Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Hopefully not comparable, but the same.Wow, that's a really cool Splatfest. I hope we get something comparable in Europe.
Hopefully not comparable, but the same.Wow, that's a really cool Splatfest. I hope we get something comparable in Europe.
Hopefully not comparable, but the same.
Hopefully not comparable, but the same.
American Splatfest:
Naughty vs. Nice
Callie on Team Naughty seems kinda backwards lmao
Getting back into this game is fun. I was killing it with the Splat o Matic. The splattershot with the bazooka power up isn't bad either.
Any recommendations for guns similar to the splat o Matic?
check out both splattershot jrs and both nzaps
Yeah, got my shells before going to bed last night. Then I checked the shops for Mawcassins ... not there. But the first inkling I checked in the hub had Mawcassins! Fuckin' ordered. They're the last piece I need for my Special Charge Up-Ink Recovery-Ink Saver Main build to use with the Jet Squelcher. I technically have a build for that already, but I like the look of the Red Vector Tee better than the White Shirt. And going with Red Vector Tee necessitates that I use Mawcassins instead of Orange Arrows. (My headgear for both builds is Fake Contacts.)
And I have to thank Rubikant for his cool script for finding the Mawcassins, which let me use Red Vector Tee instead of White Shirt. Didn't realize that combo was possible since the Mawcassins were added in one of the later updates!
Wow...didn't think they'd actually go through with red ink!
Didn't we have red ink in the Transformers splatfest? I'm pretty sure it was red versus purple.
It's been used in some local tournaments done by Nintendo (which is mainly for the purpose of advertising), some early Japanese online tournaments and the very first Western online tournament (which was a disaster) - but the opinion right now is that it is unsuitable for competitive play and it's only used in fun/gimmick tournaments.
Podcaster said:
I'm surprised this theme's for NA. Isn't the word 'naughty' sexualised over there?
Marie's just pretending to be Team Nice so she can get on Santa's good side
I'm surprised this theme's for NA. Isn't the word 'naughty' sexualised over there?
Once you have the snails, they are there for good.Picked up a Wii U bundle with this in it and I'm absolutely loving the game. It's so refreshing.
Question about Splatfests: I picked hamburger and we won. I played a good bit during the Splatfest, so I have a nice amount of snail shells. I recall reading somewhere that they expire?
If so: When? Should I use it on gear that I may or may not keep just to make sure I spend them? In that same vein, should I just buy stuff to spend them on?
American Splatfest:
Naughty vs. Nice
Callie on Team Naughty seems kinda backwards lmao
Wait, wut? It's tonight!? How? Why? Has this sort of thing happened before?
How is it decided if the platforms are raised or lowered on Mahi on Rainmaker? Played it last night and it appeared that the platforms were raised certain rounds for full duration or lowered for full duration in other rounds.
Splat Zones
In Splat Zones, the block in the center has been removed, and a platform covers the moat and acts as the Splat zone. Once a team's meter reaches 60, the water level drops, revealing the many platforms under the water's surface, creating cover, and more area to move about. A few walls have been added to provide cover and space to move/attack.
Tower Control
The Tower in Mahi-Mahi Resort starts off in the center of the map, on top of a block that can be climbed by only 2 sides of it, it goes to the enemy's base around flotating platforms and higher ground, The water level drops at the beginning.
The Rainmaker in Mahi-Mahi Resort starts off in the center of the map, on top of a large crate. Each goal is located in their respective team's base, on the level right below. A few floating platforms have been added and some boxes have been placed to aid the player carrying the rainmaker to proceed to the goal. A row of balloons has also been extended to block Rainmaker shots. Once the Rainmaker's meter reaches 40 , the water level drops, revealing more platforms, walls and a ramp to make traveling into the enemy's base easier.
Marie's pretty much a great example of Minnesota Nice so it's a good fit.lol, this is perfect
also I love that Marie is team "nice"
American Splatfest:
Naughty vs. Nice
Callie on Team Naughty seems kinda backwards lmao
Is it true that everybody's using brushes now or did I get trolled? Because I actually believed that.
Marie's pretty much a great example of Minnesota Nice so it's a good fit.
Is it true that everybody's using brushes now or did I get trolled? Because I actually believed that.
I just joined the S+ club.
Custom Jet Squelcher is so gud for Tower Control.
I just joined the S+ club.
Custom Jet Squelcher is so gud for Tower Control.
Naughty and nice huh. Guess I'm waiting again to see who's more popular
..why couldn't marie be naughty? She'd have a chance of winning >_>...though the fact red ink is an option, nice may have a shot.
I just joined the S+ club.
Custom Jet Squelcher is so gud for Tower Control.