Admiral Woofington
Is it significantly weirder than most adventure time episodes?
Or Courage the Cowardly Dog, now that could be really fucking weird

Is it significantly weirder than most adventure time episodes?
Or Courage the Cowardly Dog, now that could be really fucking weird
Is it significantly weirder than most adventure time episodes?
Or Courage the Cowardly Dog, now that could be really fucking weird
I watched this .gif for like a minute because I was really confused about where the first hoof went
I wished I had cable sometimes...Adventure Time - Yuasa Edition
That was awesome. I can't believe CN was cool with something so lucid and strange. Would love to hear the story on how this collab happened.
I watched this .gif for like a minute because I was really confused about where the first hoof went
Gundam Seed 20
Lol'd out loud when Kira started crying in the Strike's cockpit and they show the Gundam in the same position like it's also crying.
His crying is the best. Sounds like an animal dying and trying to pass a kidney stone at the same time
AND IT HAPPENS SO MUCH ALL HE DOES IS CRYHoly shit thats bad. Thats baddddddd.
I thought it was going to be grounded more in reality![]()
Omg don't remind of 24....such disappointment. About the anime I just wasn't expecting that supernatural twist, didn't get that vibe from the trailer iirc..
I'm scared to be excited.Koike's upcoming Lupin "movie" is looking pretty fun:
I believe!Koike's upcoming Lupin "movie" is looking pretty fun:
Not more or less weird, but certainly more non sequituir. It was certainly on the strange end of Yuasa's style. I could see a kid who tunes in every week watching that and just going "Huh..?".Is it significantly weirder than most adventure time episodes?
Or Courage the Cowardly Dog, now that could be really fucking weird
Is Terror in Resonance the show that's getting it's OST released before the show airs?Enjoy the Kanno...
It's not really an issue of effort, so I didn't get aPing Pong 10
Good but I wasn't feeling it as much as I did last week. Peco'sfelt too much like "Shonen Heart" bullshit for me to buy into it :/turn around
Is Terror in Resonance the show that's getting it's OST released before the show airs?
What episode is that one scene in the bath of Mahouka where Miyuki insists that she doesn't care for Onii-sama as a love interest. I need to win a bet.
What episode is that one scene in the bath of Mahouka where Miyuki insists that she doesn't care for Onii-sama as a love interest.I need to win a bet.
It's the most recent one.What episode is that one scene in the bath of Mahouka where Miyuki insists that she doesn't care for Onii-sama as a love interest. I need to win a bet.
Nanana episode 10
I always enjoy Tensai being carried around or get hugged which makes her blushed so cute.
Damn you Sugita for hittin Tensai.
Yes, lol. It comes out the day before episode 1 airs. July 9.
I'm guessing, however, it won't have the OP/ED on - or at least they will be TV size only - as not only are they comparatively high profile tie-ups but one of the singles isn't even being released until September.
This is a recent thing. They used to be included!Soundtracks generally never have full OP/EDs on them though.![]()
This is a recent thing. They used to be included!
At this point it should be clear how much I have is from the 90's and early 2000's. :/Looks like it's been the case for over 10 years now!
At this point it should be clear how much I have is from the 90's and early 2000's. :/
Originally known as Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Visual Works Inc., it was established on September 1995 as a joint-venture between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment Japan, and changed its name in January, 2001 to Sony Music Entertainment (SME) Visual Works Inc. after becoming a subsidiary completely owned by Sony Music Entertainment Japan. In April 2003, it changed its name to Aniplex Inc.
Hmmmm... *cough*
I'm not mad of you because of the doujins. I'm mad because of your poor taste in waifus.Sad that we don't seem to get along.
Hentai Doujinshi are fictional work that I am reading for enjoyment, like manga or novels. While quite a few works are savage and crude there are quite a few interesting, funny or plain cute doujinshi that explore their own characters or reinterprete the ones from existing shows.
Way more than the brainless western porn that at most have a setting, most douinshi have an actual story. And some of them are really engaging even without the sexual act. Others are playing with the medium and are simply funny or weirdly funny. And some are plain stupid but have a interesting artstyle.
I think it isn't that different weither I am reading Black Lagoon where fictional people, even children, get shot and killed or a doujinshi where a fictional young adult gets porked. Both are works of fiction and as long as one has the grip on what is real and what's not, that should be alright, aye?
maybe I shouln't wrote this post. Half of anime gaf probably think that I am disgusting while the other halfs still laughs because I can't get beyond the panda.
Lynne is pleasedStrike Witches 4
This was the look on my face upon seeing the amount of world building in this ep that attempted to legitimize the concept of the show. It was impressive a full ten minutes of airtime was devoted to discussion of what a post-war economy would be like if/when the Neuroi were defeated. In particular, the textile industry was highlighted when a brash plan was put forth to help reinvigorate the industry should it fall into a slump after the war. The plan, you ask? Attempting to provide a product to half the global population that had long been unserved by this industry by increasing the production of pants for this demographic. That's right, pants for women.
How very lewd.Full length as in lowlegs? How arousing.
Cleary it has to be makes too much sense.I guess I should at least humor you with the only witch who wears "pants".
Clearly you on the left.
I think profile certainly matters for Aniplex, but it is as you said, the rise of Aniplex and their involvement with Sony Music is the real factor here. They make a lot of money from the music sales and promotion, so they in turn put a lot of effort in selling the OP/ED and not to cannibalise sales of their disks. The choice of artists and the use of more high profile songs is also an effect of that to an extent.I was going to comment that the three titles you mentioned with full OPs included were released on Victor/Flying Dog, whereas the others were Starchild and... Aniplex.
Aniplex titles tend to use higher profile artists (well, a little higher profile anyway) than most others which could partly explain it. Given that there is a vague possibility of some mainstream sales success for an artist like the lead singer of Galileo Galilei, or Flumpool, or any of the other Sony Music bands, I suppose they don't want to cannibalise single sales - particularly in this instance, where the album is coming out so early.
The prosecution rests.
It sounds even better to me, especially the "waking people up from their slumber."
I'm not mad of you because of the doujins. I'm mad because of your poor taste in waifus.
lolWay more than the brainless western porn that at most have a setting, most douinshi have an actual story. And some of them are really engaging even without the sexual act. Others are playing with the medium and are simply funny or weirdly funny. And some are plain stupid but have a interesting artstyle.
Also >Can't get past the panda.
Best doujin *maybe NSFW?*
And browser plugins!Seriously lol. There are even guides out there which show you how to do it.
Not all doujins are H yes. Somewhat unfair to group them like that that's not why he's loling though.Well, I have read like 10 Soul Eater romance doujins that had no bangin' whatsoever and were actually pretty decent
Edit: Also H-manga have thought put into them! *NSFW text*