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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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It raises the stakes at the end of one episode and makes me anticipate the resolution, only for a breather episode to show up. Even though I do like all the breather episodes, I'm just now starting to notice this pattern. It'd feel like it's starting to drag, but there's another Elite Four match next episode, with Satsuki finally willing to spill the beans on who killed Ryuko's dad, so here's hoping it goes somewhere.

They manage to stretch that part out quite a bit, the beginning and midsection has a lot of padding. I was starting to lose interest until the midway point.

Didn't take long for me to realize that cliffhanger endings from KLK meant jack. I found that most of the follow-up "payouts" of their cliffhanger endings are never as satisfying as advertised.


Oh man! While checking out Tsk06's 'tweet' about the actual prices on Amazon.co.jp of various Ghibli Ga Ippai Collection digital disc releases, and seeing the upward price trend that is experimenting their SPECIAL Short Shorts DVD, it hit me like a rock the notion that pretty soon people won't even have the opportunity of obtaining again the On Your Mark animated short after ASKA's (from CHAGE&ASKA) involvement on that drugs scandal!

At this rate, the collective memory of it will vanish in the same way its storyboard's watercolours fade as the pages go on (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=26907815&postcount=3519)... a shame such a brilliant piece of work has to be affected collaterally like this.
Brynhildirhdinrnsiidsndsiirndi of the Darkness 9

Needed more full retard moments. Instead I got slightly perverted humor and an attempt at getting me to feels. But it takes more than that silly anime.
Kill la Kill - 09

Ryuko: "Ok, let's fight!"

Gamagoori: "The match doesn't start 'til 1:00." *points at clock*

Me/Ryuko: "GODDAMMIT!"

So yea, another ok episode that actual delivers something this time, while also telling more about Gamagoori's character. That bit I mentioned earlier about tone/narrative inconsistencies is averted (for) now that there's another fight with another Elite Four member coming next.

Nearing the halfway point for this show, and I've been enjoying the ride, so here's hoping something really good's coming.
lol all the crunchyroll comments made me entirely skip One Week Friends. Damn show you had a good run at first, then kept fucking up with Hase's insecurities, and now a new guy is introduced to fuck it all up. It went full Golden Time drama.

I'll read comments about next week's episode but if it's going to be full drama the next few episodes then consider it dropped.

*sees Vore*



lol all the crunchyroll comments made me entirely skip One Week Friends. Damn show you had a good run at first, then kept fucking up with Hase's insecurities, and now a new guy is introduced to fuck it all up. It went full Golden Time drama.

I'll read comments about next week's episode but if it's going to be full drama the next few episodes then consider it dropped.

The Irregular At Magic Highschool 8

Oh FFS he just magically figured out flying off screen like it was NBD after all that talk about how impossible it was? And the point of the scene was to establish not that our MC is gods gift to man but to further remind us his sister is thirstier then the entire Sahara desert?

Why the fuck am I still watching this?
I hate unnecessary melodrama. The show so far had avoided it by making Hase attempt to be her friend. But recently his insecurities and whininess has gotten me to start disliking the show. And now there's apparently more drama with new guy who everybody who is watching hates.

So yeah. No thx. Do no want.

Why the fuck am I still watching this?

Until you people complaining week after week admit that you're like me and watching it as a gary stu guilty pleasure, you should just stop watching. Admit it brothers.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I hate unnecessary melodrama. The show so far had avoided it by making Hase attempt to be her friend. But recently his insecurities and whininess has gotten me to start disliking the show. And now there's apparently more drama with new guy who everybody who is watching hates.

So yeah. No thx. Do no want.
Are you posting multiple times in protest of an episode you didn't watch?
The Irregular At Magic Highschool 8

Oh FFS he just magically figured out flying off screen like it was NBD after all that talk about how impossible it was? And the point of the scene was to establish not that our MC is gods gift to man but to further remind us his sister is thirstier then the entire Sahara desert?

Why the fuck am I still watching this?

Mahouka is a guilty pleasure for me, I admit. I'll be watching it until the very end. XD

No Game No Life on the other hand has been a lot of fun so far. And they went with a really interesting color palette for this series, despite it being just a little rough on the eyes sometimes.
No I actually did skip throughout the episode right now. Largely it's complaining for the sake of complaining.

Whining if you will. That such a diabeetus show went so sour.


No I actually did skip throughout the episode right now. Largely it's complaining for the sake of complaining.

Whining if you will. That such a diabeetus show went so sour.

It's okay bro, that show is wearing thin with me too, and i think it's the weakest one i watch on Sundays. I even have Brrnnnnnhilder higher than it. I think i'd have dropped it if it didn't have like 2-3 episodes left.
The Irregular At Magic High School 9 (15 seconds in)

Oh so our MC is ALSO this Silver guy who's a brilliant inventor who's created some of the words finest magic technology which we also spent 5 minutes last episode having a character fawn over this Silver guy's work.

So the MC is

-A secret agent for some military agency thing
-Chosen protector for his "sister" who's apparently really special for reasons
-A brilliant magic inventor who's created some of the worlds cutting edge magic tech
-AND a brilliant magician who's figured out ways to make impossible spells possible

But despite all of this his amazing powers are immeasurable in the testing centers because they aren't up to his ability so he tests into the lower class? Further his tier 2 friends also are clearly way better then 90% of the class and we have no explanation for why they tested low either.

I understand why every man, woman, and child in the story wants the MC's D seriously he's truly gods gift to man. Knowing our MC he'll figure out a way to clone himself a million times over so that he can cure the thirst of the entire world with his D because that's probably the only way to prevent the world's destruction. Any other possible ending for this story would be terrible outside of maybe him ending up with the "sister" character and just rubbing salt into the wounds of the entire planet.


Hell that's hard. If there's one positive thing that shounen anime as a whole can lay claim to, it's that they have a disproportionately high number of great, memorable OPs compared to anime as a whole. Of course, part of that is an inherent advantage of many of these shows running long enough to result in several OPs per show and thus increasing the likelihood of at least one standout OP, but even between, for instance, One Piece and Bleach, there might be ten or fifteen OPs that are really good listening.
Good point, the fact that a lot of them are "endless shounen" and generate many more OPs than the average show is a pretty significant factor.
If someone had randomly asked me which show this season has a 3DCG motion-capped elaborate fan dance sequence as its ending, I would not have guessed Blade & Soul.
That was actually really cool. Also a nice song.
Also also "LEGO BIG MORL" is a fantastic band name.


Oh man! While checking out Tsk06's 'tweet' about the actual prices on Amazon.co.jp of various Ghibli Ga Ippai Collection digital disc releases, and seeing the upward price trend that is experimenting their SPECIAL Short Shorts DVD, it hit me like a rock the notion that pretty soon people won't even have the opportunity of obtaining again the On Your Mark animated short after ASKA's (from CHAGE&ASKA) involvement on that drugs scandal!

At this rate, the collective memory of it will vanish in the same way its storyboard's watercolours fade as the pages go on (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=26907815&postcount=3519)... a shame such a brilliant piece of work has to be affected collaterally like this.
It's a yearly tradition in the Laser Disc room at Anime-Expo for them to show On Your Mark. I love that short and I was a bit upset to see it removed from that set. I'll keep the memory alive!


Tragic victim of fan death
The Irregular At Magic High School 9 (15 seconds in)

Oh so our MC is ALSO this Silver guy who's a brilliant inventor who's created some of the words finest magic technology which we also spent 5 minutes last episode having a character fawn over this Silver guy's work.

So the MC is

-A secret agent for some military agency thing
-Chosen protector for his "sister" who's apparently really special for reasons
-A brilliant magic inventor who's created some of the worlds cutting edge magic tech
-AND a brilliant magician who's figured out ways to make impossible spells possible

But despite all of this his amazing powers are immeasurable in the testing centers because they aren't up to his ability so he tests into the lower class? Further his tier 2 friends also are clearly way better then 90% of the class and we have no explanation for why they tested low either.

I understand why every man, woman, and child in the story wants the MC's D seriously he's truly gods gift to man. Knowing our MC he'll figure out a way to clone himself a million times over so that he can cure the thirst of the entire world with his D because that's probably the only way to prevent the world's destruction. Any other possible ending for this story would be terrible outside of maybe him ending up with the "sister" character and just rubbing salt into the wounds of the entire planet.

Best post I've read today. It's like I'm watching Firehawk12 for Mahouka.
Irregular At Magic High School 9 Half way in

Seriously why can't they just promote the MC to tier 1 class? Even at the school most of the tier 1 characters realize the MC is gods gift to man even if the don't know 90% of his gary stu secrets. Like how hard is it to go "he's way too good to be in tier 2 classes bump him into tier 1" maybe that goes against precedent, but FOR FUCKS SAKE you spent the last episode talking about how precedence is meant to be over turned.

Every time any tier 1 student has questioned MCs abilities he's shown not only to be capable but actually far beyond anyone else at the school. If anything half the tier 1 characters should be dropped into tier 2 for being completely inept compared to the MC.


Tragic victim of fan death
Irregular At Magic High School 9 Half way in

Seriously why can't they just promote the MC to tier 1 class? Even at the school most of the tier 1 characters realize the MC is gods gift to man even if the don't know 90% of his gary stu secrets. Like how hard is it to go "he's way too good to be in tier 2 classes bump him into tier 1" maybe that goes against precedent, but FOR FUCKS SAKE you spent the last episode talking about how precedence is meant to be over turned.

Every time any tier 1 student has questioned MCs abilities he's shown not only to be capable but actually far beyond anyone else at the school. If anything half the tier 1 characters should be dropped into tier 2 for being completely inept compared to the MC.

I want to see the Tatsuya fight Miyuki. Only to see what would happen.


Irregular At Magic High School 9 Half way in

Seriously why can't they just promote the MC to tier 1 class? Even at the school most of the tier 1 characters realize the MC is gods gift to man even if the don't know 90% of his gary stu secrets. Like how hard is it to go "he's way too good to be in tier 2 classes bump him into tier 1" maybe that goes against precedent, but FOR FUCKS SAKE you spent the last episode talking about how precedence is meant to be over turned.

Every time any tier 1 student has questioned MCs abilities he's shown not only to be capable but actually far beyond anyone else at the school. If anything half the tier 1 characters should be dropped into tier 2 for being completely inept compared to the MC.

Its because not everybody has realized that onii-sama is life.

I can show you the wooooooooooooooorld
Shining, shimmering, spleeeeeeeeeendid
Tell me, Miyuki, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
To how fucking awesome I am
Over, sideways and under
I just created magic flight!

A whole new wooooooooooooooooooooorld
A new fantastic magiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic
No one to tell me no! That's impossible!
No one tells Onii-chan what he can't dooooooooooo


Kill la Kill - 09

Ryuko: "Ok, let's fight!"

Gamagoori: "The match doesn't start 'til 1:00." *points at clock*

Me/Ryuko: "GODDAMMIT!"

So yea, another ok episode that actual delivers something this time, while also telling more about Gamagoori's character. That bit I mentioned earlier about tone/narrative inconsistencies is averted (for) now that there's another fight with another Elite Four member coming next.

Nearing the halfway point for this show, and I've been enjoying the ride, so here's hoping something really good's coming.

I'm enjoying your impressions. Stick with it. The series has a good payoff, IMO. You have the fight with Nonon to look forward to (the female Elite Four member) and so much more.

I understand why people sometimes give up on a series if they loose interest part way but if someone told me it was worth seeing it until the end, I would feel compelled to give it a fair chance. I hope you do.
I can show you the wooooooooooooooorld
Shining, shimmering, spleeeeeeeeeendid
Tell me, Miyuki, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
To how fucking awesome I am
Over, sideways and under
I just created magic flight!

A whole new wooooooooooooooooooooorld
A new fantastic magiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic
No one to tell me no! That's impossible!
No one tells Onii-chan what he can't dooooooooooo



Rapid Response Threadmaker
I can show you the wooooooooooooooorld
Shining, shimmering, spleeeeeeeeeendid
Tell me, Miyuki, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
To how fucking awesome I am
Over, sideways and under
I just created magic flight!

A whole new wooooooooooooooooooooorld
A new fantastic magiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic
No one to tell me no! That's impossible!
No one tells Onii-chan what he can't dooooooooooo

But he can't move the sleds fast enough!

omg weed.


I hate unnecessary melodrama. The show so far had avoided it by making Hase attempt to be her friend. But recently his insecurities and whininess has gotten me to start disliking the show. And now there's apparently more drama with new guy who everybody who is watching hates.

So yeah. No thx. Do no want.

I don't get where the "unnecessary" comes from though. The show revolves around her condition: how she's getting better, getting worse, and how/why is happened in the first place. The recent conflict is directly related to her affliction, making it more relevant than the dumb fight they had in ep 4 (which was the peak of Hase's insecurity issues), which is pretty much resolved when he
made the transition from being simply her friend to seeing her as more than that
. I understand if people just say they liked the fluffy stuff more, but I don't think recent developments were sight unseen. The fact that they kept this premise going as long and as varied as they have is a minor miracle.





I must say ending a thread on dino porn instead of food gifs is one change I am suprisingly okay with. Interesting.

Lol I have to agree. Everybody needs a little change!

If she had that kind of personality all the time and not the other kind I'd probably like her more :p

You've only been in AnimeGAF for a year? Whoa.


I liked that she had two personalities one cute and one completely different. It made it even cuter when she went into her nico nico mode.

Miss Monochrome 01-03

Android idol, intelligent robot vacuum cleaner, convenience store manager, money stealing maid and aliens. Fun.

Ah, well.

Oh I love this show so much! Even ordered a Nendoroid.

Ill never forget her dance in the ed.

I post it in here often. Some of the best CG dancing animation yet.


Subete no aware
That is the reason why we have all that speculative references and parallelisms spawned from the desire of wanting to like something, to pursue an artificial enrichment of the watching experience:

Stella C3: The Line - YouTube

Things are always as entertaining as we (with the help of our imagination) make them be. :p

Muahahaha, now there's a show.
This reminds me of Sora no Ramirez or whatever it was called. lol

Edit: Wow, it turns out I already watched this. Poor viral videos, forever transient in my memory. :(



Thats....not very good.
Definitely not as smooth as Miss monochrome's little dance.

Sailor Moon 01

And here we go.

I remember watching this back in the mid-90's with Swedish dub. So, about 17-18 years since I saw this, but I think I actually saw at least parts of this episode. I remember the energy stealing jewels thing and Annie Usagi throwing the test at
that guy who is Tuxedo Mask
. Uh... Should I even bother spoiler tagging stuff? :p

It would still be wise to spoiler tag anything about Sailor Moon outside of maybe the senshi that show up because everybody knows those.
Lots of things happen that are still surprising.

I use this razor! The 5 blade one. So good.

Miss Monochrome 04-06

Almost Miku

Android Nendoroid and scaring both kids and TV show people in these episodes.

She has a cameo in Golden Time!

I wasn't interested in Needless until now.

The worst show with Miyukichi in it in a year with Devil Survivor 2 and Photo Kano.

At least Rozen Maiden and Yozakura Quartet balanced it out.

Like 125~ copies or something. I always liked madp's proposal to switch sales units from Fractales to Stellas.

You might like the music too Zachy
I love those synths and chugging guitars. So hype! Reminds me of those 90s tracks.

Sailor Moon 02

Those female teachers in anime always worrying about marriage.

Compared to the Swedish dub everybody sound much younger here. The music is the same as far as I can remember though. They changed it in the US version?

The music wasnt changed much, just dubbed over a bit. It still keeps the spirit of the original but with some silly lyrics changes.

One Week Friends 9

This reminded me of Golden Time, and all of a sudden I have a bad taste in my mouth.

OH no. thats not good really :(
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