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Splinter Cell Conviction |OT| The Rebourne Panther

Just got back with the damn thing:



How the hell do I use the usb drive?


I gotta say the AI on realistic is quite impressive compared to the demo. If you try and play old school SC style, it's a pretty good challenge. Sitting back and pew pewing with your silenced pistol really isn't the way to go.


bish gets all the credit :)
Not really a fan of the black and white stealth indicator. I reeeeally wish these enemies would just shut up. They are a chatty bunch.


MortalMonkey said:
Just got back with the damn thing:


How the hell do I use the usb drive?
Don't. :p
Leave it like that...the content will be released online in a few days.
It was already reported that there are many faulty USBs..and then they also took the comic book out of the limited, which is why some stores (Best Buy) were selling the limited edition, just for the regular price ($60).


Big spoilers about one of the levels:

So I guess I've done a good job avoiding spoilers for the game,
because I did NOT see the Iraq level coming. Liked the added twist that you weren't actually controlling Fisher. Cool change of pace.

dewm tew

Strider2K99 said:
Well, all I know is that, when I wake up and walk to my front door and see a package with the game inside, it feels way better than having to get dressed and go to a shitty Gamestop or wherever to get it. :p

Also, I got the game for $40 on Amazon.

so ive blacked out all media for this game and after playing the first couple of missions, I am very impressed at the new direction taken. I would really like to see this idea expanded upon in future games.

btw i am looking for a few good people to play coop with tomorrow. feel free to send a friend request gaf.

Gamertag: CubanBoy1127


MortalMonkey said:
How the hell do I use the usb drive?

Flip and rotate out the USB connector portion from its connecting edge. Or, you can simply detach it from its plastic card. When inserting it in any USB port, make sure its contacts are going in the port the correct facing way.

If your USB drive is defective, your source simply won't recognize it. If by some miracle it works, it will be blank with no content, but with 508 MB of registered memory.


White box spoiler
Is there no way to save the two scientists being held hostage after you take the elevator? I feel like I've tried everything, they still die. I hate letting civilians die :(
Just beat it on normal. Overall I was anxious to just clear the main campaign by the 2nd half because it was starting to get really aggravating. There are a lot of cool ideas and the presentation is awesome, but it really doesn't play like Splinter Cell.
The level where you say Sam as Vic was pretty interesting in that I didn't expect it at all and the new gameplay actually worked in a level like that.
PTCoakley said:
Just beat it on normal. Overall I was anxious to just clear the main campaign by the 2nd half because it was starting to get really aggravating. There are a lot of cool ideas and the presentation is awesome, but it really doesn't play like Splinter Cell.
The level where you say Sam as Vic was pretty interesting in that I didn't expect it at all and the new gameplay actually worked in a level like that.

Good that you liked it, I'm not even half way but gameplay wise this is my favorite splinter cell already. Seems like a lot more action this time around.


Just finished the game and now have all weapons but the AK47. Should I have gotten this in my crate during the campaign, or is it unlocked in multiplayer?

The campaign really disappointed me. It was short, sure, but that is not what bothered me. The game truly did play like a Jason Bourne game and not a Splinter Cell game. It reminds me of what happened to Ghost Recon and Rainbow 6. At first, it was dedicated to representing a genre in a realistic and unforgiving manor. As the sequels came and went, more and more of what drew me into the games in the first place was removed in favor of seeking a broader audience.

I never felt like Sam Fisher in this game. The level design for the most part did not play to a stealth style. Sure there were sub-ceilings you could hide in, and the occasional pipe to climb, but the levels largely channeled you into crowded shooting galleries. The story was passable but easily forgettable, as most Tom Clancy games tend to be.

The new mark and execute feature was handy for the new action focused gameplay. However, in the end, it felt like it was taking the controls out of my hands. I know the gunplay in the series has never been the best, and this is there to compensate that. But the Splinter Cells of old did not lean heavily on assaulting with twitch gunplay. The old style had you creeping in the shadows and isolating enemies to quietly slit them or snap their necks. The new M&E feature is likely the biggest culprit in making this game, and the level design, feel foreign to the series. It is very obvious that levels and scenarios were constructed with M&E in mind: A lone soldier awaits your hand to hand execution, and around the corner are four gentlemen awaiting a chevron over their heads and a one button kill.

The odd choice of having the game go black and white to represent stealth was infinitely less satisfying than previous titles which had you in the darkest of shadows. You would be able to switch off your night vision and only see that trademark glow of your three pronged goggles. One of the greatest feelings of the Splinter Cell series has been the ability to scare the shit out of your foes. Feeling like a ninja, for lack of a better word, was what made this possible. In this new game, you are no longer the hunter but the hunted. When you take out a guard, the remaining AIs in the area obnoxiously call out every five seconds with some ridiculous taunt. They are not afraid of you despite their circumstances. They go forward, methodically searching you out with no hesitation. Maybe its just me, but if I just saw three of my buddies lying on the ground dead and had no idea where the threat was, I'd pretty much be pissing myself.

Yes, as a die hard Splinter Cell fan I am disappointed. I know many will love this new approach and it will likely sell better than most of its predecessors. But in the end, it is just another one of my favored franchises getting watered down and played to the least common denominator for the sake of more money and a bigger audience.

Thank goodness I held off on the purchase and had the sense to rent it from Blockbuster for $2. (one day rental) And in the end, yes, I suppose it was well worth the cost of admission.
I've just gotten to the 7th level, (
white house
), how far am I?

Also can anybody please give me a quick breakdown of the story so far? Sorry I was skipping some cut scenes. :lol
alr1ghtstart said:
Not really a fan of the black and white stealth indicator. I reeeeally wish these enemies would just shut up. They are a chatty bunch.

Funny, I'd agree with you if we were talking about the demo, except playing on Realistic I'm constantly praying to myself that the screen goes black and white because those jerks really know how to sweep an area.

Also, LMAO, the only reason I disagree about the enemies shutting up is because some of the things they say are hysterically out of order or out of syntax. I grab a guy as a shield, bad guys shoot at me and him indiscriminately, they kill him and I duck out of there. A few seconds later I'm hearing "I'm gonna find whoever did this to you!" On a side note, I also chuckle whenever they refer to "whoever," and "intruder," and "someone," like they don't know it's Fisher...

Oh and then there was at the end of one area when I'm trying to lure the bad guys in the parking lot out for a M&E and one of them's shouting "I ain't goin' out there! It's suicide!" or something to that affect and then the next thing he says is "You're gonna hide, you asshole?" or also something to that effect. Really stupid.

I'd been playing the game for nearly four hours before taking a break. I was on line to write some "meh" impressions originally because I was feeling a bit frustrated after the last scene I was in, but after letting it sink in, I'm enjoying the solo mode a lot, especially messing with all the toys (EMP thingy and remote mines FTW). I could have done without
the Gulf War level personally.
I'm at the
Lincoln Memorial
and at this point I'm not digging the story too much. It's like they didn't even try to make it on the level of Tom Clancy. I don't want to specify plot points for those who've yet to play or aren't where I am but I feel like I can guess what side the characters will end up on and I'd be right. Only one way to find out, though!
Picked the game up yesterday, played 3 missions of the Campaign and a couple Hunter & Infiltration matches and I am liking the game so far, playing on Realistic the A.I. is def much improved from the demo

im down for coop whenever, just hit me up

GT: The Visualizer


I absolutely love this game. I know a big complaint is the length of the campaign but to be honest I love games about this length. I feel like they did things right. They were able to create a really intriguing story with great gameplay that doesn't take 20 to 30 hours to finish. It's hard to make it through those length of games when I work quite a bit during the week. I'm still trying to make my way through Mass Effect 2 and I've had it since the release date :lol


Did 3 COOP story missions on Realistic last night. Levels are super lengthy and I have already spent about 4 hours on it. The only problem I have with the game is that once guards are on alert and you have to Gears of Uncharted them down the controls are awful. Holding LT to use cover, then pressing the right analog stick to zoom in, pressing the left one to reload just doesn't work well for shootouts. I think they could have copied either gears' or uncharted's control map and it would have worked out just fine. How many of you have accidentally thrown a frag/emp etc by hitting X? Oops.

Other than that, I think the game is great so far and they should have named the game something else. That way we wouldn't be complaining about it not playing like the previous games at times.


I finished the game on realistic difficulty, took me about 8-9 hours. other difficulties are a joke compared to realistic, you can basically run through the levels,doing nothing and finish every level in 10-15 minutes, Sam is pretty much invincible on rookie setting, now I can see where those 4-5 hours claims come from. on Realistic there were some really frustrating parts in the later parts of the game though, I retried a specific part like 20 times before I could pass it :p.
I think the story mode doesn't have the replay value of Chaos Theory, I can't see myself play it again anytime soon, gameplay differences aside, Chaos Theory is a far,far better game IMO, it's was so much more fun and polished experience with much better level design, I hope they totally reboot the series in the next game and get rid of all character and make a real stealth game.
I haven't touched the other modes yet, going to play split-screen co-op soon. overall it's a very good game but it's a bad Splinter Cell game IMO. Level design wasn't nearly as good as previous games but I have to admit it doesn't get old watching Sam drop from a pipe on an enemy to earn execute points and then do a 180 degree turn while switching hands, taking out everybody in the room. Really great animations!

on a unrelated note:
Uplay is very pointless, what's the point of unlocking extra stuff from there for free? couldn't they just put them in the game? looks like they are on the disc anyway.
got through
white house front gate area and garden
without being detected and with only 1 hand to hand kill. so satisfying.

after only 15 tries or so :)


The problem I that I think this game has is that the previous version of it seemed more interesting. I played and like the demo for this, but the original idea they had was more interesting to me.


MrCompletely said:
got through
white house front gate area and garden
without being detected and with only 1 hand to hand kill. so satisfying.

after only 15 tries or so :)
yeah, that area is very frustrating on realistic, I tried 20+ times before I could pass there undetected.
I guess I just like the faster pace of this game. For instance, I alerted the whole mansion in the first level (accidentally) and kept hopping out the window waiting for more guards to walk by so I could jump in, assassinate and hop out the window further down the hall and repeat. :lol

In any other SC you would have to more often than not not kill anyone in a lot of levels which was ok but it really slowed the game down artificially I think. Hell if you were allowed to play in those like you can in Conviction they would probably last 5-6 hours also.
so my outfit code for the EU special edition those not work :(
I checked it and I put it in correctly but it just keeps saying that the code is wrong....

I'm on the 2nd mission right now I LOVE it so far!

Double D

Got it last night and played up to the
Lincon Memorial
. I felt like I had played quite a bit of the game, but then again I had just gotten access to all of my goodies just a couple levels earlier. SO, I'm not sure if I'm playing the game slower than those '5 hour' people or if I really am just that far into the game.

Anyways, I'm really enjoying the game. I realized that My love for the Splinter Cell games of old revolve around being able to take multiple paths as well as some of the most satisfying silenced pistol headshots I've ever experienced (hitman runs a close second). Seriously, I love shooting people in the head with a silenced pistol. Getting back to the multiple paths thing, it seems like there is a decent amount of options. Obviously nothing like the old games, but you'll at least get a choice between going blazing through the front door or jumping out a window and scaling around the building, for example.

Well, I won't be able to play again until later tonight, and I'll be playing every night through the weekend for sure, so If anyone wants to add me, I'll be wanting to get into Co-Op later this week.

GT: dvd520


Well, almost through the campaign and I have some thoughts:

This has the same excellent coop as seen in Pandora Tommorrow, and the hud is one of the best ideas since Heavy Rain.

Less-emphasis on stealth hampers replay-value though. I remember playing the original SC again and again trying to get no detections. With this one, I do not feel like replaying it so far to get better. Again, this game parallels MGS4 in where the combat is remarkably better, but sacrifices the core gameplay. I did like Double-Agent, even though flawed, a better implantation of the SC Gameplay.

Overall so far, I am loving the game, but not as Splinter-Cell.
Played for maybe 2.5 hours last night.

I actually really, really like it. I'm playing on Realistic, and it's actually pretty challenging in parts. I was a huge fan of Chaos Theory, and while this is definitely 'dumbed down', I'm having a blast playing it. The way I played CT was to try and kill everyone in a 'stealthy' way, so I'm not so bothered by the fact that you're intended to murder everyone in this game.

I totally understand all complaints people have about the changes, but I had a ton of fun playing it last night. Just clicks with me for whatever reason, I love running around and getting the drop on guys. Tried a bit of deniable ops solo, and that was a blast.

Maybe not a true Splinter Cell game, but a fun 'sneaky murder' game.


Whoompthereitis said:
Played for maybe 2.5 hours last night.

Maybe not a true Splinter Cell game, but a fun 'sneaky murder' game.

Exactly,well put,the game is awesome,the third level caught me completly by surprise,for a Splinter Cell game, but it was awesome,the graphics are just so good without being all shiny and of million polygons but so realistic and the difficulty and challenge,on normal,for me is just perfect,good stuff.


Vik_Vaughn said:
Seriously, I love shooting people in the head with a silenced pistol.

lol - I hid behind some crates until a guard patrolled by, then slipped out behind him and took aim at his head while walking close behind. I had planned to shoot him in the head when he hit some shadows where the body would be hidden, but after a few feet another guard came around a corner in front so I had to switch targets - nailed the headshot on that guy, then quickly headshot my confused victim :lol
once you get the ability to mark up to 4 targets, there's nothing quite like activating the personal EMP, grabbing 1 dude as personal shield, and then elimnating 4 marked targets.

5 dead in a matter of seconds.

By the end of the game, my encounter process is to scan w/the sonar goggles, mark the 3 or 4 closest guys, and then plan my take down, execute.
I think I finally understand why some people are upset at the removal of the undetected stealth element. During the previous SC games, I just used to sneak around killing everyone quietly.

4th level spoilers, I think.
After you rescue the scientist and go down the elevator, getting past the first 5 guards without them even realizing it felt so amazing.

I'm trying to do the rest of the level the same way but I don't think I can. And now I'm sad.
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