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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Acchi kocchi 4

cute stuff happen...





Yeah, I was rather impressed that they kept that animation going throughout all the shots. It's a nice little touch that adds a bit of character to him.

Nothing scared about Miyazaki's bug-fetish really. I've always been a Laputa man since childhood. Maybe you just don't know me well enough!

Laupta Miyazaki is Best Miyazaki.

ZR is the only true route.

ZR route?

Today, we are nakama.

The Knight in the Area - 17






Must. Quit. After. Seven's. Episode.

It is kind of sad. When I first started watching this show I REALLY liked it a lot, but it's kinda devolved into a boring show with Seven being the only interesting character. :/

You mean besides the fact that the MC and his bro are voiced by the same guys who voiced Tomoya and Sunohara?

And apparently also has all five main K-On seiyuu in it as well. KyoAni aren't fucking around this time!

There's been talk about the strength of the KyoAni studio brand, and how their animators and staff make the shows they create appealing and popular. But is that really true? I think we've had this conversation before on the thread, but I'll like to reopen the discussion and invite for more contributions from people who might know more about specific franchises to give views.

Kyoto Animation has produced the following works: Munto, Full Metal Panic, Air, Kanon, Clannad, Haruhi, Lucky Star, K-On, Nichijou, and Hyouka. Of all these works, the only original series is Munto. This franchise is not very successful at all. Of the other works, the most popular ones were already popular works before they were adapted. The fact that they got good adaptations simply helped make them even more popular than ever.

It seems to me that KyoAni is a studio where the success of their output doesn't really come from the strength of their studio brand, but rather the benefit of the marriage between the strengths of their production values along wit the appeal of certain specific types of content they choose to adapt. This can clearly be seen in the sense that the works which already appeal to the audiences who go for cute virtual girlfriend stuff end up being their most popular works. On the other hand, the studio has not shown that their "brand name" really extends to being able to sell a ton of anything outside of that genre.

Can we really say that Kyoto Animation is a strong studio brand if people are really only mostly interested in a specific type of content from them, rather than actually supporting and following the studio to see what the staff can do with different types of material?


You're right in that KyoAni found it's success with a combination of great production values and tapping into existing fan-bases. The major change that's happened IMO is that while KyoAni still has the best TV production values IMO, other studios like ufotable, Shaft, AIC have really stepped up to the plate in recent years so KyoAni is no longer the only high production value pony in town. Well, that and Nichijou wasn't tapping into a moe girl audience the way their Key works and Haruhi/Lucky Star did.

I think Hyouka has a chance because Eru is not only extremely moe, but she's also very in your face about it too (those eyes!).

Air was also a remake! Of the movie!

I'm confused, I thought Air TV came before the Air movie?


I find Random Curiosity to be a bit too optimistic. There's some good writers but not enough criticism imo. Maybe I was reading the wrong shows during then. I don't read it nowadays so I don't know how the new bunch of writers are. Their season previews are great though.
I was sad that Omni was gone then I was even sadder when Divine left. I lost the habit of visiting RandomC nowadays.
I've been watching The "old Lupin" series ..While the First season really didn't age well , the 2nd is MUCH MUCH better.. it's extremly silly but the chemistry between the cast is at his peak.

I couldn't resist.. the cast really know his priorities....


Upotte!! 4
Jungle wargames!
Wannabe-AK antagonists!
Friends fighting like in Natsuiro Kiseki!
M16 lounging in her underwear!
This episode had a bit of everything.

I was finally up at the right time on Saturday to watch this live on Nico.
The comments are fun, but the video quality is crap compared to Crunchyroll.
Probably gonna watch it again on Crunchy when it goes up.

NicoNico audience survey at the end of the episode:
Very Good 76.4%, Good 19.9%, Not Very Good 2.2%, Bad 1.5%


He left in March

That's why there was all these introduction posts in the last month. I think they got like 4 new writers.

ah, thanks. Hope the new blood keep RandomC interesting.

I wouldn't consider that an example of picky. If anything it shows why I like the thread. So many people with different tastes.

Well, AnimeGAF is one of the more critical and knowledgeable places to discuss anime compared to other forums and blogs I've been to. The comparatively different opinions and large variety of posters with different tastes are what drew me to this place too. I really enjoy the debates that go on in this place and you guys know so much as well. and the lol stuff is fun too, like dissecting the otherwordly bathroom scene in Accel World :)

No one because anyone who hates on Mushishi doesn't have a soul.

I wouldn't go as far as to say 'hated on' but it's been referred to as boring and cosmicblizzard certainly isn't a fan.

Ah. Still haven't watched Mushishi myself but I've heard friends repeatedly expound on its brilliance.


That would only be true if it wasn't one of the funniest comedy animes around, which it is...
This seems slightly more prone to failure than their other titles because if you really don't find the show funny (as many people in this thread didn't) than it's literally a waste of your time as a viewer.
How did I sleep through this conversation?

Nichijou: Good music, atmospheric (Slice-of-Life style), notable cinematography, colorful cast, good animation. Even when it wasn't funny, it was carried by other qualities that easily makes it one of my all-time favorites.

Come at me, etc.

It's really unfortunate that I couldn't buy all those copies.


Tsuritama ep 3
Hmmmm,something is different about this episode which makes it more bearable than the previous 2 episodes. Which is a good sign.
Upotte!! 4
Jungle wargames!
Wannabe-AK antagonists!
Friends fighting like in Natsuiro Kiseki!
M16 lounging in her underwear!
This episode had a bit of everything.

I was finally up at the right time on Saturday to watch this live on Nico.
The comments are fun, but the video quality is crap compared to Crunchyroll.
Probably gonna watch it again on Crunchy when it goes up.

NicoNico audience survey at the end of the episode:
Very Good 76.4%, Good 19.9%, Not Very Good 2.2%, Bad 1.5%

What a classy audience!
And Mariko Honda as Galil is deadly!


I wouldn't consider that an example of picky. If anything it shows why I like the thread. So many people with different tastes.

Yeah, I really enjoy it. Some of the impressions by those with differing taste have led me out of my comfort zone to try stuff I normally wouldn't have.


re: KyoAni discussion, I think it's a bad argument to begin with to conflate fans of properties they've worked on and fans of KyoAni in general. I could try to elaborate further I guess but that particular concept pretty much ends the discussion from my point of view.


[Kids On The Slope] – 3

I actually watched this episode a few days ago but I wanted to take the time to write a thorough review of the episode. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to achieve anything quite like that, but I hope you find some of my meagre comments interesting.

The first thing that immediately strikes me about this episode is how efficiently they tell a story in 22 minutes. It is truly remarkable to see so many important events covered in a single episode without anything feeling rushed. I really felt all the important emotional moments in the episode were handled very well and they all had time to breathe, despite their being quite a number of them. How did they achieve this? Efficiency.

Every sequence in every scene is successfully moving the characters forward and driving the story. There’s no fluff to speak of, every second of the episode feels like it’s being used to it’s fullest. Just writing out the important things that happened in this episode feels like it would take a while, but I’ll attempt it below *takes breath*

Karou noticed that Sentaro is in love with Yurika. Karou explains to Sentaro that Sentaro is in love with Yurika because Sentaro hasn’t worked this out for himself yet. Karou reveals that, surprisingly he is something of a smooth operator when it comes to these matters and starts to get Sentaro to move on Yurika, mainly so that he can get Sentaro out of the way and make his own moves on Ritsuko. To make this plan Karou ensures that they go to Sentaro’s house for some privacy. While he’s there Karou looks on longingly at Senatro’s loving household. Karou proposes a group date so that Yurika doesn’t feel like she’s being pushed into a high-pressure situation. Karou ensures that Senatro asks Yurika out on this date, but in his nervousness Sentaro can’t admit that he’s is actually the one doing the asking, and claims that Karou is trying to ask her out. Yurika accepts and they all meet up for a date. Ritsuko is shocked by the appearance of Yurika and feels completely inadequate in comparison to her. Yurika and Ritsuko engage in some boding, but Ritsuko still feels uneasy. As time progesses, Sentaro and Yurika grow closer until it reaches the point where Ritsuko loudly interferes with their activities. In the end, Ritsuko can’t stand watching Sentaro and Yurika get closer to each other and she leaves to go and cry alone. Karou notices this, and goes to follow, which leads him to realise that Ritsuko is in love with Sentaro. This makes him feel terrible for arranging the group date and flaunting Sentaro’s interest for Yurika right in front of Ritsuko. At school the next day Karou becomes extremely annoyed by Senatro’s ovious displays of affection for Yurika, because it’s making Ritsuko feel terrible. This causes Karou and Sentaro to get into a fight of sorts, and temporarily split up. Ritsuko attempts to have them sort out their differences through Jazz, which works, of course. Later on, Karou spots Sentaro and Yurika in what appears to be a compromising position, and flees. He goes to Ritsuko’s place and plays her a song, which she believes is a ‘dress rehersal’ for Karou so that he can perfect when he really wants to confess to the girl he likes. However, Karou tells Ritsuko that in actuality, he is in love with her and he wants her to know that. Later, Karou reflects on the fact that Ristsuko seemingly only has eyes for Sentaro.

*gasps for air*

So yeah, it’s pretty jam-packed. In terms of the cinematography they do a good job as usual, but there’s a couple of things I wanted to highlight.

Firstly, this episode engages in some interesting role reversal with Karou taking the lead in something while Sentaro is the one who has to follow. This is conveyed through a few shows that clearly show that Karou is ‘above’ Sentaro.


This high angle shot shows Karou looking down on Sentaro, suggesting Karou is the dominant figure.


This is almost the reverse of the previous shot, as we get to see the view from Sentaro’s side. This low-angle shot confirms what we already suspected, that Sentaro has less ‘power’ in this particular area than Karou. We see this later on the rooftop:


This apparently POV shot from Sentaro is once again shot from a low angle, confirming that when it comes to these matters Karou is the authority.

Then, of course, we come to the ‘tsundere jazz’ scene. When we first get a look in the basement things look like this:


Karou and Sentaro are facing away from each other. In the rest of the next sequence we don’t get to see both of them properly in the same exact shot, suggesting that there’s a distance between them. Even when we do see both of them in the same shot, we only see parts of their bodies:



When they start to play it’s a little awkward and there’s still some tension in the air as a result of their fight. We see some shots where even though they are both playing at the same time, they’re still facing away from each other:



However, by the time they’ve finished up their session it’s pretty clear that they’ve overcome this issue and once again we get to see them in the same shot, this time looking a lot happier.


Of course, there’s also some nice shots in general from this episode:


I skip openings all the time. By the time you've skipped 60 openings you've already saved yourself over an hour of time to watch more anime (or do something more productive).

I guess I can't explain it in any way other than that it's just a weird belief of mine. The opening, ending and next episode previews are part of the show, and I can't skip them because that would be wrong. If I do that, I feel like I haven't truly gotten the full experience of watching a show.


I guess I can't explain it in any way other than that it's just a weird belief of mine. The opening, ending and next episode previews are part of the show, and I can't skip them because that would be wrong. If I do that, I feel like I haven't truly gotten the full experience of watching a show.

I skip the previews if I'm marathoning a show, and skip the opening and/or ending if I don't like it, but only if I've seen it a few times.

For shows I follow on a weekly basis, I don't skip anything. Probably to keep the illusion that I'm watching an anime TV program or something.


on Sankarea

I did try to warn you guyz

That was unfortunately the impression I got as well. The three episode test or whatever it's called is apparently useless when you have a title like this which carefully builds a tone and atmosphere only to jettison it three episodes down the line in favour of something completely different.

This actually makes me question if there was any point making those opening episodes as er, classy as they were. I understand that the tone of the first few episodes was changed from the manga, which is fair enough if you're going to change a work and follow through with a different tone to the source material. However, if you're going to change the tone and then just change it back a few episodes in, why bother? If that's the material you're working from, make that and at least stay consistent throughout the run of your show, don't do one thing and then do another later, it's stupid.

I really feel like this episode is a step-down in terms of direction as well, the transitions between shots are awkward, the cinematography is pedestrian and I don't much care for the pacing either.

Sanka 4: So basically they tone-shifted back into the comedic nature of the manga?


....some times I ask myself why, why do I even click on this thread, am not even going start cause I know in the end it's pointless waste of time.

The first arc in the manga is like that, though. It does grim dead-girl/pedo-dad stuff to open and then you have zombie-moe hijinks before it wraps up with srs-business stuff.

All of this, thank the heavens for dresden, I wonder how some poster even find the strength to post in this thread.
Code Geass 15

Since Mao was six when he got his geass and C.C. says the contract was eleven years ago, does that mean he is the same age as Lelouch?
Now that I have watched the series at least three times through I am starting to pick up on these minor details.


[Kids On The Slope] – 3

I don't really feel like writing up any impressions so I am glad you did. I mentioned it before (Last episode), but the cinematography of the show has been really enjoyable to see. My only gripe with this episode was the
Someday My Prince Will Come (Such a great song) piano scene, in particular the way that Ritsuko remained so stiff. Now, this might not have been so apparent if it weren't for the very well done way that Kaoru is animated as he plays. He is moving very naturally as he plays the song, but Ritsuko remains stiff as a board. The camera cuts to her from a few different angles, including one where it is just her face....and nothing...she is a robot. It also doesn't help that the way she is sitting, he posture is again very stiff. I know that the way that they animate the characters as they are playing an instrument (I have seen rotoscoping thrown around) is more involved than those who are just there. But it took me out of an otherwise great scene. Even if they had simply made her react to the music as it is being played, have her lean in with interest, do something, that would have changed it significantly.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
[Kids On The Slope] – 3

I actually watched this episode a few days ago but I wanted to take the time to write a thorough review of the episode. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to achieve anything quite like that, but I hope you find some of my meagre comments interesting.

The first thing that immediately strikes me about this episode is how efficiently they tell a story in 22 minutes. It is truly remarkable to see so many important events covered in a single episode without anything feeling rushed. I really felt all the important emotional moments in the episode were handled very well and they all had time to breathe, despite their being quite a number of them. How did they achieve this? Efficiency.

... (more stuff cut to save page space)

I didn't take the time to analyze the direction nearly as thoroughly as you did, so props to you. I completely agree that the biggest strength of this show is it's direction and pacing. Things keep moving forward, and Shinichiro Watanabe is using every directorial technique to tell as much of the story as possible without being overbearing with words words words words. So much is told with a combination of words, body language, physical distance, shot composition and point of view, color, music (or lack thereof), shot length, etc. that he and MAPPA convey so much in so little a span that once I start watching I can't stop until it's over.


slightly OT but doe anybody know where can i get blu ray version of DBZ with japanese and mexican dub?

does that version exist?


Fate/Zero 17

Daaaaaaaamn. I knew bad things were in store for Tokiomi what with the title and that look on his face when he visited Rin that looked like it belonged on Kirei or Kiritsugu instead. I adore how loose Gilgamesh is too while "off-duty" as well.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Well, the reason is exactly the one you stated in your first paragraph. The imagery allows us to grasp an insight into what the character is thinking without clunky (or even fairly good) expository dialogue. It's not quite as exciting as the drowning imagery in Tsuritama but I still approve of it for that very purpose.
The problem with the imagery in Hyouka is that the writers feel the need to verbally point out said feelings and do not let the visuals speak for themselves.
Wait! Dennou Coil? Everyone liked that, right?
I didn't like Dennou Coil.


Maturity, bitches.
For shows I follow on a weekly basis, I don't skip anything. Probably to keep the illusion that I'm watching an anime TV program or something.

I hope you pause the show half way through to watch a series of adverts before continuing.


I don't really feel like writing up any impressions so I am glad you did. I mentioned it before (Last episode), but the cinematography of the show has been really enjoyable to see. My only gripe with this episode was the
Someday My Prince Will Come (Such a great song) piano scene, in particular the way that Ritsuko remained so stiff. Now, this might not have been so apparent if it weren't for the very well done way that Kaoru is animated as he plays. He is moving very naturally as he plays the song, but Ritsuko remains stiff as a board. The camera cuts to her from a few different angles, including one where it is just her face....and nothing...she is a robot. It also doesn't help that the way she is sitting, he posture is again very stiff. I know that the way that they animate the characters as they are playing an instrument (I have seen rotoscoping thrown around) is more involved than those who are just there. But it took me out of an otherwise great scene. Even if they had simply made her react to the music as it is being played, have her lean in with interest, do something, that would have changed it significantly.

I noticed that too.
I thought the reason why Ritsuko was so stiff because she thought the song was for Yurika. She thinks the song is beautiful but she isn't the intended audience. She's still in emotional turmoil from (wrongly) thinking that Kaoru likes Yurika but she hides it within her, forcing a passive look. The feelings poured into the song are communicated to her but she feels uncomfortable being there as if just a temporary replacement of Yurika.
I think the
was for a reason, I doubt they would miss such an important detail but who knows.
It's not trolling if their opinion doesn't correspond with yours. I'd categorize it as masochism. He doesn't write about Queen's Blade to troll Queen's Blade fans. He writes about it because it's ridiculous and gives insight how Japanese writers and directors don't give a shit, probably because they're underpaid and overworked, without spending twenty-something minutes to actually watch the train wrecks. It's pretty selfless of him. A true American hero.

Is that what we're calling desperate Internet attention whores these days?

To elaborate, I don't see how writing in an exaggerated cynical and negative tone, eschewing substantial criticism for causal dismissal, posting 40 screenshots of each episode (seriously, what is the point?), and spreading blatant misinformation (such as saying Shin-Ei Animation, makers of Doraemon since 1979, is primarily known for "filthy flash animations") can be taken as anything but a crude ploy for hits. I know that's the cool thing to do with blogs these days, and I must admit it was partially successful in that I ended up writing about it, but now that I know what I am dealing with I intend to avoid succumbing to its attempts to stir up controversy.

Nothing against you guys, but if my only source of information regarding the new season were to come from this thread, everything would be swell, anime is saved, Shinbo is a genius. Also, the thread moves way too fast for me to keep up.

That's an incredible mischaracterization of this place which would be known to be false by anyone who gave it even a casual glance. There's an incredible diversity of opinions and tastes here, and nothing is beyond critique. Case in point:

The major change that's happened IMO is that while KyoAni still has the best TV production values IMO, other studios like ufotable, Shaft, AIC have really stepped up to the plate in recent years so KyoAni is no longer the only high production value pony in town.

I have to question your choices of "high production value" studios here, other than ufotable with Fate/Zero. Shaft in particular has wildly inconsistent production values which tend to be low outside the occasional short sakuga moment. Even their most consistently animated show, Soredemo Machi wa Mawattieru, had issues such as subpar background art. AIC hasn't really impressed me either, outside of Wandering Son. Haganai was quite ugly. Bones or A-1 would be better examples, though in the end I still don't think there's any other studio which can quite match up to the consistently strong TV production values of KyoAni. Certainly no other studio that I'm aware of has their careful production planning, commitment to one project at a time, and humane treatment of animators.

I didn't like Dennou Coil.

Blasphemy! Burn the heretic!

Nah, it's OK. As sad as it makes me.


I have absolutely no idea what this thread looks like to an outsider and I certainly wouldn't recommend paying attention to it on a daily basis to keep up with shows of the season. People in the past have, however, asked for advice directly from the participants in this thread and that always generates a wide variety of responses which someone might find useful.

As you mention, you don't keep up with this thread, which I can completely understand, but I feel it's worth pointing out that this thread is anything but a collection of homogeneous opinions. What I tend to hear is that we are fare too critical, nitpicky and introspective. I haven't heard the people in hear be described as overly kind before.

I admit I often glance through posts. The consequence is that the most I digest out of this thread are episode reviews done with screencaps and gifs aided by one-liners about characters who are otherwise foreign to non-followers. I must confess I used to do it in the past as well to validate my interests. Rarely does someone review episodes of shows he or she doesn't like. I have zero issues with this. Everyone is allowed to post whatever they like after all.

It does however create the impression that shows have no flaws, or at least the flaws aren't mentioned, because people tend to only focus on the good parts. It could be that some people are not critical and just enjoy the show for what it is. I read posts that people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars for blu-ray boxes, so the show must be good enough to be worth it in their eyes. No judging from me. I know a guy who spent $500 on a Rosario + Vampire box set.

But, man, some of you are some of the most happy-go-lucky fully adult bunch I've had the pleasure to see frolic. Take UltimaDrago. Is there anything he doesn't like? I swear I have never seen him badmouth anything in a serious tone the time I've spent lurking here. Does cajunator watch anything as long as it has preadolescent, sometimes teenage, doe-eyed girls who act cute? Does Jexhius in reality have a shrine devoted to Kirino in his secret basement, with as his most prized possession, a wall-mounted display of Kirino figurines, merchandise and posters?


*Hug received*

Ah, nakama, it is a tragedy that only a select (superior) few can appeciate Nichijiou's glory.

Yet, I will carry the flag still and forevermore.

I'll always have your back as a Nichijou bro! Japan just doesn't understand the brilliance of Nichijou ;_;


Fate/Zero 17

So Tokiomi basically got NTR'd. What an ignoble end. Kirei smiling is pretty creepy but it's really interesting to see the progression of his character


I noticed that too.
I thought the reason why Ritsuko was so stiff because she thought the song was for Yurika. She thinks the song is beautiful but she isn't the intended audience. She's still in emotional turmoil from (wrongly) thinking that Kaoru likes Yurika but she hides it within her, forcing a passive look. The feelings poured into the song are communicated to her but she feels uncomfortable being there as if just a temporary replacement of Yurika.
I think the
was for a reason, I doubt they would miss such an important detail but who knows.

I think that is a good interpretation of the scene. Though in my mind, the more likely is that
they didn't want to animate her as well.



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I have to question your choices of "high production value" studios here, other than ufotable with Fate/Zero. Shaft in particular has wildly inconsistent production values which tend to be low outside the occasional short sakuga moment. Even their most consistently animated show, Soredemo Machi wa Mawattieru, had issues such as subpar background art. AIC hasn't really impressed me either, outside of Wandering Son. Haganai was quite ugly. Bones or A-1 would be better examples, though in the end I still don't think there's any other studio which can quite match up to the consistently strong TV production values of KyoAni. Certainly no other studio that I'm aware of has their careful production planning, commitment to one project at a time, and humane treatment of animators.

I agree KyoAni is still the best in every respect production-wise, I was just highlighting that the gulf doesn't appear to be as vast in recent years.

And I was just throwing out some names for some recent stuff I've seen. ufotable with Fate/Zero, Shaft with their usual home video fixes, AIC with Wandering Son and OreImo (screw the haters, the artwork/animation are lovely and quite consistant). I agree Haganai had ugly moments, but overall wasn't fugly either.
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