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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Ehn, it's a pretty flimsy difference.

It's a pretty considerable difference. Dave's opinion isn't being based off things told to him by people inside Sony. It's just his opinion, well-considered and thoughtfully explained as it might be.

Sneider said what he said (which is also his opinion) based on things Dave hasn't had the benefit of hearing. That he tried to walk it back later doesn't necessarily mean he was trolling, but more than likely that he underestimated the reach of the program he was on.
I have very mixed feelings about the symbiote lore. i'm actually pretty pissed that there's an actual homeworld full of them.

I preferred it when it was more mysterious. but tying it in with the guardians is something that could work.
It's a pretty considerable difference. Dave's opinion isn't being based off things told to him by people inside Sony. It's just his opinion, well-considered and thoughtfully explained as it might be.

Sneider said what he said (which is also his opinion) based on things Dave hasn't had the benefit of hearing. That he tried to walk it back later doesn't necessarily mean he was trolling, but more than likely that he underestimated the reach of the program he was on.

I disagree, especially when you consider the track record of both parties.

There's so much wishful thinking that Sneider's troll piece unfairly stoked just so that he could get more hits.
I disagree, especially when you consider the track record of both parties.

There's so much wishful thinking that Sneider's troll piece unfairly stoked just so that he could get more hits.

More hits for what? He didn't even post it on his own site. He's not getting any hits for this. They're not his hits. He doesn't even seem to want them, as he's now trying to cover his ass for misjudging how big his little insider leak blew up (relatively)

I don't know how you can disagree with the idea one person's opinion was based almost entirely on inside information given to him by people close to the production, and the other person's opinion wasn't. That's a pretty big difference.

Given that, I'm not even sure I understand what it is you're disagreeing with. Just saying "I disagree" doesn't make sense as a response to "one had inside information, the other didn't." Unless you happen to know for a fact that Sneider's statement wasn't based on inside information.
More hits for what? He didn't even post it on his own site. He's not getting any hits for this. They're not his hits. He doesn't even seem to want them, as he's now trying to cover his ass for misjudging how big his little insider leak blew up (relatively)

I don't know how you can disagree with the idea one person's opinion was based almost entirely on inside information given to him by people close to the production, and the other person's opinion wasn't. That's a pretty big difference.

Given that, I'm not even sure I understand what it is you're disagreeing with. Just saying "I disagree" doesn't make sense as a response to "one had inside information, the other didn't." Unless you happen to know for a fact that Sneider's statement wasn't based on inside information.

Hits, youtube hits, twitter followers etc etc etc. He's covering his ass now because his "scoop" was almost certainly fake.

Also, how does Latino Review break news if not from inside information?


Membero Americo
After what they did to Eddie Brock/Venom in the Tobey movie, they BETTER bring him back in the MCU and do him justice.


After what they did to Eddie Brock/Venom in the Tobey movie, they BETTER bring him back in the MCU and do him justice.

Also, they have to reuse the old stuff at some point... I dont think that so many of Peters remaining foes would hold a big movie...


I want Kraven in the first solo Spidey movie. And then Mysterio and Chameleon. I would even want to see Vulture before Venom. But I guess it could work if they stretch it out over more movies and properties.

Nobody want Carnage?
No I'm not.

(people keep saying this to me. It usually means they never understood what I was saying in the first place)

No, I understood.

I'm talking about overall credibility. I understand the difference between a news piece and an editorial, thank you very much.

FYI: being condescending isn't going to make magical thinking around Spider-Man casting translate into reality.
FYI: being condescending isn't going to make magical thinking around Spider-Man casting translate into reality.

This doesn't even make any fucking sense in relation to the discussion we were having about your inability to discern the difference between an opinion piece and a news piece, whether Jeff Sneider actually posted a piece on his site about this, where he DID actually deliver this news, what this news was based on, and how all of that doesn't fall under the auspices of "trolling" under any definition, especially in comparison to Dave's opinion piece in response to Jeff's news.

Do you think I was trying to correct your assumptions/assertions because I'm a believer in "magical thinking" or whatever?

The Hermit


Why is Danny Elfman's name on the Avengers: Age of Ultron poster? Is it for his Spider-Man or his Hulk theme?

Ha! HULK. I'm kidding.

This is the first indication I’ve seen to an earlier than planned introduction to Spider-Man.

I just picture a scrap of a defeated Ultron bot on the streets of New York City as we slowly push in, then - THWIP! - it gets webbed up and pulled off screen. Cut to the rest of the credits as the Spider-Man theme plays.

Damn, May, get here.


I will cry like a cheerleader if that happens


Sneider said what he said (which is also his opinion) based on things Dave hasn't had the benefit of hearing. That he tried to walk it back later doesn't necessarily mean he was trolling, but more than likely that he underestimated the reach of the program he was on.

They're not his hits. He doesn't even seem to want them, as he's now trying to cover his ass for misjudging how big his little insider leak blew up (relatively)
Jeff Sneider backpedaled a little? Where? I'm out of the loop.


Funny thing is if Marvel kills it with the next Spider-man movie and the fans go crazy for it Sony may lose it anyway. I can imagine the massive shit storm Sony would be in if they tried to pull Spidey from Marvel in that scenario.
How can they lose it, if the next film is popular?
Marvel/Disney is not funding the next Spider-Man film, they are exerting their creative influences, on a franchise that Sony owns the rights to.

Unless Sony relinquishes the rights to Marvel (for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$), they're not losing it through this deal.


How can they lose it, if the next film is popular?
Marvel/Disney is not funding the next Spider-Man film, they are exerting their creative influences, on a franchise that Sony owns the rights to.

Unless Sony relinquishes the rights to Marvel (for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$), they're not losing it through this deal.

It's effectively marvels if the the public eats it up. The big money with Spider-man has always and will always be merchandise, which Marvel and Disney control 100%. Spider-man films that fans love helps that. Sony would never be able to pull Spider-man out of the MCU without Massive backlash, we're talking boycotts for any non Marvel Studios created Spider-man film here. If Marvel kills it it's theirs because Sony damn sure isn't taking it from them.

Marvel doesn't need the money from the solo Spider-man films and they aren't paying a dime to create them. And honestly, Spider-man's rogues gallery enriches the MCU more than Spidey.... imo.


It's effectively marvels if the the public eats it up. The big money with Spider-man has always and will always be merchandise, which Marvel and Disney control 100%. Spider-man films that fans love helps that. Sony would never be able to pull Spider-man out of the MCU without Massive backlash, we're talking boycotts for any non Marvel Studios created Spider-man film here. If Marvel kills it it's theirs because Sony damn sure isn't taking it from them.

Marvel doesn't need the money from the solo Spider-man films and they aren't paying a dime to create them. And honestly, Spider-man's rogues gallery enriches the MCU more than Spidey.... imo.


Rumor has it that Disney offered Sony billions for Spidey. If you think Sony would ever relinquish the rights for nothing you're crazy. Amazing Spider-Man 2 had terrible reviews, tons of negativity surrounding it, and no MCU connection yet it still managed $700 million worldwide. It actually outgrossed GOTG and Winter Soldier overseas. The Spider-Man brand is worth a ton of money with or without Marvel. If Marvel ever wants to get Spider-Man back completely they're probably going to have to buy Sony Pictures outright.


Junior Member

Rumor has it that Disney offered Sony billions for Spidey. If you think Sony would ever relinquish the rights for nothing you're crazy. Amazing Spider-Man 2 had terrible reviews, tons of negativity surrounding it, and no MCU connection yet it still managed $700 million worldwide. It actually outgrossed GOTG and Winter Soldier overseas. The Spider-Man brand is worth a ton of money with or without Marvel. If Marvel ever wants to get Spider-Man back completely they're probably going to have to buy Sony Pictures outright.
TASM2 only made $65 million in profits before subsidies, so keep that in mind. And worldwide TASM2 lost to GotG, DoFP, & Winter Soldier. When a talking raccoon makes more money than Spider-Man, you need to reevaluate what the hell you're doing.
TASM2 only made $65 million in profits before subsidies, so keep that in mind. And worldwide TASM2 lost to GotG, DoFP, & Winter Soldier. When a talking raccoon makes more money than Spider-Man, you need to reevaluate what the hell you're doing.

When a talking racooon makes more money than a college kid in red jammies who sticks to walls, we need to reevaluate what it is we think we know about how this industry actually works.

Primarily, the part where we use the phrase "talking racoon" as if it's the most outlandish, undeserving idea in the history of ideas, especially when comparing that idea to the one where a radioactive spider bite makes little wiggly lines appear over your head when people try to punch you.

The most successful movie in the history of the world stars a bunch of Thundersmurfs in a day-glo jungle who drive dragons around by plugging into them with the USB port in their hair


Junior Member
When a talking racooon makes more money than a college kid in red jammies who sticks to walls, we need to reevaluate what it is we think we know about how this industry actually works.

Primarily, the part where we use the phrase "talking racoon" as if it's the most outlandish, undeserving idea in the history of ideas, especially when comparing that idea to the one where a radioactive spider makes little wiggly lines appear over your head when people try to punch you.
Except for the fact that Spider-Man sells more merchandise than Batman, Superman, & every Marvel super-hero combined. He's one of the biggest heroes in the world (if not the), yet his movies do worse & worse at the box office with each passing installment. Something had to be done.

Rumor has it that Disney offered Sony billions for Spidey. If you think Sony would ever relinquish the rights for nothing you're crazy. Amazing Spider-Man 2 had terrible reviews, tons of negativity surrounding it, and no MCU connection yet it still managed $700 million worldwide. It actually outgrossed GOTG and Winter Soldier overseas. The Spider-Man brand is worth a ton of money with or without Marvel. If Marvel ever wants to get Spider-Man back completely they're probably going to have to buy Sony Pictures outright.

That was being talked about as one of the things Disney is supposedly setting up to happen.
and then there's talk of the every 3 year purchase plan.... (2009 Marvel. 2012 LucasFilm. 2015.... Sony Pictures?)


TASM2 only made $65 million in profits before subsidies, so keep that in mind. And worldwide TASM2 lost to GotG, DoFP, & Winter Soldier. When a talking raccoon makes more money than Spider-Man, you need to reevaluate what the hell you're doing.

What does any of that have to do with what I wrote? I was replying to BLACKLAC's assumption that Marvel could get Spider-Man back for nothing.
Except for the fact that Spider-Man sells more merchandise than Batman, Superman, & every Marvel super-hero combined. He's one of the biggest heroes in the world (if not the), yet his movies do worse & worse at the box office with each passing installment. Something had to be done.

How does the fact the teenager in the red jammies who sticks to walls makes BILLIONS change my point at all?

You're trying to act like a "talking racooon" is proof something's seriously fucked up.

Maybe people just actually like talking raccoons, dude. Sony doesn't HAVE to have fucked up in order for the talking raccoon to have connected with people in a big way. The two aren't even all that linked.



Rumor has it that Disney offered Sony billions for Spidey. If you think Sony would ever relinquish the rights for nothing you're crazy. Amazing Spider-Man 2 had terrible reviews, tons of negativity surrounding it, and no MCU connection yet it still managed $700 million worldwide. It actually outgrossed GOTG and Winter Soldier overseas. The Spider-Man brand is worth a ton of money with or without Marvel. If Marvel ever wants to get Spider-Man back completely they're probably going to have to buy Sony Pictures outright.

When did I ever say Sony would relinquish Spider-man film rights for nothing...?

If anything Disney buying back the rights instead of Sony pulling Spidey out of the MCU (because Sony wouldn't be able to in the earlier scenario) is Exactly what I'm saying.

Basically Marvel/Disney would hold Spidey hostage from Sony.


Junior Member
How does the fact the teenager in the red jammies who sticks to walls makes BILLIONS change my point at all?

You're trying to act like a "talking racooon" is proof something's seriously fucked up.

Maybe people just actually like talking raccoons, dude. Sony doesn't HAVE to have fucked up in order for the talking raccoon to have connected with people in a big way. The two aren't even all that linked.
And as much as I liked Guardians, something is fucked up over at Sony. It's more of TASM2 doing worse than a once-obscure (yet awesome) property that's alarming. Spider-Man has the popularity, in theory he should be bringing in the box office money by the billions. Clearly that wasn't the case. People were sick of Sony messing up Spidey & they want a change, hence this deal.
And as much as I liked Guardians, something is fucked up over at Sony. It's more of TASM2 doing worse than a once-obscure (yet awesome) property that's alarming. Spider-Man has the popularity, in theory he should be bringing in the box office money by the billions. Clearly that wasn't the case. People were sick of Sony messing up Spidey & they want a change, hence this deal.

I know, Neoxon, I'm just trying to get you to stop pushing that bullshit line, is all.


How does the fact the teenager in the red jammies who sticks to walls makes BILLIONS change my point at all?

You're trying to act like a "talking racooon" is proof something's seriously fucked up.

Maybe people just actually like talking raccoons, dude. Sony doesn't HAVE to have fucked up in order for the talking raccoon to have connected with people in a big way. The two aren't even all that linked.

I'm not certain what you are hoping to achieve arguing hypotheticals when we have reality right in front of us. Sony DID fuck up TASM, Guardians with no profile DID outgross it, Spiderman IS on a decline in box office tickets.

We don't need your maybes, this is actually happening in front of us in real time.


I wonder if the Spider-Man merchandise sales we saw are typical for a year, or out of the ordinary. I wish we could see data for multiple years, for multiple properties. What were Batman sales like when TDK or TDKR came out? What were Spider-Man sales like when Spider-Man 2 or Spider-Man 1 came out? I want to know!

I'm not certain what you are hoping to achieve arguing hypotheticals when we have reality right in front of us. Sony DID fuck up TASM, Guardians with no profile DID outgross it, Spiderman IS on a decline in box office tickets.

We don't need your maybes, this is actually happening in front of us in real time.

He is making the argument that the "talking raccoon" talking point isn't a good one. So, the thing he's trying to achieve is that people realize that it's a bad argument and stop using it. He wasn't arguing that those things didn't happen, or that something else might have happened.
I'm not certain what you are hoping to achieve

I just said it in the post directly above yours. I'm just trying to get Neoxon to cut out the "talking racoon" bullshit talking point. It's meaningless.

I'm not arguing the decline of Spider-Man's box-office or that Sony mishandled the property, and I don't think I've ever actually argued that, nor do I think you can even read my previous posts as making that argument.

I'm being pretty clear here about separating the percieved ridiculousness of the premise from it's potential for revenue. Bringing that aspect into the conversation is mostly, if not always, fucking pointless.
That was being talked about as one of the things Disney is supposedly setting up to happen.
and then there's talk of the every 3 year purchase plan.... (2009 Marvel. 2012 LucasFilm. 2015.... Sony Pictures?)
What if Disney just straight up bought Sony.
Playstation All Stars 2 starring Mickey Mouse and Spider-Man, Marvel Vs Capcom 4 on PS4, PS4 slim with mouse ears!
What if Disney just straight up bought Sony.
Playstation All Stars 2 starring Mickey Mouse and Spider-Man, Marvel Vs Capcom 4 on PS4, PS4 slim with mouse ears!

I don't Disney has an interest in all of Sony's other businesses outside of movies, robotics and maybe videogames, but damn Nintendo would be fucked. Playstation would have a homegrown kiddie brand to sell to. Marvel Superhero market all but locked up, and all of Sony's popular brands, now with Disney marketing muscle behind it... it wouldn't be fair.
I don't Disney has an interest in all of Sony's other businesses outside of movies, robotics and maybe videogames, but damn Nintendo would be fucked. Playstation would have a homegrown kiddie brand to sell to. Marvel Superhero market all but locked up, and all of Sony's popular brands, now with Disney marketing muscle behind it... it wouldn't be fair.
I'd buy a Nathan Drake Disney Infinity figure.
TASM2 only made $65 million in profits before subsidies, so keep that in mind. And worldwide TASM2 lost to GotG, DoFP, & Winter Soldier. When a talking raccoon makes more money than Spider-Man, you need to reevaluate what the hell you're doing.

Got a source for this?


Junior Member
Got a source for this?
Ask & you shall receive. Though keep in mind, they hit the nail on the head as far as the release date of the MCU Spidey movie goes & him in Civil War. The only thing they got wrong was the money-split, but that was likely changed at the Spidey Summit. Though the profits part is near the end which references another SonyGate leak revealing how much TASM2 made in profits. When you factor in how much they spent in advertising, it's not that surprising.
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