Just finished the SP today and I'm dying to play the coop and/or deniable ops with someone.
GT: soultron
Hook it up!!
Thoughts on SP:
I thought the camera movement was awesome in the cinematics, and the transitions between in-game and cinematics kept the experience pretty smooth. I really couldn't keep up with the story since my speakers on my monitor are terrible and I didn't have subtitles on, but the I got the gist of it all. (I've not read the books so I found it enjoyable.) The music itself was actually great.
The audio from the enemies were great as well, and it really tied the experience together, level to level, since enemies would threaten to repay you for what you did at X location. Their movement through the environment was actually unpredictable during the alert phase, which was excellent. I found even in their non-alert phase, their movements as a group were better than anything I've ever seen in MGS/stealth games.
Light and shadow, and the B+W+coloured enemy effect tied to it, were great. I loved it. The fact that environmental traps and enemies were highlighted in colour gave the player a real taste of what heightened vision would be like. I don't know how people found this to be a hindrance, personally.
The environments were truly what unlocked your ability as a bad ass. I think the level designers deserve kudos here since the levels are characters of their own, and the way Sam and everything around him can interact is what make things really interesting. The fluidity of motion when moving from cover to cover automatically was something I'm surprised a lot of other games with cover systems haven't done. Another great environmental action I loved performing was, when hanging from handrails, dropping down a level to avoid detection, and then jumping back up a ledge so that I could grab and enemy and throw him over the edge when he was close enough. I really feel that if Sam was limited to staying on his feet, and without a cover system, the game wouldn't have played so well.
The only thing I didn't like about the game were the overly guns-blazing sections in the last scene. I also wish the SC agents were used more often, and more effectively, as an adversary.
All in all, I think the core concepts brought to the table this time around, were all great additions. I enjoyed the fluid movement through the environment, M+E, LKP, upgrading weapons with XP from challenges, a more challenging enemy, and the light+shadow indication. The presentation was top-notch as well. I loved the projected objectives and the new camera work that made it feel really cinematic -- it went a ways in immersing me in the game. Can't wait to see what the next SC game is like.