If I can’t pay attention then NOBODY CAN!!ADHD gamers when every game doesn't cater to their ADHD
If I can’t pay attention then NOBODY CAN!!ADHD gamers when every game doesn't cater to their ADHD
Guess I’m proud to be a mainstream casual gamer then. Enjoyed Miles Morales a ton, more so than hyped up games like Ragnarök, had it on my GOTY list the year it came to PS+. Will play Spider-Man 2 as soon as my Starfield addiction slow down, going by videos I already know I’ll like it. And graphics never sell a game for me. With Miles I loved the smooth traversal and the different ways to clear out enemies, could go in like a ninja and have a whole factory full of netted enemies hanging all over the place. AwesomeIt's a mainstream, casual game. Even if it was a QTE only game it wouldn't matter than much because the standards are very low.
Most "core" games are only interested about the technology and graphics behind it.
How's QTE really any different than dice rolling your way through dozens of hours of dialogue and actionsFor spider man, you're supposed to be a bad ass, a super long as 90 percent of the time you are enjoying sublime bliss of insomniac movement through the city and combat I can legit look passed the odd qte that I used to love in god of war anyway.
I thinkmits fine for this game tbh. Make it look flashy. Its not like it's some crazy deep cyberpunk/balders gate 3 game it's a fun flashy bubblegum, popcorn feel good blast though new York.
How's QTE really any different than dice rolling your way through dozens of hours of dialogue and actions
How's QTE really any different than dice rolling your way through dozens of hours of dialogue and actions
Not always. Plenty of QTE games like Detroit which are choice basedThe whole vibe and presentation, but its completely different. You are planning out every single action, every decision is a choice you are making good or bad, effective or less effective and the dice roll decides its success. QTE's are cinematic experiences where basically a movie is playing and you are pressing an input in time with the request. It looks bombastic and serves games like spider man and god of war well and that is fine.
Cinematics and story doesn't matter so long as it's good and entertaining.Spiderman 2 is day one for me. Playing devil's Advocate here for discussion (obviously it too soon to judge) I'm sure it gonna be amazing.
we tend to gauge a games based on how long is it....sorta like....a film. However, these are video games.
Should we instead based it on how much time is met actually playing?
I speaking specifically story mode in video games
From start to finish, how much of the story is interactive vs how much of it is cinematic?
And does that ratio matter to you?
50/50 80/20?
I made the mistake of trying Death Stranding. I must have broken the world record of uninstalling it from my PS4.No one should.