Most sexy Stocking's bondage on her episode for P&SwG, plus the explosive ED she conceived for Lupin the Third: A Woman Called Fujiko Mine... you know, I'm not sure if the industry is forcing her to pick doing such things when she had a proper creative control over the content. Maybe, could be, that she just likes to do that!
I didn't want to seem insolent with that response... I understand well that position and I share part of the concerns, Jexhius, I sure do... it is isolating personal examples (unclear to me) with which I see faults in that argument. It is easier to blame it all on an intangible shadow forcing it all than knowing well what exactly wants to achieve each person in question.
Because, really, I don't think we should be judging the motivations behind specific individuals we don't nearly know as well to do that, that's all! It can be insulting (and even more denigrating that whatever "bad habit" anyone can be accused of) to just attribute one's passion for anything to mere circumstances foreign to your own will, as if someone is only an immature human without volition and understanding of what anyone "should be rightfully doing" instead.
I was simply highlighting that female directors have been known to work on such material in the past, rather than a condemnation of their work or an attempt to guess their reasoning behind making what they make.
You're certainly right to say that we cannot understand the motivations of particular individuals, which is especially true without direct interviews (not to mention the language barrier) but given that limitation we can still attempt to read something into the minds of the creators, as foolish as an exercise as that might be. After all, we attempt to do just that with all kinds of movies, TV shows, books etc.
So, just as an exercise, I will return to my two original examples. Firstly we have
No Game No Life directed by Atsuko Ishizuka. This series features an abundance of what I'd call 'standard' fanservice shots. Upskirts, cleavage zooms, steamy bath scenes, scanty clothing and the like. It's all the basic stuff you've come to expect from anime and all the scenes are framed and presented as you'd expect. You've seen it a thousand times before and it's extremely boring and passionless. It feels entirely perfunctory, which is to say that it exists for cheap thrills. I haven't seen enough work directed by Atsuko Ishizuka, but I'd still guess that this had been thrown in to sell the show.
I get a very different feeling from the works of Sayo Yamamoto. Specifically,
Lupin the Third: A Woman Called Fujiko Mine[ because that's a show dripping with nudity. While some of the fanservice in that series feels a little artless, on the whole I get a completely different impression from the nudity in that show then I do to something like
No Game No Life.
Fujiko features more creative and even sensual 'fanservice' than most anime.
The ED for that series especially feels like it falls more towards the 'erotic' side of the spectrum than the 'fanservice to pander to otaku' side of the spectrum (lets just assume for now that 'erotic' means classy nudity). I really got the impression that Sayo wanted to make Fujiko a sexy and powerful figure and that there was no shame in her nudity and that's how she was depicted in the series. It definitely felt like something that came from the creator of the series, rather than an external 'shadowy force' demanding that she insert a bunch of fanservice scenes into the show. It felt like an integral part of the entire project that she wanted to include.