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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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Poet Centuriate
Catching up!

Tonari no Seki-kun 21 END

Awwwww yeah

Fun way to end the show. Kinda fitting
Seki gets off scot free and Rumi gets busted.
I was hoping they'd play the "Is there something on your mind, Yokoi?" with
Seki is on her mind, but confused for in a romantic sense. I can dream I guess...

Anyways, fun show little show.

Captain Ear'f 9


Ice Cream Idol
gets outshined in her own debut by everyone's favorite Hacker Magical Girl. Akari really is the best character in this show, there's literally no competition.


Poet Centuriate
Yami 4

lol what an outfit

FROG DAM fuck stones

Okay now this is taking a folk tale and stretching it farther than it was meant to stretch

Is this show supposed to be interesting? Cause I'm engaged right now. Ritsuko's story arc is actually kinda interesting and not completely lol-worthy so far.

:lol at this naked ritual
that dress split right down the middle and I don't know why but it was so goddamn funny to me

seriously. what an outfit

jesus christ who put all this S&M imagery in my anime

ah now that's a twist

School Days 3


I just can't.

Wow, Sekai, what an outfit. Just where do you work exactly?

Dude, honestly, what do you even see in Katsura?

What a creeper. We should make this required watching in DatingAge on how no to act, fuck. Like, I know I'm a hopeless fucker, but jesus this making me even cringe.

Ah, are we gonna go for it this time?


Love Live! S2 - 06

Everyone's fucking...


...in this episode.

No but seriously, this episode in simplest forms was stupid. Sure it had its comedic moments but again the drama it tries to force is contrived and how they went about it was nonsensical.


Black Bullet 7

Pretty good episode. Although, I was expecting Tina to be a little bit stronger than that. =/
This guy sure beats high ranking people pretty easily...


Poet Centuriate
Acchi Kocchi 3

Goddamn this show's fun. It's gotta really unique cast of characters, humor, and visual design. On top of that...


Cajun, I know you warned me, but I might not survive the cute.


One Week Friends 7

Took some effort to finish watching the episode, been finding the slower moments of the show really a chore to go through, but at least there has been plenty of scenes of Hase being a nice guy idiot who can't react properly. On the other hand, it's funny to see this amnesia thing become a nonexistent issue at this point of the show.

This show has felt a little bit frustrating like Golden Time but I think it holds up better and has better writing. Its still aggravating to see so many things getting in the way but thats romance drama for you. At least it doesnt have a
ghost Banri

I actually like the look of stop motion animation better than CGI. It has a really neat, rough quality to it. A lot of Koji Yamamura's older work used stop-motion in some way, including some cute shorts he made for NHK. Pretty neat stuff.

Im used to stop motion from growing up in the 80s but I dont particularly prefer it over good CG. Tim Burton was a god of stop motion.

A battle that the witches aren't even participating in! Damned Funimation.

Why believe fanartists when you can believe in Humi DA GAWD'S wisdom? Bloomers in football soccer is truly the only way to go. An Erica from based Sandwich is also welcome.


SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Also Nanami so good she can compete with mofuwas, tomboys stronk.

Humikane is a swell human being.
SO many cuties.

I wasn't even surprised at the Dog Days 2 transformation scene after the ones in the Nanoha movies, oh jaysus.

Lol yeah. Nanoha really goes all out with the loli transformations. Completely shameless.

In kind of anime related info but also not really, Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!'s PS3/PSVita release is out now for anyone interested. You have to import from Japan right now if you aren't already there though. Western companies may pick up the game like they did the original release perhaps.

I suck at fighting games but I need this on principle.
Arcana Heart knows every single way to make me happy and it does it all.

Good, good~

Cajun bought a mature anime?

Kinda shocked.

Why is that even rated TV-MA?

Actually, a good number of anime are labelled TV MA.
Im not sure why Haganai is other than semi rampant nudity or something.
Anything fanservicey seems to get slapped with TV MA like Cat Planet Cuties.

Fall 2014 for NA apparently! Weiß best girl as far as I know, no bias here folks.

I like Nazuna, Angelica, Catherine, Fiona, Heart, Kira, Konoha, Lirica, Scharlachrot, Weiß, and Yoriko the best. SO much Cute!

I see, thanks to both of you.

No problem. I dont think you should fret much about this one. It was never an outstanding packaging, just an outstanding show. Get it any way you can.

X'amd Episode 2

God the animation....

Its... beautiful...

It was very pretty. If only the writing was up to snuff.
Its enjoyable though.

82 and 91 look the best.

God I want another season of Maou-sama.

At least we get blurays soon!

Thinking about Captain Earth. Is it any good? Been on my mind for a while.

Hitsugi no Chaika 09
More world building which is nice. I'm honestly surprised they chose now to talk about Hasumin. I'm not sure when it was put in the Light Novles, but it was brought up much, much earlier in the manga adaption. I thought they would have just omitted it altogether.

No Game No Life 09
I expected an edited OP, but that's okay. The episode was alright. Can't wait until next week.

Im about to continue watching both of these shows i just a bit. I miss them already.


Black Bullet 8

Wow another tina episode? But she's great so i'm not complaining. They even introduced another blonde loli. This show is getting pretty good


Sounds pro,but why should i care when the most important is how it feels?

You shouldn't. It was just my crude attempt at trying to explain some of the reasons why some people prefer traditional animation over cg.

Compare what you posted to Jarmels Dominion Tank Police and Alita gifs. Different strokes.


Ah, alright then. Looks like it's even getting a physical release this time. I think the original is digital only?


Oh yeah, for firehawk12,haha:

MP in this case stands for Metroid Prime. It comes from this thread.
I wouldn't use that wording but would agree that the games are pretty good. It's nice to see so much love for F-Zero GX there as well.

Yeah Arcana Heart 3 was digital only. The fuckers.
If the new ones getting a physical release Im definitely getting it.

"Two coors show" means you need at least two beers to make it through an episode.

Lol I never thought of it that way. but I dont drink beer.

Since "cours" is French, you don't pronounce the "s", unlike in "Coors".

Im part Cajun and Im used to seeing a lot of French spoken and written around here, so I read it as "cour" too.

I'm only watching Captain Earth for the mech porn and Akari.


I am so wow right now.

OVA animation was so good. Brings to mind Armitage and Plastic Little.

It ain't even fair.

I'm not that fond of any BONES' offerings this season, but Chaika is the only one that seems competently made.

Chaika has a fairly strong story and some good characters in it. and SO MUCH SQUEE.
Its no surprise its catching on really. One of Bones better ideas.

No Game No Life 1

No SFW No Life

Seriously, guys?


I noticed she has shimapan hehee.

Yep, whoulda thunk Chaika would be better than Captain Planet?

I might be biased though.

Wagnaria!!2 4

Sato knows his coworkers all too well. Mentioning "Little Managers" with Sota right behind him.


Oh my god, this episode!



Paper cup telephones!

And now more misunderstandings!


Lol, the way Yamada just glides into the room.


Amazing episode all around.

More of Yamada being the undisputed best girl. Get used to this.

Nah, then I'd just be humouring the show. The show wants me to be sad. I'm not.

It's not really. There's nothing really special about Kirito other than just having the role of a powerful main character doing stuff! He's just kinda boring really.

Hell, Klein should be the real main protagonist here. He's the newbie in this world while Kirito is the expert! He had to learn to adjust and survive to this new world while Kirito already had a clear idea of what to expect. They'd have a much more interesting story going on here if they just swapped the roles.

I cant get into shows where you have to self insert as an all powerful perfect character. thats not me and I hope to hell its not anyone. I dont see the appeal in these characters unless people really are that lonely and desperate.

Nothing can top 80s waifus!

You present a strong argument. Very strong indeed.

Is that the one from Orange Road? She was great. Shame that the guy was in indecisive pansy fuck. At least in the films he grew a pair. But realistically any girl would've dumped that zero and gotten herself a heeeeeeeeeeero.

Sorry I turned sassy fat lady from talk show for a second there.

Nah thats Kyoko.

Mahouka 1-8

So this show isn't terrible. It's just really really bad. The amount of jargon throwing and technobabble that happens in this show makes Final Fantasy XIII look like it's just plain English. Jeez. It would be one thing if they took the time to just simply explain the workings of the world. Instead the writing just trots along without giving a second thought to how the world works and as a result the explanations and reasonings for why some of the events that are happening make it seem hamfisted up the wazoo.

Of course, that's one of the few reasons why I dislike the show. One of the most glaring part is Miyuki. Holy crap. This character screams "I'm a slave." Were it not for Tatsuya being on the screen every fucking second of this show, Miyuki would actually be a decent character even if she is OP as fuck. Speaking of Miyuki, you can't talk about her without her beloved fucking ONII-SAMA. Fuck this guy. If we thought Kirito was bad because of his bland personality then Tatsuya is by far worse. Emotionless douchebag who tries to act like a hero. This guy is the epitome of a blank slate. Please. Just insert yourself into this character and totally live the male power fantasy. Oh, of course we can't leave out the Miyuki dynamic. Miyuki's personality is just as empty with her only notable traits being super fucking OP and her love for Tatsuya. Fuck these two characters. I hate them.

I do enjoy seeing the magic rip people too shreds. The characters look cool, espeically the main cast. I think that it's sort of dumb that they wear high school uniforms all the time. Well... Not dumb per se but rather wasteful. The visuals are pretty and very clean and I think it would've benefited from more varied outfits.

Overall I think this show is an absolute piece of trash when relating everything with the writing. The pacing between episodes is bad. The pacing of the episodes itself is bad. The characters suck and don't really have much personality to it. Dialogue is boring and dumb as fuck. The premise of the show is dumb as fuck. I just... I don't know. Despite that I think this is one of the more enjoyable shows I've watched because of the bizarre and dumb shit going on. This isn't so much of a hatewatch as it is, "Oh. Cool. Stuff is happening. I wonder what will happen next."

It mystifies me as to why shows like this get so popular when they are so average. But maybe thats why theyre popular. they dont shock or amaze or polarize people, theyre just there.

maybe chargeman ken or that infamous episode of lost universe

either way will buy


I dont see anything particularly wrong with that episode from the video.

She's in my top list x)

Free CR Pass


Anime in general really could use more lead heroines in their 20's.

LIke Aoi Sakuraba :)

Genshiken was pretty good, or at least the manga was IMO.

Hell yeah Genshiken is good! Even in season "3" where Hato is the main focus.


Black Bullet 9

Wah... She has cat ears... I want to pet her so badly ;-;
Also, I have a bad feeling about Kisara...


Puchimas!! 54: Goddamnit, Makochi is so adorable, especially in Beat'em Ups.

Makochi is adorable by default.

Taiga and Miyuki short introduction video for Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax:


Make sure you watch it through to the end.

Wait Miyuki is in this now? This is quite a clusterfuck mix of waifus. Needs more yanderes fighting over their man. I really might buy this because it has KYH in it.

Yami 4

lol what an outfit

FROG DAM fuck stones

Okay now this is taking a folk tale and stretching it farther than it was meant to stretch

Is this show supposed to be interesting? Cause I'm engaged right now. Ritsuko's story arc is actually kinda interesting and not completely lol-worthy so far.

:lol at this naked ritual
that dress split right down the middle and I don't know why but it was so goddamn funny to me

seriously. what an outfit

jesus christ who put all this S&M imagery in my anime

ah now that's a twist

School Days 3


I just can't.

Wow, Sekai, what an outfit. Just where do you work exactly?

Dude, honestly, what do you even see in Katsura?

What a creeper. We should make this required watching in DatingAge on how no to act, fuck. Like, I know I'm a hopeless fucker, but jesus this making me even cringe.

Ah, are we gonna go for it this time?



Oh wow. Be careful. This is a lethal combination of shows. Yami is amazing though. Absolutely incredible.

Acchi Kocchi 3

Goddamn this show's fun. It's gotta really unique cast of characters, humor, and visual design. On top of that...


Cajun, I know you warned me, but I might not survive the cute.

Yep I definitely warned you guys hehee.


edit: Yes, Love Live has some halfbaked drama. It's really at it's best when it just plain fun or getting into training.

I love that nico nico ni thing so much. Also the way that Nico is totally opposite of that actually. Its hilarious every time.


Gimme any of the Chaika characters in this. C'mon Sega.

Lovely though that would be, Chaika isn't a Dengeki Bunko series. Its imprint is Fujimi Fantasia Bunko (alongside things like Date A Live, Full Metal Panic, Tokyo Ravens, YuuShibu...)


Binbougami Ga 09

Kooto de wa. Daredemo hitori hitorikiri.
OK this episode was hilarious. The cooking at the end.
See IS? This is how you do a cooking joke right.

Binbougami Ga 10
The toiler god. My sides oh god.
Also beckoning cat get! Best god.

Binbougami Ga 11
This episode aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh god the fanservice song. #dead
Naruto Shippuden Season 12 Episode 364 – The Ties That Bind

The war has truly begun.
wow going the all silence route for the death of Shikaku and co at headquarters and tears felt more sad than the manga made it, Shikamaru quite strong indeed. Neji too even is depressing.


So now we have Simon Scania and the Koenigsegg Empire. I love all these car references. As if this show wasnt awesome enough already.

Binbougami Ga 09

OK this episode was hilarious. The cooking at the end.
See IS? This is how you do a cooking joke right.

Binbougami Ga 10

The toiler god. My sides oh god.
Also beckoning cat get! Best god.

Binbougami Ga 11

This episode aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh god the fanservice song. #dead

Thats a really great show.


Another name Gilette, which sounds like Gillet Vertigo.
Man I wanna meet the writer of Chaika. Probably a gigantic car enthusiast.


Fredrica is so adorable. I love this show so much. Its a lot of things I like.

Also Im not sure who is more thirsty, Akari or Miyuki.


Poet Centuriate
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