Anyone playing right now? I need to rank up...just started playing ranked matches...randoms are awful
Zones port and parkWhat's the rotation right now, and which mode? Brother-in-law is playing on the TV so I can't check.
SAMEAnyone playing right now? I need to rank up...just started playing ranked matches...randoms are awful
Anyone playing right now? I need to rank up...just started playing ranked matches...randoms are awful
NNID is my username
Added you back, Bulba, get in on this.i added you
I don't have this set up.You guys on discord?
Added you back, Bulba, get in on this.
Zones port and park
We just finished a 3 v 4, wrecked them, whoever is hosting, back out for Bulba.Sweet - u making a room?
Yeah, I didn't see Serpent being joinable when I they have to be on friends to join?
i don't have the other dude
Yeah, I didn't see Serpent being joinable when I joined.
Bulba add youwiththeface.
So yeah I'm learning to charger. So far I know to not aim at an opponent except for the actual shot, that bombs are my friend, and that Damage Ups can be pretty rad when some nob is in your face but aren't necessary unless you're using the E-Liter in which case you should definitely have some Damage Ups.
So far I think it might fit my playstyle better than the roller but I'm gonna need to practice more to get some consistency. Anyone got any tips?
Such a good rotation. If I don't hit S+ I blame my squad mates for distracting me from my goal.
Yeah, those rollers rolled us.That was shit
Also, have fun sniping jumpers!
Okay, thanks. I tend to move around various spots, though.Try not to stay in one place too long. It is a critical flaw of mine that gets me splatted frequently, because people remember I'm there and then Inkzooka me.
Also, have fun sniping jumpers!
That is indeed rewarding!
One thing I'm having immense troubles is sniping people moving sideways. Quick shots miss regularly, sometimes longer aiming helps but it's not bulletproof either - far from it. Hints for that?
Not sure. Are they looking at you?
Not necessarily. I can hit stationary targets almost 90% of the time with easy but when ever some is moving, I think I start to panic that they're getting to me or getting out of view and I miss.
One thing I've noticed - I think - is that my right-handedness plays a part in this. When someone is moving to the right, no problem, my crosshair and they meet up in the middle. But when they're moving to the left, I start from the right and play catch-up.
It also think I have to release the trigger just a moment before they hit the crosshair.
I went from ~14 to 70 this rotation. Only lost one match. If I hadn't played squads I'd be S+I don't believe your lies. This rotation got me deranked xP
Are you playing with twin sticks? The way you describe "playing catch up" doesn't make sense to me with gyro because there you use both hands.
And I've never really tested it, but I think you want to release when they're in the crosshair, actually. Charger shots travel so fast they nearly teleport.
I just saw someone in the GAF match make a jump in the middle of the map on Camp Triggerfish from their side to ours. I don't know if my eyes were deceiving me but I'm pretty sure it just happened. I tried to do the same thing and didn't come close