Tomodachi wa Mahou
Do you consider chess to be a sport?
After having watched Code Geass the answer is obviously yes.
Do you consider chess to be a sport?
After having watched Code Geass the answer is obviously yes.
You know, I just realized, even though there are four shows this season with some varying amount of incest, Game of Thrones is clearly the incest-winner this season. The fact that it has gotten millions of people and legitimate critics talking about incest as some kind of normalized act (ie, they all like Jaime so the incest is fine!) is hilarious to me.
if you're not enjoying the stupid writing or the action, you might want to stop as it only gets worst (for me in a good way) from here on out. It's like the perfect example of why so many japanese people write light novels. I don't think these could pass for real novels.
Then again, Twilight. And vampire baseball.
That is a gross mischaracterisation of the reactions to Jaime's incest, and incest in Game of Thrones in general. Incest in Game of Thrones is not only taboo but a sign of degradation; our introduction to Jaime and Cersei at the beginning of the series makes this very clear. Where are you seeing it regarded as "normalised" and "fine"?
Regardless of that, Jaime and Cersei are at least given characterisations that extend beyond their incestuous love. The lead female in Mahouka, for instance, exists for no other reason than to fulfil an audience incest fantasy. The show's photography invites the audience to leer over her as she comes on to her brother and, by extension, the audience. She is defined almost exclusively through him because that's what the audience wants. I see this as very different from Game of Thrones; yes, the show sells itself at least partly on its sexual content, but tonally it is very, very different.
You know, I just realized, even though there are four shows this season with some varying amount of incest, Game of Thrones is clearly the incest-winner this season. The fact that it has gotten millions of people and legitimate critics talking about incest as some kind of normalized act (ie, they all like Jaime so the incest is fine!) is hilarious to me.
It only makes me wonder how ANN would review it if they treated it like anime, especially since I get the feeling that they probably all love the show there. lol
This is a show here dude rapes his sister beside the corpse of his incest-baby. I just think it's funny trying to see people do the mental gymnastics required to resolve that stuff and the "fun" Jaime that they see hanging out with Tyrion.
Heck, after all the outcry from that rape scene, it was all forgotten and the finale is the greatest thing ever and so forth.Hell, you're supposed to see the incest as a point of pride in the finale based on Cersei's final interaction with Tywin!
This is a show here dude rapes his sister beside the corpse of his incest-baby. I just think it's funny trying to see people do the mental gymnastics required to resolve that stuff and the "fun" Jaime that they see hanging out with Tyrion.[/SPOILER]
What does this mean?it has beautiful things
Yeah, but with all the critical praise and people just accepting the incest as just another thing (along with dragons andfirehawk, we had this discussion a while back on this.
Sure, and right after she goes andUgh. As a book reader, that scene pained me because of how badly the directors fucked it up.
Also no it wasn't a.moment of pride or anything, it was Cersei taking a shit on Tywin. It has less to do with the act in of itself but rather Cersei pointing out how Tywin was such a godawful father despite his proclamations of family being first
Just through osmosis, he does his face turn during the whole Brianne thing and suddenly he's not a villain any more.Sounds like it's trying to carryover Jaime's presentation from the books? He's pretty much a non-character early on, mostly a douchey bogeyman, until you get into his head later with pov chapters and realize he's a fuckin' bro.
Sure, and right after she goes andgets her onii-san to fill a hole in her... heart!
Whether or not the show takes a stance is something else I guess, but I'm just more thinking of the critical and reader response. If GoT were the same, but anime (which I guess is an impossible thing to speculate on), would it get the same free pass? I'm not so sure.D&D aren't Yuasa. There have been numerous bad decisions in the GoT TV series, there were a number in the finale.
That said, Cersei is fucking crazy. She might have thought it was something to prideful of, because she's insane but the show never takes that stance.
Of course, the internet being the internet and blaming women for everything, Cersei is still somewhat hated. lol
Yeah, but with all the critical praise and people just accepting the incest as just another thing (along with dragons and) I think it's just... "interesting".fireball elves
Sure, and right after she goes andgets her onii-san to fill a hole in her... heart!
Just through osmosis, he does his face turn during the whole Brianne thing and suddenly he's not a villain any more.
Of course, the internet being the internet and blaming women for everything, Cersei is still somewhat hated. lol
Damn Mike. You're really powering through Madoka. (I watched it one sitting)
In any other context, infanticide is a major crime.Well Headey's shitty acting doesn't make it any easier. She also blames Tyrion for everything unlike Jaime who's a true bro to Tyrion. Then there is also the minor matter that Cersei is insane.
Jaime's only true crime in the series is chuckingand considering how much I hate Bran's storyline, I wish Jaime had done a better job of it.Bran out that window
Whether or not the show takes a stance is something else I guess, but I'm just more thinking of the critical and reader response. If GoT were the same, but anime (which I guess is an impossible thing to speculate on), would it get the same free pass? I'm not so sure.
In any other context, infanticide is a major crime.
And really, people hate Skylar also for being mentally weak and causing Walt to fail. As if she was the villain of Breaking Bad. lol
fuck everything
Well Headey's shitty acting doesn't make it any easier. She also blames Tyrion for everything unlike Jaime who's a true bro to Tyrion. Then there is also the minor matter that Cersei is insane.
Jaime's only true crime in the series is chuckingand considering how much I hate Bran's storyline, I wish Jaime had done a better job of it.Bran out that window
Man I wish I could be watching anime right now. This programming test is proving to be a little tougher than I thought.
The side-characters were the best thing about KLK by far.
Ryuuko ain't no Simon. She ain't even a Yoko.
Sounds like hes got beef with monster of the week shows or something.
I never got around to watching any SM past the original season. I guess at this point I might as well just watch Crystal by itself because I'll get confused jumping back and forth
Happiness Charge TV broadcast:
Happiness Charge BDs:
I prefer scientist Honoka.
Sorry but you're all just going to have to make room in your hearts for Hime too. You'd understand if you were watching the show!
Depressed Honoka was better.
The best way to experience any season really.
I don't even know whats airing next season so it will basically be 20 blind watches.
Okay so let me just make sure I've got all these straight
Punipuni means soft and squishy
Fuwafuwa means soft and fluffy
Mofumofu is pretty much the same as fuwafuwa but more specifically relating to tails, fur, etc.
Is that about right? Anything else I'm missing?
No Game No Life 5
Gakkou Gurashi TV anime announced
TLDR:Cute girls doing cute things during a zombie apocalypse
I agree wholeheartedly with the Bran criticism his storyline is the worst thing about the show. I've yet to get past the first book but i hope it's not as drawn out and dull as they present it.
The main heroes are pretty anime though. Especially John Snow and Dany. lolThere aren't many anime that have that level of 'epic' storytelling and writing. We get adaptations of shitty LNs most of the time with Gary-Stus like Kirito and Mr.Perfect in Mahouka. Jaime is a somewhat deep character and has his own host of issues. Not many anime earn that level of critical analysis, KLK is a great example.
Your hatred of the victim doesn't excuse the crime!Kid was old enough to be climbing towers. Should have listened to his mother.
A different topic altogether, but I find it interesting that male characters are forgiven much easier than female characters.Skylar is a very different issue.
The main heroes are pretty anime though. Especially John Snow and Dany. lol.
So many mofus. I don't think I can endure this.No Game No Life 11
All caught up. That was probably the strongest ep, I think, certainly the most even as it were.
Anyhow, feels nice to be wrong about a show after initially dismissing it out of hand. It's really fun, well paced, funny as shit, and just good all around. Biggest complaint is obviously the fanservice but still expected it to be worse than what it was. I mean the Shiro stuff is really egregious but most other bits are usually gag related and not exactly out of line for this sort of show.
I take it you're not a book reader so this one I can't really discuss in any sort of detail. So,The main heroes are pretty anime though. Especially John Snow and Dany. lol
Your hatred of the victim doesn't excuse the crime!
A different topic altogether, but I find it interesting that male characters are forgiven much easier than female characters.
Programming scares me. I failed so hard even attempting a few courses.
Mushishi is the best show this season. NGNL is the second best, and only if one is able to ignore the fan service...
would it be weird to say that for me Chaika and NGNL are the winners of the season? I look forward to every new episode of these.
Yes.would it be weird to say that for me Chaika and NGNL are the winners of the season? I look forward to every new episode of these.
Well that got intense for a second there. It actually got exciting.
These are the two I dropped after two episodes. Figures. lolwould it be weird to say that for me Chaika and NGNL are the winners of the season? I look forward to every new episode of these.
I've read some of the spoilers, but I imagine when the next book rolls around in 2025, everything will work out for them. lolI take it you're not a book reader so this one I can't really discuss in any sort of detail. So,. Also surprise, I think those are the other two worst actors in the show, Clarke being by far the worst.they both have their own series of fuckups that are pretty major
Cersei is basically like that from the start though!Skylar definitely had some misogyny going on even though she was also written to be antagonistic. She was 'ride or die' in the final season though.
would it be weird to say that for me Chaika and NGNL are the winners of the season? I look forward to every new episode of these.
For people not watching Ping Pong, remedy this now.
FUNi put up the first 10 episodes on their YouTube channel.
No excuses. Go.
DAT Garterbelt.
Another watchbet with phoenix296 and this time it's:
Madoka Magica 01
Strange new transfer student, strange animal and strange places. So, pretty strange overall.
You have no idea how much I want this.
Is it too much to ask for an anime where you see a happy-go-lucky couple just going around and being happy?
Slice of Life shows don't have to always focus on cute girls doing cute things you know!
You know that adorable little relationship between Sei and China in Gundam Build Fighters? Why can't I see something like that as the focus of an entire anime?!?
You never saw Madoka Magica? That's a pretty big shocker. What, did you never see TTGL too? I'd make a watchbet with you if you didn't.
Madoka Magica 02
There's always time for tea.
Lots of explaining what's going on, and more fights against clip-artmonsterswitches in another labyrinth. And what would happen if one doesn't refill that Soul Gem, eh?
Madoka Magica 03
Guess shit just got real. And that change in EDs. Haha.
Sayaka seems to have something obvious to wish for at least...
Dragonar Academy 12
Wow, they actually went with the True CNET Ending.
Madoka Magica 04
These girls should really get each-others cellphone numbers
Madoka seems quite traumatized, Sayaka makes that obvious wish and a new challenger appears.
So I want you guys to add me on Steam. My username is (quote to see)
Madoka Magica 05
The different magical girls certainly have their own ideas on how to best handle things.
It feels like some big plot point is still being kept in the dark for now.
Golden Time - 22
Why do I keep watching this show? The story is shit, the characters are bad and even the voice acting seems mediocre. I already felt like dropping this after the car accident but kept going anyway... Only 2 episodes to go, I hope I'll survive the rest :/
Sounds like I should check out NGNL at some point
Do you consider chess to be a sport?
I just thought about it but we going to have SAO S2 and Mahouka going on at the same time.
Damn Mike. You're really powering through Madoka. (I watched it one sitting)
Maybe I shouldn't have dropped Mahouka. I need a little Onii-sama in my life.
No Game No Life 11
All caught up. That was probably the strongest ep, I think, certainly the most even as it were.
Anyhow, feels nice to be wrong about a show after initially dismissing it out of hand. It's really fun, well paced, funny as shit, and just good all around. Biggest complaint is obviously the fanservice but still expected it to be worse than what it was. I mean the Shiro stuff is really egregious but most other bits are usually gag related and not exactly out of line for this sort of show.
I like the challenge. You get to learn something new all the time and you get to make things that you hope many people will enjoy.
To me doing the same thing over and over again, day in and day out is boring. With programming you always get to tackle new things and walls where, when you break through, feels great.
If I can equate it to a show it would be like House. You come up against a tough problem and sometimes it takes minutes and other times (for really complex systems) can take days. But sometimes that little thing that makes you think outside the box can make you create something as good or sometimes better then you originally thought it could be. It's a super cool feeling.
As much as I said I don't get the love for Maki, there is something I'm willing to admit.
I think she has the best character design out of the Muse group.
These are the two I dropped after two episodes. Figures. lol
This was me except it was my fifth or so anime I had seen. (I only started watching last August) Someone recommended it to me and after the first two episodes I straight up asked him. "Wtf are you making me watch?" Then after the third episode everything clicked and it is now one of my favorite anime.anecdotal, but I kept bugging my friend to watch the show but since he doesnt like cuteness quite as much as me he resisted for a while. when I finally sat him down and we marathoned Madoka Magica, he proclaimed it one of the best anime he's ever seen. Keep in mind this guy is 36 and has seen a little bit of everything in anime. High praise indeed.
Maki is a cutie but Nico is my absolute favorite. shes also cuuuuuuuuute.
would it be weird to say that for me Chaika and NGNL are the winners of the season? I look forward to every new episode of these.
what happened to Majin Bone? Did it turn for the worse?
Chaika is probably my anime of season.
You must watch it, so declares King Mofu.So many mofus. I don't think I can endure this.