Amazing. Not a single Asian team advanced. All gone.
You know my top Shonen shows that I think are brilliant are One Piece(if a series can make me cry for a boat it has done something right), Hunter X Hunter(everybody knows why), Beezlebub(it's filled with great funny antics), and Full Metal Alchemist. Though for a while I've been watching a certain series which fills every criteria for brilliance and has now made it to my top Shonen shows. The series is Gintama of course and now to talk about it.
Gintama is a anime that knows how to be entertaining and it does it well. The way it inserts feels, drama, comedy, and how it adds serious moments isn't forced towards the audience it's perfect. For example an earlier episode that had a character who was a murderer that killed for money, but in fact he was a father to these orphans which he used the money for. He didn't want to live as killer but as a father for these children which would lead up to a feels moment that made me cry. The comedy is also not forced like some other Anime's like Kondou being called a gorilla kills me every time and Hasegawa being called a Madao is also hilarious. The references in this anime are also the best part and are enjoyable. Usually there are characters that you dislike but in Gintama every character is enjoyable in their own way. This anime also contains some of my favorite manly voice actors such as Gintoki of course (Sugita), Hasegawa(Tachiki), and Hijikata(Nakai). Also the voice actor for Kagura(Rie Kugimiya) who I usually find annoying for some other characters done by her like Rise and Shana, but for Kagura I don't. Probably must be her character which I also like. As for serious moments this series has it like in the second arc Benizakura which is my favorite so far. Had my favorite ending song in it which was inserted while Katsura and Gintoki were fighting at the end.
Sooo good and awesome.
This anime has one of the best Main Character Gintoki, this guy does whatever he wants and he may not seem to care but he actually does. He's funny and he has the characteristics of a great main character. Did I forget to say he's manly. The speeches he says at the end aren't cheesy but memorable. The one speech he said to Hasegawa when he was in jail for being a molester, on how he would bring a rope not for him to kill himself but to pull him out from hell no matter how many ropes it would be. In the end this anime is amazing that has made me cry multiple times because it's manly shit that builds up it's tensions at the right moments. One of the good merits of anime and should be in everyone's top Shonen. I also have to say Why Didn't Anyone Recommend Me This Anime In The Past Seriously.
Akagi 01
So, I watched both seasons of Kaiji and have been meaning to watch this for a while. And while this was not a bad first episode by any means, and Akagi seems like an interesting protagonist, I don't got a clue about any Mahjong rules or hands.
Will I still find this enjoyable despite that, or will I not get anything out of this?
Guys, this is surely the future of how anime will be watched:
watch Saki. At least you get yuri with your mahjong
Guys, this is surely the future of how anime will be watched:
Wub wub in the nub nub!Oh fuck me the ending. I died.
The beauty of the internet.I can't even tell if this is real or not.
Guys, this is surely the future of how anime will be watched:
Hey look a thread about Spring or Anime or something,
waifusimulator.gifGuys, this is surely the future of how anime will be watched:
This made me check out Epic Rap Battles and speaking of being inundated with requests, they finally did Goku vs Superman:
Saint Seiya episode 13 (I watched beyond this, but still)
Well that escalated quickly.
A valkyria chronicles anime? Surely this is the subject of myth.
It wasn't that bad.
Remember another rpg franchise that got an anime ( star ocean ) ...
So yeah i even think i liked the valkyria anime.
We can finally get rid of Dresden's awful title.
We can finally get rid of Dresden's awful title.
Oh my GOD, the thread has disbanded!
And replace it with another awful title. The AnimeGaf tradition.
I only remember the anime op for first departure, it was so good
Guys, this is surely the future of how anime will be watched:
This made me check out Epic Rap Battles and speaking of being inundated with requests, they finally did Goku vs Superman:
I want the Tampire to return.
Summer 2014 OT: At least my Onii-sama didn't have to wait two years to glop.Summer 2014 Anime IOTI Kirito-kun is nowhere near Onii-sama and those that think he is can go die in a fire I will fucking murder you how dare you talk shit about onii-sama I swear to god Kirito-kun only does it for his country and like totally supports the murder of millions while onii-sama is cool personified and super smart and shit and why is the title allowed to be this long?
lolHoly shit I can't beleive they went with aO_Ocripple joke
The adaptation is fucking terrible. Welkin is a indecisive wimp, Alicia was a hot headed tsundere with exaggeration, Faldio is a sparkling bishounen all these went against their game counterpart personalities and Ramal is the worst filler character ever to grace the series. The only thing consistent about the show is Isara because she behaves exactly how her game counterpart is.The actual VC anime was much better. Its actually a good anime.
They also forgot Vyse!!! Flipping aniplex
I know there's the other image but holy shit everything now makes even more sense. Especially best girl
The AnimeGAF hasn't disbanded.
I know there's the other image but holy shit everything now makes even more sense. Especially best girl
but best girl has red hair
I dunno, Mahouka's meganekko is way more hotty than Nanami.Left
I know there's the other image but holy shit everything now makes even more sense. Especially best girl
I dunno, Mahouka's meganekko is way more hotty than Nanami.
Did anybody continue to watch that bones show about robots? I forgot it existed. Because it's so shit
Still one of my top two series for the season.Did anybody continue to watch that bones show about robots? I forgot it existed. Because it's so shit
I did.
No, nothing has happened yet.
Did anybody continue to watch that bones show about robots? I forgot it existed. Because it's so shit