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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

If they go the Miles Morales route I really hope they have some backstory scenes or something to show a passing of the torch from Parker to Morales.
If they go the Miles Morales route I really hope they have some backstory scenes or something to show a passing of the torch from Parker to Morales.
They could continue from Amazing and have that peter killed in Civil War trying to save Cap or something. Hell, they can use a new spiderman and not link to amazing.


They could continue from Amazing and have that peter killed in Civil War trying to save Cap or something. Hell, they can use a new spiderman and not link to amazing.

Well, they could have Spiderman die in the same fashion as the original Civil War scenario, due to his inexperience or whatever.


Junior Member
He's legit but like he said, it is not set in stone.
Don't count on it, mainly due to this little tidbit from the press release.
"Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios share a love for the characters in the Spider-Man universe and have a long, successful history of working together. This new level of collaboration is the perfect way to take Peter Parker's story into the future," added Doug Belgrad, president, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group.
Plus we know who Marvel & Sony are considering for Spider-Man. Yeah, he's gonna be white.


Perfect opportunity to introduce a non-white Super Hero into the Avengers.

And who better than the most popular Marvel hero of all-time.
Killing Peter off immediately (to spare us his origin and get Miles in as a legacy) would be amazing.

I would love to see that. I don't think we really need another Peter Parker.

I've never seen these guys before so maybe they actually do have a good track record for stuff like this, but that honestly looked like a group of people making shit up and then trying to convince themselves of it as they were speaking.

Yeah, it doesn't look like a credible source from that video. I won't hold my breath.


I've never seen these guys before so maybe they actually do have a good track record for stuff like this, but that honestly looked like a group of people making shit up and then trying to convince themselves of it as they were speaking.

Jeff Sneider has been around for a long time and is on the inside of a lot of these stories. He used to work at Variety and generally does not just make stuff up. If he's saying this it's because he's been lead to believe it might actually happen by people that would actually know.
Killing Peter off immediately (to spare us his origin and get Miles in as a legacy) would be amazing.

no way, we know that Marvel don't want origin stories. they can skip origin story with Peter Parker since everyone pretty much know his origin, if they go with Miles Morales, than they definitely need to do an origin stories because not many people know about Miles at all.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
If the Russo brothers are going to be producing the film, I can see Donald Glover playing Spidey, having worked with them in Community.


Plot twist, it's not Pete or Miles, it's Miguel O'Hara!!

Real talk though, I'd watch the fuck out of a Spider-man 2099 movie


Plot twist, it's not Pete or Miles, it's Miguel O'Hara!!

Real talk though, I'd watch the fuck out of a Spider-man 2099 movie

Yeah, having him come from the future would be a good way to explain his absence and not have to do an origin. LOL


So yeah, potentially thread worthy.

95% chance Spider-man IS NOT white....


(should be timestamped 44:33)

If true then....



It doesn't seem like a good decision to me, but maybe I'm being a stick in the mud. I'd prefer Peter Parker -> Miles Morales because I like the transition, the element of taking up the mantle, with a new person and somewhat different circumstances. If we just start with Miles, I feel like it loses some of its power.

Or I suppose you could make Peter black, which would be a ballsy thing to do if nothing else. But still not as interesting to me.


Come on now we finally get to see Spidey with the rest and we don't get Peter Parker. Seeing that the Sony movies and the marvel movies will have the same Spidey, I am worried that Marvel might pull some Nick Fury type bullshit after Secret Wars.


Jeff Sneider has been around for a long time and is on the inside of a lot of these stories. He used to work at Variety and generally does not just make stuff up. If he's saying this it's because he's been lead to believe it might actually happen by people that would actually know.

Oh that guy on the left is Jeff Sneider? Yeah I know who he is, never heard him his speak before though.

Huh, that's interesting then.

edit - lol @ his twitter...guy is railing hard on Deadline for some reason.


Yo they should let Matthew Vaughn direct the standalone film. Dude's style just wreaks awesome Spided-Man film.

Honestly yeah, but I'd also wonder if it's too similar to Kick-Ass.

I do love Vaughn's work, but the guy doesn't seem too interested in sticking around for franchises beyond one movie.


The Business of Spider-Man


And here’s where I pile on: Avi Arad and Matt Tolomach, producers of the Amazing Spider-Man movies (and Arad being attached to the property since it’s initial sale) are producers for Spider-Man in name only.

We have information from a source suggesting there is no financial involvement whatsoever and no direct creative control over Spidey coming from the old guard. Amy Pascal still has a say in the Mom-and-Pop arrangement she has with Feige, but Disney didn’t want to unite Pearlmutter, Arad and Feige in earnest. This is the solution.

What does that mean? It means Marvel might have a bit more control than we thought. It means the new Spider-Man has been insulated from BOTH Avi Arad and new Sony head, superhero property curse, Tom Rothman.
As I said in the MCU megathread... if Feige was relying on an off-the-record "understanding" or the like with Pascal et al., and signed a contract that didn't strictly limit how much creative control Sony could exert over the 2017 film, he's a lot dumber than I'd thought.

But he probably isn't.
The part of that article that I don't believe is that they're saying Elfman is back on Spidey. That would be neat and all, but it would be highly unusual.


Man, I really want a good Spider-Man film with Peter Parker. Kill him off afterwards, i don't care. But just one good film before a Miles Spidey please.
Man, Dave goes so far as to cite Marvel: The Untold Story and then just misrepresents the licensing of properties as a bankruptcy-preventing measure when the book proves the opposite.

I also don't think a snippet of pre-existing score from another composer necessitates, mandates, or even calls for that composer getting a credit on the poster. I don't believe that's ever happened in the history of ever. Not on Superman Returns, not on Jurassic III, not on Lego Movie, etc. Etc.

edit: I misunderstood what he was going for on that line, my bad
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