Is this true? I was under the impression the show had done okay in terms of ratings - it didn't hit the heights of, say, Major, which aired at a similar time, and I don't know what the demographic breakdown of the show was, but it was regularly pulling in around 3.0 ratings which was better than Terra e... in the old doroku slot on TBS. See these links for ratings at the time - Dennou Coil aired on Saturdays at 18:30 (it's the last chart on each page, in the row labelled 電脳コイル.
It also got repeated on NHK at least once - I remember seeing the listing for it a year or two ago.
Perhaps I was mistaken. I wasn't following the anime scene at the time it aired, but I always got the impression from hearing people talk about it that Dennou Coil didn't achieve the kind of success that Mitsuo Iso, Madhouse, and NHK were hoping for.