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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe


? how is the director not at fault when a film sucks? not saying he was solely responsible

they were both awful, and ASM2 might be the worst superhero film ive ever seen

also, im guessing he'll appear in cap 3 at this point

The internet hate for the ASM movies has always blown me away. They're miles ahead of the original trilogy, which was nothing more than a power fantasy about unlikable people. Sure there are some plot holes from obvious reshoots and corporate checklists, but they're the best Spidey films to date and Garfield is Spider-Man.

Avatar is DONE

The fact that they made sure to remind everyone that SOny still owns and distributes and will make the money off the solo Spidey films is why I thought this would never happen though. I guess that's why it's confusing. Sony would basically be loaning Spidey out to Marvel to build him up in their MCU movies, and they hand him back and Sony reaps the rewards of having bigger solo Spiderman movies? Marvel has to be getting of cut of the solo stuff, no?

There's way more money to be made in toys and whatnot, which Marvel owns. Having Spidey in the MCU means that Sony's Spidey films are bascially guaranteed billion box office. And it also means Disney can push Spidey merchandise even harder.
The fact that they made sure to remind everyone that SOny still owns and distributes and will make the money off the solo Spidey films is why I thought this would never happen though. I guess that's why it's confusing. Sony would basically be loaning Spidey out to Marvel to build him up in their MCU movies, and they hand him back and Sony reaps the rewards of having bigger solo Spiderman movies? Marvel has to be getting of cut of the solo stuff, no?

Yup. There's no way they don't. Again - when the tentative aspects of this deal were first leaked a couple months ago, there was profit-sharing included. Marvel is helping produce the Sony movies - that means they WILL get their cut of the proceeds. Maybe not the largest cut. But they're still getting a cut.

I also wouldn't be surprised if the Spidey movies are where some of these Netflix characters show up.


Kills Photobucket
Completely agree with you. I hope they decide for Garfield in the end, but as long as it's not Tobey Maguire I'll be fine.

Isn't Toby way too old? Unless they really were going to go for a "One More Day" style reboot to tie the old with the new, I can't see that happening.


Massive news, though I'm disappointed at the shuffling around in the schedule that now means the second part of Infinity War won't be the final film of Phase 3 (given it's the big climax of Phase 1-3's main story).


Good point, didn't catch this.

Unless the future of Parker's story is to die tragically in the opening act, and for this new Spiderman to step in...

I'm stretching, I know. But THE STARS ARE ALIGNING.

C'mon now. Stop being cruel to Peter and just let him have some good movies.


So what does Marvel get out of this? The potential added bonus of having Spiderman in MCU movies? Did they really need that? Those movies made bank without him.

I'm a bit confused by the arrangements.

More toy sales and probably a bigger cut into the spiderman films.


If nothing else, this makes the mess that was "The Amazing Spider-man 2" all the more worse.

Wasting an entire movie for set-up on something that will never come.


I'm not sure why everyone seems to hate Garfield so much, I thought he was a much better Peter Park/Spiderman then Maguire he just had really mediocre movies.


Super Member
Isn't Toby way too old? Unless they really were going to go for a "One More Day" style reboot to tie the old with the new, I can't see that happening.
He could be a high school science teacher, or a leading scientist at a major laboratory, or something!

The fallout of his arc in Civil War was great. One More Day was jumping the shark.


- depressing shit -

Oh lets look on gaf to see whats up

- Spidey gets into the MCU before the fantastic 4-

Yup. There's no way they don't. Again - when the tentative aspects of this deal were first leaked a couple months ago, there was profit-sharing included. Marvel is helping produce the Sony movies - that means they WILL get their cut of the proceeds. Maybe not the largest cut. But they're still getting a cut.

I also wouldn't be surprised if the Spidey movies are where some of these Netflix characters show up.

Yeah I mean merchandise is potentially big, but they already had that, it's not like that is some coup here. Granted this gives them a chance to make those merchandise rights more valuable, but it's going to be at the expense of characters like BP who they own outright and could develop into huge stars (like they did with Guardians and Iron Man). They're basically putting parts of their universe on hold to accommodate Spiderman I think they have to be getting a LOT out of it.
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