I would almost bet money that the gaming apparel section of Hot Topic is plastered with ARROW TO THE KNEE stuff right about now. I shopped there way too much as a teenager, I know this stuff
I don't know why you guys are always going on about the furry Hosodacalypse. It's not like our generation hasn't already been turned into furries by Rescue Rangers when we were kids.
As usual, this was a fun watch. The sense of sibling rivalry between Mutta and his bro makes for nice back-and-forths between them as well as simple monologues fot Mutta to further explain his past and present.
Had a nice time with it, looking forward to the next.
As usual, this was a fun watch. The sense of sibling rivalry between Mutta and his bro makes for nice back-and-forths between them as well as simple monologues fot Mutta to further explain his past and present.
Had a nice time with it, looking forward to the next.
I should continue this series. I started R2 earlier this year and got to around episode 7. It hasn't hooked me like season one did. the train was beginning to derail though, so that's a great sign. This is one of those shows that you expect to see end up in a fiery trainwreck and you LIKE IT.
This was a nice episode, and I think an improvement over last week. The dream sequence was really neat this time, and we saw a lot more of Urabe from a view other than Tsubaki, so that was neat. I think the show continues to use the weirdness in order to reflect on high school age romance and life well, too.
The latest whodunnit wraps up, complete with a discussion on human nature and the
rights of AIs
"It's okay because they're not human?" Sasa Kaze..whateverhisnamewas is like the worst stereotypes of gamers and otaku rolled into a single character
. After this episode, it would appear that the common thread running through all of the cases in the show thus far is the New Information Privacy and Protection Act, which is either an inherently terrible law or abused to hell and back by the government. I see that SOPA destroyed Future Japan, heh.
Also, Inga's character gets even more fucking stupid with the addition of
Kazamori A.I. is also apparently in the body of that little female android, who has been locked in a room with her fat, old, all-too-willing creator for SEVEN YEARS
I should continue this series. I started R2 earlier this year and got to around episode 7. It hasn't hooked me like season one did. the train was beginning to derail though, so that's a great sign. This is one of those shows that you expect to see end up in a fiery trainwreck and you LIKE IT.
R2 does present itself at a different pace and displays more backstory than action compared to the first season. As much as I enjoy the non-CG KMF battles, I like to learn of the Geass history even more. Hopefully Akito the Exiled presents a decent story to continue the story of Geass.
Code Geass R2 15
I do not understand C.C.'s reasoning of wanting Lelouch to uphold their contract in the previous episode when speaking with Marianne and then not telling Lelouch the terms of the contract. Now C.C. will let the Emperor fulfill the contract because Lelouch is too kind, but then C.C. backs out at the last moment?
I still have yet to grasp the true meaning behind C.C.'s character.