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SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - Official Trailer

Shao Kahn

Neo Member
Regarding to CGI most of these trailer shots are probably not in main movie so its fair that they didnt have much time to make them better for trailer as seen from evidence its completely different shot with edited angles and characters.

Actual movie will look better. But if you nitpick every shit its impossible to satisfy some of you. With covid and remote work it was inevatible there will be some quality issues but for %99 it wont be noticed


Tag, you're it.

Lmao Lol GIF


Looks fun I guess.
Seems like the whole thing is just a big excuse for a bunch of fanservice, but I'll take that over more stuff like last 2 movies. Shame his annoying friends are still in it

Does anyone here actually enjoy any of the stand-alone Tom Holland movies?

Hell, when was the last solid Marvel movie period.

They are pretty bad IMO. Would place all 3 Raimi movies as well as Amazing Spiderman 1 above Homecoming and Far from Home.
And the last solid Marvel Movie was probably Infinity War, which they sort of retroactively made worse with Endgame


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Does anyone here actually enjoy any of the stand-alone Tom Holland movies?

Hell, when was the last solid Marvel movie period.
THe general audience laps up literally anything Marvel. Not a slight its just the truth. I know people who think Thor Dark World is legit good.

I think Homecoming showed promise. I didn't love it but I thought it was passable and really was saved by keaton.

But when Far From Home came out I was totally underwhelmed. I really don't like Holland's version of Spiderman who really just sucks at being Spiderman. I think it was fine for one movie to have him be very inexpereinced and still learning the webs but having a whole trilogy of being inexperienced and the same mentality in Avengers where hes just sort of literally falling into success really rubbed me the wrong way.

I am biased though as Garfield to me was the best Spiderman by a mile.
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Boss Mog

I noticed that there's a new Dr. Strange movie coming out in 2022 titled "Dr. Strange in the multiverse of madness". Is this movie gonna set up the events for that Dr. Strange movie then?


I noticed that there's a new Dr. Strange movie coming out in 2022 titled "Dr. Strange in the multiverse of madness". Is this movie gonna set up the events for that Dr. Strange movie then?

Loki and this movie.

Loki caused the multiverse to happen in the final episode.

This continues it.

And then Doctor Strange 2 picks up where Wandavision (the post-credits scene), Loki, and this movie leaves off.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
The Statue of liberty in this is still the Bronze color without the green oxidation. Clearly they change dimensions themselves at some point.


Does anyone here actually enjoy any of the stand-alone Tom Holland movies?

Hell, when was the last solid Marvel movie period.
I love Homecoming but have massive distaste for Far From Home, which lacked any emotional element for me to cling to.

Homecoming was also light and breezy but something about it charms me and I enjoy seeing a low-key Spider-Man movie.
The comedy is less distracting and feels more natural in Homecoming- Ned using porn as an alibi, at the dance, felt natural but was unexpected. Spider-Man webbing up a guy who is simply trying to "break into" his own car is funny and it humanizes Peter.

Whereas, you have "Nick Fury" tranquilizing Ned in FFH and it all feels so unnatural. Why is Peter apologizing to Fury when Fury is the one who is about to destroy Peter's secret identity while attacking his best friend?
Or you have the bus scene where Peter distracts his classmates by pointing out some goats and nearly blows up Flash with a mcguffin pair of glasses. It feels all wrong to me. Like they're reaching hard for laughs, despite whatever beating the story structure or believability it tarnishes in the wake.

Far From Home is too distracted by cgi, Endgame fallout, and making use of the supporting cast to focus on telling a powerful story about Peter.
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The Far From Home reception made me feel like I’m expecting way too much. Like, the film has some funny scenes, it has cgi action, and it has Spider-Man. What more should I want?
It’s like I’m complaining about a bean burrito from Taco Bell, to general audiences.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Am I the only one that absolutely HATES the part in the trailer when Peter and friends laugh at Doc Ock's name. I dunno why but it really rubbed me the wrong way, like a kid laughing at the word poop, almost juvenile....maybe I'm just getting old.
Im with you. The marvel humor is really really starting to wear on me. I am told I am too critical in my group of friends on the marvel humor but I am just SOOOOO over it.


Resident Cheap Arse
Am I the only one that absolutely HATES the part in the trailer when Peter and friends laugh at Doc Ock's name. I dunno why but it really rubbed me the wrong way, like a kid laughing at the word poop, almost juvenile....maybe I'm just getting old.

You're not. It's really bad script writing like we saw in the Last Jedi (Poe mocking commander what's his name with the call breaking up) that undermines a character. We see it again with MJ expecting Dr. Strange to say please - just, no. It's lazy and short-sighted trying to play up one character by making a joke of another beloved character.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Does anyone here actually enjoy any of the stand-alone Tom Holland movies?

Hell, when was the last solid Marvel movie period.
I tried to like them but they are complete trash. Baffles me how they are rated as high as they are and something like TASM is criminally underrated.
I've said it many times, Tom is fine as Peter/Spidy but the film's? even when compared to the worse of the SM/TASM films are terrible Spider-Man films.
This one at least looks like it gonna be like the older films, but because it has all the characters and the tone has followed with it.
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Am I the only one that absolutely HATES the part in the trailer when Peter and friends laugh at Doc Ock's name. I dunno why but it really rubbed me the wrong way, like a kid laughing at the word poop, almost juvenile....maybe I'm just getting old.

Him having that specific name as his actual birth name and winding up using THAT sort of technology, yes most people would laugh or at least smirk at that insanely ironic coincidence. Because this is the MCU, where the comics don’t exist obviously but in our reality we’ve known Doc Ock for decades and nobody really finds the irony funny anymore. Hell, this is similar to MCU Scott Lang not being big on the name Ant-man at first, whereas we don’t find it jarring as we have known the name for far longer.

Besides, it’s far less annoying than real life normies who mock comic characters they don’t read. Pre-Jason Momoa, tons of people mocked Aquaman relentlessly due to a cartoon from way back in the 60’s and refused to believe the character could be fun to follow (imagine if they were also this close minded about Batman due to how campy he was in the same decade). Actual comic readers tried to tell them there was good comics dealing with him, but the naysayers couldn’t hear them over their own obnoxious laughter and tired jokes.


Does anyone here actually enjoy any of the stand-alone Tom Holland movies?

Hell, when was the last solid Marvel movie period.

Hell yeah. Raimi Spidey 2 and Into the Spiderverse are the 2 best Spidey films. But after that it's easily the Holland films, then Raimi Spidey 1, Raimi Spidey 3, then the god awful Amazing Spider-Man films.

I like that they aren't set in New York and have to be more creative with the action scenes. Far From Homes battle against the drones at the end is great, has many unique camera angles and is fun to watch him beat them. At the very end when his Spider Sense fully kicks in, also a well choreographed sequence.

I nightmare sequence is top notch.

I don't care that Uncle Ben isn't mentioned, we know it happened and that's enough. Believe it or not, not every comic has Spidey dwelling over Ben. I like that MJ already works out that Pete is Spidey.

There is a lot of heart and soul to me in Far From Home. A young kid that trusts someone and has that trust destroyed. He knows he fucks up royally and it weighs on him.

MCU movies are pretty much better than anything prior to 2008, only exception is Raimi Spidey 2. They are better than any of the Fox movies after 2008 except for Days of Future Past and Logan. And they are better then the majority of MCU films, Zack Snyders Justice League might be the only exception.
Hell, I will take MCU movies over the majority of pop culture films from the last 40 years including Indiana Jones, Back to the Future and Star Wars.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Him having that specific name as his actual birth name and winding up using THAT sort of technology, yes most people would laugh or at least smirk at that insanely ironic coincidence.

It's been done, everyone knows the irony of it all.
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It's been done, everyone knows the irony of it all.

But not characters in that particular universe, that’s what I’m saying.

And not everyone has seen the Rami Spider-man movies. I mean there are probably hundreds of Youtubers who do "first time watching the MCU" reaction videos that haven't seen the Raimi movies. Also many people under the age of 20 probably haven't seen them.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
And not everyone has seen the Rami Spider-man movies. I mean there are probably hundreds of Youtubers who do "first time watching the MCU" reaction videos that haven't seen the Raimi movies. Also many people under the age of 20 probably haven't seen them.
Yeah I know, they're the ones that think the MCU Spider-Man films are good.
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I prefer all previous Spider-Man movies to the MCU ones. The only reason I am hyped for this are the old characters coming back and even then I still think it will be visually and action choreography wise worse than Raimis or Webbs films.

Holland is also so meh that I hope the other two have a nice chunk of screentime. Big reason why I hate that they casted him as Drake.
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
It is your brain doing tricks. Go watch those again. No way this movie is worse than Raimis and Webbs. Especially Raimis as some shots look like PS3 graphics and physics and logic thrown out the window in fight scenes.


I prefer all previous Spider-Man movies to the MCU ones. The only reason I am hyped for this are the old characters coming back and even then I still think it will be visually and action choreography wise worse than Raimis or Webbs films.

Holland is also so meh that I hope the other two have a nice chunk of screentime. Big reason why I hate that they casted him as Drake.
Seems like an unfair comparison since the raimi Spider-Man movies are better than most /all MCU movies. Better than a lot of non-mcu movies too.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Seems Tom is a bit confused by the trailer

Looks like he was expecting to see something else in that sequence that he knew was definitely there.
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Perhaps the black suit one is Miles Morales...
I don’t think Miles will be in this movie. They referenced him in Homecoming so he’s already part of the current universe, just young.

Edit: Actually 10 MCU years have passed since Homecoming so there is a chance he could make the credits scene. (If casted)
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Apparently there is an extended trailer which pretty much confirms all the rumours.
And did I see Venom saving Zendaya?


It is your brain doing tricks. Go watch those again. No way this movie is worse than Raimis and Webbs. Especially Raimis as some shots look like PS3 graphics and physics and logic thrown out the window in fight scenes.
The difference between the CGI in the Raimi movies and MCU movies today is that the CGI in the Raimi films were state-of-the-art and the best they could do for the time. They won a freaking Oscar for visual effects against Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings with Spider-Man 2. Hell, watch the train fight in that movie, it's still better choreographed and adrenaline-inducing than any single MCU action scene.
The difference between the CGI in the Raimi movies and MCU movies today is that the CGI in the Raimi films were state-of-the-art and the best they could do for the time. They won a freaking Oscar for visual effects against Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings with Spider-Man 2. Hell, watch the train fight in that movie, it's still better choreographed and adrenaline-inducing than any single MCU action scene.


MCU Spider-Man is not what many of us expected. You could argue it’s a bit of a “Monkey’s paw” situation, but I’m happy it happened, overall. It really has been a treat and I feel like we’ve gotten the best of both worlds when it comes to Spider-Man movies.

I had to adjust my expectations for MCU Spider-Man, but having Raimi’s version, which feels so much like the classic version of the character I love, integrated into this world sort of alleviates my concerns about MCU Spider-Man and let’s me appreciate this version of Peter for what it is.

Dr. Claus

Loki and this movie.

Loki caused the multiverse to happen in the final episode.

This continues it.

And then Doctor Strange 2 picks up where Wandavision (the post-credits scene), Loki, and this movie leaves off.

I won't lie, this is what I wanted to see happen in MCU. I recently started rewatching all the films/shows again and am near the end. They really got kinda... lazy with Phase 3 with a lot of mediocre/forgettable/outright trash movies/shows.

But so far everything that involved the Multiverse has been at the very least interesting. I really enjoyed Loki, moderately enjoyed Wandavision, and everything in this just looks like a damn fun time.

If they can stop producing trash like Eternals, Falcon, and Captain Marvel and produce interesting/fun stuff like Loki and Spider-man, I may have a bit more faith in the franchise again (assuming they don't somehow fuck up Spidey 3)


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
"Peter, you're struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose"
It took OG characters to be in MCU Spider-Man for the return of these type of quotes.
Love it!
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