I hate to break up the weapon tier talk, although if your list doesn't have the heavy splatling in S, why make it, but I wanted to talk about map strategies. Mainly brought up because towers is currently in rotation and I was just in a lobby with two clans that had no clue on how to play it. I've had a lengthy discussion with Jims about this a while ago, but maybe it'll slowly trickle out to the general audience if I post it here too. Anything to keep from dealing with the banal futility that I'm dealing with right now, which made me stop playing and come write this.
For brevity's sake, I'm gonna use some squidboards marked up map for easy naming:
It seems like the final minute of the game, or just generally everyone over the course of that game, seem to focus on winning the red box. People dive head first for it, forgetting everything else, thinking nothing else matters. The actual "mid" that you should be fighting for and holding is the yellow box. The middle section is barely almost just as big as your spawn and isn't weighty at all in the swing of things, but teams make it so when they spend the entire game sitting in the nest areas on either side of the map.
Corner A and B are the real cornerstones of this map. When I played splatfest, my goal was to paint the wall on the ledge of Alpha or bravo, then paint the walls that immeidiately access both the corners and ramps. If you're a charger, you should be using the nests to paint the alpha/bravo ledges and access to the opposite nest for your team.
Here's earlier today with the carbon roller:
And here's from Splatfest with a .96 gal.:
Same strategy, but have to go about it differently. The sooner everyone does this, the sooner Moray can go from being close boring poke fests to actual dynamic battles like it should have. It's the reason Kas always swings games on this map, since no one covers the Corners. Which is funny, because everyone knows putting a teammate on the opposite corner is almost always a sure win.
I think I'm going to have to change how I handle things with my stream chat. This experience with Steven and Kaze has totally soured me on doing games with Twitch viewers.
I feel it.