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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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Black Bullet ep12

"Oh another loli got killed oh well back to normal busi...

Am I doing this right?


Heh, I just cried way too hard at the ending of One Week Friends (not sad tears though!). My girlfriend asking me to be her friend is basically how we met. She knew of me and I was kind of a solitary person and she just came and asked that and that started everything.

This series hit me right in the feels over and over and over. I got her to watch the first ep a few days ago and she teared right up heh.


No Game No Life 11-12 + Final Thoughts

The only way that game could've been more fun is if they were playing Splatoon. While comparable to Mondaiji, I like Sora a little more. Not because he's "badass" (that word never held much value to me), but because of how he isn't. He's broken down almost to tears more than once, has almost made himself look like a dork several times, and though he knows what he's doing, he still has Shiro to keep him in check. The show, while not my favorite of the season, was one of the ones I'd put just beyond the top three, alongside Daimidaler, and for very similar reasons. Both are great because they feel like anime, embracing the subculture and analyzing it, expanding on it, and generally showing a love for the medium that goes to the fullest. Like a lot of adaptations, the ending leaves it clear there's more material waiting in the wings, but this was an overall satisfactory conclusion. The action is all in the mind, weakness as strength, and a pretty neat visual style. It was a lot of fun. One of the more exciting OPs of the season, too.


No Game No Life 11-12 + Final Thoughts

The only way that game could've been more fun is if they were playing Splatoon. While comparable to Mondaiji, I like Sora a little more. Not because he's "badass" (that word never held much value to me), but because of how he isn't. He's broken down almost to tears more than once, has almost made himself look like a dork several times, and though he knows what he's doing, he still has Shiro to keep him in check. The show, while not my favorite of the season, was one of the ones I'd put just beyond the top three, alongside Daimidaler, and for very similar reasons. Both are great because they feel like anime, embracing the subculture and analyzing it, expanding on it, and generally showing a love for the medium that goes to the fullest. Like a lot of adaptations, the ending leaves it clear there's more material waiting in the wings, but this was an overall satisfactory conclusion. The action is all in the mind, weakness as strength, and a pretty neat visual style. It was a lot of fun. One of the more exciting OPs of the season, too.

Its one of those surprise shows of the season types.
No Game No Life
Man I really enjoyed this series. The characters are fun, the story is insane and Jibril is still best girl. This series was even the first Light Novel series I had read (for an anime), and even though I knew what was going to happen, it still didn't dampen my enjoyment of the show (if anything, it went higher). The last game is the most intense yet for the entire series. Risking it all with
a single Coin Toss in which Sora cheated to win.

LN Talk:
I dont think I remember that after the credits scene in the books. But other than that I felt they did an amazing job adapting this to Anime. Pretty much everything, minus a couple small minor things, were in there unchanged in any significant ways. The reveal when Steph was revealed as the winner had me all giddy as it came up and was just as good as the reveal in the book. Now to go back to the painful wait for V4. C1 (and subsequently C4+C5) to be translated.

I hope we get a Season 2 because going off of what we currently have in Volume 4 of the LN, we are getting around to the Vampire "Succubus" Race and Sirens being introduced and coming into play. I personally really want to see Plum join the cast considering how she just continuously introduces comedic scenes. Steph also goes Yandre-mode for half a chapter which is absolutely hilarious.

Bring on a second season!
No Game No Life 12
That was a pretty good finale.
Izuna getting Blank but Steph saving the day, the rest of the territory being won by a simple coin flip and that cliffhanger boss fight.
It just goes bigger and bigger. Really hope this gets a second season.
Hello guys it's been a long time. I've missed everyone of y'all suckers.

Time for happy entrance music.


Mekakucity Actors really has the best soundtracks of the season or year. All thanks to KagePro vocal loids and Jin.

Now onto getting back to some shows.



Chaika bros get hyped for season 2! :D



There was no way Chaika wasn't getting a second season.

Ducky I love chaika (except that part in episode 11 fuck that part) but I want some figurines!
Why wont they make figures?

Jibril pls.

For those with a Vita in the US. PS+ Is getting Muramasa Rebirth next month. Fuck yes.


I just realized Akari despite having good proportions and dressing skimpy at below have no sex appeal or whatsoever appeal she has. No wonder Toru doesn't look at her at all.


No Game No Life 12 [END]

What a fantastic show. Definitive my favorite this season. The characters are wonderfully over-the-top, the tacticals battles are exciting and full of surprises and the serious scenario is getting very humorous thanks to the weirdness of the maincharacters. The first episode was a bit slow, but after that I kept being excited for every new episode.

I know that quite a few people were annoyed by the fanservice and the colorfilters, but I didn't mind it, because they didn't focus much on it or made the same dumb fanservice jokes, so many other shows make and just rolled with it next to the important stuff. The colorfilters actually supported the weirdness and surrealism of this other world.

I am looking forward to a second season.


No Game No Life 6-7

Unnecessary beach interlude aside, the game in episode 6 was pretty incredible. I like when the show's being that imaginative, and those final moves were the perfect blend of over-the-top plays, impossible planning, and outside-the-box thinking that I want to see.

I still don't really feel like the show ever topped episode 6. It was just too good.


It's been a while, but I got into a Five Star Stories binge recently, and naturally I had to watch the OVA once more.

If anyone here hasn't seen it, I heartily recommend it.

I was going to write at length about my perception of the work, but I feel I can't really put it well into words. In the end, I sort of feel it is underrated however.

Also, I don't think I have ever heard Norio Wakamoto so happy!


It's been a while, but I got into a Five Star Stories binge recently, and naturally I had to watch the OVA once more.

If anyone here hasn't seen it, I heartily recommend it.

I was going to write at length about my perception of the work, but I feel I can't really put it well into words. In the end, I sort of feel it is underrated however.

Also, I don't think I have ever heard Norio Wakamoto so happy!

It's totally a movie! Even if it's really, really short it's still a movie!

I wouldn't necessarily say it's underrated, it's just suffers from being a small chunk of story in a much larger manga that isn't readily available. As such, it's not really an attractive proposition, despite it being a beautiful and largely entertaining movie.

It's also hella weird and those character designs probably putting people off.
No Game No Life 12

Just announce there is going to be another season because this show is great.

Is there enough material to create a second season? Of the six current light novels published, weren't the first three used for the anime? Definitely don't want to rush a second season if a couple more LNs worth of material is needed.


It's totally a movie! Even if it's really, really short it's still a movie!

I wouldn't necessarily say it's underrated, it's just suffers from being a small chunk of story in a much larger manga that isn't readily available. As such, it's not really an attractive proposition, despite it being a beautiful and largely entertaining movie.

It's also hella weird and those character designs probably putting people off.

Yes, you are right of course. Sloppy mistake of mine!

I suppose what I meant with underrated is that it doesn't get brought up very often when discussing older works. It is one of the best examples of its era I think.

It is indeed a peculiar work, but personally I adore the tone and the design of it all. It is very distinct, and creates this mythological, larger than life feel that works well with its presentation. There are also countless beautifully framed compositions in the span of just about an hour, it is is one of the most respectful and endearing adaptions I can think of.

That, and a romantic vagabond Wakamoto just feels right for some reason.
Is there enough material to create a second season? Of the six current light novels published, weren't the first three used for the anime? Definitely don't want to rush a second season if a couple more LNs worth of material is needed.

There would at least be two more LNs written in addition to those three if they even waited until mid/late 2015 for another season, based on his current pace of writing.


Is there enough material to create a second season? Of the six current light novels published, weren't the first three used for the anime? Definitely don't want to rush a second season if a couple more LNs worth of material is needed.

Pretty sure this is correct, this
season covered the first 3 novels last time I checked.
Is there enough material to create a second season? Of the six current light novels published, weren't the first three used for the anime? Definitely don't want to rush a second season if a couple more LNs worth of material is needed.

The first season was the first 3 Light Novels. There is a total of 6 of them currently out and he outputs them at a rate of 2.5+ a year. Basically if they have a second season by Summer next year, there will then be enough material to cover a third season.


No Game No Life 8-9

The way this game played out reminded me enough of weird Death Note shenanigans that I had fun. The rules were fuzzier than usual this time around (
If Sora's existence was "erased", but Shiro was allowed to remember him because she was his partner for the game, then why did she lose some memories and keep others?
), but that weirdness ultimately led to a pretty satisfying unraveling of a logical thread.

I still wish the show wasn't making so many overtures to the sorts of people who like 11-year-old cameltoe (see: Warbeast ambassador being a little girl, Shiro feeling up Steph). But now that they've established their willingness to be tasteless, I'm glad they sometimes play off that expectation they've created to produce comedy. If this series wasn't so willing to poke fun at itself and at its characters (protagonists included), it'd be a lot harder to put up with its faults.

After having the boldness to go with that altered ED in episode 8, I kind of wish they'd been more inventive during episode 9.
Just going to a black-and-white palette to show Shiro's loneliness without her brother around feels cliche. The series demonstrated earlier that both characters are practically paralyzed with fear when they lose contact with each other, so I feel like a more creative director would have done more with perspective and lighting to play up Shiro's fear at a world where Sora is gone.
As long as NGNL ends without having to show me #beautifulthings then it'll be all right. I mean it'd take a lot of #beautifulthings to make me dislike the show since the charm and wit outside of fanservice is so good.
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