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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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Anybody else like the instrumental versions of anime OP/ED songs? It varies from genre to genre but sometimes they're even better than the normal versions.

KLK's 2nd op's instrumental version is worthwhile, but that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head. Most just sound incomplete to me.


Just saw the latest No Game No Life episode. Luckily since I watched this episode so late, I won't have to wait too long for the next one.
Anybody else like the instrumental versions of anime OP/ED songs? It varies from genre to genre but sometimes they're even better than the normal versions.

The only one I can recall off the top of my head right now is maybe the first OP of K-ON S2.

I remember liking it more than the one with vocals.


Yeah, I guess "sometimes" is a bit of a relative term -- even on my own part I only meant a handful per season.

I think it works best for songs that have a lot of layers and complicated stuff going on melodically, so when normally it would be harder to hear with the vocals on top the instrumental version makes it a lot clearer.

edit: though very rarely there is stuff like Escape (Lightning Guitar Version), which replaces the vocals with an additional guitar track somewhat matching the lyrical melody (with a few extra flourishes).
man nothing like reading a very light hearted and dorky romcom with two of the sweetest leads to get my hopes up after all the dramatic crap today (One Week Drama).


Gundam Unicorn 7-
So yea I enjoyed this immensely, surprisingly enough. I mean I still had faults with it on a writing level, and there were some seriously bad directing decisions, but the tone is so damn triumphant that I couldn't help but be impressed. Unicorn 7 works not only as a somewhat fitting conclusion for the Unicorn OVAs but also the Universal Century's first century. It proposes to be a new beginning for both the Federation and the Zeon remnants. Of course the fact that F91 and all the dog shit that comes after this, kinda ruins that element when you start to think about it, but the OVA taken by itself is a good summary of all the horrors everybody has committed both during the One Year War and onwards. It almost wants to make me watch Gundam ZZ despite me knowing that would be a painful experience to say the least. It's a very good capping point for the UC up to that point as much of the episode (and really the OVAs) focuses on letting go of the old grudges. The episode also gives a clear answer as to what happened to Char and Amuro at the end of CCA,
they died
. So on that note, I really appreciate what the staff attempted to do.
So yea, the animation definitely took a hit. It seems like the OVA series as it progressed, fell heavier and heavier onto the CGI. A lot of the mecha stuff also wasn't really that good on a choreography and storyboarding front. There were some good bits here and there, such as when the Neo-Zeon mech landed on the Nahel Argama and tore shit up, but the fighting as a whole could have been much better. The best bit was the flashbacks to the previous wars during the Full Frontal mindtrip. The episode doesn't look cheap but it's not living up to its potential.

Looks like the Build Knuckle is starting to show up everywhere.
So yea I really hated what they did with Riddhe in that this piece of shit
kills Marie in a completely bullshit sequence, in which she stands perfectly still and open for a kill shot. One of the most contrived deaths I've ever seen in Gundam.
That alone is whatever. The problem is that
Banagher other than having a berserk sequence, doesn't really bring it up to Riddhe and lash out at Riddhe. It feels like she died so the director/writer could have one big Newtype sequence.
There's also all the simping that Riddhe does during the episode. It's like the show started to go all in on him being a villain but then decided to back out halfway through the episode.

This literally had me asking "Seriously?" out loud. Come on guys.
I do have to give credit in that I wasn't seriously pissed at any of the characters other than Riddhe this episode. Banagher toned down his shit from episode 4, even if he was still a pacifist or whatever by doing Jesus Yamato precision strikes. Mineva Zabi is also one of the better female leads in any of the Gundam shows. I do wish that
Angelo had gotten spaced, now that I think about it

Bright showing why he's one of the better characters in the Gundam franchise.
I feel like Londo Bell didn't do anything despite them seemingly about to attack that Federation base. It's also somewhat comical how over the top some of these people are, in that they're ready to essentially
nuke a colony
. I know Gundam has never been known for its subtlety but I do wish they would tone some of this shit down at times.
Then there is the Laplace's Box. This was both much smarter and dumber than I expected.
I liked the fact that it was something simple instead of aliens, magic, or some doomsday weapon. It was indeed something that could destroy the Federation, and so it lived up to the earlier claims. It showed how the Federation was built on a pile of lies to cover up their fears of Newtypes and also showed the initial hope that was created in the Federation. The problem is the shit doesn't make a fucking lick of sense. There is no way that you could have some missing article like that on a constitution signed by every major leader on Earth and for nobody to know it existed. It's absolute horse shit. The amount of work needed to put some clause like that in there would have been part of a huge public debate. Not to mention how stupid it is putting a clause that if a non-existent (at the time) form of human showed up, that this type of human would have authority in that government by right, is just idiotic. Might as well have a clause saying that if aliens or magicians came, that they would have citizenship by default. That would make much more sense after the One Year War but definitely not before. Oh and no goddamn way would that monument carry the weight of law. Hitler summed it up best in that treaties are just scraps of paper. In this case, it's a piece of stone. If nobody wants to honor it, then the original Federation constitution is meaningless
. That said, I think it was a good way of bringing back the theme of 'believing in the human potential' in that these people,
the original signers
, aspired for something more for the human race.
I can't talk about this episode without talking about all the Newtype magic shit. At some point you just gotta roll with it as it is a staple of the franchise at this point. I do think it's abused with how it's used in that it's a form of space magic with very little rules attached though. It pretty much acts like a version of The Force from Star Wars now. I mean we have
Force ghosts
appearing at this point. I really hated
Banagher ascending to godhood, essentially, at the end of the episode
. I know it's not hard scifi but come the fuck on. It's also somewhat ridiculous that it's Banagher of all people. It was also a poor directing decision to have
Banagher as a kid meeting up with his dad. It's not like he even knew who his dad was before the beginning of the OVAs. Also him appearing as a toddler definitely brought back up some unpleasant memories of 2001 (I'm not as fond of it as everybody else is)
. I do think Full Frontal was right in that
even after seeing the miracle at the end of CCA, people didn't change. All that light amounts to nothing as people just keep on fighting and ignoring each other
. Also the stuff in F91 and onwards shows that Full Frontal was right. I do think though that the mind-meld that Full Frontal does on Banagher was a pretty good nostalgic drive and an effective way of showing how futile all of this is. That said,
Full Frontal's mech crumbling to pieces felt way too much like a deus ex machina. Banagher is getting his ass beat but for whatever reason, FF's god-like mech, that come from out of nowhere mind you, just falls apart. Really felt like contrived storytelling on that part
This is the main thing, and possibly the major reason why I enjoyed this OVA so much. The music. I bag on Sawano all the damn time so I feel like I should give him props when I feel that he did exceptional work. He did some really great stuff in the OVAs but I feel like this is the first time in all of the OVAs that not only did the music really excel but it came together to accentuate the tone of the work to a new level. If there is a word I would use to describe his work in this OVA, it would be victorious. It's easily the best music I've heard from him and shits all over the Guilty Crown, Attack on Titan, and Kill La Kill's OSTs. I've always viewed him as a hack trying to imitate Iwasaki's style, and while I still do, I think he's very gifted at coming up with compositions. The problem is the vocal works in that his vocal pieces almost always clash with the work. His orchestral pieces are flat out phenomenal though. He's very good at coming up with uplifting songs that really soar. I wish some director would just tell him to make only orchestral pieces and cut out the vocal shit. This OVA series probably had some of the best music in the Gundam franchise as a whole and I feel he should be applauded for it. The stand out tracks for me were RX-0, On Your Mark (especially this one), Mobile Armor, and Unicorn. He used a lot of brass in the songs and it really works to create this blaring triumphant sound. It's worth listening even if you're not a fan of Sawano or Gundam.
All in all, this was a very good way of closing out the Zeon stuff even if the Newtype magic has gotten way out of hand. I feel that Sawano really put in some effort, that I hope he replicates in future works. I'm actually fine now with him doing the OST for Aldonah Zero. The OVA series as a whole had some serious ups and downs but I somewhat enjoyed myself at the end, despite Banagher and Riddhe trying their damnest to do otherwise. I think it worked really well as a reflective look back at the UC.


Poet Centuriate
Attack on Titan 3

Best girl.

Captain Earth 8

Okay, now this is actually getting interesting. This show has been such a sub-standard show until now. Zimbalt could turn out to be a really cool villain.

Oh my...the next episode is focused around our favorite mahou shoujo hacker? Fuck yes.

Acchi Kocchi 2

This show's so goddamn adorable. Tsumiki alone is gonna give me fucking diabetes, not to mention Hime.

If Io and Tsumiki ever kiss I'll probably overload.

Tonari no Seki-kun! 20

Behind the scenes at Ghibli: The Making of The Wind Rises

Mushi-shi Zoku Shou 7

Rain, rain, go away...come again another day...


In case anyone's interested, they apparently are gonna show all 6 episodes of Gundam Unicorn on MBS in preparation for Gundam Unicorn 7's release.

They showed 2 eps yesterday and I'm not sure when the other 4 will be shown (maybe today and tomorrow).

The only catch is its MBS so Kansai only.
that reminds me that I pre-ordered part 1 of the show on blu-ray. Might give the dub a chance.

Oh which reminds me, need to mention friend's comments on Fate Zero so far. We are officially 3 episodes away from finishing:

- Never mentioned this so I will now, but we told him it was ok to skip the Rin episode and after I described it for him he was thankful. What a useless fucking episode, fuck you Rin for getting your own episode.

- After the first flashback episode he failed to see the point of it, so we told him it was to expand on the character. Once the second was over he appreciated it, but he couldn't wait to get into more Rider episodes.

- We stopped right before
the Rider vs Archer
(late anime spoilers) battle episode. Or what I assume is that. This is the point neither of my friends got past, so neither of them will know just how many manly tears they'll be shedding. Though they already know that
people have to die
because the rules made it obvious, so it won't be a shock.

- The only time he ever praised Lancer was
when he was cursing the holy grail
(somewhat late anime spoilers) because he looked cool. Admittedly one of the few times I thought Lancer wasn't a total chivalry douche.


Acchi Kocchi 2

This show's so goddamn adorable. Tsumiki alone is gonna give me fucking diabetes, not to mention Hime.

If Io and Tsumiki ever kiss I'll probably overload.

Tonari no Seki-kun! 20

Behind the scenes at Ghibli: The Making of The Wind Rises

Mushi-shi Zoku Shou 7

Rain, rain, go away...come again another day...

Yeah Acchi Kocchi is super mega moenuke material. Its dangerous in high doses. Be careful.


Okay so I thought the OP in episode 1 of Brynhildr was like incomplete or some one-off deal but no they're actually going with this weird terrible dubstep thing.


Gundam Unicorn 7-

This OVA series probably had some of the best music in the Gundam franchise as a whole and I feel he should be applauded for it.
Ewww no, and I say this as someone who thinks this might be my least disliked Sawano soundtrack. :p


Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| SAO sucks, deal with it
Oh yes, because no anime before it shat the bed in it's second half before that and it doing so has breached the walls of Troy.

Now if you'll excuse me I will go watch that delightful second half of Soul Eater that makes no fucking sense.


Whatever. I'm all about that Unicron Sound Track. Probably one of the best, catchiest soundtracks in UC.

Never got this nonsense Sawano hate, tho.
Oh yes, because no anime before it shat the bed in it's second half before that and it doing so has breached the walls of Troy.

Now if you'll excuse me I will go watch that delightful second half of Soul Eater that makes no fucking sense.

The show doesn't get hate solely because the second half was crap. There are multiple reasons. Personally it's late and I don't hate the show nearly as much as others. I mainly hate it because waifu is going to get pushed to the side so Kirito-kun can go save Japan with other girls.
Oh yes, because no anime before it shat the bed in it's second half before that and it doing so has breached the walls of Troy.

Now if you'll excuse me I will go watch that delightful second half of Soul Eater that makes no fucking sense.

There's a bit of difference when you consider SAO. It shat the bed by like episode 12. It was trying to marry that shit by the end


I've never been impressed with any of the Gundam OSTs, they've always been middling/forgettable for the most part.
That's unfortunate. I definitely preferred stuff from Akira Senju's subdued pastoral music for Victory, Yoko Kanno's music for Turn A (sadly dialed down in the show), or Toshihiko Sahashi's cheaper but exciting music for Seed/Destiny. Then of course there is the favored Gundam Build Fighters soundtrack from Yuki Hayashi that everyone seems to like. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer Unicorn Sawano to most of his other works. That's just my opinion anyways.

Whatever. I'm all about that Unicron Sound Track. Probably one of the best, catchiest soundtracks in UC.

Never got this nonsense Sawano hate, tho.


Moe Latro in the Highschool - Episode 9


What a bunch of lies, die monster!

Another fun episode. I really like the interactions between Shogo and Yamagishi. There's something building there, and hopefully it amounts to something by the end of the series! Hase is such a loser it's hard to care about his "progress" though. All the anti-hype about the "drama" in this episode was overblown too. It simply amounted to an end of episode stinger which will probably be resolved in the next episode or so. They've been teasing Fujimiya's past for several episodes now, so it was just a matter of time until it entered the story. The pace and direction is still mostly slice of life and really relaxing. I'm not worried. ;P
Repost from Gundam thread but the show was so good I needed to sharez.

Mobile Suit Gundam 1 - END:
Wow, what a series. That was just fantastic.
The characters were great and well-developed, the plot was unique and rather dark at times, and the Gundam was just straight-up rad at all times. I'm really glad I followed Build Fighters with this. It fits nicely on my Top 5 series of all time. Great stuff for sure.
My favorite character had to be Amuro in terms of development. His transformation from a young, inexperienced punk to a loyal battler with a heart of gold was fantastic. While a few episodes of the show felt like filler/were just boring, all the other ones felt fresh and kept you wanting more.

All in all, totes rad 10/10 would watch.


Isn't it kind of the premise?

Not really. It's probably just something slightly more dramatic which they're using to cap the series off as a climax plot point. The show is mostly just slice of life stuff with friends being friends and doing friend stuff.


Armored Trooper VOTOMS 29

As always, another stellar episode. Much of this one is spent wandering a warship alone, with the focus upon building the romance between Chirico and Fyana. At numerous points the romantic tension is thick enough to cut with a knife, and it all culminates in one of the most impressive moments in the show to date:

Hands, like hair, are sort of one of the scariest, hardest things to really get right, and to put this much focus upon them, and their motion, and to charge those motions so fully really, really makes up for whatever other failings the animation this episode may have been afflicted with. Just as the Lion King soundtrack begins to kick in, however, the mood is completely disrupted by a fanfare and giant screens showing, of all things, what Chirico was doing before the PS project turned his world upside down.

As it so happens, Chirico, as a member of the Red Shoulders, was committing war crimes. And boy was he ever! The video makes certain to mockingly display the murder of numerous innocents and their death screams with a sort of splicing of footage to make it look like a glorious action movie accompanied by ever more irritating, pompous music.

We learn in this episode that Chirico Cuvie, as the grandfather of Sousuke Sagara, has never once had a drink, and cannot stand the stuff. He questions Fyana: "Why would anyone want to drink this?" After the music and visuals have begun and the most monstrous parts of Chirico's past are laid bare to the woman he loves, he feels no need to ask again, and we're shown Chirico go from drinking a glass full of liquor to pouring the entire bottle down his throat. For a guy who has fought his way out of some scary shit with the most badass look on his face, the sight of a completely plastered Chirico is pretty unnerving.

Just then a troop of Balarant soldiers in ATs arrive outside the ship. Although Balarant and Gilgamesh are now at peace, Chirico realizes what will happen to that peace if the Balarant get their hands on a Perfect Soldier. Of course, the ship's only ATs are the Gilgamesh Scopedogs, and opening fire on Balarant in one will end the ceasefire and begin the war anew. Unless, of course, Chirico kills every possible witness. So we go in this episode from Chirico hoping to make a fresh start of it and relax with his newfound love to feeling he has lost said love and must again plunge himself into battle. A constant theme for both Cuvie and his progeny in later shows.

In spite of that very heavy anti-war message, it's hard not to be awed by the combat at the end of the episode, as Chirico flies around in free space and wipes the floor with the Balarant mecha. The battle makes up no more than three minutes of the episode, but is definitely one of the episode's highest points.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Not really. It's probably just something slightly more dramatic which they're using to cap the series off as a climax plot point. The show is mostly just slice of life stuff with friends being friends and doing friend stuff.
When so much of that has been framed with Fujimiya's memory loss I kind of feel like her past has been looming over the whole show. Some episodes ignore it more than others, especially recently, but it's always been something that's had a really heavy impact on how the show works structurally.


Brynhildr in the Darkness 2

Alright, let's do this from the top. Spoilers abound but do any of you really care nine weeks in?

- The obvious way they're telegraphing Kuroha being the little girl means either A) She indeed is, which renders the faux tension they're trying to generate by having the main character wonder "Oh hey is this really the girl I knew ten years ago or am I just crazy" approximately every 37 seconds entirely meaningless, or B) the story will attempt to perform some incredible mental gymnastics to justify her not being the little girl for a cheap twist. Either way, I'm sure the payoff for this little story thread will be thoroughly unsatisfying.

- Turns out when Kuroha is by herself and not being quiet and standoffish towards our creep of an MC that she's all moe moe kyun, because of course she is.

- You're on the run from evil lab people and trying to lay low. Why the hell would you provide an address to the school that is even remotely close to where you actually live? The loser MC found you almost immediately and he's an idiot!

- Kuroha has a blond friend in a gothic lolita getup whose entirely body is paralyzed saved for her left hand and speaks through a keyboard-controlled device that not only perfectly imitates the voice of a normal Japanese teenage girl, but also outputs speech with perfect intonation reflecting the typist as well. That's quite the device. Oh and she can see the future because she also has powers like Kuroha. Okay.

- Oh right I never really made an impression post for episode 1, did I. Understandable since nothing happened despite it appearing like a lot of stuff happened. So let's see: Dude had a childhood friend who died ten years ago, girl who looks like (read: is) his childhood friend transfers into class. She sees him later, tells him he's about to die and to not do a thing, he does the thing anyway because (and sadly this is the most logical part of the episode) he wanted to see if she was actually right, he's about to die, she saves him with magic powers, tells him she got magic powers from evil lab experiments for ten years. Or in short: you've probably seen this exact episode 1 two dozen times+ if you've watched anime for any length of time.

- Some other witch (that's what they're called) Kuroha knows was captured by evil lab dudes, and in a later scene begs for her life and the life of her innocent companion who was also captured. Evil scientist dude responds by unscrewing the thing on her neck (oh right they all have those things too. Totally inconspicuous!) causing her to scream in pain and agony as she melts into a pile of goo on the floor while evil scientist dude sadistically smiles on. Thirty seconds later we see a scene where MC arrives with some KEIKI for Kuroha and her friend and wackiness ensues as they never had KEIKI while being experimented on and are salivating moe. Mood whiplash anyone?

- Kuroha is told via radio that a ladsy in red is going to get hit by a car in 15 minutes and die, so she and MC ditch school to save the day. They accidentally run into a lady in red riding a bike and delay her for a few moments before continuing to the spot of the accident and you already know where this is going, next.

- We get a scene where Kuroha gets embarrassed in class because she can't read kanji, understandable given she was experimented on for 10 years. It's actually kind of creepy because, like the whole multiplication tables thing, this is legitimately sad when you stop and think about it. She has the academic capabilities of a preschooler and has little to no working knowledge of how to do anything because she never had the opportunity to learn, having been abused and oppressed by evil lab scientist dudes since she was a small child. You could coax some convincing drama with real gravitas out of this scenario. This being anime, they instead play it off as cute and humorous and wacky because fantasy LN writers are hacks, the whole lot of them.

- Oh no Kuroha is bleeding from her nose at the end and doesn't come to school, the tension is palpable. I hope she dies.


I can name a number of shows that did the proverbial 'shit on the bed.'

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Gurren Lagann
Panty and Stocking

Huh. They're all Gainax productions. What a coincidence.


I can name a number of shows that did the proverbial 'shit on the bed.'

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Gurren Lagann
Panty and Stocking

Huh. They're all Gainax productions. What a coincidence.

Second half of Gurren Lagann is great. It's a shaky transition but it's still fantastic stuff.


Oricon total sales rankings for light novel series in the first half of 2014 (tracking Dec. 2 2013 to May 26 2014):


Apparently NGNL is on there twice because it technically switched publishers or something between its fourth and fifth volumes, causing their sales to get counted separately by Oricon. So if you combine them you get a total of 424,049, putting it in sixth place just below Oregairu.

So what is kagerou days exactly?
Oh wait, that's the yandere one, isn't it.

And I guess that's Uzuki in the very back and Miku the cat idol on the right, so that just leave the last four unknowns.
Maid outfit = Nana Abe
On Kanako's left holding a book = Chieri Ogata
On meido's right with the ahoge = Miho Kohinata
Blonde hair holding the cup of tea = Momoka Sakurai

For the record, Sachiko and Mayu (the yandere) are top tier. A few of the others have potential, particularly Momoka.


Anybody else like the instrumental versions of anime OP/ED songs? It varies from genre to genre but sometimes they're even better than the normal versions.
Would it surprise you if I posted something from Date A Live? It is pretty fantastic though.


Mahou Sensou seemed to have been a wasted effort not even rising to level of stuff that had anime from years past, though the anime is probably to blame for that.

At least Tokyo Ravens made it, and No Game No Life with explosive growth, probably this years hit LN adaptation (not to ding Mahouka, but that was already popular). Mahouka seems like a definitive win for all parties involved I guess.

Pretty bummed by Log Horizons low position. It would be both my favourite LN and anime on that list.
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