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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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If you were a Psych 101 freshmen student, how would you analyze this dream AnimeGAF? Does it mean I have deep seated desires of attention-whore-ism or that I want a harem? Or does it simply mean I watched that episode late at night before i fell asleep?

Now I'm not licensed nor do I have any actual education or experience in this field but that seems plainly apparent.


I had a dream last night that I was onii-sama and all the girls were all over me, but the sister was nowhere to be seen. Until the very end when she was crying in the corner while I ate ice cream.

If you were a Psych 101 freshmen student, how would you analyze this dream AnimeGAF? Does it mean I have deep seated desires of attention-whore-ism or that I want a harem? Or does it simply mean I watched that episode late at night before i fell asleep?
It means you need monster girls in your life.

Maybe I should too. Get that full experience.
But then we'd have to wait 3 months for your impressions too.
Why would you do this to us.


did anyone watch diebuster? I only watched the first episode which I didn't like much, throwing that reference to gunbuster in the end like that was also meh. does it get better? Is there more shitty cg?

oneeee-sama, pls.

In general one thing that most people writing about this series neglect to mention is the quality of the background because it's so consistently good. I'd still like to give its due because without the fantastic worldbuilding provided by the background art I believe the show would lose a substantial amount of it's charm and tone. The art is so impressive and beautiful that it really takes you to this other world before the story has even begun:
yes, this is so true. I often stop the player and just watch those backgrounds.
Baccano! - 7

O_O. This shit just got a lot more interesting.

So a devil started this whole mess. Weird, it was such a good sport about it too. It was acting like it was a fruit punch at a party "There's enough for everybody!"

It also granted a wish to Elmer, while acting all: "Hey! You're so stupid. Would you like a wish?" lol. Should be interesting on how it affects the train. That is, if it DOES affect the train. It could also affect Dallas, for all I know.

Next episode looks like it's going to focus on Isaac and Miria. Ah, this should be good. Haven't been seeing too much of those two lately.
I had a dream last night that I was onii-sama and all the girls were all over me, but the sister was nowhere to be seen. Until the very end when she was crying in the corner while I ate ice cream.

If you were a Psych 101 freshmen student, how would you analyze this dream AnimeGAF? Does it mean I have deep seated desires of attention-whore-ism or that I want a harem? Or does it simply mean I watched that episode late at night before i fell asleep?

It means you're the best. Now start inventing magic pls


So I'm checking out the staff list for Sengoku Basara : Judge End its seem the staff entirely changed from previous two anime, hopefully this is not bad sign.
KirbYuuYuu's Bizarre Adventure

Well dream really, but they've been getting weird lately.

I know two of my dreams basically consisted of being on some sort of college ground that I don't recognize in the slightest. We can call it Morioh really. Both of these consists of going to a class, triggering an event, and then running home before the professor catches me. The second one had a person I don't recognize also joining in to convince me to come in, although the professor comes into my room first, "MENACINGLY". And then that random person comes in with a friend, and things got honkidori.

Which then led to a receptionist from my job (Good person), asking me to look for something... which led me to a cave. I don't know why she needed something from a cave. Dream gets mucked up as I wake up to refresh myself, and it then transitions to a different scene. One that looks more familiar to me. Me and the Family just coming home from work, and we see two guys talking about something. TWO times now, they threatened us with a gun because they were doing something shady, because we might squeal.

...And then a fucking Rhino with a kid on its back shows up, wandering in the road. And we just pulled off. TOO BAD IT STARTED CHASING US FOR SOME REASON! Now it's just Highway Rhino Star. The car gives us an advantage of course, as it gave us considerable distance. But then traffic happened, and we realized the Rhino was still chasing us down, so we got the fuck out into this outdoor mall. We proceed to open the shutters to seek refuge inside, but we weren't that lucky. We pulled down the shutters, but the side area was still open to waltz through (what terrible design).

The rhino first attempts to go through the area with the shutters, but then turns around to go for the side that was open. It was when I realized it was specifically targetting me. Upon realization, I open the shutters to make sure no one else got involved. Unfortunately, it turned around and cornered me. As I was contemplating how to get away from the rhino, it stood up on two legs, removed it's head, and revealed it was just a guy inside a rhino costume. And then I woke up, puzzled at how this even happened, but the one thing that truly stuck out in my mind was.... "What happened to the kid on his back?"


did anyone watch diebuster? I only watched the first episode which I didn't like much, throwing that reference to gunbuster in the end like that was also meh. does it get better? Is there more shitty cg?

oneeee-sama, pls.
It is enjoyable overall if you watch it through, it's no Gunbuster and does entirely different things to different effect but worthwhile.
The ending is also pretty manipulative if you watched Gunbuster.


did anyone watch diebuster? I only watched the first episode which I didn't like much, throwing that reference to gunbuster in the end like that was also meh. does it get better? Is there more shitty cg?
Wait... did you watch only the first episode and then the series ending? Or did you instead spoil that for yourself through other people words without experiencing it? Coming full-circle was the gist of it!

Oh, I think I misunderstood your post... you most probably are referring to the references AT THE END OF THAT FIRST EPISODE/OVA, right? My bad.
Clannad and After Story final impressions

For once I agree whole heartedly with Corvo! I thought Clannad and After Story where nothing but emotionally manipulative pap but the worst thing about them is that they were just dreadfully boring. Couldn't even finish After Story as they completely and utterly failed to get me to care about any of the characters or their plights.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I loved Clannad and After Story. I must've cried the final 5 episodes of it through in a row and in a way it helped me
get rid of the stupid anger I had towards my Dad who did nothing wrong, get closer to him again and meet my now step family and half sister so I've got a lot to thank it for. Maybe I'm giving it too much credit but it wasn't until after I watched After Story that I somehow twigged that holding a grudge was stupid.

With ya mate. A lot of themes in the show are pretty rare for anime series to even touch and some of them really resonated due to my own familial situation. The beauty of After Story is what comes out of the sobering depression of it all. Its a story about a boy coming to grips with life and everything that comes with it after the happy days of high school come to an end.
Brynhildr of the Darkness 13: End


No words. Not even the ending gave a fuck. This show was masterful. Never before has somebody gone so full retard in such a beautiful fashion. It's like if they were dancing to Swan Lake and at the same time shitting unto their cupped hands and smearing it all over their bodies.

And that ending. Oh god that ending


The way the writing just stopped caring was masterful. The fucking drop kick. The no explanation as to why shit is happening, just you know "role with it". The tears. The salty tears. The fucking guy
sacrificing himself for no reason even though he had made it clear over and over again he was in it for himself
the fucking
psycho sister bitch wanting to still be with him even though he's using her and would throw her away like a cum-riddled tissue whenever he wanted
. Just truly the work of a genius.

This show was an orchestra. AN ORCHESTRA OF EMOTION

THE FUCKING SPARKS WILL FLY. THE SEA WILL PART, GOD WILL PEER HIS FACE OUT OF THE CLOUDS AND SHED A SINGLE TEAR OF BEAUTY. Because without this show. Without this show my life is meaningless. Thank you anime. You've proven that the worst of you, is the best for me.

I give this show 9/10 Ironic Woofs. And I hereby demand that whoever owns the key to The List watch this show, and fucking puts it in there. Because it deserves it more than many other shows.


They really are.

How are you enjoying Black Jack btw? What episode are you on?

I'm heading to episode 6 pretty soonish. This week my friends are gone the whole week so I'll have time to watch it more consistently. Will probably end up doing group reviews because my watching isn't very consistent.
Clannad and After Story final impressions
As I grow weary of this telling, allow me to close with a brief summary: Clannad is an insincere, manipulative, hideous to behold work with characters so tiresomely bland that you’re apt to find more compelling adventures scrawled upon a bathroom stall, a love story so pathetically devoid of love that you’re like to be more moved by the romance in Gundam SEED Destiny or even AGE, and with enough clichés and recycled conventions to make even Rah Xephon look thoroughly original. Shun it, and shun all things which KEY has ever produced, for here there is neither style nor substance.

LOL the hate is strong with this one. Nurture it my friend as it will only bring you to greater things.

Personally I liked Clannad/AS the first time I watched it but it was my first haremish anime so I wasn't familiar with the tropes and such. I do still think you are being overly harsh with it. I liked the humour tbh, the slapstick comedy style obviously didn't go down with you though. I didn't think the relationship was that bad although Nagisa is purer than the driven snow and the show is sickeningly sweet at times. Personally if you don't take the show that seriously and just see it as a guys retelling of his HS days to his daughter it goes down a bit better (as he would obviously embellish how he was a bad-boy who was popular with the ladies, but his wife was a perfect sweetheart). In any case Okazaki is the main character and the girls are pretty much window dressing. For me the main feels comes from analysing the fact that Okazaki has to live a life, he has to graduate HS, he has to get a job, he has to become a family man. None of those things are just given to him, they are all earned. I wrote a bit about this before so I'll just quote myself.

For me although Clannad is a harem-lite it doesn't have most of the damaging traits that they usually have. Okazaki has to work for everything he gets.
He doesn't sit around and get friends, he makes an active effort to get to know the girls in his harem. He isn't imbued with some natural skill which makes him better than everyone, instead his right arm is disabled and his family is broken, his dad is a drunkard. He isn't a genius or a paragon of good either, he regularly skips school and is a known delinquent. But he works hard and gets a girlfriend and manages graduates HS.

He doesn't get to go to college, but he doesn't let that stop him. He strives to get a job, and even has to hide his disability in order to get it. He works really, really hard doing physical labour. And just when shit seems to be going his way, when it looks like his hard work is paying off and he will move far forward, his dad does something that causes him to lose that opportunity. Not him, not anyone he deals with or associates with, but his drunkard, disgrace of a father. He has no control over this event. And yet that doesn't destroy him. He picks himself up and marries his long term girlfriend, and they move in together.

Nagisa gets pregnant but we know that due to her poor health it will be a difficult delivery. And just on the day that she is due to give birth the snowfall means she is unable to go to the hospital. She dies giving birth to heir daughter. And here we have a person destroyed by events so, so far out of his control. He breaks down and is unable to be a real father to his daughter.

5 year time skip. He is given a the chance and manages to pick himself up and re-establish a relationship with his daughter. He can talk with her about the mother she never knew. He can comfort her from crying when she is sad. He also manages to forgive his father for all that had occurred and he is able to meet his granddaughter. He can finally pick up his daughter from school and they can go home together and be a real family.
Just a few days away from home and internet and Kadokawa released the first PV for the new Strike Witches OVA.

Nice to see Gertrud, Minna & Co again.
And a full OVA without Perrine!


well not really...yet
Is probably getting another fucking season.

There's something that's rather common with the ones getting a movie "movie" though.

The primary cast consists entirely of girls, with little to no actual male interaction (Aikatsu has Raichi, iM@S has the producer). Maybe PR needs to take a hint?
im@s has that boy band too


Brynhildr of the Darkness 13: End


No words. Not even the ending gave a fuck. This show was masterful. Never before has somebody gone so full retard in such a beautiful fashion. It's like if they were dancing to Swan Lake and at the same time shitting unto their cupped hands and smearing it all over their bodies.

And that ending. Oh god that ending


The way the writing just stopped caring was masterful. The fucking drop kick. The no explanation as to why shit is happening, just you know "role with it". The tears. The salty tears. The fucking guy
sacrificing himself for no reason even though he had made it clear over and over again he was in it for himself
the fucking
psycho sister bitch wanting to still be with him even though he's using her and would throw her away like a cum-riddled tissue whenever he wanted
. Just truly the work of a genius.

This show was an orchestra. AN ORCHESTRA OF EMOTION

THE FUCKING SPARKS WILL FLY. THE SEA WILL PART, GOD WILL PEER HIS FACE OUT OF THE CLOUDS AND SHED A SINGLE TEAR OF BEAUTY. Because without this show. Without this show my life is meaningless. Thank you anime. You've proven that the worst of you, is the best for me.

I give this show 9/10 Ironic Woofs. And I hereby demand that whoever owns the key to The List watch this show, and fucking puts it in there. Because it deserves it more than many other shows.


The way they engage the enemy with literally no plan, just to get rekt.

Kazumi still thinking about boning Ryouta as she lies in a pool of her own blood,

The nonsensical twist and subsequent full minute of gunfire into Ichijiku's back (which apparently wasn't enough to keep him from forming words, much less coherent thoughts),

I can't fucking breathe.


Is probably getting another fucking season.

There's something that's rather common with the ones getting a movie "movie" though.

The primary cast consists entirely of girls, with little to no actual male interaction (Aikatsu has Raichi, iM@S has the producer). Maybe PR needs to take a hint?
Are the boys really that relevant in PR?
im@s has that boy band too
I didn't really think anybody cared about Jupiter anymore.


Wait... did you watch only the first episode and then the series ending? Or did you instead spoil that for yourself through other people words without experiencing it? Coming full-circle was the gist of it!

Oh, I think I misunderstood your post... you most probably are referring to the references AT THE END OF THAT FIRST EPISODE/OVA, right? My bad.
yes I meant the end of the first episode, the Inazuma kick after tearing the suit off and showing some tits.

It is enjoyable overall if you watch it through, it's no Gunbuster and does entirely different things to different effect but worthwhile.
The ending is also pretty manipulative if you watched Gunbuster.
okey. I did finish to watch gunbuster 2 days ago and I liked it.


O.K., now I believe you can do that but, please, don't do that... D-:

Impossible! You didn't even endure Stella Jogakuin for her sake...

who decides when are these bdays anyway? are these official.... does every char have one? 2deep4me
Official, yeah. Character sheets from even the early design stages of a project can be pretty full of additional information like that (blood types are essential information too, since the very beginning).


Meanwhile, there's Oda, who just accepts the first random fan suggestion for character birthdays as long as there's some meaning/pun behind it.
So does Corvo have like a copyright on making very praise-worthy nonsensical reviews of shows? This show deserved it.

edit: on a different note just beat Mario Kart on 100 cc. Don't know if I want to do 150cc for a while. I hated getting gangbanged by every fucking npc in this mode. They hated the fact Luigi-senpai was always first.
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