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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe


bro fist. as a straight married male it feels funny championing this dude. maybe i have a man crush but I am telling you he could hold his own in the MCU. I think someone like Garfield would be a wall flower. mean you got some pretty big egos and dudes in the Avengers. a small teenage dude is going to look weird there.
I like Zac because he still is young and looks young enough to stay around for awhile and he's a decent actor. He would also play off Evans and RDJ really well.
Awe of Cap, yeah (thats caps only superpower)... the rest.... nah. That is more recent to my memory, with what seemed like a trend to undercut Spidey and force Sony into this very position.

Never seen him as a follower, more of a do his own thing and step up when needed type. In that comic, you could have said Stark was his strict daddy and Spidey wanting to win his approval at all times. Then gets beaten up every five seconds by second rates, carried everywhere like a puppy.

Again, he wasn't an Avenger at the time of
Civil War. Things were different from recently when he was basically welcomed into the team and was a major player. He pretty much worshipped the Avengers.


It seems like the Sony films with Sinister Six and Venom will continue the ASM universe, under Sony, while the Spider-Man film(s) will now be in the MCU, under Marvel.



F spiderman
Awe of Cap, yeah (thats caps only superpower)... the rest.... nah. That is more recent to my memory, with what seemed like a trend to undercut Spidey and force Sony into this very position.

Never seen him as a follower, more of a do his own thing and step up when needed type. In that comic, you could have said Stark was his strict daddy and Spidey wanting to win his approval at all times. Then gets beaten up every five seconds by second rates, carried everywhere like a puppy.
No, he's definitely always been pretty humbled by the Avengers. The main exception is when he tries really hard to impress them, screws up in some way and then Cap puts him in his place. Spider-Man has never been the leader of the Avengers, he's always the one being given orders. He has a soft spot for Cap for sure, but it's not like Spider-Man would jump into the leader position if Captain America wasn't on the team with him.

Hell, he tried to join multiple times before they would even let him in. It's pretty obvious that Spider-Man is pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to the Avengers.
I'll say it again, there is absolutely zero chance Marvel agreed to a deal that could end up coming back to bite them. They held all the cards here. Sony needed them, not the other way around. Sony may try to act like that isn't the case, but it absolutely is. Feige knows what he is doing. He's more than proven that.


Junior Member
I'll say it again, there is absolutely zero chance Marvel agreed to a deal that could end up coming back to bite them. They held all the cards here. Sony needed them, not the other way around. Sony may try to act like that isn't the case, but it absolutely is. Feige knows what he is doing. He's more than proven that.
Exactly, there's a difference between having a plan & executing it. Feige can execute a plan, Sony clearly can't.
Sounds like Sony is trying to act like they weren't desperate for help. Those spinoffs aren't going to happen. Sinister Six already been postponed without a date.
Even though Marvel won't be involved with the spinoffs, I'm sure they will have unofficial creative control over the MCU-related Spiderman outings, even if Sony holds final veto power on Spiderman.


Fantastic news, I hope Feige can save the lifeless corpse that Spider-Man has become after decades of mishandling.

I have serious doubts though and the story he is going to be part of really does not deserve telling.

Just wondering, did people actually like this or just caught up in the whole 'event'? Peter Parker, the genius leader who has taken on cosmics, taking pats on the head from RDJ *cough* I mean Stark.

eally hope the movies piss all over that comic series and does its own thing, and hopefully does it a lot better.

That series did so well marvel changed how they did events and went about characters because of it and has tried to emulate it multiple times. Made several video games around and is now putting a shit ton of money on a movie.

Believe me when I say gafs dislike of civil war is a minority.


That series did so well marvel changed how they did events and went about characters because of it and has tried to emulate it multiple times. Made several video games around and is now putting a shit ton of money on a movie.

Believe me when I say gafs dislike of civil war is a minority.
Lol, Civil War is popular trash

Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain realizes that. Unfortunately most comic book fans lack one


Sounds like Sony is trying to act like they weren't desperate for help. Those spinoffs aren't going to happen. Sinister Six already been postponed without a date.

Good point, Sony postpones the only film that seemed to be in active development for an unspecified amount of time while the MCU films were shuffled around immediately to make room for Spider-Man films as if those movies were their own and part of Phase 3. Marvel seems like the one with things clearly planned out while things are still up in the air for Sony.
Lol, Civil War is popular trash

Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain realizes that. Unfortunately most comic book fans lack one

What an asshole opinion to have. Civil War is pretty good until the ending, which just comes out of nowhere. But the concept is good, the conflict is engaging, and the fallout is great. I mean, if you don't think that, fine, but don't be a huge gaping, smelly asshole about it.
Lol, Civil War is popular trash

Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain realizes that. Unfortunately most comic book fans lack one

That doesn't make sense. Most people have a somewhat functioning brain, otherwise they can't walk around, breathe, speak, or READ COMIC BOOKS.


Bout damned time!

Lol, Civil War is popular trash

Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain realizes that. Unfortunately most comic book fans lack one

Ah yes. "The ol' anyone who likes what i don't like is stupid" post. Never gets old and never makes the one who posted it look like a fucking dickhead. Nope.
I have a strong feeling JK Simmons will be coming back to play JJ he's been hinting at it recently before this news broke out plus he already plays JJ on the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon which Marvel produces.
Comic book Civil War was terrible because it completely squandered its interesting concept by turning Iron Man into a damn near mustache twirling villain.

MCU version will be better for that sole reason alone, they wouldn't dare try to character assassinate RDJ.


I have a strong feeling JK Simmons will be coming back to play JJ he's been hinting at it recently before this news broke out plus he already plays JJ on the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon which Marvel produces.

Marvel should hurry up and cast him cause as soon as he wins that Oscar his salary is gonna go way up.


Online Ho Champ
Lol, Civil War is popular trash

Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain realizes that. Unfortunately most comic book fans lack one

yeah yeah , and your opinion isn't some regurgitated popular opinion thats been amplified because of the internet? Yet, almost 10 years later this opinion is still, lacking any sufficient reasons or examples as to why its ALL in every way and in all its panels , tie ins, one shots and spin offs were utter trash? Come on now.

That crossover was huge i read a lot of it but the sheer amt of tie ins and companion books that contained the full story, i can just quickly dismiss it all? ...just no. There was some good (wonderman was gonna smash ms marvel), there was some bad (that retarded reporter)...but it wasn't Fear Itself....
I seriously think Marvel Studios is smart enough not to bring that mess that was Civil War to the big screen like that. I can imagine them taking cues from it, but not rely on it, if they are smart. Kind of how they took the design styles from Ultimate Marvel but kept the more classical characterization than the "too edgy" crap that was Ultimate.

I marathoned the entire MCU last week, and if they think of making Tony that villainous character assassination than Disney would be completely stupid. They can do whatever they want with this movie thankfully.
Lol, Civil War is popular trash

Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain realizes that. Unfortunately most comic book fans lack one

Who gives a shit?
The idea behind Civil War was solid as fuck and could have been epic, the movie gives them a chance to rewrite wrongs.
None of the Marvel movies have adapted their comic stories word for word and the movie doesn't even have Millar involved.


Lol, Civil War is popular trash

Anyone with a somewhat functioning brain realizes that. Unfortunately most comic book fans lack one
I was with you until that last sentence. Dick.

Sorry people, if you liked Civil War, chances are that you don't read that many comics. It was 95% character assassination and 5% ridiculousness.

Saying it was good is a regurgitated opinion not the other way around.


Who gives a shit?
The idea behind Civil War was solid as fuck and could have been epic, the movie gives them a chance to rewrite wrongs.
None of the Marvel movies have adapted their comic stories word for word and the movie doesn't even have Millar involved.
The idea wasn't solid. They had to have Captain America and Iron Man regress their character development as well as have them and numerous other heroes act out of character in order to get the fight set up over a stupid reason (Super Hero Registration fervor over one incident where a bad guy kills people? That crap happens daily). The only ideas that I see Marvel taking for the movie is Iron Man vs. Captain America and the title for name recognition and that's it.


What an asshole opinion to have. Civil War is pretty good until the ending, which just comes out of nowhere. But the concept is good, the conflict is engaging, and the fallout is great. I mean, if you don't think that, fine, but don't be a huge gaping, smelly asshole about it.
Civil war is garbage. Anaron's post is uncalled for but it doesn't change the fact it character assassinates like crazy and makes Iron Man unbearable and unlikeable.

Just because the concept COULD have been good doesn't mean it was.


Eh Cap 3 is Civil War in name only; the core concept of Cap vs Stark is there but that's about it. Much like Age of Ultron has very little to do with that shitfest written by Bendis.


I've always felt like the people who champion Civil War are people who are just starting out reading comics and it's one of their first major Marvel books, and are reading it out of the context of the time it was released, or are people who were brought back into reading when the news about it hit, and thus were starting new with their relationships to the characters in it. That's the only way it makes sense to me that people just gloss over the ridiculous amount of out-of-character nonsense that makes it feel like the Registration Act was less of a personal dilemma and more that it was Stark and Steve picking people at random for their dodgeball team, plus the inconsistent writing about things as simple as what the Registration Act even was.

Not that the book will have any real bearing on the film version, obviously. There might be a couple moments lifted from it like Winter Soldier lifted from Brubaker, and the core Steve v. Stark argument about Registration will probably be all that's left. It helps that it's going to be Captain America 3 and not Iron Man 4, so no one has to pretend that Stark was right this time.
I don't think Civil War is that good myself, but the idea that anyone is less of a fan if they like it is complete BS. I've always hated that dumb judgement.
Sony is going younger with its next Spider-Man.

Now that Andrew Garfield is hanging up the red and blue spandex, Sony Pictures is getting ready to put out a casting call to find its next web slinger. The plan is for the character to go back to high school in the next films, Variety has learned from sources with knowledge of the studio’s plans.

A number of actors already have been mentioned as being considered for the role, including “The Maze Runner” and “Teen Wolf’s” Dylan O’Brien and the “Percy Jackson” franchise’s Logan Lerman. Lerman most recently co-starred in Sony’s “Fury.”

Actors have yet to be approached, and sources say Sony is looking to hire a new director to replace “The Amazing Spider-Man” films’ Marc Webb before tapping a new Spidey. The studio also needs to figure out whether it wants to go with another Peter Parker or introduce another character that suits up as Spider-Man, including Miles Morales, whose father is African American and mother is Puerto Rican.

Sony has put the character, played by Tobey Maguire and Garfield, in Midtown High School before, but the plan is to spend more time in the setting and explore his awkward relationship with other students while fighting crime out of the classroom. Midtown is a major setting in the comicbooks, and Peter Parker also returns to the school to become a science teacher in storylines.

Sony needs to move fast, since Marvel wants to introduce the new actor playing Spider-Man in “Captain America: Civil War,” in theaters in 2016, before launching his own solo franchise at Sony in 2017.

Nelo Ice

I'll say it again, there is absolutely zero chance Marvel agreed to a deal that could end up coming back to bite them. They held all the cards here. Sony needed them, not the other way around. Sony may try to act like that isn't the case, but it absolutely is. Feige knows what he is doing. He's more than proven that.

That's what I"m thinking even though the latest news seems bad. Can't imagine Marvel would just let their biggest character go back to the shitter after they breathe new life into the franchise.
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