Everything you have left in Black Lagoon is about baby faced kids. Sorry.Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage 3
Koto- Kyousogiga
Kiyoko - Yondemasu Azazel san
It's simple, we kill the batman.gif
On a serious note, SAO2 got Miyukichi, it couldn't be that bad.... right?
The world is still beautifull - 12
I'm 100% , no 200% , no 700% happy by this ending.
The world is still beautifull , It wasn't on my radar... BUt GODDAMIT in enjoyed it all the way
The entire CAST of characters is perfect.
And that turn of event when they got back was excellent.
I have high praise of this now , i'd even take a movie or a second season.
A perfect exemple of an entertaining anime that focus on characters
Guess I'll add some of ya on steam too.
Heartcatch Precure 10
Welp still surprised I'm enjoying this show.
Aria: The Animation 2
I liked that bit of backstory with child Aika meeting Alicia for the first time. And the interaction between Akira and Alicia was pretty funny. Visuals in this show are pretty great; this episode's highlight being the town reflected in the water as the tide rose above the streets. Always liked that kinda thing.
One Week Friends should've been about Saki and Shogo. Just like Inari Konkon should've been about Uka and her lover boy. It isn't the first time this has happened.
I think it is not very often when a book/media author realizes that a side character is more popular than their leads and gives them their own thing. I think Orson Scott Card is one of the few I know that realized Bean was more well liked than Ender, and gave him his own series.
With the gaming stuff, I'm Tenumi on Steam, NNID, PSN, and Xbox Live. Lucky me.
Also, I finished Futari wa Pretty Cure today. Gonna do my final series writeup tommorow.
I'm not watching anything made by KEY ever again.
Not even if Cajun begged me to.
For those of you concerned for my well being, I'm now only watching ZZ Gundam, VOTOMS Phantom Arc and Macross F.
I confess that I am damaged goods, and am enjoying all three shows even though the first is LOL TOMINO, and the second and third are CGI robots.
But, much like Basara before me, I'm now on a quest of healing and self discovery (and also maybe intimate relations with space vampires!)
like so:
Is gintama a particularly dope anime?
SO the crow has returned, I forget did he get banned or just leave?
Wonder how that one person who likes the Clannad is going to react to that stone tablet.
Having been told how it ends, I feel like everything up until Za Twist is painfully obvious, and Za Twist would've just earned more screaming and shouting fucks from me.
I am pretty sure a second season was confirmed for a fall airing.
Mahouka 13
Every time I watch this show, I feel like I missed out on a ton of world building somewhere. These characters speak with such purpose about concepts, events and/or people that have barely been fleshed out if they've been introduced at all. It's like the audience is expected to get more information from a character's tone than the information itself, since there's no way we can be expected to know what the fuck any of these people are talking about.
Maybe stuff has gotten glossed over from the transition to anime, but as it stands, the means of battle and even the setting itself are so poorly realized that I've given up trying to follow things. Plot holes and nitpicks aside, at least SAO was easy to follow, whereas this is a jumble of information that seems to be almost purposely left vague. The only terms that have actually stuck with me are Blooms and Weeds, and that's only because I like conflicts/prejudice based on class structures in stories.
If the action doesn't start picking up soon, I think I'm just going to drop this. These magical sporting events aren't doing it for me.
I have the sudden urge to collect beetles...
Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage 3
I kinda like Indian bettle and Katanagatari Sister beetle, but the others look pretty generic. If these bugs go to bug school I'm going to cry.
I kinda like Indian bettle and Katanagatari Sister beetle, but the others look pretty generic. If these bugs go to bug school I'm going to cry.
Are you serious I did not know that, since I've only seen the english version of Full Metal Alchemist. Now i might go ahead and watch the japanese version.
I initially interpreted this that you mean google protecting you from some deleted lewd.http://i.imgur.com/XmeIrPk.png
edit: I just noticed this guy misspelled goggles. Such horrible grammer.
I made it 11 episodes through After Story, which is more than one can ask of a man after the two episode flashback arc about why a woman is having sexual relations with her not-at-all-anthropomorphic-actually-just-a-literally-a-cat.
I feel kinda bitter at how Volume 1 is sold out. Didn't realise they were so limited.
Why are you watching this and not the good VOTOMS OVAs or Mellowlink?!VOTOMS: Phantom Chapter 3
I'm not the hugest fan of the CGI in this show, but I do like that they've managed to provide sufficient time to Coconna and Vanilla's rekindling of their romance rather than this being solely about "Where's Chirico?" These post VOTOMS main show OVAs continue to make choices I find both heart rending and questionable, though.
Will watch.
Watch it for the style, not the substance.
So much Clannad hate :/
I've never seen anyone hate it this much.
Don't you mean... a bug's life?What's wrong with going to bug school? They all just want a good life!
Good to hear that it gave you something precious back. It's really a bautiful thing.I loved Clannad and After Story. I must've cried the final 5 episodes of it through in a row and in a way it helped meget rid of the stupid anger I had towards my Dad who did nothing wrong, get closer to him again and meet my now step family and half sister so I've got a lot to thank it for. Maybe I'm giving it too much credit but it wasn't until after I watched After Story that I somehow twigged that holding a grudge was stupid.
Why are you watching this and not the good VOTOMS OVAs or Mellowlink?!
Now this was a lot better than the first I felt. Less 'nice' shots to be had and it didn't feel as visually appealing, but it was a more balanced and engaging work. A good part is they examined the effects of the battle from both sides which was good, hilarious American stereotypes be damned. "Kureiji da" hahaha
Ah, there are a couple of other decent 2D VOTOMS OVAs btw though I don't have hands on experience with them.I watched The Last Red Shoulder already, and I made it halfway through Mellowlink before deciding the subs I had were unintelligible and putting it aside for another time.
I don't even know how the tennis game was supposed to look like the last one. Also apparently the parental lesson of the day is that art is suffering? I guess she was right for this particular episode. It certainly made me suffer. Speaking of Baby Steps art, I think it's time we once again looked at the true masterpieces of the show.
Now THIS is art!!! The framing, the lines, the perspective! Magnifique!!! Sports Glasses is missing out on all the real tennis art.
It’s really a toss up for me as to whether or not this or Shin is the best the franchise has put out thus far.
Mazinkaiser SKL
Too much time is spent talking about how much they like killing and dropping f-bombs and not enough time wrecking enemy mecha and shouting at the top of their lungs.
Shin Getter Robo
Whether you are a fan of the Getter Robo series and have enough know-how to get the numerous references peppering the work, or only a newcomer to the realm of Super Robots, Shin Getter Robo is an excellent series for one and all!
Macross 7
Although I came around to the show more or less, I decided to skip over 7 Dynamite because I feel like I’ve had enough of this for now.
Armored Trooper VOTOMS
An absolutely stellar real robots series, which also serves as a tour de force of just about every kind of action movie setting one can think of. From Woodo’s sleazy, crime-rife streets to the humid jungles of Kunmen, to the wastes of Sunsen where vengeance hounds him at every turn, to the surreal finale in Quaint, VOTOMS has it all. Chirico is the archetypal strong and silent soldier of mecha anime, and though he only becomes somewhat more talkative over the series’ course, he most certainly lays the groundwork of softening up for the likes of Heero Yuy and Sousuke Sagara. His one-man war never ceases to entertain nor excite, and moments when Chirico is not present tend to be upheld by his stunning supporting cast. The final arc may perhaps best be described as Code Geass R2 if it had retained its sanity.
I initially interpreted this that you mean google protecting you from some deleted lewd.
Don't bother really, what people like about After Story is exactly that contrived emotional wrangling that you so deplored on the first half so it will probably only serve to agitate you further.
I feel kinda bitter at how Volume 1 is sold out. Didn't realise they were so limited.
Why are you watching this and not the good VOTOMS OVAs or Mellowlink?!
Will watch.
I've just heard too many mixed-to-negative comments about post-TV Votoms to even give any of the extra material a shot.I actually haven't minded the entire Shining Heresy onward storyline. The one thing I'm not fond of is the decision toOn the one hand, it was a deep cut for Chirico and I really felt for the guy at that point, but I kind of hated that it was a thing at all.make Fyana's life span no more than two years and have her die in Shining Heresy.
Otherwise, though, Chirico continuing to be a force of nature/God in a post Wise-Man world is pretty cool, and him running into Coconna, Vanilla and Gotho has been great. In fact, I kind of feel that that decision was the perfect way to help him (and the audience) cope withthe loss of Fyana.
Also seeing Jean Paul Rochina as a laughing mad monk of the Martiel faith is definitely a highlight.
Eventually I will back track to get the whole Pailsen story, too.
I've just heard too many mixed-to-negative comments about post-TV Votoms to even give any of the extra material a shot.
Skimming that, I wonder what you'd think of the movie. It's a different beast apparently and I usually see complaints about it "cutting out part of the story" yet anytime I look a bit further into the show, I can't help but think that's a good thing.
I'd have to lean more towards Shin Mazinger myself, because of its greater scale and ambition. Mazinkaiser isn't bad and it did provide a good way to update the basics of the original series for modern times. Overall, I'd say it's nice to see how Mazinkaiser remained true to form while still giving fans a new titular robot to cheer for (although I believe the design itself was originally produced for a SRW game).
Yes, I wasn't too impressed by this production either. On paper, it seemed like a valid alternative to give the property some more room for experimentation, but I came out of the experience rather underwhelmed and not finding much to care about. Perhaps length was the issue? I can see how it needed either more episodes or better characters to actually make a difference rather than becoming a merely forgettable footnote.
On the one hand, I'm glad you really liked Votoms so much. It's definitely one of the top mecha series of the 1980s and still a classic to this day. Granted, I've had my own personal nitpicks about, which borders on science fantasy in contrast to the more down-to-earth aspects of all the robot technology, but in general the whole show and its conclusion remains a must-watch.the true nature of Chirico's powers and the whole thing that Wiseman had going on
On the other hand, I do think that the actual sequels to Votoms have run into a case of diminishing returns and excessively involving Chirico has become a liability over time, regardless of how much I like him as a character...in addition to the simple fact that the TV series ended on the best possible note and none of the following endings have, in my opinion, been able to improve on it. If anything, the sequel OVAs have gradually detracted from it, despite having their moments of nostalgia value. I realize you've come to take a more positive view of those events, but I think at this point the property needs more diversification beyond just a couple of token efforts. Phantom Arc exemplifies the best and the worst aspects of the particular approach they've taken so far, with both welcome and unwelcome familiar elements (I'm not a fan of the final episode in particular).
As for the last comment, I would have to disagree...to the extent that, one way or another, I am fully convinced each ending is appropriate for the respective protagonists involved, their roles and personalities. I wouldn't frame it as a matter of sanity, which is surprisingly relative when it comes to fiction, but to each his own.
I've just heard too many mixed-to-negative comments about post-TV Votoms to even give any of the extra material a shot.
She is voiced by Kugyuu. All characters there are.I see Rizelmine in that picture. why is she there?
Baby Steps 13
I don't even know how the tennis game was supposed to look like the last one. Also apparently the parental lesson of the day is that art is suffering? I guess she was right for this particular episode. It certainly made me suffer. Speaking of Baby Steps art, I think it's time we once again looked at the true masterpieces of the show.
Now THIS is art!!! The framing, the lines, the perspective! Magnifique!!! Sports Glasses is missing out on all the real tennis art.
Okay so I had to go check this out because it looked pretty obvious that all the background characters were CG even though you usually only bother with that for city shots. Heck, these characters aren't even moving and they're still CG, which they try to mask with a fake "out of focus" filter. Look at all the people striking identical poses, or who are just the same character with hair swaps:
That's not all, sometimes they even forgot to keep the same CG models behind the character that they had in literally the last very shot. Notice how the background cast change and a girl in orange appears out of nowhere. One dude's hair even changes colour:
Another interesting thing, for one shot two episodes ago they used a
I'm fairly sure that's the only shot in the entire show, or at least since this tournament started, where the crowd wasn't super obvious CG things. I wonder what the reason was?
She is voiced by Kugyuu. All characters there are.
Arrogant shota king is best king !I need to get back to that show. I really liked Nike but the king was pissing me off so much.
It's a classic example of how information has been lost from book to anime.Mahouka 13
Every time I watch this show, I feel like I missed out on a ton of world building somewhere. These characters speak with such purpose about concepts, events and/or people that have barely been fleshed out if they've been introduced at all. It's like the audience is expected to get more information from a character's tone than the information itself, since there's no way we can be expected to know what the fuck any of these people are talking about.
Maybe stuff has gotten glossed over from the transition to anime, but as it stands, the means of battle and even the setting itself are so poorly realized that I've given up trying to follow things. Plot holes and nitpicks aside, at least SAO was easy to follow, whereas this is a jumble of information that seems to be almost purposely left vague. The only terms that have actually stuck with me are Blooms and Weeds, and that's only because I like conflicts/prejudice based on class structures in stories.
If the action doesn't start picking up soon, I think I'm just going to drop this. These magical sporting events aren't doing it for me.
Beetles are always serious business in japan.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Strikers Episode 6:
One thing I do like about Strikers over As is with the grand shift to the TSAB, all of the archaic chaff from previous season has been cast overboard and thus I have so far encounter no superfluous characters. That being said, the plot is taken its sweet time getting in gear but we finally have a name and a face to the villain of the season and while I do enjoy the attention to detail paid to all of the military minutia, I do want to advance the actual proceedings as well.
This one is a pretty weird addition to this series given planes aren't really involved much in it at all but it is still a very good episode. It covers the story of two unlikely comrades and their journey onto certain death. (kind of a running theme here)![]()
Arrogant shota king is best king !
It's a classic example of how information has been lost from book to anime.
As it stands , it's made for people who have read the books.
You have to actually pay attention to all the details to get "everything" since the anime doesn't do the job with monologues unless they have no choice.
Beetles are always serious business in japan.
I'm surprised this didn't happen BEFORE KANCOLLE
What you seek is going to happen soon.