I have to watch that again some day. The OP holds up incredibly well. I miss the nineties.
Indeed. I still listen to this Op song often. I listened to it this afternoon!
Mars of Destruction
That's it? That's the supposed worst anime ever?
...that was actually kind of funny. Certainly better than Precure Max Heart.
Its not all that awful considering how short it is. I mean its BAD but its not excruitating. Its a fun 20 minutes.
Yami 11
Yami's gotta yami
Another pointless sidestory, this time focusing on what it means to be alive, as performed by the pvc-voiced crew of a spaceship that...uh... does stuff, I guess. And shoots tentacles at people for one scene, and then never does again. Because yami. And then the drunken fox goddess stole lilith's hat. How mean. Also, that frog-princess-maid and ogre do not make a good couple. What the fuck, Deen. Eve finally appears!
So basically, this was Yami as usual. But also Yami-er than ever.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabitito 11:
This is the last show that I would expect to realistically depict what happens to the human body in the vacuum of space, but Yami continues to exceed itself in every way possible. Nothing adds that final bit of poignancy to an already-tragic death scene like a moe girl puking in her own space helmet. My lack of disgust is really all I need to prove that Mysterious Girlfriend X is already doing really horrible things to me.
I'm trying to parse the rest of the events of the episode into something logical, but it still doesn't work. I gained a new respect for frogs, and I walk away from this episode with the very sincere hope that there is no ogre sex in the next.
Looks like more fun just up ahead for me.
Looks like FUNimation licensed Eureka Seven AO.
Totally buying E7 AO. Great show so far. No complaints.
Except this time... bunny girl!
Bunny girl Kallen is one of the wonders of the universe <3
Angel Beats 10
... pink haired girl wasin life? All these kids are better off dead what with such terrible lives. God damn.paralyzed
Yeah this was a fucked up show all things considered.
Angel Beats 13
fucking looolHis donated heart was in her chest?
You know, I was fine with this series for the most part. Watching it I felt both sides of the fence in recent discussion had oversold their stances and I still feel the same way. Aside from the really inconsistent visuals, the show wasn't as bad as I expected. It's not particularly memorable but it's not like I regret watching it. I enjoyed some of the music, the moronic plans and associated comedic elements, and the fabulous dub.
What didn't set well with me was how unbalanced the tone was as it jumped between the idiocy of the students and the tragedy of their previous lives. Juxtaposition of these elements was never quite where it should have been. Even the level of depicted violence was uneven. Not that graphic violence bothers me but it's a bit strange when it goes from something like cartoon violence to things likeThere seemed like there was little gradual change when trying to portray something important as well such asvisible headshot wounds.I guess a sharp contrast is a cheap way to evoke an emotional response. It's a shame it was laughter for me.how outright violent Naoi was in his introductory battle and Angel being emotionless until the very end.
I agree with you. the show is stupid, but its a fun stupid. Its entertaining and since I wasnt turned off by the style of it, I enjoyed it a lot more. Its not going on my top 20 list or anything but it was worth seeing and buying.
Now that was bad anime. In fact, it was pretty much the distillation of everything bad in anime. It only falls short in the fetishes it failed to include.
Yes. Fuck Eiken. Mars of Destruction and Angel Beats are good shows compared to eiken.
The DVDs are here. It's time to finally check this Code Geass thing out.
Yami 1
i don't get... what?
What is up with the 'camera'?
What is going on?
This show is having a hard time deciding whether it's a hentai or not.
Oh shit. We got another one. enjoy!
Even if it does end, there's always Chi's Sweet Home.
The op song is adorable. The show is adorable. Chi is adorable. ITS ADORABLE.
It involves really sharp tiaras and long, thick batons and, well, you probably don't want to know the rest.
inb4 Caster pics
What a hilariously ugly dog. What kind of breeding program produced that hideous creature? I think somebody fucked up.