This can only mean new people can do the Super Danganronpa 2 adaptation, upupupupupu
Black Bullet ep12
"Oh another loli got killed oh well back to normal busi..."BAH GAWD ALMIGHY IT'S THE CAT EARED LOLI THAT GOT KILLED FUCK THIS SHOW FUCK EVERYTHING!!!!
Am I doing this right?
No Game No Life 11-12 + Final Thoughts
The only way that game could've been more fun is if they were playing Splatoon. While comparable to Mondaiji, I like Sora a little more. Not because he's "badass" (that word never held much value to me), but because of how he isn't. He's broken down almost to tears more than once, has almost made himself look like a dork several times, and though he knows what he's doing, he still has Shiro to keep him in check. The show, while not my favorite of the season, was one of the ones I'd put just beyond the top three, alongside Daimidaler, and for very similar reasons. Both are great because they feel like anime, embracing the subculture and analyzing it, expanding on it, and generally showing a love for the medium that goes to the fullest. Like a lot of adaptations, the ending leaves it clear there's more material waiting in the wings, but this was an overall satisfactory conclusion. The action is all in the mind, weakness as strength, and a pretty neat visual style. It was a lot of fun. One of the more exciting OPs of the season, too.
Black Bullet ep12
"Oh another loli got killed oh well back to normal busi..."BAH GAWD ALMIGHY IT'S THE CAT EARED LOLI THAT GOT KILLED FUCK THIS SHOW FUCK EVERYTHING!!!!
Am I doing this right?
This is good.You know what guys?
There's no more Ping Pong.
This is bad."Oh another loli got killed oh well back to normal busi..."BAH GAWD ALMIGHY IT'S THE CAT EARED LOLI THAT GOT KILLED FUCK THIS SHOW FUCK EVERYTHING!!!!
You know what guys?
There's no more Ping Pong.
Ducky I love chaika (except that part in episode 11 fuck that part) but I want some figurines!
Why wont they make figures?
Ducky I love chaika (except that part in episode 11 fuck that part) but I want some figurines!
Why wont they make figures?
Damn Akari, back that ass UP.
Woop Woop
I did see this one but they messed up her faaaaace
Her face is important!
You know what guys?
There's no more Ping Pong.
No Game No Life 6-7
Unnecessary beach interlude aside, the game in episode 6 was pretty incredible. I like when the show's being that imaginative, and those final moves were the perfect blend of over-the-top plays, impossible planning, and outside-the-box thinking that I want to see.
Looks like I'll check out chaika
Sweet. Bones will finally have 2 good seasons in 1 year. Hype!
It's been a while, but I got into a Five Star Stories binge recently, and naturally I had to watch the OVA once more.
If anyone here hasn't seen it, I heartily recommend it.
I was going to write at length about my perception of the work, but I feel I can't really put it well into words. In the end, I sort of feel it is underrated however.
Also, I don't think I have ever heard Norio Wakamoto so happy!
3 seasons. Noragami.
Anyone still watching Black Bullet deserves whatever shit they get from it.
No Game No Life 12
Just announce there is going to be another season because this show is great.
It's totally a movie! Even if it's really, really short it's still a movie!
I wouldn't necessarily say it's underrated, it's just suffers from being a small chunk of story in a much larger manga that isn't readily available. As such, it's not really an attractive proposition, despite it being a beautiful and largely entertaining movie.
It's also hella weird and those character designs probably putting people off.
Is there enough material to create a second season? Of the six current light novels published, weren't the first three used for the anime? Definitely don't want to rush a second season if a couple more LNs worth of material is needed.
Is there enough material to create a second season? Of the six current light novels published, weren't the first three used for the anime? Definitely don't want to rush a second season if a couple more LNs worth of material is needed.
Is there enough material to create a second season? Of the six current light novels published, weren't the first three used for the anime? Definitely don't want to rush a second season if a couple more LNs worth of material is needed.
I don't undesrtand the spoiler. Is there something mysterious about it?Pretty sure this is correct, thisseason covered the first 3 novels last time I checked.first
I don't undesrtand the spoiler. Is there something mysterious about it?
Because it's better on handheld.