailer so I guess the stories are connected?

You're fine jumping in on most Marvel movies as standalone movies. My wife only watches a select few Marvel flicks all over the timeline and has no trouble enjoying them.
Can I see this without watching the other Marvel movies? I just don't like superheroes movies in general but I Love Spiderman. But I saw that Iron Man guy was on the trailer so I guess the stories are connected?

If you have a vague sense of who Tony Stark/Iron Man is, you'll be fine. It's one of the more standalone Marvel movies.


Can I see this without watching the other Marvel movies? I just don't like superheroes movies in general but I Love Spiderman. But I saw that Iron Man guy was on the trailer so I guess the stories are connected?

Just watch the Civil War trailer and understand that Iron Man recruited Peter for the Civil War event. Most of that is recapped in the first 10 minutes.

It also kinda helps to know what happens at the end of The Avengers (spoilers.. Aliens show up and destroy New York)


Can I see this without watching the other Marvel movies? I just don't like superheroes movies in general but I Love Spiderman. But I saw that Iron Man guy was on the trailer so I guess the stories are connected?
There are clear references to Civil War and
The Avengers
. You might want to watch those.
Thanks for the answers everyone. I will watch Civil War and perhaps another one before going in, even tho it's not that important. Perhaps it's time for me to jump on the superheroes hype train and get what the fuzz is about with this new Marvel movies.


Thanks for the answers everyone. I will watch Civil War and perhaps another one before going in, even tho it's not that important. Perhaps it's time for me to jump on the superheroes hype train and get what the fuzz is about with this new Marvel movies.
Watch Iron man 2, Peter Parker is also in this ;)


Just got back from seeing this a couple of hours ago.


Looking forward to the sequel.
I feel like Civil War would make less sense before Spider-Man: Homecoming because that movie is not super standalone, rather than just watching Homecoming on its own
To be a tad more specific

- Tom Holland feels like a much better spider-man/Peter Parker than Maguire did, mainly because they get the teenage hero starting out bit right, cos being spider-man not only screws up both aspects of his life, but at the beginning, he also kinda sucks at it and regularly gets his arsed kicked.
- They get the teenage bit right in general. And their version of modern new york and modern high school in more belivable than Sam Raimi's combination of 60s/90s idealised New York.
- It's the most standalone Marvel film since... I'm not sure, really. Maybe the first iron man even? First captain america?
- It keeps the action relatively small and localised, no world ending stakes or giant robots or drone armies.
- It really is kind of a teen film with superheroes in it. Also, they don't overuse Stark, he's in it for about 5 minutes total.
- The vulture is a great bad guy, and his motivation/fights are pretty good too.


All he needs to know is that an alien invasion happened in Avengers leaving alien tech all over the place. And in Civil War Tony recruits Peter for his first huge battle with other heroes, and that Peter really looks up to Tony, ever since he saw him at that expedition in Iron Man 2.
I feel like Civil War would make less sense before Spider-Man: Homecoming because that movie is not super standalone, rather than just watching Homecoming on its own

To use a super crude analogy, it'd be like watching Attack of the Clones before Star Wars. You'd have context for what the Clone Wars are, but it's ultimately more confusing. That said, Civil War is a good movie worth watching. It's just not necessary for enjoying Spider-Man Homecoming .
To use a super crude analogy, it'd be like watching Attack of the Clones before Star Wars. You'd have context for what the Clone Wars are, but it's ultimately more confusing. That said, Civil War is a good movie worth watching. It's just not necessary for enjoying Spider-Man Homecoming .

Agreed it’s a good movie, but I would never tell someone to START their MCU watching there



i'm genuinely surprised that you're positive on this. as someone who has been similarly skeptic of the film up until recently, what about it did you like?

I'm happy to repost my brief over-view of the film from the spoiler thread! I've made sure to edit out any spoiler related information for this thread, so keep in mind it's a little more sparse on specific detail as a review:

So, just got around to seeing this. Overall, I think I was fairly satisfied with it...although it definitely had flaws.


-Tom Holland made for a lovely Spider-Man, striking a wonderful balance between the rapid-fire wit and youthful energy of Spider-Man with the natural teenage awkwardness and quiet vulnerability of Peter Parker. The most faithful rendition of the comic book character yet.
-Following on from Guardians 2, Marvel have continued their unexpected ”Strong Villain" streak with Michael Keaton's Vulture. An intriguing and relatively nuanced character who Keaton seemed to have a lot of playing around with.
-The more grounded perspective of New York was utilized well in this film, in addition to the high school setting, which definitely granted this film a very different flavour in comparison to previous Marvel films we've had in this universe. Really enjoyed all the high school related shenanigans, with Peter and his friends just getting to be teenagers.
-Everything surrounding the titular Homecoming dance was a lot of fun, although the dance itself was frustratingly brief and inconsequential to the story given its prominence in the title.
-I really liked Zendaya's Michelle, an eccentric, somewhat bookish character and greatly look forward to seeing how her relationship with Peter will develop, even if in this film the character was slightly under-written, relegated to mostly offering dry one-liners in her various scenes without benefiting from any kind of character development herself.


-I still absolutely loathe the fact that this version of Spider-Man has been transformed into a high-tech, Iron-Man like superhero on account of his extremely high tech suit. One of the main reasons Spider-Man stands out as a superhero is on account of his relative simplicity, and I think what they've turned this new, super high-tech take on the character absolutely flies in the face of that.
-I found the opening ten minutes extremely grating, and worse I imagine it'll be extremely alienating for casual cinema-goers who hadn't happened to watch Civil War.
-Liz, Michelle and Flash were definitely under-written, and needed more development to truly shine as characters.
-The score was utterly bland and forgettable.

Overall score:


Happy to answer any questions if you have them. But overall, I definitely enjoyed the film.
Might wanna edit out some spoilers there, chief.

The suit AI ain't a big deal, but I don't think people would want to know about it beforehand.


I'm happy to repost my brief over-view of the film from the spoiler thread! I've made sure to edit out any spoiler related information for this thread, so keep in mind it's a little more brief as a review:
thanks for your impressions! i think my opinion on the last few comic book movies from this year has lined up pretty closely with yours, which should mean that they'll line up again for spidey.

how was the action direction? i've read/heard some pretty mixed reactions about this.


- Zendaya... even if in this film the character was slightly under-written, relegated to mostly offering dry one-liners in her various scenes without benefiting from any kind of character development herself.
- Liz, Michelle and Flash were definitely under-written, and needed more development to truly shine as characters.
This does not sound good welp. One of the things I had hoped Jon Watts would nail with his inspiration from John Hughes would be the meat and bones of the high school supportive cast.


thanks for your impressions! i think my opinion on the last few comic book movies from this year has lined up pretty closely with yours, which should mean that they'll line up again for spidey.

how was the action direction? i've read/heard some pretty mixed reactions about this.

No problem! Genuinely amazed anyone could find my presence here memorable enough to remember anything I have to say about comic book movies, so thank you for that.

The action is...competently directed. It's not particularly noticeable in either department. There's one particular sequence at night-time which was extremely chaotic visually, to such an extent that I was having a hard time following what was going on. There's a lot of extremely energetic and fluid fight choreography though, especially when Spider-Man is fighting regular criminals on the ground, as well as when he's zipping around the city. Overall, I was satisfied with it!

This does not sound good welp. One of the things I had hoped Jon Watts would nail with his inspiration from John Hughes would be the meat and bones of the high school supportive cast.

There's definitely a very palpable John Hughes vibe to the film, both tonally and stylistically (especially in relation to films like The Breakfast Club). But yeah, Peter is often so caught up in his world...he spends very little time actually interacting with anyone other than Ned, so the film gets very little time to develop any of the other high school characters. I definitely liked those characters and thought they were extremely well played by their respective actors, I just felt they were a little undercooked. Hopefully that's something the writers will be able to focus on in the sequel.


I really liked it, but I still think Andrew Garfield is my favorite of the trio.

When does that "film by Peter Parker" take place? After the Rhodes incident or after the whole of Civil War?

During Civil War. It literally ends with him flying into the fray at the airport.

One of the things I had hoped Jon Watts would nail with his inspiration from John Hughes would be the meat and bones of the high school supportive cast.

One of my biggest complaints was that I loved the high school parts, but everything else just felt a bit generic. I would have honestly been okay if there was no major villain and they allowed more time for the high school crew.
No problem! Genuinely amazed anyone could find my presence here memorable enough to remember anything I have to say about comic book movies, so thank you for that.

The action is...competently directed. It's not particularly noticeable in either department. There's one particularly sequence at night-time which was extremely chaotic visually, to such an extent that I was having a hard time following what was going on. There's a lot of extremely energetic and fluid fight choreography though, especially when Spider-Man is fighting regular criminals on the ground, as well as when he's zipping around the city. Overall, I was satisfied with it!

There's definitely a very palpable John Hughes vibe to the film, both tonally and stylistically (especially in relation to films like The Breakfast Club). But yeah, Peter is often so caught up in his world...he spends very little time actually interacting with anyone other than Ned, so the film gets very little time to develop any of the other high school characters. I definitely liked those characters and thought they were extremely well played by their respective actors, I just felt they were a little undercooked. Hopefully that's something the writers will be able to focus on in the sequel.

Fwiw, you're one of my favorite posters in these comic-book movie threads!

Thanks for the overview! It sounds really fun. I'm seeing it Saturday night, can't wait!


Awesome movie that did the Spider-Man I grew up with justice.

People applauded at the end of the movie, never have I had that before in the cinema. Also the 'big reveal' caused a lot of reactions from viewers, another thing I haven't really experienced much.

Besides some characters being underveloped and a few minor stuff the movie is still definitely among my fave superhero movies ever.

9/10 for me. More or less everything I wanted.
When does that "film by Peter Parker" take place? After the Rhodes incident or after the whole of Civil War?

It just seems odd.

You mean by where does the final bit of it fall? Right when Tony and Peter return to the US. Haven't watched Civil War since video release, so wherever that makes sense, but it's post Rhodes. Certainly after Cap, Bucky, and Stark have their showdown.

Edit: But before the credits scene with Peter iirc


Fwiw, you're one of my favorite posters in these comic-book movie threads!

Thanks for the overview! It sounds really fun. I'm seeing it Saturday night, can't wait!

Aw, thanks man! :) Hope you enjoy the film on Saturday!

People applauded at the end of the movie, never have I had that before in the cinema. Also the 'big reveal' caused a lot of reactions from viewers, another thing I haven't really experienced much.

Yeah, that was an amazing moment that really elevated the film for me. That whole scene and the one following it were the absolute highlights of the movie.


Sucks at poetry
Thanks for the answers everyone. I will watch Civil War and perhaps another one before going in, even tho it's not that important. Perhaps it's time for me to jump on the superheroes hype train and get what the fuzz is about with this new Marvel movies.

Prerequisites for watching Marvel movies is way too overstated. None of the films are complicated and require pretty minimal knowledge going in. They can all be enjoyed as stand-alone films. Sure you get a little more out of seeing them, because characters have established relationships so when they jump into dialog with each other you already know the dynamic and history there - but it isn't required to understand the plot.

If you've never seen any of the MCU films before all you really need is Iron Man 1, and Cap 2. Those were the best of the best, and anything else you need to know in preparation for a new film can be summarized online. I've seen em all. They are all great. But none of them are really "required" viewing.
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