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*SPOILERS* The Walking Dead TV show, leaks, and comic book SPOILER discussion thread


I know the POV ending has been rumored but it is a fact now? I'm having a hard time believing they would keep one of the cast on the hook for the whole summer only to bring them back for like half an episode.


Pretty much. Gaf loves to over react to things.
Normally I'd chalk this up to just a GAF thing (we do like to overreact) but the prevailing sentiment across most TWD communities online is negative and, if I'm Ignorant Joe TV Viewer at home who has no knowledge of Negan or future Walking Dead comic storylines, I'm not inclined to think I'm in love with this finale either... what with all of the shaky character motivation logic, suicidal Carol, shot up Daryl, dead friendly that I don't know about and will be trolled with all summer long.

All of the Daryl/Glenn fans will be up in arms demanding that the death get reserved for Aaron or Rosita or someone irrelevant. I'm expecting mass outcry... it's just that outcry will be reserved for different things depending on whether that outcry emanates from GAF or somewhere else.

The one positive will likely be adulation for JDM's Negan... which, I suspect, will be universally well-received.

I know the POV ending has been rumored but it is a fact now? I'm having a hard time believing they would keep one of the cast on the hook for the whole summer only to bring them back for like half an episode.
The scene has already been shot. They don't need to get brought back at all.
They just need to make a token ComicCon appearance with their former buddies and pay the media some lip service.


The thing is, it will generate buzz and positive impressions without the cliffhanger too. With this choice they're only introducing more negative elements, and the secret will likely be revealed and covered on a million different sites 3 months before the premiere, like a certain recent HBO show.

I mean, Dexter, as fucking terrible as it got, still pretty heavily engaged its' fans until the very end, but you saw the turning tide on pretty much every message board, every critic site, etc, and now how terrible the show is dominates the conversation.

They're going to get the people that eat the shit up no matter what they do (like those that actually though Daryl died last episde), so botching their work and annoying a segment of fans only has negative sides with very little positives.

It's not a GAF thing, practically every community tends to be fairly similar with reactions as far people that actually like to type stuff on message boards, save for areas specifically devoted to the property, which are generally a lot kinder.
Normally I'd chalk this up to just a GAF thing (we do like to overreact) but the prevailing sentiment across most TWD communities online is negative and, if I'm Ignorant Joe TV Viewer at home who has no knowledge of Negan or future Walking Dead comic storylines, I'm not inclined to think I'm in love with this finale either... what with all of the shaky character motivation logic, suicidal Carol, shot up Daryl, dead friendly that I don't know about and will be trolled with all summer long.

All of the Daryl/Glenn fans will be up in arms demanding that the death get reserved for Aaron or Rosita or someone irrelevant. I'm expecting mass outcry... it's just that outcry will be reserved for different things depending on whether that outcry emanates from GAF or somewhere else.

And then it'll get spoiled somewhere along the way and people will be even more mad. They couldn't even keep Glenn-under-the-dumpster secret for a couple of weeks.
I still behind the statement that the Glenn dumpster crap was one of the worst decisions a show has ever made. What a cheap manipulation of its audience. Really shit on the show's previous meaningful deaths. A huge misstep and a shock that they're gonna duplicate their stupidity. Especially with a 6 month break.

If it's indeed a cliffhanger I hope all convention attendees shit on it.

Glenn dumpster diving was super lame but I sort of held out hope that they did that fake out death for Glenn so that they could unequivocally bash his brains in on camera in the season finale with Negan. Maybe Glenn still gets Lucilled but we won't see it until Season 7, which is super lame.

The popularity of a show like Game of Thrones should be enough to show that you don't need to cop out with death cliffhangers. Show the brutal, horrible deaths of main characters and that's what will get people talking more than a forced cliffhanger, especially one to end a season.


The popularity of a show like Game of Thrones should be enough to show that you don't need to cop out with death cliffhangers. Show the brutal, horrible deaths of main characters and that's what will get people talking more than a forced cliffhanger, especially one to end a season.
Unless, of course, they elected to give the Lucille death to Aaron. In which case this approach would get people talking more until the inevitable disappointment of the S7 premiere awakens everyone to the reality that anyone with a significant fan following as impervious plot armor and will remain alive indefinitely.

Because if Lucille isn't going to anyone of consequence than nothing will.
Unless, of course, they elected to give the Lucille death to Aaron. In which case this approach would get people talking more until the inevitable disappointment of the S7 premiere awakens everyone to the reality that anyone with a significant fan following as impervious plot armor and will remain alive indefinitely.

Because if Lucille isn't going to anyone of consequence than nothing will.

Well, sure. But if they only give the Lucille death to Aaron after waiting 6 months because of their cliffhanger? I'll drop the show so damn quick. Sure that would open up the possibility of the show killing off other main characters in some new way later on, but why would anyone expect that? If they're not killing off anyone major with Negan's introduction here, I have zero faith in the showrunners/AMC to do anything smart with the show going forward.
While I'm not necessarily cheering on the death of characters I like, I don't want them safe, either. And I don't get it -- they've killed off all kinds of characters in the past. Why a reluctance now?


Have we, though? What was the last real death of significance? Tyreese? Herschel?
Hershel definitely. That was the Season 4 mid-season finale... some two and a half seasons ago.

Last season, they tried to compensate by building up Beth and Tyreese as significant.
This season, they've compensated by killing off most of the Alexandrian redshirts we've known for less than a year.


Not as deep as he thinks
I've heard the audio leak, read about the cliffhanger ending, but I'm still looking forward to the finale tomorrow!


I'm trying to be excited about tomorrow but......ugh. This time tomorrow, we'll see if people blow up. The OT is going to be verrrrrrrrrrry interesting.


I'm trying to be excited about tomorrow but......ugh. This time tomorrow, we'll see if people blow up. The OT is going to be verrrrrrrrrrry interesting.
I'm not sure the idea of a cliffhanger works when the loudest reaction on finale night will come from people going... "What? That's how it ends? Noooo, I wanted to see Glenn get his head caved in. WTF is this shit!" in front of all of their otherwise oblivious friends who would have been in a deep panic over not knowing who got Lucilled.

And then Kirkman, Gimple and company coming out on Talking Dead going, "Oh you thought you knew what was going to happen but we FOOLED you. And if you still think you know what's going to happen, you're WRONG. You'll have to wait and see in October. You have NO IDEA what's going to happen."

This doesn't seem like a formula for success.


Uber their are Glenn fans that still want Glenn to die you know?
Im one of them
Glenn fans should want him to die. This is his character's iconic death. Steven Yeun would probably choose to have Glenn die here. I doubt he'd wish to have it cliffhangered, either.

Thing is, I actually think the Lucille cliffhanger idea might have worked had they killed Glenn off legit when he fell off that dumpster last fall.
I wouldn't even call Tyreese significant.


I love Tyreese. Beth would have been if it hadn't been for that whole fucking derailed hospital bullshit whatever plot. That just seemed like the biggest waste, especially when Noah died.

Hershel was for sure a major death. I just rewatched that episode too and it was hard to see.


You may as well chalk up the reveal halfway through next season. I'm actually counting on it.
They'll lose all momentum from hyping it up over the summer going that route.

Still thinking we're looking at the end of the Season 7 premiere. They're really pushing it if they drag it out beyond that.
What seems weird to me about this rumor is that we switch to first person POV as the bat hits whoever in the head and the screen just... grays out slowly?

No shaking? No flashes? No tilting and jittering as everything gets bloody and woozy? Just a still camera slowly going gray? You have the opportunity to literally hit the audience in the head with a baseball bat until they lose consciousness and you just fade out instead?

That shit is lame.


Even if it is POV, surely we can figure it out just by looking at the line-up and going along with Negan.
Negan jumps all over the place during his eeny meeny miny moe schtick and the camera angle shifts about so it's impossible to determine where in the line he winds up. You pretty much just know that Carl and Rick are safe.
So I thought I'd share this here as well. It's not the best Lucille but barbed wire is a bitch to work with.


So tomorrow...good food, good people and a hella disappointing ending. Whatever...at least we get to finally see Negan.


I love Tyreese

Don't worry man same here.

So I thought I'd share this here as well. It's not the best Lucille but barbed wire is a bitch to work with.

So tomorrow...good food, good people and a hella disappointing ending. Whatever...at least we get to finally see Negan.

Fucking awesome either way man, been thinking about doing the same.

Also I guess I'm just bat shit crazy but I'm still riding the "this cliffhanger is bullshit train" till I see it with my own eyes. Either way we will know soon enough, I'm just glad that the finale is finally today. After all these leaks, rumors, theories and the word cliffhanger being repeated every 30 seconds, I feel like someone hit me in the damn head with Lucille. Even if it's a cliffhanger at least we get to see Negan like you said, I'm sure JDM is going to nail the role.
If it truly is a cliffhanger and there's no miracle extended scene showing the victim... it could totally be a less important character come S7.

The biggest name that has died since Gimple became showrunner [S4-Present] I think is Hershel and The Governor, the latter being an antagonist so he doesn't really count anyway.

However, not one Atlanta survivor has died since he became showrunner. The last Atlanta survivor death was Andrea, in S3. I think Michonne and Maggie deserve to be that tier now but nobody else. The victim has to be either one of the A5 or Michonne/Maggie.


I've heard the audio leak, read about the cliffhanger ending, but I'm still looking forward to the finale tomorrow!
I am still a firm believer in that they are purposely keeping the scene where we see who dies under wraps so it can't be leaked or spoiled and the people who claim to seen the episode saw it with the bogus ending.

Making AMC is dumb enough to think that people won't figure out who it is before the premiere and if that's the case they are in for a rude awakening because people will and it will get out online and they will either have to completely re-shoot and change the character or it will be the biggest non-surprise in tv history.


Final comprehensive rundown of spoilers before heading into this final episode of the season courtesy of The Spoiling Dead Fans (freshly barred from Facebook courtesy of AMC).
Nothing new here just a consolidation of everything that has been leaked.

I know everyone's waiting with bated breath for the Negan arrival, but there's other things going on in this episode. I broke down and briefly looked at some more 6.16 notes. I hated doing that, but here goes:

Opens with Negan's lead guy (Ogg) and some men teaching a lesson to an unknown victim in the road. The armored victim being beaten at the beginning has a tie to the library where Carol and Morgan are as the Saviors killed a lot of the group there earlier.

In one scene Morgan is on horseback, looking for Carol. He stumbles across a freshly killed walker and Carol's blood-stained rosary. He picks it up and continues on his search. At some point, Morgan finds Carol at a library camp. The survivors at this camp have all been slaughtered (presumably the Saviors). Carol is injured with a slash wound on her side. Morgan patches her up with a first-aid kit and tells her that he'll get her back to get some help in the morning. Carol looks at him like he's crazy and tells him no. Morgan tries to help Carol's wounds but she diverts him and leaves while he's busy with freshly-turned walker (or hanger, in this case), not wanting to be found. That was her whole point, to which she can't get Morgan to buy into.

Morgan finds Carol (again) after she weakly fought off the dead AND Roman (the survivor from Carol's Savior encounter in East) was messing her up BADLY with non-fatal gunshot wounds in the arm and leg trying to make her bleed out in revenge for the Nancy-goes-ballistic road kill. He wants to watch her suffer and die slowly. Carol basically begs Roman to finish her off. Morgan arrives just in time to USE THE GUN that Rick gave him to erase Roman from this earth with no chance for reanimation. Morgan realizes sometimes you have to do what you have to do. People here have mentioned the Kingdom...hmmm. Plausible.

Morgan and Carol are then found by the armored guy that was running away last episode (as well as another armored guy on a horse) and Morgan tells him he found his horse and his friend (Carol). Armored guys say they will help Carol.

The group of Rick, Carl, Sasha, Abraham, Eugene, Aaron and Maggie leaves in the RV to go on a mission to get Maggie some help. Rick would rather Aaron stay, but Aaron says the only way to stop him is to shoot him or punch him (again). Enid gets trick-locked in a closet for her own good by Carl or she'd have gone in the RV, too.

Abraham has as a very awkward, intimate discussion with Sasha. He basically tells Sasha he's ready to settle down and have a kid with her, as only Abraham can do. "Bitchnuts." That could be a telling situation...when people become reasonable and talking level-headed on the show...death usually comes.

It seems everywhere they go in the RV, Saviors are there "guiding" them where they want them to go. Along the way the roads are blocked by different groups of saviors. Our people faced one group similarly to how Daryl, Sasha and Abraham faced the group which they blew up, but this time was different. This group had an unnamed victim with them (the armored guy being beaten at the beginning of the episode played by Kevin Patrick Murphy).

Threats are thrown around with Rick asking him, "Do you want this to be your last day on Earth?” and the leader returns Rick's question. After an intense standoff (Ogg makes a good showing of being overly warm and cordial), it's Rick's group that turns back.

Now on another road, our group comes across a chain of walkers, two of which are wearing things that belong to Michonne and Daryl (two locks of Michonne's hair and Daryl's jacket). Because of this everyone comes to the realization that Daryl and Michonne are hostages.

Ogg keeps showing up messing with Rick. After they hit the Saviors' roadblocks multiple times, Eugene says that the Saviors don't know how many of them are in the RV and suggests he just drives alone. He gives Rick the instructions for bullets. Abraham shares an intimate moment with Eugene singing his praises and, after Abe goes to shake his hand, Eugene hugs him. It's pretty emotional.

As for the Negan welcoming party...

The camp of potential victims will be: Michonne, Glenn, Rosita, and Daryl (weak and wounded) from last week (taken out of a van when Rick and the group arrive in front of Negan).

Also joining them will be Rick, Carl, Sasha, Abraham, Aaron and Maggie who were caught by the Saviors running through the woods with Maggie on a stretcher trying to deke the Saviors as they really don't know how many people are in the RV. In the woods there's a group of saviors watching who start whistling then start shooting at our group, taunting them, driving them back into a certain direction that they want. Rick realizes this after seeing that that the saviors are purposely only shooting at the group's legs. (Eugene was driving the RV but also got caught, obviously).

When he comes to sick Maggie, Negan says he ought to put her out of her misery brings up the bat and Glenn hops up yelling "NO!" and charges Negan. He gets tackled, naturally, by Dwight. So Negan raises up the bat over Glenn, then changes his mind, then tells them to get Glenn back in line.

The Lucille Lineup: Glenn-Rosita-Daryl-Michonne-Abraham-Maggie-Rick-Sasha-Aaron-Carl-Eugene (in that order... Negan still skips about randomly when doing his eeny meeny miny moe buildup). We have our captured quartet from last week on one side of the lineup and the other 7 captured during the Hilltop run this week on the other side of the lineup.

As for the monologue,"Fucks" remain in only for the Blu-Ray purposes. So you have to wait for the Blu-Ray to hear the "So now I'm going to beat the fuck, fuucking, fuckedy, fuck out of one of you." among all the other F-bombs. They use what you hear in the leaked audio for TV I guess.

When he does the eenie meenie it quickly cuts to his bat being pointed at different people then just as he says "YOU ARE" it shows Rick looking worried. Then it points to a PoV of the person being picked..."IT" then he swings, the camera goes down to the ground then it comes back up to Negan, who says, "Taking it like a champ." Blood pours down the screen (the screen goes from red to dark red, to black with "blood"). And Negan laughs while he gets a couple of more cracks in after things go black (the screaming and bat gutting carries on).

At this point it looks like the episode will end in a cliffhanger. More than one of our own sources have said it's a cliffhanger. So have other sites' leaks. Every version that has been viewed so far has ended in a cliffhanger. Unless Gimple pulled some serious trickery (which they haven't done before) and sneaks in an unviewed scene, then it looks like we are stuck with the cliffhanger from hell.
That poor cameraman. Why'd Negan have to take out his frustration on the innocent cameraman. The unseen 12th member of the Lucille lineup. May he rest in peace.

Also, at least one highly watched entertainment exhibition is burying Roman's push tonight.


Abraham has as a very awkward, intimate discussion with Sasha. He basically tells Sasha he's ready to settle down and have a kid with her, as only Abraham can do. "Bitchnuts." That could be a telling situation...when people become reasonable and talking level-headed on the show...death usually comes.
R.I.P. Abraham.
What seems weird to me about this rumor is that we switch to first person POV as the bat hits whoever in the head and the screen just... grays out slowly?

No shaking? No flashes? No tilting and jittering as everything gets bloody and woozy? Just a still camera slowly going gray? You have the opportunity to literally hit the audience in the head with a baseball bat until they lose consciousness and you just fade out instead?

That shit is lame.

According to TSDF, blood does start seeping after the first (?) hit and the camera goes black. The screaming and cracking from later hits goes on, but the vision is gone. Going from the audio, it sounds fucking brutal.


That poor cameraman. Why'd Negan have to take out his frustration on the innocent cameraman. The unseen 12th member of the Lucille lineup. May he rest in peace.

RIP in pieces, sweet Cameraman. ;_;

Man...I mean it sounds like a great episode anyway, but it's just disappointing that it could have been much more.

And yeah, sounds like they're building up for either Aaron or Abe.


I did see an article suggesting the leaked audio is from a cold opening, as the theme kicks in at the end. Has this been debunked?

If the episode is a "here's how they got here" it might show more at the end.


I refuse to believe the death is Abe or Arron. Abe maybe because of the fact that he should be already dead. But still, for how much of a hype they're putting out about this, it's gotta be bigger than Abe. Ugh. Stupid show. Stop make me care!


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I refuse to believe the death is Abe or Arron. Abe maybe because of the fact that he should be already dead. But still, for how much of a hype they're putting out about this, it's gotta be bigger than Abe. Ugh. Stupid show. Stop make me care!
That Instagram photo tho... Unless it's been debunked recently.
That Instagram photo tho... Unless it's been debunked recently.

That part in the spoilers about him insisting on coming on the run fills me with all sorts of the wrong kind of dread.

Kind of disappointing that the Saviors are doing the same kind of herding bullshit the Terminus folks did too. I always liked how a small part of why the Saviors ambush worked was because Rick fell asleep on watch.
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