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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe


I was with you until that last sentence. Dick.

Sorry people, if you liked Civil War, chances are that you don't read that many comics. It was 95% character assassination and 5% ridiculousness.

Saying it was good is a regurgitated opinion not the other way around.
Oh p l e a s e, lighten up. It was a joke.

I don't know how anyone can deny how silly and over the top the big 2 mainstream fans typically are. In all my years interacting with those on the most popular sites, I've become incredibly jaded. Lol
Winter Soldier costume > Everything.
I think his Age of Ultron costume is the GOAT. It's basically a blend of his classic WWII costume and his Winter Soldier costume. I absolutely love his Winter Soldier costume too though.

I think his Age of Ultron costume is the GOAT. It's basically a blend of his classic WWII costume and his Winter Soldier costume. I absolutely love his Winter Soldier costume too though.


Yup the Winter Solider costume was great but lacked that tiny bit of colour.

This is just perfection. And screw the helmet haters, it works here.


Cap's new Age of Ultron look is really stellar. They finally nailed the design after getting really close with his WW2 suit.
Yup the Winter Solider costume was great but lacked that tiny bit of colour.

This is just perfection. And screw the helmet haters, it works here.

The helmet looks alright but pretty much everyone knows Steve Rogers is Captain America so it's not really necessary.

Cap's looking great, I have to be honest Winter Soldier makes him so freaking likeable.
High school or young adult Petey? I say Anton Yelchin.

I want a seasoned Parker who is still down on his luck and struggling. Outta high school, outta college, but sorta drifting through life in his job as a photojournalist when he's Parker, but at the height of his abilities and fame as Spider-Man.


you can't put a price on sparks
So they have Spectacular and Ultimate Spider-Mans to go through still for the names. Are there any others?


Don't most comic book fans hate Civil War?
In a perfect world they do. :p

I was only really hyperbolically referring solely to the dumb ones but there are an overwhelming amount of people that love it for what I could only imagine is the spectacle of "holy fuk superheroes vs superheroes! :O"
I want a seasoned Parker who is still down on his luck and struggling. Outta high school, outta college, but sorta drifting through life in his job as a photojournalist when he's Parker, but at the height of his abilities and fame as Spider-Man.
Keep in mind it would make most sense imo for him to get his powers after The Avengers movie so he'd probably be in college or not far removed from it I think.


I want a seasoned Parker who is still down on his luck and struggling. Outta high school, outta college, but sorta drifting through life in his job as a photojournalist when he's Parker, but at the height of his abilities and fame as Spider-Man.
I totally agree, that's actually the ideal characterization I wanna see. I think Anton Yelchin could be that perfectly. Not that I want the Morlun storyline, but where Pete was in that arc would be a refreshing and proper setting for him after all the previous film iterations.
I think his Age of Ultron costume is the GOAT. It's basically a blend of his classic WWII costume and his Winter Soldier costume. I absolutely love his Winter Soldier costume too though.

Goddamn that is a good fucking costume. I've loved every Cap costume except Avengers, though. WWII and stealth are both fucking great.
Does this mean we'll get Secret Agent Venom (Remender Venom, not Bunn/Bendis Venom)

Honestly, Flash would fit in perfectly with the militaristic heroes so far in The Avengers (Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury/Coulson) compared to the science heroes (Iron Man, Banner, now Parker). A crippled war veteran given a second chance to walk again and make a difference. Plus, the Remender run was just really damn good. Dealt with his alcoholism and abuse, had lots of actions, and gave him a great arch-enemy in Jack O'Lantern.

I dunno why the fuck he's in space right now.

the chris

Does this mean we'll get Secret Agent Venom (Remender Venom, not Bunn/Bendis Venom)

Honestly, Flash would fit in perfectly with the militaristic heroes so far in The Avengers (Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury/Coulson) compared to the science heroes (Iron Man, Banner, now Parker). A crippled war veteran given a second chance to walk again and make a difference. Plus, the Remender run was just really damn good. Dealt with his alcoholism and abuse, had lots of actions, and gave him a great arch-enemy in Jack O'Lantern.

I dunno why the fuck he's in space right now.

Because Bendis is a terrible writer for any above street-level characters.
Does this mean we'll get Secret Agent Venom (Remender Venom, not Bunn/Bendis Venom)

Honestly, Flash would fit in perfectly with the militaristic heroes so far in The Avengers (Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury/Coulson) compared to the science heroes (Iron Man, Banner, now Parker). A crippled war veteran given a second chance to walk again and make a difference. Plus, the Remender run was just really damn good. Dealt with his alcoholism and abuse, had lots of actions, and gave him a great arch-enemy in Jack O'Lantern.

I dunno why the fuck he's in space right now.
I fucking love Agent Venom. Remender had such a good run on him. Plz, Feige.


Why does Variety mention Black Panther moving up to July 6, 2017? Is it just an error? Can't believe they haven't fixed it yet if it is.

To make room for Spider-Man, Disney has rescheduled a number of Marvel tentpoles, including “Thor: Ragnorak,” which was originally planned to open on the July 28, 2017 date. It moves to Nov. 3, 2017. “Black Panther,” which had the Nov. 3 date, will now move up to July 6, 2017.
Not even that, all you need is an after-credits scene with some CGI Spidey swinging through NYC.

The theaters will lose their SHIT.

Maybe Nick Fury come in says to the crew, hey boys, looks like we got a new kid on the block, throws The Bugle newspaper on the desk with spidey swinging away.
I want a seasoned Parker who is still down on his luck and struggling. Outta high school, outta college, but sorta drifting through life in his job as a photojournalist when he's Parker, but at the height of his abilities and fame as Spider-Man.

I imagine it'd be a younger Spiderman for two reasons:

1) It works with the timeline. Peter Parker doesn't get his powers til after the Battle of New York, which explains his absence from it.

2) Spiderman is no doubt going to be Marvel's eventual replacement for Iron Man as the face of the MCU, so casting someone young ensures they'll be able to get 10+ years of movies.


Disney wouldn't have done this deal if Sony was going to start bringing out super hero movies that would compete with their own slate. ASM and Spiderverse are dead. Sony will make Spiderman solo movies on the Disney schedule and the MCU will use Spidey whenever it needs to.

Ace 8095

This is a great example of the Coase theorem in action. I look forward to seeing this as an example in future microeconomics textbooks.
Maybe Nick Fury come in says to the crew, hey boys, looks like we got a new kid on the block, throws The Bugle newspaper on the desk with spidey swinging away.

The Avengers see the daily Bugle on the table and start reading it only to reveal that Spidey's on the cover with the words "HE'S BACK!".


My only fear is that Spidey is gonna start outshadowing other heirs like Tchalla, Carol, Scott and others.

I know Marvel will calm it down but still, this deal might irk me later on.

At least JJ and Osborn will get involved.
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